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Doctoral Study Programmes

Information for applicants to doctoral study programmes

Doctoral Study Programmes

On this page you will find the offer of study programs in the doctoral degree.

For information on how to apply for the admissions process, click on the link below.

Applied Physics

The PhD study program Applied Physics is focused on the training of qualified staff, with advanced physical education, who can solve a wide range of problems on the border of scientific and technical practice. Students can choose their own specialization in the field of experimental physics and computer modeling and simulation...


Study program Botany offers topics in botanical disciplines, including the study of cyanobacteria, algae, higher plants and fungal organisms, including lichens, and corresponding theoretical education in four areas: 1. Systematic topics are dominated by the study of microevolutionary processes, but also the ecological differentiation of populations...


The study program Biophysics is focused on the scientific work of students in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology. In their PhD projects, biophysics students are primarily concerned with solving problems that fall thematically into biology and / or chemistry, and they solve these problems using physical methods...


The study field of Biochemistry represents a multidisciplinary field including chemical, biological and physical sciences. Basic biochemical concepts will be discussed in the light of current research as well as parallel topics including the structure and function of important biological molecules ...

Ecosystem Biology and Ecology

The programme focuses on the study of processes at the level of whole ecosystems, i.e. the flows of matter, energy and information between their individual compartments. The programme is highly interdisciplinary and integrates plant and animal ecology...


The program is focused on gaining current knowledge of biology and ecology of insects comparable to analogous study programmes in the Czech Republic and abroad. Graduates master general modern methodologies of field and laboratory research of animal ecology and evolutionary biology...


The program is focused on the comprehensive study of processes in aquatic ecosystems, i.e., on the flows of matter, energy, and information between their individual compartments, including catchments. The highly interdisciplinary program interlinks holistic research of fishponds, reservoirs, and lakes...


Parasitology is a multidisciplinary field, specialized in studying multipartite interactions ofamong parasitic (and symbiotic) organisms, their hosts, and natural environment. Due to their biological properties, parasites represent an excellent model for approaching many general biological and evolutionary-ecological patterns...


The program is aimed at gaining a good overview of current knowledge and issues of zoology, animal ecology and evolutionary biology, and mastering the modern methodologies of these disciplines. The program offers a wide range of research topics for dissertations focusing on...

Integrative Biology

The doctoral program Integrative Biology brings together the fields of biology, which use similar methodological approaches; from the fields of molecular and cell biology, molecular to organ physiology and biochemistry, immunology, infection biology, proteomics, genetics and genomics, supported by bioinformatics and mathematical modeling.

The doctoral program covers molecular cell and developmental biology and physiology in mouse and insect models, plants and single-celled organisms, molecular phylogenetics, evolutionary cytogenetics, and molecular integrative physiology and immunology with selected biomedical problems.


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