The laboratory of archaeobotany and paleoecology provides analytical services to archaeological sites in the Czech Republic and abroad. LAPE has an equipped chemical laboratory, a floating room, a sample preparation room, a microscope room and extensive reference botanical and zoological collections. We mainly perform the following analyses:
Since the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia and the Biological Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. in České Budějovice have experts in many other specializations interesting for archaeologists (e.g. entomology, parasitology), other specialists can also be contacted based on an agreement.
The laboratory of archaeobotany and paleoecology provides freely accessible services focused on the preparation and documentation of samples for environmental archeology disciplines.
Equipment used on LAPE:
Cooperation with archaeologists takes place on several levels. This usually involves direct advice on archaeological research, design of sampling strategy, composition and course of environmental analyses.
After the agreed analyzes have been carried out, an analytical report will be drawn up or an output delivered in the form that was agreed upon at the beginning of the cooperation. At the customer's request, photo documentation of the most interesting finds can be made (in digital form in high-quality resolution for printing). If interested, the results can be edited for publication purposes in Czech or English.
Information on available capacities for individual analyzes and the price list of our services will be sent to interested parties upon request.
Contact person: Blanka Bodnárová
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 |
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 |
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