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Jaromír Beneš presented the history of domestication at the Max Planck Institute

Jaromír Beneš from the Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Paleoecology gave an invited lecture at the Max Planck Institute conference centre in Ringberg, Bavaria, on the topic "Who domesticated who? The radiation pathways of earliest agriculture in Eurasia and Africa". At the small but prestigious conference "Domesticating Earth", organised by the Institute of Geoanthropology of the MP, he spoke about the relationships between people, climate, plants and animals on the Near East, Africa, Anatolia and Europe axis. He highlighted the extraordinary role of the postglacial climate and the considerable differences between the mechanisms of domestication of plants and animals in Europe and Africa.

Invited guests include world-leading experts in genetics, archaeobotany, archaeozoology and archaeology from the USA, the UK, Germany, Japan, Israel, Australia, Italy and Spain. Read more about the conference here.

Jaromír Beneš as the author of the book The Origins of Agriculture in the Old World was the only representative from the Czech Republic. Among other things, he is preparing an English revised and expanded edition of the book from 2018.

He also used several projects of the Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Paleoecology to prepare his lecture, especially those from Northern Macedonia and Senegal.


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