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Department of Computer Science

Final Thesis

Advices for Assignments and Writing of Final Thesis

Final thesis is a student work, which the student must create to pass successfully bachelor's and (follow-up) master's study. In the final thesis, the studet proves his/her ability to solve independently a concrete task from the area Informatics and also apply knowledges gained during study.

The topic of final thesis is primarily defined by the student with his/her chosen thesis supervisor. The student together with his/her thesis supervisor compose the chosen topic into "Diploma Thesis Assignment Protocol", which you can see here, Then, the student, his/her diploma thesis supervisor and the head of the department sign it. 

Recommended steps:
1. Choice of potential trainer from the list of employees ÚAI (in exceptional cases (on agreement) also external employee ÚAI can be the trainer). The potentional trainer should know the special area of the topic of the diploma thesis.
2. Meeting with trainer, specifying of topic of the final thesis.  In this phase, the student should already have the idea at least about areas of interests of his/her final thesis. 
3. Description of the topic in more details with supervisoring of the potential leader, who should evaluate if the chosen topic will be able to become a defensible final thesis.  
4. The thesis supervisor creates first version of Diploma Thesis Assignment Protocol and sends it to the student. This process can have more iterations.
5. Final version of Diploma Thesis Assignment Protocol is approved and delivered to the ÚAI secretary to start the signing process.
6. Signed approved Diploma Thesis Assignment Protocol is picked up and immediatelly delivered to the PřF Study Department.

For detailed information see here:

Recommended Steps for Writing and Defense

This article is a small guide of the UAI student, which tells how to apply final thesis, how to write it in a proper way and how to prepare for the defense of the final thesis.

When to apply for a bachelor's thesis

According to the PřF rules, the bachelor's thesis must be applied for at least in the fifth semester. We recommend not to pospone this so much and apply for the thesis in the end of second or before the beginning of the third year. Later, interesting topics could be booked and also teachers could refuse the student because he/she is already fully busy. 

With regards of time demands of diploma thesis, it is necessary to apply for it at the latest till the end of 1st semester of the follow-up study.

What subject to enroll for the last school year

It is necessary to enroll the subject FBI/890 in winter semester and subject FBI/891 in summer semester. The thesis supervisor decides about fulfillment.

Next, the student must enroll subjects UAI/776 Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 in winter semester and UAI/777 Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 in summer semester. In these subjects, the student learns another basic information about the structure and consequences of final thesis and tries (obligatory!) the diploma thesis defense 'on trial'. Credits are given by the teacher. 

How to write final thesis

It is necessary to keep the structure of the final thesis rules of PřF. Information about requirements of the final thesis, the student learns from his/her thesis supervisor, the faculty web, and seminaries Diploma Seminary 1 and 2.

Requirements of final thesis are described here.

Minimal range of bachelor's thesis is 20 pages, ín case of master's thesis it is 40 pages (counted without attachements). Source codes, documents etc. shoud be part of attachements.

Whom to ask, if you do not know anything

If you are not sure, ask your thesis supervisor, a teacher of the Diploma Seminary, a secretary or a head of the department. Study department or study vice-dean ask only in case of general questions (follow this order until you have the needy answer).

Some information, you can also find in the education web server Moodle , in seminaries Diploma Seminaries 1 and 2.

Information of older co-students and friends could be distorted. Rules could evolve during years, and also count with the fact that rules could vary from various faculties and departments.

When and how to submit final thesis

Let your final thesis check by your thesis supervisor in advance. But "in advance" is not a moment before finalizing of the final thesis. Keep in mind that the thesis supersisor can have more thesis to check, so if you want advices from him/her, he/she must have time to do so. In addition, you also will need time to correct the thesis and put inside the objections. 

Let your final thesis make completed in time (at least one week before submitting).

You must submit your final thesis both to the study department and upload it to STAG in an digital form. Attention, the digital form and the printed form must match. 

Until the same time, you must submit your final thesis to defense and submit to state exams through the faculty form. See here:

Legislation of Qualification Works

Act on Higher Education Institutions
and on Amendments and Supplements to Some Other Acts

§ 45

Bachelor’s Degree Programmes

(1) Bachelor’s degree programmes are intended to provide the qualifications for practicing a profession as well as for continuing to study in a Master’s degree programme

(2) The standard length of studies including practical training is no less than three and no more than four years.

(3) The degree programme is completed with a final state examination that as a rule includes the defence of a Bachelor’s thesis

(4) Graduates of Bachelor’s degree programmes are awarded the academic degree of “bakalář” (“Bachelor”, abbreviated as “Bc.”, used in front of the name). There is an equivalent academic degree in the area of the fine arts – “bakalář umění” (“Bachelor of Fine Arts”, abbreviated as “BcA.”, used in front of the name). Graduates in fine arts who were admitted to studies pursuant to subsection 48 (2) are awarded their academic degrees only upon completing secondary education completed by the “maturitní zkouška” exam, or tertiary professional education at a conservatory. 

§ 47b

Providing Public Access to Theses

(1)Higher education institutions are obliged to make public, at no profit to themselves, the Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral, and advanced Master’s (“rigorózní”) theses that have been defended at their institutions, including the readers’ reports and the document on the course of the defence and the results of the defence. The institution will do this by making available a database of these theses. The means of providing access to these theses is stipulated in the internal regulations of the higher education institution. The higher education institution will not make a Doctoral thesis public, if the Doctoral thesis was already made public by other means. 

(2) Bachelor’s Master’s, Doctoral, and advanced Master’s (“rigorózní”) theses that have been submitted by candidates for defence must also be made available to the public at least five days before the defence at a place designated for this purpose in the internal regulations of the higher education institution, and where this is not the case, in the department or other place at the higher education institution where the defence of the thesis will be taking place. Any individual is entitled, at his/her own expense, to make extracts, copies or photocopies of theses thus made available.

(3) By handing in a thesis, its author automatically gives assent to its being made public pursuant to the provisions of the Act, irrespective of the result of the defence.

§ 53

State Examinations

(1) State examinations take place before examination boards; state examinations and their results are public.

(2) The right to examine at state examinations is reserved for professors, associate professors and specialists approved by the relevant Scientific, Artistic, or Academic Board

(3) The Ministry may appoint additional members of examination boards, drawing on distinguished specialists in the relevant fields.

Whole law

The complete law you can see here

Corresponding rules of South Bohemian University

Study and examination regulations of JU

Measure of Rector R 156 of 8 June 2010 on the publication of dissertations, diplomas, bachelor's and rigorous theses of JU students

Rector's measure R 241 of 2 April 2013 for a unified visual style of JU

Faculty of Science

Measure of the Dean of the Faculty of Science number D48 dated 25.10.2011

Measure of the Vice-Dean for Studies No. P 1 on the submission of bachelor's and master's theses at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia dated 15 April 2011

(including relevant attachements)

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