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For newly admitted students

Information for PhD students

Welcome at the faculty! We have summarised some information that might help you navigate your new studies.

Useful links


  • doc. RNDr. Eva Nováková, Ph.D.
    Vice-Dean for doctoral studies

  • +38903 6295

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • C, Parasitology, 2nd floor, door CH 02 045

  • Bc. Václava Bláhovcová
    assistant to the Vice-Dean

  • +420 389 032 707

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    • C, Parasitology, 2nd floor, door CH 02 045

Student administrators

  • Ivana Voldřichová
    doctoral study - Czech students

  • +38903 2262

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • A, 2nd floor, Department of Student Affairs, office 312

  • Bc. Petra Korcová
    doctoral study - International Students

  • +38903 2263

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • A, 2nd floor, Department of Student Affairs, office 311A

Frequent shortcuts

 USB  University of South Bohemia
Fsc USB  Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia 
IS/STAG  Internet application of study agenda 
DSP  Doctoral study programme 
ISP  Individual study plan 
DT  Dissertation thesis 
SB  Specialist board 
RpVH Internal evaluation board/Rada pro vnitřní hodnocení
GA USB/GA JU  Grant agency USB/Grantová agentura Jihočeské univerzity 
GA ČR  Czech Science Foundation/Grantová agentura České republiky 
SGA  Student grant agency 

Here you can find academic calendar to the current academic year.

Read more …For newly admitted students

  • Hits: 17247

Rules regarding PhD study

Information for PhD students

Read more …Rules regarding PhD study

  • Hits: 17423

Financial support

Information for PhD students

  • Scholarship


    Regular scholarship

    All students of doctoral study programmes in the standard full-time period are entitled to a scholarship. It starts at 10,000 CZK/month and then increases depending on publications or presentations at conferences up to 12,500 CZK/month.

    For details read Provision of the Dean D 58 – On the Amount of Scholarship for Doctoral Study Programme

    Students who have fulfilled the regular study duties and other conditions as detailed in D 58 may, at the proposal of the supervisor, receive a higher basic scholarship. The form Request for the increase of regular scholarship is to be sent to the Department of Study affairs, and the decision whether to comply is made by the Vice-Dean for doctoral studies.

    The Dean may individually reduce the Doctoral scholarship by up to 50 % for students in the thirteenth and subsequent months of study who have not yet fulfilled the obligations set out in paragraph 1 of provision D 58 or for whom the Specialist Board has reduced the scholarship based on non-fulfilment of other study obligations. The reduction is effective from the following calendar month to the calendar month in which the Dean, on the proposal of the Specialist Board, again determines the amount of the scholarship according to paragraphs 1 to 4 of D 58. In the event that the conclusion of the regular evaluation of Doctoral studies by the Specialist Board is a statement that the student has not fulfilled the obligations according to the individual study plan (evaluation C), the Dean may decide to withdraw the scholarship.

    Annual academic excellence scholarship

    Stipends for successful publications are calculated based on field specific Normalized Impact Factor of the journals (to equalize between different fields of science). The higher the NIF the higher the stipend, first authored papers are given a higher reward. The rewards are provided annually (in June) for papers published in the previous year. Students terminating their standard study period are paid earlier as needed. The papers are collected automatically from a database (in spring for the preceding year).

    Doctoral student income

     Provision of the Dean D 127 - On doctoral student income

    A transitional provision that prepares the financing of doctoral studies for the amendment of the Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education, which will establish a guaranteed income for doctoral students.
    The provision is is effective for PhD students admitted to study between June 2024 and June 2025.



  • Travels abroad

    Internships abroad

    Students of doctoral study programmes are obliged to complete the course Study stay during their studies, the minimum length of the study stay is 1 month. The goal is to obtain theoretical as well as practical knowledge and experience, experimental work to obtain specific data, their evaluation and preparation of scientific publication.

    Course code and its duration:
    FPR/ 801 – Study stay I.–  stay abroad for 2 to 4 weeks [IS/STAG link]
    FPR/ 802 – Study stay II. – stay abroad for 1 to 3 months [IS/STAG link]
    FPR/ 803 – Study stay III. – stay abroad for more than 2 months [IS/STAG link]

    Before leaving for their study stay, the student must register their stay by submitting filled form Student’s international mobility to the Vice-Dean for doctoral studies at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Students going through Erasmus+ programme do not need to submit this form, their internship is administered and registered by Mgr. Barbara Okosy.
    Credit for course completion is awarded by the Vice-Dean for doctoral studies upon submission of a Confirmation of an internship form issued by the visited institution. All students returning from an internship, including returning from Erasmus+ stay, must submit this confirmation.

