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Information on the state exams and defences and the dresscode

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Information on how the defence proceeds

Very important! The submitted thesis itself is evaluated by the opponent and by the commission, as that is the thesis which also shown to the public; the submitted thesis can not be changed after the submission. Also, not only the quality of the laboratory work is evaluated by the the file of thesis - so, the written text, the picture, figures etc. in the thesis.

Bachelor state exams and defences

  • state exam - oral examination. Students draw a question (or questions) and then have 30 minutes to talk about it. It usually starts at 8 am. Immediately after the exam, it is announced if the student passed; complete results, including the grades, are usually announced afternoon (depending on the number of students) or the next day in person or by mail. In exceptional cases, you can ask for a written exam. A set of questions for the state exams is available online.
  • defence - 45 minutes are reserved for one student. You need a presentation for a maximum of 12 minutes. The evaluation by the supervisor and the opponent are read after your presentation. Next, you answer the question(s) of the opponent (the answers can be included at the end of the presentation, after the "Thank you" slide). Lastly, you will answer the questions from the commission and the guests. Next, everybody except the commission members (which includes the supervisor) leaves and the commission will discuss the thesis and vote on the grade. The result is announced immediately after the defence.

Master state exams and defences

  • defence is usually the first - 60 minutes reserved for one student. You need a presentation for a maximum of 15 minutes. The evaluation by the supervisor and the opponents are read after your presentation. Next, you answer the opponents' questions (the answers can be included in the presentation after the "Thank you" slide). Lastly, you will answer the questions from the commission and the guests. Next, everybody except the commission members (which includes the supervisor) leaves, and the commission will discuss the thesis and vote on the grade. The result is announced immediately after the defence.
  • state exam - usually after the defence - oral, approximately 15 minutes per subject (3 subjects).

Students working on their MSc thesis in Linz - you must submit the assignment of the Master's thesis also at USB (not only at JKU), and you must apply for the state exam and defence also at USB (even though you do it at JKU), and you must submit your thesis before the defence also at USB.


BSc Biological Chemistry state exam (for the most current curriculum) - you must choose:


Biochemistry - contents of the courses Biochemistry 1. Biochemistry 2. Biochemistry Laboratory 1. Biochemistry Laboratory 2
Cellular and Molecular Biology - contents of the courses Methods in Molecular Biology. Cellular and Molecular Biology and Genetics I 

+ one from:

Biology of Plants - contents of the courses Plant diversity and ecology, Plant Biochemistry 
Biology of Animals - contents of the courses Biology of Animals, Animal Physiology 
Biology of Microorganisms - contents of the courses Biology of Microorganisms, Environmental, medical and technological aspects of microbiology
Biomedicine - contents of the courses Clinical Biochemistry, Introduction into Biomedicine, Biopharmacy 
Omics in Systems Biology - contents of the courses Introduction to Bioinformatics. Omics in Systems Biology


MSc Biological Chemistry state exam (for the most current curriculum) - you must choose:

1. UCH/SN11 Advanced Biology and Biochemistry - covers UCH/020 Gene and Protein Engineering, UCH/013E Principles and Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UCH/060 Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modelling of Biomolecules and UCH/784 Cellular and Molecular Biology 2 + select one module, every module covers the listed courses:

- Biological Elective: Advances in Biological Systems – lectures UCH/045 Glycobiochemistry, KMB/217 Methods of Functional Genomics, KME/723 Immunology, and UCH/052 Xenobiochemistry and Toxicology;
- Biological Elective: Molecular and Developmental Biology – lectures KMB/614 Cell Regulation and Signaling, KPA/604 Molecular Phylogenetics, KMB/759 Genetics the Molecular Approach, and KMB/618 Epigenetics and regulation of gene expression;
- Biological Elective: Structural Biology Techniques – lectures UCH/027 X-Ray Crystallography, UCH/651 Optical Methods in Biochemistry, UFY/EM1 Electron Microscopy I and UFY/EM2 Electron Microscopy II;

2. UCH/SN36 General Chemistry, select a subject:
- Fundamentals of Chemistry and Technology for Biological Chemists
- Fundamentals of Chemistry and Technology for Technical Chemists

3. UCH/SN12 Biological Chemistry Masters Elective, select one of these, but it should not be covered in the module selected in UCH/SN11 and it should be related to your thesis:

Gene and Protein Engineering


Electron Microscopy

X-ray Crystalography

Fluorescence spectroscopy

Cell Signaling

Computational Chemistry






Molecular Phylogeny


Do not forget to APPLY for the stae exams or the defence (or both at the same term) within the deadline.


You should get the supervisor's and the opponent's review at least three days before the defence - they should be uploaded to the STAG and sent to you as well.


You can check what are the supervisor and the opponent evaluating to give you some hints, in addition to the requirements and recommendation on writing theses:

Supervisor review form

Opponent review form

Requirements and recommendations for writing theses at the Dept. of Chemistry

The course of the defence

Usually the defence of BSc and MSc theses looks like this:

1) the head of the commission welcomes and introduces the student, the commission, and the audience.

2) student presents the presentation/defends her/his thesis, usually finishing with the "Thank you" slide

3) supervisor presents her/his review

4) the opponent (or two in the case of MSc theses) presents her/his review

5) student answers the questions and comments of the opponent. For MSc theses defences, student can answer first the questions and comments of the first opponent, then the 2nd opponent presents her/his review and students answers those questions and comments

6) all commission members can ask any question and student answers

7) audience can ask

8) everybody except the commission leaves and the commission discusses and votes on the grade

9) the grade is announced


Questions and comments in the opponent's review

You can include the answers to the questions and comments after the "Thank you" slide



You should wear a formal or business casual dress for the defence


Read more …Information on the state exams and defences and the dresscode

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Student awards and graduates

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Student awards and graduates

  • Rector's Prizes and Dean's Prizes awarded to our students

    Rector's Awards

    ak. year       name                               programme
    2015/2016 Bc. Jacqueline Ecker            Biological Chemistry
    2015/2016 Bc. Matthias Guggenberger  Biological Chemistry
    2018/2019 BSc. Paul Strasser               Biological Chemistry
    2018/2019 Bc. Nora Hagleitner             Biological Chemistry
    2018/2019 Bc. Klára Pilsová                 Chemie
    2020/2021 Bc. Kateřina Machulová       Chemie

     2022/2023 BSc. Laura Zellner               Biological CHemistry

    2023/2024 Bc. Miroslava Bromová     Biochemistry

    Dean's Awards for Outstanding Research Achievement

    ak. year       name                               programme
    2015/2016 Mgr. Helena Mondeková                  Biological Chemistry
    2015/2016 Mgr. Alexander Christoph Haindrich  Biological Chemistry
    2016/2017 Mgr. Marie Jakešová                       Biological Chemistry
    2016/2017 Mgr. Monika Litviňuková                  Biological Chemistry
    2016/2017 Mgr. Dajana Tanasic                       Biological Chemistry
    2017/2018 Mgr. Karel Hořejší                           Chemie životního prostředí
    2018/2019 Mgr. Katharina Böttinger                 Biological Chemistry
    2018/2019 Mgr. Lisa Hain, MSc                        Biological Chemistry
    2018/2019 Mgr. Klára Pilsová                           Chemie životního prostředí
    2022/2023 Bc. Klára Švihovcová                      Chemie
    2022/2023 Bc. Josef Troup                              Chemie
    2022/2023 Mgr. Anna Koutská                         Biochemie

    2023/2024 Nina Dudáková                Biological Chemistry

    2023/2024 Alfred Emiri              Biological Chemistry

    2023/2024 Ondřej Šimeček        Biological Chemistry

    2023/2024 Teresa Wagner        Biological Chemistry

    2023/2024 Bc. Miroslava Bromová     Biochemistry

    Dean's Prizes for outstanding research achievements awarded to students who worked on their theses at the Department of Chemistry

    2016/2017 Mgr. Jaroslav Ondruš Experimentální biologie
    2017/2018 Mgr. Hana Mašková Klinická biologie


    Dean's awards for outstanding scientific achievements

    ak. year       name                               programme
    2021/2022 Mgr. Barbora Kaščáková, Ph.D. Biochemie

  • Awards and achievements of our students


    Martina Poncarová (Ph.D. student) - 1. místo, Cena prof. Sládečka, XX. konference "Toxicita a biodegradibilita odpadů a látek významných ve vodním prostředí"


    Two 2nd year students of the Biological Chemistry bachelor programme have a scientific publication.

  • Outstanding bachelor theses award by the head of the Department of Chemistry


    Jana Adali for her thesis Correlation of absolute chlorophyll content to the photosynthesis capacity under different management regimes in two wet grassland plants Carex canescens and Phalaris 
    Nina Dudáková for her thesisElucidation of the function of Kap60 and Kap95 in the tRNA retrograde pathway in Trypanosoma brucei.
    Alfred Emiri for his thesis Elucidation of the retrograde transport of contact-dependent inhibition (CDI) toxins through bacterial SecYEG translocon complex.
    Václav Hinterhölz for his thesis Determination of selected boswellic acids in frankincense resin and its products by high-performance liquid
    chromatography with spectrophotometric detection.
    Natasha Machate for her thesis Researching the capacity of fungal strains to consume methane.
    Laura Nosková for her thesis Eating the cold air: Isolation and identification of aerobic psychrophilic diazotrophs from permafrost soil.
    Pavel Kožnar for his thesis Use of graphical software tools for vizualization of molecules, formulae and graphs during chemistry education at high schools and grammar schools.
    Ondřej Šimeček for his thesis Genome size stability of dried tissues of selected genera of ferns and lycophytes.
    Teresa Wagner for her thesis Investigation of MICOS in two life cycle stages of Trypanosoma brucei.
    Runa Weissengruber for her thesis How endophytic actinobacteria respond to pharmaceuticals present in soil?


    Philipp Hebesberger for his thesis Sirtuins as regulators of apoptosis induced proliferation in the eye of Drosphila melanogaster

    Moritz Keller for his thesis The secrets encoded in the draft genome of Lentzea sp. strain BCCO-61, isolated from reclaimed mining heaps

    Angela Kienberger for her thesis Detection and isolation of relapsing fever spirochete, Borrelia miyamotoi, from Ixodes ricinus collected in the Czech Republic: separation of relapsing fever and Lyme disease spirochetes by cultivation on solid medium

    Konstantin Kosenko for his thesis Combination of immunotherapy with inhibitors of glutamine metabolism

    Anna Kruglhuber for her thesis Mechanism of retrograde transport in contact-dependent inhibition (CDI) toxins through the bacterial translocon.

    Ondřej Kuchynka for his thesis Studies of expression and localization of endogenous G-protein subunits using bioluminescence imaging

    Palavinnage D. Sanchila Kumaranatunga for her thesis Towards the establishment of a curated database for the signature gene of aerobic methane oxidizing microorganisms.

    Mia Nußbaumer for her thesis Role of the serotonin receptor type 7 (5-HT7) in autoimmune disease

    Nikola Opolzerová for her thesis Možnosti fotochemické degradace sulfonamidů a antibiotik ze skupiny diaminopyrimidinů

    Solomia Pylypchuk for her thesis Molecular cloning, expression and purification of the tick salivary serpin IRS-7

    Audra Salburg for her thesis 3D SBF-SEM analysis of inner organization of unicellular protist cell.

    Klára Švihovcová for her Stanovení vybraných pohlavních a stresových hormonů savců pomocí APCI-LC/MS

    Josef Troup for his thesis Stanovení vybraných fenolů v cigaretových nedopalcích pomocí kapalinové chromatografie

    Adéla Veselá for her thesis Vývoj metody pro stanovení vybraných aromatických aminů pomocí LC/MS

    Sabrina Vranjes for her thesis Differential expression of genes in replicative (spiral) and persistent (biofilms) forms of the causative agent of human Lyme borreliosis

    Isabela Marie Vlasak for her thesis Identifying and quantifying the degradation efficiency of chitinase in Pseudomonas.

    Victoria Weijler for her thesis Biocontrol of slugs: Effects of slug parasitic nematodes and bacterial metabolites on harmful slugs.


