nazev obor pro diplom: NULL
nazev oboru: string(15) "Applied Physics"
nazev programu pro diplom: NULL
nazev programu string(15) "Applied Physics"
prof. RNDr. Vítězslav Straňák Ph.D. Phone number: 389036269 E-mail: Vyberte si variantu studijního programu nebo kombinaci, na kterou se chcete přihlásit. Faculty of ScienceApplied Physics
About the programme
Programme structure
a) completion of selected Ph.D. courses and subjects,
a1) mandatory courses, which represent a duty for all doctoral students SCI USB
a2) elective courses, from which student has to select at least three subjects regarding his/her scientific profile and focus of the Ph.D. topic (courses are completed by the exam)
a3) additional courses, voluntary courses or courses recommended by the admission board (courses are completed by the exam)
b) final state examination, which passing is recommended in the third year of study and is divided into three sections:
b1) part devoted to Ph.D. topic - the student will present the profile of his/her Ph.D. thesis in a short presentation reporting first achievements (max. 10 min.), discussion follows,
b2) theoretical background in the field/topic of Ph.D. - the student proofs deep, theoretical knowledge in a narrow spectrum of his/her scientific interest, (somewhat corresponds with elective courses),
b3) broader theoretical aspects - the student demonstrates his/her survey in the field of applied physics and the ability to synthesize gained knowledge,
c) defence of the Ph.D. thesis, the student demonstrates the ability of independent scientific and research activities (summary of scientific achievements). Graduate profile
You will learn to:
use knowledge from a wide range of physics with potential of their application in praxis,
researcher in development and research workplaces of companies and state organizations, Discover more
Applied Physics