    Student’s international mobility form
    Confirmation of an internship

    Financial support of internships abroad

    Students can apply for financial support for an internship abroad from several sources:

    • GA JU – contact the principal investigator of the team grant of which you are a member
    • Departmental RVO – contact the head of your department
    • International mobility 2024/2025 project – contact the Vice-Dean for doctoral studies, details about the applications are listed below
    • Supervisor’s project

    Other options for financial support outside university sources:

    • Erasmus+ - information about the project can be found here, the administrator at our faculty is Mgr. Barbora Okosy
    • Fulbright scholarships – for stays at the USA, more information here
    • Of the extraordinary funding opportunities are students informed via email

    If you wish to apply for support from the International mobility 2024/2025 project, please submit your motivation letter to the Vice-Dean for doctoral studies doc. RNDr. Eva Nováková, Ph.D., at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In your application, please include:

    • Full name
    • Year of study
    • Study programme + subject of your dissertation thesis
    • Length of the stay abroad (if you have a more precise idea about possible dates of your stay, please specify them
    • Clearly defined goals
    • Financial budget (cost of flights/tickets, accomodation, what other financial sources are you requesting/have support from)

    All the circumstances – length and location of the internship, support from other sources, the total amount of funding available – are taken into account in awarding and determining the amount of financial support from the university project. If the location or length of the internship eventually change (the internship is shorter or in a more financially available country), the financial contribution will be reduced proportionaly.

    Student can apply for the support from the university project once per year, and the project supports expenses for a maximum of 3 months. Priority is given to students who have not yet completed the minimum required duration of a study stay (1 month).

    Financial support of conferences abroad

    Sources of financial support of internships can be used as well for support of international conferences, with departments having resources reserved especially for them.

    Students are required to present their results at least once during the standard time of study at an international conference, where the language of the meeting is English or, with the approval of the Specialist Board, another world language. The conference is to be registered in IS/STAG as a course under the code:

    XXX/907 – Conference Presentation (in foreign language) – xxx = departmental code
    The credit for fulfilment is awarded by the Chair of the SB after the student submits a copy of the poster or copies from the collection of abstracts.

  • Grants

    For more detailed information about grants available at the Faculty of Science, read the section Research


    The Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia (Grantová agentura Jihočeské univerzity) aims to support quality research of students of doctoral and master’s degree programmes at USB. GA JU supports students in two ways:

    1. as members of the team projects (managed by a JU employee, but at least half of the team members must be students). The projects last for three years and there may be a turnover of students during the project duration. The project enables the team members to draw funds for research activities, including travel expenses and regular and extraordinary scholarships. Each included student must be within the standard period of study plus one year.
    2. as a principal investigator of individual projects (submitted by students), which are usually focused on research activities carried out by students of the doctoral study program in full-time study (and during the standard study time). The duration of an individual project is 1 or 2 years.

    More information about GA JU can be found here.

    The assignment of doctoral students to the research teams is solved dynamically throughout the project duration, according to the termination of the students‘ involvement and the admission of new students and their involvement in scientific activities. The aim is that every active full-time doctoral student in standard period should be involved in the activities of just one team project.

    After enrolment, students are assigned to a GA JU team project from which they receive a stipend for their work on the team project.

    Team projects

    Project code


    Principal investigator


    Ecosystem biology + Limnology

    RNDr. Karolína Tahovská, Ph.D.



    prof. Mgr. Radim Šumbera, Ph.D.


    Biophysics + Biochemistry + Applied physics

    prof. Mgr. Ivana Kutá Smatanová, Ph.D.


    Parasitology + Molecular and cell biology

    prof. RNDr. Václav Hypša, CSc.



    prof. RNDr. Oldřich Nedvěd, CSc.


    Botany + Plant physiology

    RNDr. Libor Ekrt, Ph.D.


    KMB + Genetics

    Mgr. Adam Bajgar, Ph.D.


    Infection biology

    doc. RNDr. Jindřich Chmelař, Ph.D.

