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Eva Novakova (arthropods, symbionts, microbiomes)

Katedra parazitologie

Eva Novakova (arthropods, symbionts, microbiomes)

  • Publications

    Brown, J. J., Rodríguez-Ruano, S. M., Poosakkannu, A., Batani, G., Schmidt, J. O., Roachell, W., Hypša V. & Nováková, E. (2020). Ontogeny, species identity and environment dominate microbiome dynamics in wild populations of kissing bugs (Triatominae). Microbiome. In Press.

    Martinů, J., Štefka, J., Poosakkannu, A., & Hypša, V. (2020)." Parasite turnover zone" at secondary contact: a new pattern in host-parasite population genetics. Molecular ecology. doi:10.1111/mec.15653

    Rodríguez-Ruano, S. M., Juhaňáková, E., Vávra, J., & Nováková, E. (2020). Methodological insight into mosquito microbiome studies. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology10, 86. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.00086

    Song, S.J., Sanders, J.G., Baldassarre, D.T., Chaves, J.A., Johnson, N.S., Piaggio, A.J., Stuckey, M.J., Nováková, E., Metcalf, J.L., Chomel, B.B. and Aguilar-Setién, A.. (2019). Is there convergence of gut microbes in blood-feeding vertebrates?. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B374(1777), 20180249. do: 10.1098/rstb.2018.0249

    Rodríguez-Ruano, S. M., Martín-Vivaldi, M., Peralta-Sánchez, J., García-Martín, A., Martínez-García, Á., Soler, J., et al. (2018). Seasonal and sexual differences in the microbiota of the hoopoe uropygial secretion. Genes, 9: 407. doi:10.3390/genes9080407.

    Rodríguez-Ruano S. M.Škochová V., Rego R. O. M., Schmidt J. O., Roachell W., Hypša V.Nováková E. 2018. Microbiomes of North American Triatominae: The grounds for Chagas disease epidemiology. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.01167.

    Păstrav, I. R., Ionică, A. M., Peştean, C., Novakova, E., Modrý, D., & Mihalca, A. D. (2018). Peripheral venous vs. capillary microfilariaemia in a dog co-infected with Dirofilaria repens and D. immitis: A comparative approach using triatomine bugs for blood collection. Veterinary parasitology257, 54-57.

    Šochová E., Husník F., Nováková E., Halajian A., Hypša V. 2017. Arsenophonus and Sodalis replacements shape evolution of symbiosis in louse flies. PeerJ 5. doi:10.7717/peerj.4099.

    Pistone D., Pajoro M., Novakova E., Vicari N., Gaiardelli C., Viganò R., Luzzago C., Montagna M., Lanfranchi P. 2017. Ticks and bacterial tick-borne pathogens in Piemonte region, Northwest Italy. Experimental and Applied Acarology, Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1007/s10493-017-0202-2.

    Ríhová J.Nováková E., Husník F., Hypša V. 2017. Legionella becoming a mutualist: Adaptive processes shaping the genome of symbiont in the louse Polyplax serrata. Genome Biology and Evolution, Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evx217.

    Novakova E., Woodhams D. C. W., Rodriguez-Ruano S. M., Brucker R. M., Leff J. W., Maharaj A., Amir A., Rob Knight R., Scott J. 2017. Mosquito microbiome dynamics, a background for prevalence and seasonality of West Nile Virus. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8: 526. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00526.

    Thairu M. W., Skidmore I. H., Bansal R., Nováková E., Hansen T. E., Li‐Byarlay H., Wickline S. A., Hansen A. K. 2017. Efficacy of RNA interference knockdown using aerosolized short interfering RNAs bound to nanoparticles in three diverse aphid species. Insect Molecular Biology. doi: 10.1111/imb.12301 

    Nováková E.Hypša V., Nguyen P., Husník F., Darby A.C. 2016. Genome sequence of Candidatus Arsenophonus lipopteni, the exclusive symbiont of a blood sucking fly Lipoptena cervi (Diptera: Hippoboscidae). Standards in Genomic Sciences, 11: 72.

    Nováková E.Husník F., Šochová E. and Hypša V.. 2015. Arsenophonus and Sodalis symbionts in louse flies: An analogy to the Wigglesworthia and Sodalis system in tsetse flies. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81(18): 6189–6199.

    Nováková E., Hypša V., Klein J., Foottit R.G., Dohlen C.D., Moran N.A. 2013. Reconstructing the phylogeny of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) using DNA of the obligate symbiont Buchnera aphidicola. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68: 42-54.

    Chrudimský T., Husník F., Nováková E. and Hypša V., 2012. Candidatus Sodalis melophagi sp. nov.: phylogenetically independent comparative model to the tsetse fly symbiont Sodalis glossinidius. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40354.