    Jacqueline Bittner for her thesis Validation of mitochondrial localization and essentiality of prioritized proteins assigned to the tripartite attachment complex in the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei

    Miroslava Bromová for her thesis A link between structure and activity of acyclic nusleoside phosphonates, inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei purine phosphoribosyl transferases

    Marco Halbeisen for his thesis Modelling of tick borne enecephalitis virus (TBEV) proteins and their complexes

    Vladyslav Lazebnyk for his thesis Assembly of the unique Trypanosoma brucei F1-ATP synthase

    Robin Schürz for his thesis Comparison of metabolic pathways in insect symbiotic bacteria


    Mirjam Odermatt for her thesis Investigation of stability and dynamics of photosynthetic pigment- protein complexes using optical spectroscopy

    Laura Zellner for her thesis Preparation of antibodies to determine the association of mitoribosomal complexes with mitochondrial membrane


    Anna-Marija Andova for her thesis Determining the subcellular compartment in which the unique cleavage of mitochondrial F1 ATPase subunit alpha happens

    Marc Ninou-Codina for his thesis Theoretical study of bacteriochlorophyll aggregates using methods of quantum chemistry and molecular mechanics

    Lena Graf for her thesis Transformation of marine protist Diplonema papillatum – characterization of selected cell lines

    Sasha Gratzl for his thesis Post-transcriptional regulation of TbIF1 in life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei

    David Hollaus for his thesis Determining the role of F0F1-ATP synthase dimers in Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial biogenesis

    Iryna Kondrashchenko for her thesis Evaluation of different methods of glycan enrichment to their subsequent MS identification

    Amelie Klein for her thesis Phylogenetic and seasonal patterns in the microbiome of mosquito vectors

    Melissa Leibetseder for her thesis Latitudinal effect on mosquitoes microbiota

    Vanja Mirosavljević for her thesis Effect of high fat diet feeding on resistance to bacterial infection in Drosophila melanogaster

    Nora Müller for her thesis The novel kinetoplastid kinesin TbKIFx and its partner TbPH1 are associated with specific cytoskeletal structures of Trypanosoma brucei

    Sebastian Tschernuth for his thesis The role of juvenile hormone during immune reponse in Drosophila melanogaster

  • Absolventi na Katedře chemie/Graduates at the Department of Chemistry

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Read more …Student awards and graduates

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Bachelor's Study Programs

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Bachelor's Study Programs

  • Chemistry (in Czech, with the following Czech MSc programmes Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry)

    Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Martin Kabeláč, Ph.D. Study in Czech only.

    Bachelor's study programme Chemistry at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia provides the students basic knowledge of all classicla chemistry branches - inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physicl chemistry, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry. These are two semestral courses with lectures, seminars, and practical laboratories. Additional courses are provided, such as general chemistry, chemical calculations, terminology, chemical informatics, methods in chemistry, mathematics, physics, and other.

    Undergraduates of Chemistry should be theoretically and practically prepared in all chemistry branches and through contact with other natural sciences at the FSci USB further develops her/his personality and scope.

    Elective courses provide further specializations and development in chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics, or (Bio-)Informatics. Thus an interdisciplinary education is provided.

  • Biological Chemistry in English at the Faculty of Science USB and Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria (with the following English MSc programme Biological Chemistry)

    Guarantors: prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D. (PřF JU); prof. Frans Mulder (JKU). Study in English only.

    Cross-borded program - Unviersity of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and Johannes Kepler Unviersity in Linz. Study in English only.

    The Bachelor's double-degree program in Biological Chemistry is organized and supported by the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the JKU Linz and the Faculty of Sciences at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

    The program focuses on competency skills and knowledge transfer in biological sciences, and also international experience and training as a chemist to pursue professional, scientific, and application-oriented careers. The program incorporates essential areas of chemistry crucial for overall knowledge in the field and also addresses an analysis of biological systems as well as areas of biology in which chemical procedures are crucial.
    General education covers base knowledge in areas of inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Compared to studies in “Technical Chemistry”, this program provides concentrated, in-depth instruction in areas of biological chemistry and biology.

    The Bachelor Curriculum of Biological Chemistry consists of Biochemistry, Mathematics, and Physics, Biology, Analytical Chemistry, General and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Informatics, Communications and Ethics, Physical Chemistry, Elective subjects, Molecular Biology.

