RNDr. Alena Krejčí, Ph.D.
head of the Laboratory of Bee Biology
Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia
Branišovská 31, 37005 České Budějovice
building B, ground floor, door number 192
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. +420 387772270
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7589-4035
RNDr. Alena Krejčí, Ph.D.
Current possitions
since 2019 | Group leader | Laboratory of Bee Biology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia |
Previous possitions
2010-2019 | Group leader | Laboratory of developmental biology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia |
2004-2010 | Senior Research Associate | Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, Laboratory of Prof. Sarah Bray |
2001-2004 | Royal Society fellowship | University of Leeds, School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, United Kingdom. Laboratory of Prof. Noel Buckley. |
1998-2004 | Graduate and Ph. D. studies | Department of Neurochemistry, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, Prague. Laboratory of Prof. Stanislav Tucek and Dr. Vladimir Dolezal. |
2004 | PhD in molecular genetics | Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague |
Awards and fellowships
2011 | Early Research Career Award | British Biochemical Society |
Award for the best popular science article | Magazine 'Ziva' (in Czech, artical about the Warburg effect) | |
Winner of the L'Oreal Women in Science award | ||
2005-2007 | EMBO long term fellowship | University of Cambridge, UK, laboratory of prof. Sarah Bray |
10 months in total between 2001–2004 | Royal Society fellowship | School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Leeds, UK, Laboratory of Prof. Noel Buckley |
2019-2022 | Nutritional supplement for bees with antiviral properties | Grant from the Technology Agency of Czech Republic |
2017-2019 | Metabolic stress as regulator of Notch signalling. | Grant from the Czech Grant Agency |
2014-2016 | The role of sirtuins in Notch signalling | Grant from the Czech Grant Agency |
2011-2013 | Signallization through the Notch receptor in the context of cellular metabolism. | Grant from the Czech Grant Agency |
2011-2016 | The interplay between Notch signalling and cellular metabolism | EMBO installation grant, Funding of 250k euro total. |
Bee keeping experience
- Active member of the local branch of the Czech beekeeping society and a hobby beekeeper (15 hives)
- Co-manager of Experimental and educational apiary at the Biology Centre, Ceské Budějovice (30 hives)
- Popular bee science talks to students and public
- TV and radio programmes about bees, newspaper interviews
- Current grant from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic for antiviral effects of natural ingredience in bee keeping
- Collaboration with the Department of robotics and embeded systems at the University of south Bohemia - designing a beehive themperature and CO2 sensors, image analysis using neural networks and machine learning
- Mentor of 2 succesfully defended PhD students (plus 1 writing), 4 master students and 14 bachelor students.
- Molecular biology course (undegrad)
- Developmental bIology course (undergrad)
- Bruce Krejčí A, Krištůfek V: Mravenčí trápení (Tha ant's sorrow). Moderní včelař (Modern Beekeeper) 03, 34-35, 2022.
- Bruce Krejčí A, Svobodová K, Krištůfek V: Testování kvality vosku stanovením jeho teploty tuhnutí (Testing the wax quality by assesing its setting temperature). Moderní včelař (Modern Beekeeper) 02, 16-18, 2022.
- Krištůfek V, Bruce Krejčí A, Svobodová K, Chalupský J: Snižují houby virózy a úmrtnost včel? (Do mushrooms lower virus loads and mortality of honey bee colonies?) Moderní včelař (Modern Beekeeper) 06, 28-30, 2021.
- Urajová P., Krištůfek V., Bruce Krejčí A: Kyselina para-kumarová a výživa včel (Para-coumaric acid and bee nutrition). Moderní včelař (Modern Beekeeper) 07, 28-30, 2020.
- Perez-Gomez R, Perez-Gomez R, Magnin V, Mihajlovic Z, Slaninova V and Krejci A: Downregulation of respiratory complex I mediates major signalling changes triggered by TOR activation. Scientific Reports 10, 4401, 2020.
- Mihajlovic Z, Tanasic D, Bajgar A, Perez-Gomez R, Steffal P, Krejci A: Lime is a new protein linking immunity and metabolism in Drosophila. Developmental Biology 452(2):83-94, 2019.
- Krejci A, Tennessen JM.: Metabolism in time and space - exploring the frontier of developmental biology. Development 144(18):3193-3198, 2017.
- Horvath M, Mihajlovic Z, Slaninova V, Perez-Gomez R, Moshkin Y, Krejci A: The silent information regulator 1 (Sirt1) is a positive regulator of the Notch pathway in Drosophila. Biochemical journal 473(22):4129-4143, 2016.
