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Seminar 19.9. 2024 - prof. Silke Robatzek: XYLELLA FASTIDIOSA’S RELATIONSHIPS: the bacterium, the host plants, and the plant microbiome

We cordially invite you to a seminar by prof. Silke Robatzek on topic XYLELLA FASTIDIOSA’S RELATIONSHIPS: the bacterium, the host plants, and the plant microbiome. The seminar will be  held on Thursday 19 September 2024 from 1:30 p.m. in lecture hall B1.

Silke Robatzek is an expert on plant immunity (especially pattern-triggered immunity) and one of the world's leading scientists in the field of molecular plant-microbe interactions. In past years, Silke was recognised among the most cited scientists (H-index: 57, Number of citations 14 724, awared two ERC Grants). Here you can read an interview with Silke Robatzek currently published in the New Phytologist.


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