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Faculty of Science Image Competition 2022 - WINNERS

1st place - Scientific merit prize

Valentyna Kuznetsova (Polivka lab)

A detailed view of the light-harvesting complex protein; helping to define its role in capturing and converting sunlight into energy for the cell.

2nd place - Scientific merit prize

Gabriela Krejcova (collaboration Marcela Nouzova - Bajgar lab)

Ovaries of Aedes aegypti epox mutants (impaired juvenile hormone synthesis, bottom panel); display deficient accumulation of lipids before blood feeding (middle images) and also after blood feeding (right images) compared to wild type (top panel).

3rd place - Scientific merit prize

Gabriela Krejčová (Bajgar lab)

Colocalization of injected glucan particles (red) with fluorescently labeled macrophages (green) of Drosophila melanogaster; which makes the glucan particles a potent tool for macrophage-specific delivery

1st place - Aesthetic merit prize

Shun-Min Yang (Obornik lab)

By Shun-Min Yang from the Laboratory of Evolutionary Protistology.

2nd place - Aesthetic merit prize

Hana Sehadová (prepared in collaboration with MSc. Marija Milosavljevic), The Laboratory of Microscopy and Histology

Stowaways: Phoretic mites use the European bark beetle to move from place to place, then resettling on the body of another bark beetle.

3rd place - Aesthetic merit prize

Martina Bohuslavova (Bruce lab)

Hatching mouse blastocyst embryo: Clonally microinjected (RFP histone mRNA; pink), IF stained for Keratin 8 (cyan) and PARD6B polarity protein (red) – DAPI counterstain (orange)

In the department of Molecular Biology & Genetics (PrF, JU) we have since 2011 ran an Scientific Image competition. This year we have decided ton open the competition to images generated throughout the year (2022) to the whole Faculty.

There are two categories and each comes with a 3000 Kc first prize!:

i. The Scientific Merit Category - typifying a major research break through from the 2022.

ii. The Aesthetic Category - that does what it says on the tin (should be easy on the eye and open to all sorts of artistic licence - people are free to release their inner Surrealist and go crazy with Photoshop).

The prizes will be awarded at the beginning of summer semester, according to the number of likes on FB page combined with the votes of the judges.

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