- Slaninova V, Krafcikova M, Perez-Gomez R, Steffal P, Trantirek L, Bray SJ and Krejci A: Notch stimulates growth by direct regulation of genes involved in the control of glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Open Biology, 2016 Feb;6(2)., 2016. doi: 10.1098/rsob.150155.
- Housden BE, Fu AQ, Krejci A, Bernard F, Fischer B, Tavare S, Russell S, Bray SJ: Transcriptional Dynamics Elicited by a Short Pulse of Notch Activation Involves Feed-Forward Regulation by E(spl)/Hes Genes. Plos Genetics, 9(1):e1003162, 2013.
- Djiane A, Krejci A, Bernard F, Fexova S, Millen K, Bray SJ.: Dissecting the mechanisms of Notch induced hyperplasia. EMBO Journal 32, 60 - 71, 2013. doi:
- Endo K, Karim MR, Taniguchi H, Krejci A, Kinameri E, Siebert M, Ito K., BraySJ, Moore AW: Chromatin modification of Notch targets in olfactory receptor neuron diversification. Nature Neuroscience, 15(2):224-33, 2012. doi: 10.1038/nn.2998.
- Terriente-Felix A, Li J, Collins S, Mulligan A, Reekie I, Bernard F, Krejci A, Bray SJ: Notch co-operates with Lozenge/Runx to lock hemocytes into a differentiation programme. Development, 140(4):926-37, 2013. doi: 10.1242/dev.086785
- Bernard F, Krejci A, Housden B, Adryan B, Bray SJ: Specificity of Notch pathway activation: twist controls the transcriptional output in adult muscle progenitors. Development, 137(16):2633-42, 2010. doi: 10.1242/dev.053181
- Krejci A*, Bernard F*, Housden BE*, Collins S, Bray SJ.: Direct response to Notch activation: signaling crosstalk and incoherent logic. Science Signal.,2(55), 2009. doi:10.1126/scisignal.2000140
- Narasimha M, Uv A, Krejci A, Brown NH, Bray SJ.: Grainy head promotes expression of septate junction proteins and influences epithelial morphogenesis. J Cell Sci. 2008. doi: 10.1242/jcs.019422
- Goodfellow H*, Krejcí A*, Moshkin Y*, Verrijzer CP, Karch F, Bray SJ.: Gene-specific targeting of the histone chaperone asf1 to mediate silencing. Dev Cell.13(4):593-600, 2007.PMID: 17925233
- Krejci A and Bray S: Notch activation stimulates transient and selective binding of Su(H)/CSL to target enhancers. Genes Dev. 21(11):1322-7, 2007. PMID: 17545467
- Bruce AW, Krejci A, Ooi L, Deuchars J, Wood IC, Dolezal V, Buckley NJ. :The transcriptional repressor REST is a critical regulator of the neurosecretory phenotype. J Neurochem. 98(6):1828-40, 2006. PMID: 16945103
- Nagel AC, Krejci A, Tenin G, Bravo-Patino A, Bray S, Maier D, Preiss A. : Hairless-mediated repression of notch target genes requires the combined activity of Groucho and CtBP corepressors. Mol Cell Biol. 25(23):10433-41, 2005. PMID: 16287856
- Jakubik J, Krejci A, Dolezal V: Asparagine, valine, and threonine in the third extracellular loop of muscarinic receptor have essential roles in the positive cooperativity of strychnine-like allosteric modulators. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 313(2):688-96, 2005.
- Krejci A, Bruce AW, Tucek S, Dolezal V, Buckley NJ: Multiple promoters drive tissue specific expression of the human M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor gene. J Neurochem. 91(1):88-98, 2004.
- Tucek S, Krejci A, Lysikova M, Jakubik J, Dolezal V: Roles of external loops of muscarinic receptors in interactions between N-methylscopolamine and allosteric modulators. In Cholinergic mechanisms: Function and disfunction. Ed. I. Silman, 71-76, 2004.
- Krejci A, Michal P, Jakubik J, Ricny J, Dolezal V: Regulation of signal transduction at M2 muscarinic receptor. Physiol. Res., 53, suppl.1:S131-40, 2004.
- Krejci A, Tucek S: Quantitation of mRNAs for M1 to M5 subtypes of muscarinic receptors in rat heart and brain cortex. Mol Pharmacol. 61(6):1267-72, 2002.
- Krejci A, Tucek S: Changes of cooperativity between N-methylscopolamine and allosteric modulator alcuronium and gallamine induced by mutations of external loops of muscarinic M3 receptors. Mol. Pharmacol. 60 : 761-767, 2001.