    Nováková E. and Moran N.A., 2012. Diversification of genes for carotenoid biosynthesis in aphids following an ancient transfer from a fungus. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29: 313-323

    Wilkes T.E., Duron O., Darby A.C., Hypša V., Nováková E. and Hurst G.D.D., 2011. The genus Arsenophonus. In: E Zchori-Fein & K Bourtzis ed(s). Manipulative Tenants. New York, CRC Press, pp 225-241.

    Nováková E., Hypša V., Moran N.A., 2009. Arsenophonus, an emerging clade of intracellular symbionts with a broad host distribution. BMC Microbiology 9: 143.

    Hypša V., and Nováková E., 2008. Insect symionts and molecular phylogenetics. In: Insect Symbiosis, Volume 3. Eds. K. Bourtzis and T. A Miller. CRC Press, pp 1-22.

    Nováková E., and Hypša V., 2007. A new Sodalis lineage from bloodsucking fly Craterina melbae (Diptera, Hippoboscoidea) originated independently of the tsetse flies symbiont Sodalis glossinidius. FEMS Microbiology Letters 269: 131-135.


  • News and activities

    Very happy to announce that our cross-species study on kissing bugs and their microbiome is going to be published in Microbiome journal this month. Thanks to Sonia, Joel, Anbu and Giampiero who all worked hard on this piece of puzzle! Stay tuned for the Video Byte:

    19.08 - 24.08.2019
    Sonia & Giampiero both present their recent work at the ESEB conference in Turku, Finland.

    25.06 - 10.07.2019
    Eva, Joel and Giampiero undertake triatomine sampling fieldwork and more collaborator visits in southern California and Arizona.

    15.06 - 21.06.2019
    Joel presents insect-microbiome metacommunities at the Animal-Microbe Symbioses Gordon Research Conference in Vermont, USA.

    01.05 - 31.10.2019
    Sonia joined the Aquatic Ecology department at EAWAG (Switzerland) for a collaboration in mosquito experimental research.

    Anbu Poosakkannu joined the group.

    24.03 - 29.03.2019
    Eva presents at the Tropical Infectious Diseases Gordon Research Conference in Galveston, Texas, then carries out fieldwork with collaborator Walter Roachell in southern Texas.

    Esther Navarro González joined the group.

    Giampiero Batani joined the group.

    25.06 - 15.07.2018
    Eva, Joel and Sonia go to southern California and Arizona to sample triatomines and visit collaborators Allison Hansen, Patrick Degnan, Justin Schmidt, Stephen Klotz, Norman Beatty, Nicole Bradley-Behrens, Molly Hunter, and Bob Smith.

    The project "Interplay of mosquitoes, bacterial symbionts and viruses in Europe" was awarded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions – Individual Fellowships of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, supported by European funds to Sonia M Rodríguez-Ruano, under the supervision of Eva Nováková for the next 2 years.

    The project "Ecological stability and significance of the microbiomes in blood feeding subfamily Triatominae, vectors of Chagas disease" was awarded by the GACR Junior program of the National Grant Agency of the Czech Republic to Eva Nováková as PI. Congratulations!

    Eva and Sonia presented the latest results at the SMBE Conference organized by the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, celebrated in Austin, Texas, USA.

    Eva and Sonia presented test at the 'What is new in Microbiology: Conference for young microbiologists organized by the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology', celebrated in Demänovská dolina, Slovakia.

    Sonia M. Rodríguez-Ruano joined the group.

  • Research

    Symbiosis in kissing bugs (Triatominae)

  • Read more


    • Eva Novakova, PhD

    • Associate Professor

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The main research of our group focuses on bloodsucking insects, their bacterial symbionts, and transmitted pathogens/parasites. Primarily, we focus on kissing bugs (Triatominae), Chagas' disease, and the role of the host microbiome within the context of the insect-pathogen relationship. We also study animal-microbe symbioses in mosquitoes, chewing lice, and sucking lice. We use cutting-edge molecular techniques to resolve these symbiotic relationships in both ecological and evolutionary contexts.


  • Ruma Raghuvanshi , Ph.D.

  • Postdoctoral Associate

  • Symbiosis and host-bacteria dynamics in bloodsucking insects (kissing bugs).

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  • Anna Maria Floriano, Ph.D.

  • Postdoctoral Associate

  • Symbiosis and host-bacteria dynamics in bloodsucking arthropods (kissing bugs, ticks).

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  • Sazzad Mahmood, Ph.D.
    Postdoctoral Associate

  • Genomics of bacterial symbionts of insects.

  • Václav Hypša team

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Haq Shaik, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Associate


  • Jana Říhová

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Jan Zima, Ph.D.

Číst dál …Eva Novakova (arthropods, symbionts, microbiomes)

  • Přečteno: 3312

Winter Arctic Ecology 2017

Centrum polární ekologie

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Číst dál …Winter Arctic Ecology 2017

  • Přečteno: 2329

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