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Partner Universities for Erasmus+ program


University Erasmus code Study program level of study
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz A LINZ01

 0531 Chemistry

 Bachelor, Master

Universität Salzburg A SALZBUR01 0511 Biology Bachelor, Master


University Erasmus code study program level of study
University of Antwerp B ANTWERP01 0511 Biology Bachelor, Master, Doctoral  
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven B LEUVEN01 0511 Biology Bachelor, Master   
Université de Liege B LIEGE01 0510 Biology and related sciences not further defined Bachelor, Master, Doctoral  


University erasmus code study program level of study
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences BG SOFIA30 0511 Biology  Doctoral


University erasmus code study program level of study
Open Univeristy of Cyprus CY LEFKOSI01 0521 Environmental sciences  Master, Doctoral


University Erasmus code study program level of study
Universität Bayreuth   D  BAYREUT01 0532 Earth Sciences  Bachelor, Master 
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn D BONN01 0511 Biology Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 
Hoschule Bremen D BREMEN04 0511 Biology Bachelor 
Universität Duisburg-Essen D ESSEN04 0511 Biology Bachelor, Master, Doctoral  
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen D GIESSEN01 0510 Biological sciences not further defined Bachelor 
 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen  D  GOTTING01  0511 Biology  Bachelor, Master
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald D GREIFS01 0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental Sciences Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 
Universität Konstanz D KONSTAN01 0510 Biological sciences not further defined Master 
Universität Passau D PASSAU01 0610 Information and Communication Technologies not furter defined Bachelor, Master 
Universität Regensburg D REGENSB01 0511 Biology Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 
Universität Rostock D ROSTOCK01 0610 Information and Communication technologies not further defined Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 
Universität Ulm D ULM01 0510 Biological sciences not further defined  Master
Anhalt Univeristy of Applied Sciences D KOTHEN01 0522 Natural environments and wildlife Bachelor, Master 
University of Munster D MUNSTER01 0521  Environmental Sciences Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 


University Erasmus code study program level of study
Universitat de les Illes Balears E PALMA01 0511 Biology, 0512 Biochemistry Bachelor, Doctoral 
Universidad de Valencia-Estudi General E VALENCI01 0511 Biology, 061 Information and Communication technologies  Bachelor, Master
Universidad de Jaén E JAEN01 0511 Biology, 0531 Chemistry, 0521 Environmental Sciences Bachelor, Master 
Universidad de La Laguna E TENERIF01 0521 Environmental Sciences  Master, Doctoral


University erasmus code study program level of study
Tallinn University EE TALLINN05 0521 Environmental sciences  Master, Doctoral  
Estonian university of Life Sciences EE TARTU01

0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental sciences, 0531 Chemistry

Bachelor, Master, Doctoral  
University of Tartu EE TARTU02 0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental Sciences, 0610 Information and Communication Technologies Bachelor, Master, Doctoral  


University erasmus code study program level of study
Université d'Aix-Marseille F MARSEIL84 0521 Environmental Sciences Master, Doctoral   
Université de Rennes 1 F RENNES01 0521 Environmental Sciences Master, Doctoral    
Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III F TOULOUS03 0511 Biology Bachelor, Master, Doctoral    


University Erasmus code study program level of study
Ethnikon kai Kapodistriakon panepistimion Athinon G ATHINE01 0511 Biology Master, Doctoral 
University of the Aegean G ATHINE41 0521 Environmental sciences Bachelor, Master, Doctoral


University Erasmus code study program level of study
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek HR OSIJEK01 0511 Biology Bachelar, Master, Doctoral 


University erasmus code study program level of study
Eotvos Loránd University HU BUDAPES01 0510 Biological and related sciences not further defined Master, Doctoral 
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest HU BUDAPES05 0521 Environmental sciences Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 
Szent István University HU GODOLLO01 0521 Environmental Sciences Master 
Miskolci Egyetem HU MISCOLCZ01 0531 Chemistry Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 
Pécsi Tudományegyetem HU PECS01 0511 Biology,  0521 Environment sciences Bachelor, Master, Doctoral
Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem HU SZEGED01  0510 Biology and related sciences not further defined  Bachelor, Master, Doctoral


University erasmus code study program level of study
University of Cagliari I CAGLIARI01 0521 Environmental sciences  Master, Doctoral
Universita degli Studi di Padova I PADOVA01 0511 Biology  Master, Doctoral 
Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" I ROMA01 0511 Biology Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 
Università Politecnica delle Marche I ANCONA01 0510 Biological and related sciences not further defined Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 
University of Modena I MODENA01 0510 Biological and related sciences not further defined Bachelor, Master 
Universita Degli Studi Di Camerino I CAMERIN01 0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental sciences Bachelor, Master 


University erasmus code study program level of study
Landbunadarhaskoli Islands IS BORGARN02 0521 Environmental sciences  Master


University erasmus code study program level of study
Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas LT KAUNAS01 0511 Biology, 0520 Environment not further defined Bachelor, Master, Doctoral



University erasmus code study program level of study
Universidade do Algarve P FARO02 0511 Biology Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 



University erasmus code study program level of study
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku PL BIALYST04 0511 Biology Bachelor, Master
Politechnika Gdanska PL GDANSK02 0533 Physics Bachelor, Master, Doctoral
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie PL KRAKOW02 0610 Information and Communication Technologies Bachelor, Master
Akademia Rolnicza Im. Hugona Kollataja W Krakowie PL KRAKOW06 0522 Natural environments and wildlife Bachelor, Master, Doctoral
Uniwersytet Lódzki PL LODZ01 0531 Chemistry Bachelor, Master, Doctoral

Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej

PL LUBLIN01 0533 Physics Bachelor, Master, Doctoral
Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nysie PL NYSA01 0610 Information and Communication Technologies only staff
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny PL SZCZECI02 0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental sciences, 0588 Inter-disciplinary programmes (natural sciences, mathemathics and statistics) Bachelor, Master, Doctoral
Uniwersytet Warszawski PL WARSZAW01 0511 Biology Master, Doctoral
Uniwesytet Wroclawski PL WROCLAW01 0533 Physics Bachelor, Master, Doctoral



University erasmus code study program level of study
Södertörns Högskola S HUDDING01 0520 Environment not further defined

 Bachelor, Master



University erasmus code study program level of study
Aalto University SF ESPOO12 0230 Languages not further defined only staff 



University erasmus code study program level of study
University of Ljubljana SI LJUBLJA01 0510 Biological and related sciences not further defined Bachelor, Master 
Univerza v Mariboru SI MARIBOR01 0510 Biological and related sciences not further defined  Master, Doctoral



University erasmus code study program level of study
Matej Bel University SK BANSK01 0511 Biology, 0521 Environmental Sciences, 0532 Earth sciences Bachelor, Master, Doctoral
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach SK KOSICE02 0511 Biology, 0512 Biochemistry Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 
University of Presov SK PRESOV01 0511 Biology Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 



University erasmus code study program level of study
University of Belgrade RS BELGRAD02 0521 Environmental Sciences  only staff



University erasmus code study program level of study
Duzce University TR DUZCE01 0610 Information and Communication technologies not further defined, 0510 Biology and related sciences not further defined, 0520 Enviroment not further defined, 0531 Chemistry Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 
Eskisehir Osmangazi University TR ESKISEH02 0531 Chemistry Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 
Gebze Technical University TR KOCAELI01 0531 Chemistry Bachelor, Master, Doctoral 

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