    The program is conducted entirely in English - B2 level is required for admission. Non-natively English-speaking participants must attend the courses titled “English for Chemists". Participants with proof of proficient knowledge of English need not take these courses (recognition process required). For them, we recommend alternative language courses, e.g., in Czech. The curriculum has been designed so that students spend ca. 50 % of the program studying at each university.

    All applicants must must pass an entrance test from basics of chemistry and mathematics.

    A fee for studying at FSc USB in a foreign language is 500 CZK (or 20 EURO), as stated in the Provision of the Dean No. 83. Za studium v cizím jazyce se na PřF JU platí poplatek 500 Kč (anebo 20 EURO) za rok, viz Opatření děkanky D83.

    Potential Career Opportunities
    The academic degree qualifies graduates to pursue careers as project and research assistants or laboratory managers in the field of Life Sciences. The international nature of the program, combined with English as the main language of instruction, particularly qualifies graduates for professions in multinational environments (such as EU institutions and internationally active business and corporations).

    Program of Study: Bachelor's Degree in Biological Chemistry
    Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science (BSc) of the JKU Linz and a Bachelor's degree (Bc) awarded by the University of Southern Bohmemia (two diplomas, two titles)
    Program Length: 6 Semesters

    a helpful booklet on how to wurvive the first year in Linz, wrote by the first studednts of the study program.

    Students are supported by various stipends from USB and JKU during their studies - the Dept. of Study Affairs will provide more information. Further possibilities fo stipends for students outside Austria.

    First graduates of the Biological Chemistry program.

    Bachelor and Master theses

    The requirements for theses is very different at JKU and USB, especially for bachelor thesis. please, read the information on theses writing and number of submitted copies!


    Facebook group of Biological Chemistry students

    University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
    Faculty of Science

    Branišovská 31

    370 05 České Budějovice

    Czech Republic

    Johannes Kepler University Linz
    Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

    Altenbergerstr. 69

    A - 4040 Linz


    Student Services Departments:


    Tel.: +420 387 772 249
    e-mail: studijni (at)

    Jindřiška Trefná jtrefna (at)

    Tel.: +43 732 2468 1312
    e-mail: lss (at)



    Prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
    e-mail: vacha (at)
    Tel.: +420 387 776 224

    Dr. Ján Štěrba
    e-mail: sterbaj (at)
    Tel.: +420 387 776 220

    Univ.-Prof. Frans Mulder
    e-mail: frans.mulder (at)
    Tel.: +43 732 2468 9300

    Dr. Adriana Rathner

    e-mail: adriana.rathner (at)

  • Chemistry for Education (in czech, with the following MSc program Chemistry for Education for Secondary Schools)

    Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Martin Kabeláč, Ph.D. Study in Czech only.

    Bachelor's study programme Chemistry for Education is first part of studies of the future teachers at secondary schools. Students choose an adidtional approbation together with Chemistry. At FSci USB, several combinations are possible - any combination of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, and Informatics.
    Undergraduates of this study programme are bachelors of Chemistry and of another scientific branch and can furher study the master's study programme Chemistry for Education for Secondary Schools or in one of the interdisciplinary Macter's study programmes such as Biochemistry, biophysics, Experimental Biology (with several specializations such as Molecular Biology).


Read more …Bachelor's Study Programs

  • Hits: 13875

Master's Study Programs

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Master's Study Programs

  • Environmental Chemistry (in Czech)

    Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Šárka Klementová, CSc. Study in Czech only.

    Master's study programme Environmental Chemistry is intended for Bachelor's in Chemistry and provides a specialized education in Chemistry fields related to the environment. Curriculum contains both lectures and practical laboratories. A very important part of the studies is highly credited Master's Thesis which should represent an independent research topic.

  • Biochemistry (in Czech)

    Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Ivana kutá Smatanová CSc. Study in Czech only, English version in preparation.

    Master's study programme Biochemistry is intended for Bachelor's in Chemistry and provides specialised education in Biochemistry. Graduates are prepared for a future career in biochemical and biotechnological laboratories and institutions working in research, development, industry, or supervision. Students gain knowledge in advanced biochemical disciplines including practical skills with up-to-date instrumentation and methods. Developing communication skills and the English language are also included.

