Molecular Biology and Plant Physiology
RNDr. Tomáš Hájek, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
Scientific groups and supervisors:
prof. Ing. Jiří Šantrůček, CSc. – Stable isotopes in photosynthesis
Ing. Martin Janda, Ph.D. - Molecular plant-microbe interactions
RNDr. Tomáš Hájek, Ph.D.
Mgr. Iva Mozgová, Ph.D. – Plant epigenetics
doc. MSc. Michael Alois Wrzaczek, PhD. - Plant Molecular Signalling
prof. Hendrik Küpper, Ph.D. - Plant Biophysics and Biochemistry
doc. Ing. Roman Sobotka, Ph.D. – Laboratory of photosynthetic pigments
prof. RNDr. Josef Komenda, CSc., DSc. – Biogenesis of Photosystem II
prof. RNDr. Ondřej Prášil, Ph.D. - Ecophysiology of algae
RNDr. Pavel Hrouzek, Ph.D. - Bioactive compounds from Cyanobacteria
Selection of our students' publications:
- Pazderník, M, Mareš, J, Pilný, J, Sobotka, R: The antenna-like domain of the cyanobacterial ferrochelatase can bind chlorophyll and carotenoids in an energy-dissipative configuration. Journal of Biological Chemistry 294(29), 11131-11143, 2019. DOI:
- Bučinská, L, Kiss, É, Koník, P, Knoppová, J, Komenda, J, Sobotka, R: The Ribosome-Bound Protein Pam68 Promotes Insertion of Chlorophyll into the CP47 Subunit of Photosystem II. Plant Physiology 176(4), 2931-2942, 2018. DOI:
- Bečková, M, Gardian, Z, Yu, J, Konik, P, Nixon, PJ, Komenda, J: Association of Psb28 and Psb27 Proteins with PSII-PSI Supercomplexes upon Exposure of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 to High Light. Molecular Plant 10(1), 62-72, 2017. DOI: