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E-mailová schránka končících studentů/E-mail account of finishing students

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Informace pro končící studenty.

Dnem úspešného složení státní závěrečné zkoušky (tj. úspěšná obhajoba + složení všech částí státní zkoušky) je ukončeno vaše studium dle zákona. S tím souvisí inaktivace všech vašich univerzitních účtů v následujících dnech.

Vzhledem k tomu, že na univerzitní účet vám stále mohou být zasílány důležité nformace, doporučujee s dostatečným předstihem nastavit přeposílání e-mailů na vaše soukromé e-mailové schránky. Také doporučujeme zálohu všech mailů a dat z vašich účtů - všechna data budou po 6 měsících automaticky smazány (pokud dále nepokračujete ve studiu anebo v zaměstnání na univerzitě).

Pro možnost přeposílání si nastavte a ověřte osobní e-mailovou adresu na adrese


Information for students finishing their studies.

According to the law, your studies are finished on the day of successful passing of the state final exam (i.e. successful defense + passing of all parts of the state exam). Related to this is the inactivation of all your university accounts in the following days.

Since important information may still be sent to your university account, we recommend that you set up email forwarding to your private email boxes in advance. We also recommend a backup of all emails and data from your accounts - all data will be automatically deleted after 6 months (if you do not continue your studies or work at the university).

Set up and verify a personal e-mail address at for forwarding.

Číst dál …E-mailová schránka končících studentů/E-mail account of finishing students

  • Přečteno: 7399

FAQs Biological Chemistry study programmes

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Frequently asked questions regarding the Biological Chemistry study programmes.


  • Sport courses at USB

    You can choose one sport activity in the winter semester and one in the summer semester (only these two activities in your bachelor's or master's study) 

    You can see the list of activities in STAG – course KTS/VTVZS in the winter semester and KTS/VTVLS in the summer semester. 

    You can enrol these courses during electronic enrolment or later, at the time of confirmation of electronic enrolment (this time via reg. List B)  

    If you wish to register for this course later (up to 3 weeks after the start of the teaching period), you have to send an email to the Department of Student Affairs describing which course you would like to enrol, when and pay the fee for late enrolment of this course (according to current price list Deans decision D69).

    After payment, the Department of Student Affairs will enrol you on this course.  

    If you wish to register for any sport course later than three weeks after the beginning of the teaching period, you have to apply via STAG, pay the fee (according to the current price list, Deans's decision D69), and the Vice Dean has to approve your request. 

  • Payments & stipends

    Czech banks use bank account numbers, Specific symbols (SS) and Variable symbols (VS). 

    International payments have a bank account number and reference number – therefore, use the Specific symbol (SS) as a reference number. As a note, mention your name and variable symbol (VS).

    If you receive a stipend (for studies, a special stipend for attending a course or from your supervisor for an excellent bachelor thesis), it can be paid only to a Czech bank account. It can be paid in cash at the rectorate’s cashier's office if you do not have one.

  • Enrolment

    You must enrol courses every semester in our study system STAG  

    1/ choose your courses according to the study plan.

    2/ enrol for courses in your STAG account for the next semester (the deadline is in the academic calendar, about the first two weeks in June for the winter semester and 9-20.1.2023 for the summer semester.  

    If you forget – the process of termination of your study will start. Stopping administrative procedures is not claimable. However, you can ask the vice dean to stop it by sending a request via STAG. (currently without fee, may be subject of change, previously the fee was 200 CZK) Attach the form with the list of courses you wish to add.

    3/ confirmation of enrolment (dates in the academic calendar) If you wish to change a list of selected courses before the start of the semester– send the Registration list B with marked changes to the Dept. of Study Affairs (Mrs Trefna). It can be done by hand, and it's free. 

    If you don't need to change anything - no further action is required.

    4/ if you need to change your list of courses within the first three weeks after the start of the semester (currently without fee, may be subject of change, previously the fee was 80 CZK) and send your request via email to the Department of Student Affairs (jtrefna (at)

    5/ If you need to enrol or delete any course later than the first three weeks after the start of the semester – you have to apply via STAG and the Vice Dean has to approve it (currently without fee, may be subject of change, previously the fee was 150 CZK). A form must be enclosed to the request and also attach the teacher's consent to the additional enrolment of the student in the selected course.

    6/ You need to enrol course UCH/055 Study placement at USB every semester which you spend at JKU!

    7/ Do not forget to enrol for all the mandatory courses such as the Orientation Seminar (UCH/650), Bachelor (UCH/005A, B,C) and Master Seminars (UCH/008A, B)


    Responsible person for Erasmus – Mrs. Barbora Okosy (bokosy (at) 

    Department of Study Affairs is not involved in ERASMUS-related topics  

  • Transcript of Records (ToR)

    The Transcript of records at JKU is the same report as Summary of Students data at USB. 

    The Summary of Students Data is sent to JKU automatically after the check of study of previous academic year, 3rd or 4th week of October. 