    Graduates can continue their studies in various PhD. programmes, including Biochemistry.

  • Biological Chemistry in English at the Faculty of Science USB and Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria

    Guarantors: prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D. (PřF JU); prof. Frans Mulder (JKU)

    Cross-borded program - Unviersity of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and Johannes Kepler Unviersity in Linz. Study in English only.

    The joint Master's degree program in Biological Chemistry is organized and supported by the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the JKU Linz and the Faculty of Sciences at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.


    The primary goal of the study program is to provide state-of-the-art education that encompasses molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics. The program represents an alternative extension of modern molecular, cellular and structural biology towards biochemistry, bio-organic chemistry, and biophysics.

    The length of the study is 2.5 years (5 semesters).

    • The first year of master's study should take place in Linz and involves the study of chemistry, structural biochemistry, and biophysical chemistry.Students should find a supervisor and a topic for their master theses already in the first year of their study.
    • The second year of study focuses on structural, molecular, and systems biology and takes place in Ceske Budejovice.
    • Students spend the fifth and final semester, at the University, where they are working on their master theses.

    A fee for studying at FSc USB in a foreign language is 500 CZK (or 20 EURO), as stated in the Provision of the Dean No. 83. Za studium v cizím jazyce se na PřF JU platí poplatek 500 Kč (anebo 20 EURO) za rok, viz Opatření děkanky D83.

    The program is conducted entirely in English. Applicants from study programs other than Bachelor Biological Chemistry and other universities must provide a sufficient TOEFL score or pass an exam (see below).

    The emphasis during the study is laid on modern forms of study focused on practical instruction with the use of modern information technology. A significant portion of the study program consists of practical training, praxis in research laboratories, and involvement in research projects.

    Successful completion of the master's degree program will open the door to continuing on to doctoral studies in biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, or bioorganic chemistry. Graduates of the cross-border Biological Chemistry study program will receive a professional qualification at the frontier of modern chemistry and biology. This will clear the path for a wide range of employment positions at institutions undertaking basic and applied research and development, in chemical and biological laboratories, at biotechnology companies, universities, institutes of the Academy of Sciences, and private companies. Excellent knowledge of the English language will prepare graduates of this attractive discipline for involvement in international research teams or work abroad.

    Joint-degree means that the students are working on one master thesis (either at USB or JKU) and their studies will be finished by one state exam and defence (at the university, where the master thesis is done). Students receive two diplomas and one title (Mgr in Czech and the equivalent MSc in Austria).

    a helpful booklet on how to survive the first year in Linz, written by the first students of the study program.



    Admission to the study program is based primarily on the applicant's academic credentials and his/her knowledge of biology/chemistry/biophysics and the English language. Admission is granted without regard to sex, age, religion, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or marital status. The master’s “Biological Chemistry” study program welcomes qualified candidates for transfer admission from accredited universities with a completed bachelor's degree in molecular and cellular biology, chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, or related fields showing substantial knowledge of biology and chemistry comparable to graduates of our bachelor Biological Chemistry program.

    An official TOEFL level of at least B2 (SERR) will be required. The candidates without this TOEFL level will have to pass the internal English test at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia (FS USB).

    A) Students who successfully graduated in the bachelor program Biological Chemistry from USB and JKU are admitted to the master's program automatically (be aware of the deadlines for application into the master study programmes - you need to apply in advance).

    B) Applicants for masters program Biological Chemistry from other programs or universities

    Applicants with sufficient background in chemistry and biology will have to pass a written exam composed of three parts:

    • Biochemistry
    • Molecular Biology
    • General, Organic, and Analytical Chemistry.


    Tuition fee
    According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, students are required to pay a tuition fee. The tuition fee reflects extra administration and operational costs connected with running the study program in a foreign language (estimated to be around 10 EUR per student). The precise amount will be declared by the dean of the Faculty of Science at the beginning of each calendar year, in accordance with the Study and Exam Guidelines of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.

    Students are supported by various stipends from USB and JKU during their studies - the Dept. of Study Affairs will provide more information. Further possibilities fo stipends for students outside Austria.


