Partner Universities for Erasmus+ program
University | Erasmus code | Study program | level of study |
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz | A LINZ01 |
0531 Chemistry |
Bachelor, Master |
Universität Salzburg | A SALZBUR01 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master |
University | Erasmus code | study program | level of study |
University of Antwerp | B ANTWERP01 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | B LEUVEN01 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master |
Université de Liege | B LIEGE01 | 0510 Biology and related sciences not further defined | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | BG SOFIA30 | 0511 Biology | Doctoral |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Open Univeristy of Cyprus | CY LEFKOSI01 | 0521 Environmental sciences | Master, Doctoral |
University | Erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Universität Bayreuth | D BAYREUT01 | 0532 Earth Sciences | Bachelor, Master |
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Hoschule Bremen | D BREMEN04 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor |
Universität Duisburg-Essen | D ESSEN04 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen | D GIESSEN01 | 0510 Biological sciences not further defined | Bachelor |
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master |
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald | D GREIFS01 | 0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental Sciences | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Universität Konstanz | D KONSTAN01 | 0510 Biological sciences not further defined | Master |
Universität Passau | D PASSAU01 | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies not furter defined | Bachelor, Master |
Universität Regensburg | D REGENSB01 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Universität Rostock | D ROSTOCK01 | 0610 Information and Communication technologies not further defined | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Universität Ulm | D ULM01 | 0510 Biological sciences not further defined | Master |
Anhalt Univeristy of Applied Sciences | D KOTHEN01 | 0522 Natural environments and wildlife | Bachelor, Master |
University of Munster | D MUNSTER01 | 0521 Environmental Sciences | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University | Erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Universitat de les Illes Balears | E PALMA01 | 0511 Biology, 0512 Biochemistry | Bachelor, Doctoral |
Universidad de Valencia-Estudi General | E VALENCI01 | 0511 Biology, 061 Information and Communication technologies | Bachelor, Master |
Universidad de Jaén | E JAEN01 | 0511 Biology, 0531 Chemistry, 0521 Environmental Sciences | Bachelor, Master |
Universidad de La Laguna | E TENERIF01 | 0521 Environmental Sciences | Master, Doctoral |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Tallinn University | EE TALLINN05 | 0521 Environmental sciences | Master, Doctoral |
Estonian university of Life Sciences | EE TARTU01 |
0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental sciences, 0531 Chemistry |
Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University of Tartu | EE TARTU02 | 0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental Sciences, 0610 Information and Communication Technologies | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Université d'Aix-Marseille | F MARSEIL84 | 0521 Environmental Sciences | Master, Doctoral |
Université de Rennes 1 | F RENNES01 | 0521 Environmental Sciences | Master, Doctoral |
Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III | F TOULOUS03 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University | Erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Ethnikon kai Kapodistriakon panepistimion Athinon | G ATHINE01 | 0511 Biology | Master, Doctoral |
University of the Aegean | G ATHINE41 | 0521 Environmental sciences | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University | Erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek | HR OSIJEK01 | 0511 Biology | Bachelar, Master, Doctoral |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Eotvos Loránd University | HU BUDAPES01 | 0510 Biological and related sciences not further defined | Master, Doctoral |
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest | HU BUDAPES05 | 0521 Environmental sciences | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Szent István University | HU GODOLLO01 | 0521 Environmental Sciences | Master |
Miskolci Egyetem | HU MISCOLCZ01 | 0531 Chemistry | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Pécsi Tudományegyetem | HU PECS01 | 0511 Biology, 0521 Environment sciences | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem | HU SZEGED01 | 0510 Biology and related sciences not further defined | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
University of Cagliari | I CAGLIARI01 | 0521 Environmental sciences | Master, Doctoral |
Universita degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 0511 Biology | Master, Doctoral |
Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" | I ROMA01 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Università Politecnica delle Marche | I ANCONA01 | 0510 Biological and related sciences not further defined | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University of Modena | I MODENA01 | 0510 Biological and related sciences not further defined | Bachelor, Master |
Universita Degli Studi Di Camerino | I CAMERIN01 | 0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental sciences | Bachelor, Master |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Landbunadarhaskoli Islands | IS BORGARN02 | 0521 Environmental sciences | Master |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas | LT KAUNAS01 | 0511 Biology, 0520 Environment not further defined | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Universidade do Algarve | P FARO02 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku | PL BIALYST04 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master |
Politechnika Gdanska | PL GDANSK02 | 0533 Physics | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie | PL KRAKOW02 | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies | Bachelor, Master |
Akademia Rolnicza Im. Hugona Kollataja W Krakowie | PL KRAKOW06 | 0522 Natural environments and wildlife | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Uniwersytet Lódzki | PL LODZ01 | 0531 Chemistry | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
PL LUBLIN01 | 0533 Physics | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral | |
Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nysie | PL NYSA01 | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies | only staff |
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny | PL SZCZECI02 | 0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental sciences, 0588 Inter-disciplinary programmes (natural sciences, mathemathics and statistics) | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Uniwersytet Warszawski | PL WARSZAW01 | 0511 Biology | Master, Doctoral |
Uniwesytet Wroclawski | PL WROCLAW01 | 0533 Physics | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Södertörns Högskola | S HUDDING01 | 0520 Environment not further defined |
Bachelor, Master |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Aalto University | SF ESPOO12 | 0230 Languages not further defined | only staff |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
University of Ljubljana | SI LJUBLJA01 | 0510 Biological and related sciences not further defined | Bachelor, Master |
Univerza v Mariboru | SI MARIBOR01 | 0510 Biological and related sciences not further defined | Master, Doctoral |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Matej Bel University | SK BANSK01 | 0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental Sciences, 0532 Earth sciences | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach | SK KOSICE02 | 0511 Biology, 0512 Biochemistry | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University of Presov | SK PRESOV01 | 0511 Biology | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
University of Belgrade | RS BELGRAD02 | 0521 Environmental Sciences | only staff |
University | erasmus code | study program | level of study |
Duzce University | TR DUZCE01 | 0610 Information and Communication technologies not further defined, 0510 Biology and related sciences not further defined, 0520 Enviroment not further defined, 0531 Chemistry | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Eskisehir Osmangazi University | TR ESKISEH02 | 0531 Chemistry | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |
Gebze Technical University | TR KOCAELI01 | 0531 Chemistry | Bachelor, Master, Doctoral |