Bakalářské programy
Bakalářské programy
Biologická chemie/Biological Chemistry v anglickém jazyce zajišťovaná Přírodovědeckou fakultou JU a Johannes Kepler University v rakouském Linzi (s navazujícím magisterským programem Biological Chemistry)
Guarantrs:. RNDr. Ján Štěrba, Ph.D. (PřF JU); prof. Frans Mulder (JKU)
Cross-borded program - Unviersity of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and Johannes Kepler Unviersity in Linz. Study in English only.
The joint Bachelor's degree program in Biological Chemistry is organized and supported by the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the JKU Linz and the Faculty of Sciences at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
The program focuses on competency skills and knowledge transfer in biological sciences, and also international experience and training as a chemist to pursue professional, scientific, and application-oriented careers. The program incorporates essential areas of chemistry crucial for overall knowledge in the field and also addresses an analysis of biological systems as well as areas of biology in which chemical procedures are crucial.
General education covers base knowledge in areas of inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Compared to studies in “Technical Chemistry”, this program provides concentrated, in-depth instruction in areas of biological chemistry and biology.The Bachelor Curriculum of Biological Chemistry consists of Biochemistry, Mathematics, and Physics, Biology, Analytical Chemistry, General and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Informatics, Communications and Ethics, Physical Chemistry, Elective subjects, Molecular Biology.
The program is conducted entirely in English - B2 level is required for admission. Non-natively English-speaking participants must attend the courses titled “English for Chemists". Participants with proof of proficient knowledge of English need not take these courses (recognition process required). For them, we recommend alternative language courses, e.g., in Czech. The curriculum has been designed so that students spend ca. 50 % of the program studying at each university.
Every applicant must pass an entrance exam with some exceptions as announced (you can check the current rules, it will be very similar). We also included a check of the grades from the MINT courses, and only applicants with a good average grade from these courses will be allowed to participate in the entrance examination; currently, an average of 2.0 or better is accepted. The requirements for the entrance examination are included in the webpage listed above; you can pass the entrance exam either in person in Ceske Budejovice (Topics for entrance examination) or you can participate in online testing provided by the company SCIO (which is paid). For exceptions, see the documents here: Please note you should check the most actual document (thus, ideally in February for the most actual documents applied for the March deadline).
The tuition fee is currently 500 CZK per year, it may be increased in the coming years most probably to 500 EURO per year - this will be yet announced and there will be possibilities to ask the dean to lower the fee; there is an additional fee at the partner university - a payment to the Student Union; further fees are paid after studying for too long time
Potential Career Opportunities
The academic degree qualifies graduates to pursue careers as project and research assistants or laboratory managers in the field of Life Sciences. The international nature of the program, combined with English as the main language of instruction, particularly qualifies graduates for professions in multinational environments (such as EU institutions and internationally active business and corporations).Program of Study: Bachelor's Degree in Biological Chemistry
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science (BSc) of the JKU Linz and a Bachelor's degree (Bc) awarded by the University of Southern Bohmemia
Program Length: 6 SemestersENTER BOOK
a helpful booklet on how to wurvive the first year in Linz, wrote by the first studednts of the study program.Students are supported by various stipends from USB and JKU during their studies - the Dept. of Study Affairs will provide more information. Further possibilities fo stipends for students outside Austria.
First graduates of the Biological Chemistry program.
Bachelor and Master theses
The requirements for theses is very different at JKU and USB, especially for bachelor thesis. please, read the information on theses writing and number of submitted copies!
Facebook group of Biological Chemistry students
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of ScienceBranišovská 31
CZ370 05 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Faculty of Engineering and Natural SciencesAltenbergerstr. 69
A - 4040 Linz
Student Services Departments:
Tel.: +420 387 772 249
e-mail: studijni (at) prf.jcu.czJindřiška Trefná jtrefna (at)
Tel.: +43 732 2468 1312
e-mail: lss (at) jku.atGuarantees:
RNDr. Ján Štěrba, Ph.D.
e-mail: sterbaj (at)
Tel.: +420 387 776 220Prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
e-mail: vacha (at)
Tel.: +420 387 776 224Univ.-Prof. Frans Mulder
e-mail: frans.mulder (at)
Tel.: +43 732 2468 9300Dr. Adriana Rathner
e-mail: adriana.rathner (at) -
Chemie pro vzdělávání (s navazujícím studiem Učitelství chemie pro střední školy)
Garant: doc. RNDr. Martin Kabeláč, Ph.D.
Obor Chemie pro vzdělávání je bakalářským stupněm v přípravě učitelů pro střední školy. Studenti si vedle chemie zapisují i druhý aprobační obor, který studují současně s chemií. V rámci PřF JU se mohou hlásit na kombinace chemie s biologií, fyzikou, matematikou a informatikou. Absolvent je vzdělán jako odborný bakalář chemik + druhý obor a může pokračovat ve studiu učitelství pro střední školy, nebo v některém interdisciplinárním magisterském studijním programu, jako je např. biochemie, biofyzika, molekulární biologie, fyziologie a podobně v závislosti na volbě druhého oboru. -
Management udržitelnosti
Studijní program Management udržitelnosti nabízí komplexní interdisciplinární přístup, který propojuje oblasti environmentální, sociální a ekonomické. Studenti během studia rozvíjejí klíčové dovednosti v analýze dat, komunikaci a prezentaci, a to jak v teoretické, tak praktické rovině. Získávají cenné zkušenosti prostřednictvím spolupráce na reálných projektech s firmami, organizacemi a státní správou.
Více info o programu zde.
- Přečteno: 15231