    Requirements for successful completion of studies
    The requirements follow the Internal guidelines of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Further requirements are specified in the Internal guidelines of the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. To complete the master’s study program in Biological Chemistry, four basic requirements have to be fulfilled. The student has to pass all required exams and acquire a sufficient amount of credits (≥ 150). The student is also required to defend a master's thesis and subsequently pass a final oral exam.


    Bachelor and Master theses

    The requirements for theses is very different at JKU and USB, especially for the bachelor thesis. please, read the information on theses writing!



    Facebook group of Biological Chemistry students

    University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
    Faculty of Science

    Branišovská 31

    370 05 České Budějovice

    Czech Republic

    Johannes Kepler University Linz
    Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

    Altenbergerstr. 69

    A - 4040 Linz


    Student Services Departments:


    Tel.: +420 387 772 249
    e-mail: studijni (at)

    Jindřiška Trefná jtrefna (at)

    Tel.: +43 732 2468 1312
    e-mail: lss (at)



    Prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
    e-mail: vacha (at)
    Tel.: +420 387 776 224

    Dr. Ján Štěrba
    e-mail: sterbaj (at)
    Tel.: +420 387 776 220

    Univ.-Prof. Frans Mulder
    e-mail: frans.mulder (at)
    Tel.: +43 732 2468 9300

    Dr. Adriana Rathner

    e-mail: adriana.rathner (at)


  • Chemistry for Educationfor Secondary Schools (in Czech)

    Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Martin Kabeláč, Ph.D. Study in Czech only.

    Master's study programme Chemistry for Education is the final second part of studies of the future teachers at secondary schools. Students choose an adidtional approbation together with Chemistry. At FSci USB, several combinations are possible - any combination of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, and Informatics.


Read more …Master's Study Programs

  • Hits: 13270

Doctoral Study Programs

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Doctoral Study Programs

  • Biochemistry (in Czech or in English)

    Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Ivana kutá Smatanová CSc. Study in Czech or in English possible.

    Contact: tel. 387 776 234; e-mail: kuta (at)

    In the case of studying in English, a fee for studying at FSc USB in a foreign language is 500 CZK (or equivalent in EURO), as stated in the Provision of Dean No. 83.

    PhD study programme Biochemistry prepares highly qualified scientists in the various fields of Biochemistry, representing a multidisciplinary science comprising Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. Bioinformatics is becoming an important part of biochemical studies recently. Postgraduates are the future heads of biochemical and biotechnological laboratories in research, development, industry, and supervision. They gain knowledge in functional and structural biochemistry and practical skills in various modern methodological and instrumental approaches used in studying the structure and function of living organisms and their components on the molecular level. The various research fields covered by the research groups participating in the programme provide a broad range of topics for students' individual development depending on their interests. Students learn various biochemical disciplines, methods in bioanalytical chemistry, biophysical studies of molecules and biocomplexes, molecular mechanisms of metabolic processes in solutions, biological membranes and living organisms. The various topics will be discussed in relation to recent scientific updates in natural sciences or biomedicine. The broad knowledge of various methods and instrumentation will prepare the graduates for independent sample preparation and processing of biological material.

    Requirements: finished MSc studies in Biology, Chemistry or Biochemistry.

    Possible theses topics:

    Crystallization and protein crystallography to provide protein structure using X-Ray diffraction analysis. Detailed knowledge of protein structure is a prerequisite for understanding its function. Students perform all the steps from the preparation and isolation of the protein using molecular biological and biochemical techniques, through crystal preparation and X-Ray diffraction to structure determination and analysis.

    Contact: prof. Ivana Kutá Smatanová (kuta (at)

    Interaction modelling between biomolecules and complex biological systems. Students use computational methods for modelling biological systems, primarily modelling analysis of dynamic changes in these systems. Students study the relationship between proteins' structure and function using molecular modelling. Results of the theoretical approaches are verified and compared with experimental data.

