Other Links
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Other Links
Modern Technologies
- Student agenda online
E-learning (Moodle)
- Department course materials on the university LMS
MS Teams
- Mini-manual for students (EN)
Students' Evaluation
- of classes and lecturers
Log in on the website corresponding to your previous agreement with the IT department of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia:
- via mail.prf.jcu.cz (faculty email badger)
- via office365.jcu.cz (university email to which mail from mail.prf.jcu.cz is forwarded, after logging in with your username on email @ jcu.cz select Outlook)
- USB web about connecting to USB wi-fi incl. eduroam (CZ)
– Setting for smartphones or tablets using Android OS (USB Faculty of Economics webpage, CZ)
- Information and manual – basic information about FSci USB Mahara and how to create and edit Mahara pages for the Language Department use (Department webpage)
- Log-in page – for registered users at FSci USB
- Registration page – for new users of Mahara at FSci USB
- User Manual – official, complete manual (external web: mahara.org)
Plagiarism checker
- USB manual to use the systems of plagiarism control (helpdesk.jcu.cz)
- Website odevzdej.cz can also be used anonymously
Self-study Weblinks
List of various webpages to help you learn English (pdf)
Online Dictionaries
- OALD – Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
- Macmillan Dictionary – monolingual dictionary with pronunciation and sample sentences
- dictionary.com – monolingual dictionary with pronunciation, thesaurus, reference, quoations
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
- CALD – Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
- slovnik.cz – bilingual dictionaries including Czech
British Centre
The University of South Bohemia cooperates with the library and multimedia study of the British Centre in České Budějovice. The British Centre provides access to Cambridge exams, preparation and language courses