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Public Test Centre

Language Department

As of February 2013, the Language Department, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, became an accredited public test centre of the following international examinations:

  • TOEIC® Listening and Reading
  • TOEIC® Speaking & Writing
  • TOEFL® Junior
  • TFI
  • WiDaF

International Examinations

On the page linked above, youcan find the following information:

  • Detailed information on each examination
  • Registration for examinations
  • Possibilities of preparation
  • Guide for test takers with disabilities
  • Price lists
  • Contact

Preparation Courses for the International Examinations

  • Students can register for preparatory courses for the TOEIC LR examination every semester.
  • The dates of the block courses can be found on the Language Department homepage in the Calendar section. To be able to attend the block courses, it is necessary to register one week before the first lesson at latest.
  • Students register for the courses in cooperation with their faculty's Student Affairs Department.
  • TOEFL preparation courses

    OJZ 682 – TOEFL ITP Preparation Course
    • block preparation course for TOEFL ITP focusing on information and exercises on all the parts of the exam, i. e. Listening,Grammar, and Reading
    • one day, 4x 90 min
    OJZ 330 – TOEFL ITP Preparation. Grammar and Vocabulary
    OJZ 430 – TOEFL ITP Preparation. Listening and Reading
  • TOEIC preparation courses

    OJZ 545 – English for TOEIC B1–B2
    • A regular semester course focusing on the examination at B1+ level, suitable especially for students who aim at taking the TOEIC LR test as an alternative to the Bachelor's examination standard test
    • Apart from information about the TOEIC LR format and strategies leading to a B1-level pass, the course also offers a variety of activities to practise typical items in each part of the test, and practises grammar and vocabulary often found in the test
    • The language of instruction might have to include some Czech to help lower-level students
    OJZ 546 – English for TOEIC B2–C1
    • A regular semester course focusing on the examination at B2+ level, thus suitable especially for students of the Master programmes and for higher-level students of BA and PHD programmes 
    • Apart from information about the TOEIC LR format and strategies leading to a B2–C1-level pass, the course also offers a variety of activities to practise test items in each part of the test, and practises grammar and vocabulary often found in the test
    • The students can express their preferences about which grmmar and vocabulary topics to do in class together.
    OJZ 680 – Blokový přípravný kurz na zkoušku TOEIC Listening and Reading
    • A half-day intensive course
    • Suitable especially for students who need to acquire  information about the format of the exam and parts of the test
    • Mentions useful strategies leading to a successful pass
    • Offers a range of practical exercises and a possibility of consultation as agreed during the course
    • Does not work actively on improving the students' vocabulary and agrammar
    • Uses materials based on those that are used in the course E4TOEIC B2–C1 (OJZ/546)

Go to Course Descriptions to find detailed information about the courses.

Read more …Public Test Centre

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OJZ News Archive

Language Department

This page includes news published in the past.



24. 11. 2023
International examination TOEFL ITP:  8 January 2024 at 13:00 – a limited number of vacancies; registration and payment by 12 December 2023. More information is available here: Public Test Centre > International Examinations.

27. 10. 2023
Zuzana's Kovářová's office hours will be cancelled from 30. 10. 2023 to 3. 11. 2023 due to a business trip.

18. 9. 2023
Dates of 2023–24 TOEIC with Photo sessions have been added
to the Public Test Centre > International examinations > Examination and Registration Dates page.

27. 6. 2023
Between 1 July and 25 August, members of the Language Department are taking their holidays.
We look forward to seeing you in the new academic year.

11.+12. 4. 2023
New links in the Individual Preparation section for TOEIC regarding timing and Q&A
(Public Test Centre > International Examinations > Individual Preparation...)

22. 3. 2023
Klára Pavlínová's office hours of 23 March 2023 are cancelled.

13. 3. 2023
The Department of Languages, Faculty of Science, USB is organizing a mini-conference on
Language Instruction for Students of Natural Sciences
More information also on the left-menu Mini-conference link below

23. 2. 2023
Zuzana Kovářová's office hours of  27. 2. 2023 and 6. 3. 2023 will be moved to Thursday 10:00–11:00 (2. 3. 2023 and 9. 3. 2023)



25. 11. 2022
New TOEIC Institutional and TOEFL ITP examinations dates have been published. See International Examinations for more details.


13. 9. 2022
The page International Examinations newly includes information for TOEIC and TOEFL test takers with specific needs.


8. 9. 2022
The Language Dept. is opening several new courses in the 2022–2023 academic year:

Czech for Foreigners for Students

Czech for Foreigners for Employees

English through Sustainability

As in previous years, the English Speaking Club will take place from October,

and newly also Konversation in Deutsch.


30. 6. 2022
New TOEIC examinations dates have been published. See International Examinations for more details.


Read more …OJZ News Archive

  • Hits: 533


Language Department

People and Contact

Office hours

They normally take place in the Language Department office, building A, top floor.

Mgr. Klára Pavlínová has regular office hours 
on Thursdays at 10:00–11:00. If they are cancelled or postponed, the information can also be found in the News section at the Language Department homepage. 

Mgr. Zuzana Kovářová has regular office hours on Tuesdays at 10:00–11:00. If they are cancelled or postponed, the information can be found in the News section on the the Language Department homepage.

Zuzana Kovářová's office ours during the examination period:
  • 27. 5. 2024: 9:00 - 10:30
  • 4. 6. 2024: 9:00 - 10:30
  • 11. 6. 2024: 9:00 - 10:00
  • 19. 6. 2024: 10:30 - 11:30

The other teachers attend their presential or online office hours by prior arrangement.

Language Department Team

  • Other teachers
    Mgr. Geert van Overloop
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Mgr. Martina Vavreková
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Mgr. Štěpánka Hadravová
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Mgr. Markéta Dadáková
    Czech for foreigners
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Mgr. Monika Zuzáková
    Czech for foreigners
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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