    Contact: dr. Michal Kutý (kuty (at)

    Study of macrocomplex mechanisms and dynamics. Students will use biophysical and structural methods to study of the mechanisms of formation and function of big macrocomplex systems, such as antennae complexes of photosynthetic pigments the role of RNA in the replication of viruses and in the regulation of cellular processes, mechanisms of recombination in leukocytes and how is it can cause some types of leukaemia, mechanisms of chromatin rearrangement, and membrane complex function in bacteria.

    Contact: dr. Roman Tůma (rtuma (at)

    Another project will search for the relation between the experimental and computational studies on hexameric viral RNA helicase P4 from the Phi8 (Phi8P4) bacteriophage. High-resolution structures with ADP/ATP will be studied together with the analogous transitional states using X-Ray crystallography, mass spectrometry with hydrogen/deuterium exchange, single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD), ab initio MD, and QM/MM calculations.

    Contact: dr. Zdeněk Franta (zfranta (at), dr. Filip Dyčka (fdycka (at), dr. Tomáš Fessl (fessl (at), dr. David Řeha (reha (at)

    Molecular mechanisms in the infection by tick-borne pathogens.
    Processes in cells of the mammalian host and the tick vector infected by tick-borne pathogens will be studied - tick-borne encephalitis virus and Lyme disease bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Various methodological approaches will be used - molecular biological and biochemical techniques, mass spectrometry, next-generation sequencing (transcriptomics, genomics, epigenetics), fluorescence and electron microscopy. Protein structures will be analysed in collaboration with The Austro-Czech RERI-uasb NMR Center at JKU in Linzi (Libor Hejduk, MSc. and Prof. Norbert Müller carry out this part of the research for USB).

    Contacts: Dr. Ján Štěrba (sterbaj (at), Dr. Martin Selinger (selinm01 (at), Prof. Norbert Müller (nmuller (at), Dr. Ryan Rego (rrego (at)

    Electron microscopy (EM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Em will be used for the localization of the various components in the cellular ultrastructure and studies of the surface morphology of samples. 3D reconstruction of the studied objects will be used as well. Biological sample preparation techniques for electron and correlation microscopy are part of the studies as well. AFM allows detailed visualization of surfaces and analysis of elastic properties of living cells, biological membranes, proteins and their complexes, peptides, polynucleotide chains, organic polymers and molecules in both the liquid and gas phase. This type of microscopy is also used to measure forces between all the aforementioned objects down to the level of non-covalent bonds between the individual molecules.

    Contact: ing. Jana Nebesářová (nebe (at), ing. Zdenko Gardian (zdenogardian (at), dr. David Kaftan (dkaftan (at)

    Analysis of structure and function of pigments and pigment-protein complexes from photosynthetic organisms. The effectivity of photosynthetic processes in plants, algae, and bacteria depends on the interplay of proteins, pigments, and enzymes. Students analyze the photosynthetic apparatus from the level of pigments up to the photosynthetic membrane. The individual components, as well as whole photosynthetic membranes, are studied using biochemical, biophysical methods, and bioinformatisc

    Contact: Dr. Radek Litvín (rlitvin (at)

    Study of ultrafast processes in molecules and proteins using femtosecond laser spectroscopy. Students study the excited states of molecules, primarily photosynthetic pigments, and solve problems related to energy transfer and/or of the charge in synthetic and natural systems, e.g., in photosynthetic proteins.
    Contact: prof. Tomáš Polívka (tpolivka (at)

    Study of spectroscopic properties of molecules and proteins using single-molecule spectroscopy. This method, uniquely combining microscopy and laser spectroscopy, allows studies on the properties of individual protein complexes and, due to averaging over high numbers of molecules/proteins, reveals the specific details hidden from the standard methods.

    Contact: prof. František Vácha (vacha (at)

    Study the role of lipid metabolism and the gene Impl2 in the immune response in Drosophila melanogaster. Molecular biological and biochemical methods will be used.

    Contact: dr. Adam Bajgar (BajgarAdam (at)

  • Doctor of Natural Sciences RNDr. - Biochemistry (in Czech)

    State rigorosum exam and thesis defence lead to a title of Doctor of Natural Sciences (rerum naturalium doctor) RNDr. in the field of Biochemistry (only in Czech, Biochemie). Contact: Prof. Ivanu Kutou Smatanovou (kuta (at)

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