  • Finishing your studies

    - you must apply for a defence & state exam (can be separate terms) 

    - there are defined terms for the state exams and defences – three times a year for Biological Chemistry students (January/February, May/June, September) - check the Academic Calendar for crossborder studies

    - check info about your university accounts (e-mail, STAG ...)  

    - graduation ceremony is organized twice a year. This is an official ceremony where you will receive your diploma (and possibly awards), and your family is welcome to celebrate your studies end.

    - MSc students: do not enrol for the UCH/072 Master Thesis – this course is automatically credited to you after the successful defence and state exam 

  • Presentations and seminars

    You should present the results of your thesis (at the beginning of your work on the thesis, only the background, aims, planned experiments etc.):

    - during your BSc studies 

    - once in the second year (courses UCH/005A and UCH/005B), once in the last semester before the defence (course UCH/005C) at the seminars organized by the Department of Chemistry 


    - during your MSc studies 

    -  if you work on your MSc thesis at USB: once in the first or second year (UCH/008A), once in the last semester (UCH/008B) at the seminars organized by the Department of Chemistry 

    - if you work on your MSc thesis at JKU: once in the first or second year at the seminars organized at JKU – presenting should be confirmed by the responsible person from JKU to J. Štěrba once in the first or second year (UCH/008A), once in the last semester (UCH/008B) 


    You must enrol for these courses to get the credits and fulfil this obligation (these are mandatory courses).


    Presentations at the Department of Chemistry are mandatory. Your supervisor can ask you to present also at the seminars of her/his department. Do not take this as a complication - the more you present, the better and simpler your defence will be. You can present during the seminars even more times than the required minimum.

  • UCH/072

    You should enrol for the course UCH/072 in the semester of your master studies when you are going to defend. You must get the credits before the defence and state exam. This course is credited if your supervisor is satisfied with the submitted master thesis.

  • E-mailová schránka končících studentů/E-mail account of finishing students

    Read more

  • Scheme B Sc Biol Chemistry From 2023

  • Scheme M Sc Biol Chemistry From 2023

  • Table B Sc Biol Chemistry From 2023

  • Table M Sc Biol Chemistry From 2023

Číst dál …FAQs Biological Chemistry study programmes

  • Přečteno: 9075

restrictions on theses topics of students from EU sanctioned countries

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EU sanctions on intangible technology in relation to Bsc, MSc and PhD theses


EU sanctions on intangible technology transfer in higher education are directed against citizens of Iran (Council Regulation (EU) No 267/2012), Syria (Council Regulation (EU) No 36/2012; Russian Federation (Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014, Council Regulation (EU) No. 692/2014, Council Regulation (EU) 2022/263) and Belarus (Council Regulation (EC) No 765/2006) in the sense of Commission Opinion C(2019/5883) and according to the interpretation of the Financial Analytical Office's Technical Assistance and Intangible Technology Transfer Manual 2021 and Methodological Recommendation for Universities and Scientific Research Institutions 2022.

Practically this means, that students from these countries shall not be allowed to work on theses/research oriented on applied research which can be commercially exploited and all the results of such students' work must be openly published. This includes also the neccessity to publish the thesis without any restrictions before the defence.


All the eneded information can be found in the Dean's Measure D123, in Czech Opatření děkana, in English Study regulations.



Aktuálně - UCH

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  • Přečteno: 4573

Deadlines and requirements for applications - Biological Chemistry

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International applicants are welcome.

Applicants from non-EU countries are welcome; the same entrance examination will be applied to all applicants. However, for documents from applicants from non-EU countries, a higher form of verification can be required.

Applicants accepted into the Bachelor study programme - apply please for visas in Austria, not the Czech Republic; as you will spend the first year in Austria, it is much more straightforward to apply for visas in Austria. Application for visas in the czech Republic can lead to complications. This also applies to students accepted via the University of South Bohemia.

Students must apply for a study visa, which does not permit work.


Application to Bachelor study programmes
Applications are usually possible until the end of March every year; applying in other terms is not possible. A fee for the application is usually 700 CZK; check the amount before application.

Applicants must prove a completed secondary education. In the case of foreign applicants, validated documents proving the completed level of education and completed courses; the faculty reserves the right to request higher forms of verification or nostrification which will guarantee that the applicant meets the criteria for studying at the university, especially the length of previous studies.

Every applicant must pass an entrance exam with some exceptions as announced (you can check the current rules, it will be very similar). We also included a check of the grades from the MINT courses, and only applicants with a good average grade from these courses will be allowed to participate in the entrance examination; currently, an average of 2.0 or better is accepted. The requirements for the entrance examination are included in the webpage listed above; you can pass the entrance exam either in person in Ceske Budejovice (Topics for entrance examination) or you can participate in online testing provided by the company SCIO (which is paid). For exceptions, see the documents here: Please note you should check the most actual document (thus, ideally in February for the most actual documents applied for the March deadline). 

