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Department of Chemistry and its Centre of Biomolecular Structure Research cordially invites you to a lecture in the frame of the Chemistry Seminars by

Prof. Norbert Müller


NMR - What else?

on November 10th from 3 pm in the C2 lecture room.


Abstract: In this motivational and review seminar an overview of less common aspects of NMR are brought up in a narrative and - hopefully - somewhat entertaining way. Relationships between mainstream applications of NMR in imaging and spectroscopy and the “exotic” applications are explained. A non-exhaustive list of key words describing the topics covered includes: “NMR imaging and spectroscopy of food and drinks”, “SAR by NMR”, “NMR-directed mutagenesis”, “Functional MRI”, “ex-situ NMR”, “Oilfield NMR”, “NMR of batteries”, “Nano-scale NMR”, “NMR in COVID-19 research”, “MR-Imaging and -Spectroscopy of bottled wine”. Recent technological advances like “Hyperpolarization”, “Spin Noise”, “high temperature superconductors in NMR magnets” are explained.

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