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Diverzifikace na několika úrovních: zkoumání vlivu inter- a intra-specifické diferenciace rostlin na koexistenci a fungování

Řešitel: Lars Goetzenberger (BÚ AV ČR)
Spoluřešitel na KBO: Jan Lepš
Poskytovatel: Grantová agentura České republiky
Číslo grantu: 20-13637S
Doba trvání: 2020-2023

This is a project directed by the PI group from Institute of Botany, Třeboň, the plant functional ecology group of our department is co-PI. Our group is mainly responsible for the Carex workpackage, investigating the differentiation of functional traits within individual Carex species, and between the species. We use the range of methods, from a glasshouse experiments investigating effects of biotic interactions and abiotic conditions on Carex species trait, and landscape scale measurement of traits in relationship with host plant communities of several populations of each of ca 20 Carex species.

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