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An interdisciplinary study on element cycling in mountain catchment-lake systems regenerating from tree dieback

Principal investigator: Jiří Kopáček
(Co)investigator from the Department: Hana Šantrůčková
Funding provider: The Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 2019 to 2021

Project goals: 
We will evaluate (1) pools and fluxes of ecologically important elements (N, P, C, S, Ca, Mg, K, Al) in catchment-lake systems regenerating from natural tree dieback, (2) how nutrient availability in soil and deadwood affects tree growths, and (3) how this growth affects soil and water biogeochemistry.

Project description: 
Bark beetle outbreak killed many mature spruce trees in unmanaged, acidified catchments of the Bohemian Forest lakes (BF, Central Europe), with the most pronounced tree loss (>90% in 2004–2008) in the Plešné catchment. The tree dieback significantly changed element cycling in soils and waters and affected their biogeochemistry. At present, forest has been rapidly regenerating. Our >20-year long environmental research on the BF catchments (forest, soil, water, climate) provides a worldwide unique opportunity for a complex ecosystem study on the effects of natural forest dieback and regeneration of the individual ecosystem parts. We propose an integrated laboratory and field mass budget studies on (1) C and N cycling in soils and their effects on leaching of other elements (P, S, Ca, Mg, K, and Al) and (2) how these changes affect regeneration of forest and soil microbial community, and chemical and biological recovery of waters from acidification. Modeling will enable projection of these changes to other similarly affected mountain areas and different forestry practices.

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The role of nutrient availability in microbial soil organic matter formation and stabilization in agricultural soils of different C saturation status

(Co)investigator from the Department: Eva Kaštovská
Funding provider: The Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 2019 to 2021

Project goals: 
We aim to understand how nutrient availability and substrate complexity affect the rate and efficiency of microbial SOM formation in soils differing in C saturation status. We further aim to identify conditions supporting accumulation of stable SOM in such soils.

Project description:
The soil organic matter (SOM) is of fundamental importance in maintaining soil productivity due to the retention of carbon, nutrients and water. Inadequately managed arable soils lose their SOM in the long-term thus current farming practices should initiate and support SOM accumulation. Stable SOM is importantly contributed by compounds of microbial origin. Factors influencing the efficiency of microbial metabolism such as type (complexity) of plant inputs and soil nutrient status thus directly affect microbial SOM formation, composition and stability. The proposal aims to study microbial processes responsible for substrate transformation into microbial SOM in conditions of different soil nutrient status and to identify conditions supporting stable SOM accumulation in arable soils. In laboratory and mesocosm experiments combining above-mentioned factors, we will focus on microbial growth rate and efficiency and SOM accumulation in soils differing in C saturation status. We will further asses total soil C balance and the composition and stability of the formed SOM.

Read more …The role of nutrient availability in microbial soil organic matter formation and stabilization in...

  • Hits: 12817

D110 - Career Regulations

Provision of the Dean No. D 110
Career rules of the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

With this Measure, I am issuing the Career Rules of the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia as a tool for evaluating and supporting the career development of academic and scientific staff. The text of the career rules of the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia is an appendix to the Measure.


Career Code of the Faculty of Science
Appendix _1_ Pracovní_pozice_PřF
This measure shall take effect on 10 March 2022.


In České Budějovice on March 10, 2022

Prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.

Dean of Faculty of Science USB

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D95 - Notification obligation before submitting project applications

invalid - replaced by measure D114

Provision of the Dean D 95 of 1 December 2019

Due to the increase in activity in the form of preparations and the subsequent submission of project applications, I issue this provision of the Dean, which regulates the notification obligation for the preparation of these projects. The aim of the measure is to improve internal information and cooperation in the preparation of project applications.
Each project proponent (from a foreign or domestic provider) is obliged to notify through the research officer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) the intention to submit a specific project application at least 10 days (in the case of faculty co-financing at least 15 days, to allow for discussion by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science ) before the deadline for submission of the project application set by the provider. The plan must be approved by the Head of the Department/Institute/CPE/LAPE, who in doing so declares their readiness to secure the project. The notification will be made using a signed form, which is attached to this measure and which will be available on the FSci website.
This notification obligation also applies to projects whose tender documentation does not require the opinion of the statutory representative of the faculty or university (dean, rector), but which is planned to be conducted at the FSci USB.
It also applies to jointly conducted projects (including GA CR).
This obligation does not apply to internal university projects GA JU, SGA, etc.
In the event that the project is submitted without the applicant announcing their intention, confirmed by the head of department/institute/CPE/LAPE, the Dean of the faculty may refuse to sign a project work agreement with the provider and it will not be possible to conduct the project on the premises of FSci.

This Provision takes effect on 1 December 2019 and repeals the Provision of the Dean D 77 of 17 October 2016.

prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.
Děkanka Přírodovědecké fakulty JU

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  • Hits: 591

Department seminars KBE

Department of Ecosystem Biology

If not stated otherwise, department seminars usually take place in the Blažka's pavilion (B-building) in room B1 on Thursdays at 15:00.

If not stated otherwise, the main language is Czech.

For programme of upcoming seminars, please see the Czech version of this page - HERE.

Read more …Department seminars KBE

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