Application of foreign students is possible. The dormitories should be available for all the students from abroad both during their studies in the Czech Republic and in Austria depending on the availability of the rooms. Information on the dormitories at USB: 

Applicants are notified about the result in late June or early July by e-mail and in paper form. 20 BSc students are accepted via the University of South Bohemia, the limit is for all students including international students. Additional students are accepted via JKU.

The tuition fee is currently 500 CZK per year, it may be increased in the coming years most probably to 500 EURO per year - this will be yet announced and there will be possibilities to ask the dean to lower the fee; there is an additional fee at the partner university - a payment to the Student Union; further fees are paid after studying for too long time

Here are some more documents regarding the applications:


overview of the study plans:
USB part:

JKU part:

Application to Master study programmes

Graduates of the BSc study programme Biological Chemistry will be automatically admitted into the master's studies. If the number of such applicants exceeds the maximum allowed number of MSc students in Biological Chemistry, applicants will be ranked based on the results of the bachelor's state exam, and the best applicants will be admitted.

Applications are usually possible until mid-May every year; if the number of admitted applicants is lower than the maximum allowed number of admitted students, an additional term will be open, usually in October. A fee for the application is usually 700 CZK; check the amount before application.

Every applicant must pass an entrance exam, and every applicant must have earned at least 80 credits (ECTS) in chemistry and at least 15 credits (ECTS) in biology during the BSc studies. A strong background in inorganic, organic, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology is expected (on-site test or an online entrance test via the company SCIO). Also, you can be asked to confirm that you are eligible for university studies in your country. An entrance examination in the English language will also be required (discussion about your bachelor thesis and discussion with a native speaker).

Entrance exams:

  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular and Cell Biology
  • General, Organic and Analytical Chemistry
  • English language (applicants will not have to pass this exam if the country of origin has the English language as the official language or if they can provide a certificate on the B2 level (SERR) or better).

Topics for entrance examination.

Applicants who pass these exams will then be invited for an interview (usually afternoon on the same day) - a discussion about their bachelor theses in English.

Application of foreign students is possible. The dormitories should be available for all the students from abroad both during their studies in the Czech Republic and in Austria depending on the availability of the rooms. Information on the dormitories at USB: 

Applicants are notified about the result in late June or early July by e-mail and in paper form. The tuition fee is currently 500 CZK per year, it may be increased in the coming years most probably to 500 EURO per year - this will be yet announced and there will be possibilities to ask the dean to lower the fee; there is an additional fee at the partner university - a payment to the Student Union; further fees are paid after studying for too long time

Some more documents regarding the applications:



Tuition fees

USB - currently, a fee of 500 CZK or an equivalent in EURO per year during the standard duration of studies. Students exceeding the standard duration of studies pay a fee of 21 830 CZK every six months or an equivalent in EURO.

JKU - EU, EWR students: in a standard duration of studies, do not pay tuition fees, only a fee to the Student Union of 21.20 EURO per semester. Students exceeding the standard duration of studies pay a fee of 363.36 EURO per semester.

JKU - non-EU, EWR students: pay a tuition fee of 726.72 EURO per semester and a fee to the Student Union of 21.20 EURO per semester. Fees for non-EU students can be waived for students accepted via USB.


Číst dál …Deadlines and requirements for applications - Biological Chemistry

  • Přečteno: 7356

services C4SYS

Services are offered in the frame of the C4SYS research infrastructure. If you are interested in our services, contact us through the C4SYS webpage:

or contact us at: sterbaj (at)

Analytical services

Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry & Department of Chemistry provides a wide range of glycobiology analyses. Samples provided by the customer can be analysed or sample manipulation and preparation can be accomplished in the laboratory as well. The exact preparation of the sample and sample requirements for analyses must be consulted prior their submission.

Glycan identification using Schiff staining and lectinoblotting

The presence of glycoproteins can be assessed in any material by Schiff staining and additional analysis using Western blot, fluorescent microscopy etc. More exact determination of the glycan nature can be accomplished by lectinoblotting using a range of lectins. The identified proteins can be further purified or identified by mass spectrometry. Also, glycan structures can be determined using mass spectrometry. Cells containing glycoproteins can be specifically labelled by Schiff staining or lectins and enriched using a cell sorter.

Glycoprotein and glycan purification and identification

Glycan or glycoprotein purification from a complex sample can be performed using chemical immobilization or lectin affinity chromatography. Several approaches are possible depending on the analyses following the purification.

Bioorthogonal labelling and host-vector-pathogen interactions

Bioorthogonal labelling of proteins, glycans, or lipids can be performed in cell cultures or also in vivo (e.g. using artificial feeding system for ticks). This metabolic labelling provides a labelling technique most similar to the natural conditions. The bioorthogonally labelled molecules can be further detected, purified, and identified using Click reaction with a selected reaction partner (wide choice of commercially available molecules including fluorescent dyes).

Glycobiology of infectious pathogens

Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry has access to BSL2 laboratory space and BSL3 laboratory is also available and thus all the above mentioned services can be provided for infectious organisms as well.

Číst dál …services C4SYS

  • Přečteno: 3101

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