Read more …Financial support

  • Hits: 17577

D123 - on specifying the conditions for the study of citizens from sanctioned countries

Provision of the Dean D 123
on specifying the conditions for the study of citizens from sanctioned countries

on 1. August 2023

Studies at the Faculty of Science are generally governed by Act No. 111/1998 Coll., This Measure specifies the conditions of study for citizens of countries against which national or international sanctions involving technical assistance and intangible technology transfer are applied. According to the European Commission Opinion C(2019/5883) of 5 August 2019, technical assistance includes the provision of education.

Article 1. List of countries whose nationals are covered by this Measure

The list of sanctioned countries is set out in Annex 1 to this Measure. This list shall be drawn up and updated on the basis of the provisions currently in force and shall be reviewed at least once a year.

Article 2. Enrolment of individual subjects

A student who is a national of a country listed in Annex 1 to this Measure may be de-enrolled in a course identified as at-risk or prevented from enrolling in such a course. In the event of cancellation of enrolment in a course, the student will be notified in writing by a message sent to the school email.

Article 3. Theses assignment

A student who is a national of a country listed in Annex 1 to this Measure may only be assigned a qualifying thesis that is purely basic research and will be published in full immediately after submission for defence. Publication shall be arranged by the study department, unless the student himself/herself has set it when submitting the thesis. The student, the thesis supervisor and any external partner must sign an informed consent to the immediate full publication of the work after submission for defence before the submission of the thesis or dissertation, i.e. the submission of the assignment protocol. In the case of dissertations, the informed consent is signed during the admission procedure and forms part of the documentation for the decision on the outcome of the procedure. The informed consent form is attached as Annex 2 to this Measure.

Article 4. Collaboration on research projects

A student who is a national of a country listed in Annex 1 to this measure may not be part of a research team conducting applied research or basic research for which rapid commercialisation can reasonably be expected.

Article 5. Closing remarks

  1. This measure shall enter into force on the date of its issue.
  2. Theses commissioned before this measure is issued is not affected, but supervisors are requested to apply the measure as far as possible.


In České Budějovice, on 1. August 2023

prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
dean PřF JU

Read more …D123 - on specifying the conditions for the study of citizens from sanctioned countries

  • Hits: 861

Lenka Gahurová

Mgr. Lenka Gahurová, Ph.D. (née Veselovská)

head of the Developmental Epigenetics and Bioinformatics Laboratory

Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia
Branišovská 31, 37005 České Budějovice
building B, ground floor, door 181
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. +420 389 032 275

Mgr. Lenka Gahurová, Ph.D. (née Veselovská)

Current possition

Assistant professor and group leader since 2023

Developmental Epigenetics and Bioinformatics Laboratory, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

Previous possitions

postdoctoral research fellow 5/2015 – 12/2022

 Laboratory of Early Mammalian Development, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

research scientist and bioinformatician (part-time) 2/2017 – 12/2022

Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Germ Cells, Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics CAS, v.v.i, Libechov, Czech Republic

bioinformatician (part-time) 10/2020 – 12/2022

Laboratory of Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry CA, v.v.i, Prague, Czech Republic


Ph.D. in Developmental Epigenetics 2011 - 2015

Epigenetics Programme, Babraham Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, supervisor: Dr. Gavin Kelsey

MSc. in Genetics 2009 – 2011

Molecular Biology and Virology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, supervisor: Prof. Ilona Hromadníková

visiting MSc. student of Genetics Part II Programme 2009 – 2010

Department of Genetics, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom including 11 months research project at Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom, supervisor Dr. Lucy Raymond

BSc. in Biology 2006-2009

Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Competitive fellowships and scholarships awarded

TUBITAK 12/2022

The scientific and technological research council of Turkiye) short-term visiting fellowship (travel and personal costs associated with academic visit)

Pamětný grant Martiny Roeselové 11/2021

1 of 4 awards for excellent young scientists with children under age of 6

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship 6/2017-7/2021

24 months (suspended for total 26 months for 2 maternity leaves)

University of South Bohemia postdoctoral fellowship 2006-2009

1 award per year in Natural Sciences (salary only)

Keystone Symposia The Future of Science Fund Scholarship 1/2014

1 of 4 awards selected from abstracts, for participation at the Keystone Symposium on Epigenetic Programming and Inheritance, Boston, US

Babraham Institute and University of Cambridge European Ph.D. scholarship 10/2011-9/2014

1 of 3 awards, full university fees and living costs for 36 months

Read more …Lenka Gahurová

  • Hits: 27221

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