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BSc Biological Chemistry defences

Date: 20. 9. 2023, C6

 8:00-8:45                    Origin of resistance against desiccation and cryoinjuries in soil crust microalgae of High Arctic.


8:45-9:30                    Ultrastructural features of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the lungs.


9:30-10:15                  3D SBF-SEM analysis of inner organization of unicellular protist cell.


10:15-11:00                Mechanism of retrograde transport in contact-dependent inhibition (CDI) toxins through the bacterial translocon.


11:00-11:45                α-GAL immunity in fish and its potential for modulating the effect of parasitic infections.


12:45-13:30                Microbial community composition of Arctic cryoconite holes.


13:30-14:15                Biocontrol of slugs: Effects of slug parasitic nematodes and bacterial metabolites on harmful slugs.


14:15-15:00                Identifying and quantifying the degradation efficiency of chitinase in Pseudomonas.


15:00-15:45                Curated Database Construction for sMMO-Containing Methanotrophs.


15:45-16:30                Diversity and distribution of particulate methane monooxygenase enzyme in known methanotrophic bacteria.


16:30-17:15                Seasonal occurrence of picoplanktonic cyanobacteria in WTP Milence and their application in Nanobiotechnology.


17:15-18:00                Optimizing soil DNA extraction protocols to fit 3rd generation, single-strand sequencing technologies.

Date: 29. 9. 2023, C5

10:00-10:45                The Effect of Ploidy on the Brain Cellular Composition of Sterlet Fish.




MSc Biological Chemistry defences

Datum konání: 18. 9. 2023, afternoon, Místo konání:




BSc Biological Chemistry state exams

Datum konání: 21. 9. 2023, afternoon, Místo konání:

Biochemistry, C6 8:00 -13:00

Biology of Microorganisms, C3 8:00 – 13:30

Molecular Biology and Genetics, C4 8:00 – 14:00





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