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Contacts and agenda of the International Relations Office

  • prof. Mgr. Ivana Kutá Smatanová, Ph.D.
    Vice-Dean for Quality and International Relations

  • +420 389 036 234

  • kutá

  • Mgr. Barbora Okosy
    International Relations Officer/Erasmus coordinator

  • +420 389 036 212

    +420 734 690 272 

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The International Office of the Faculty of Science is methodically managed by the USB rectorate's International Relations Office and the vice-rector for international relations.

Agenda of the international department:

  • Erasmus + (KA131) - arrivals and departures of students for study stay and work placements, arrivals and departures of employees for educational stay and training from and to EU countries;
  • International credit mobility (KA107) - projects of EU countries with partner countries outside the EU - mobility administration;
  • Administration of bilateral agreements within the Erasmus+ program;
  • Ensuring short-term study and employee mobilities outside the Erasmus + program (for example: MŠMT, CEEPUS, free movers, mobilities based on Memorandum of Understanding, Quantitative Ecology Module and others);
  • Provision of the "Interní výzva" project - funding for mobility from USB outside the EU, students and academics;
  • Records of foreign mobility at the faculty (mainly student internships);
  • Cooperation with the personnel and study department regarding visa and residence issues of international students and employees;
  • Management and updating of the faculty website in the international relation agenda;
  • Cooperation with ESN USB Budweis (student association helping international students). 

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Realized projects

Realized projects

Overview of currently solved research and development projects:

  • PREDMAIN - AI-based Predictive Maintenance

    Vohnout Rudolf, Department of Computer Science
    01/10/2021 – 31/12/2022
    Interreg V-A Austria – Czech Republic

    Project manager: Mgr. Radka Bunešová


    Name EN: AI-based Predictive Maintenance 
    Solver: Vohnout, Rudolf,  Department of Computer Science
    Realization: 01/10/2021 – 31/12/2022
    Coordinator: Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH
    Partners: Intemac Solutions, s.r.o., AC2T research GmbH,  Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Compas automatizace, spol. s.r.o., Profactor GmbH
    Budget: 500 668,84 EUR (projekt), 69 993,46 EUR (Přf)
    Provider: Úřad zemské vlády Dolního Rakouska
    Program: Interreg V-A Austria – Czech Republic



    Predictive maintenance (PM) is currently considered the main application of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing. The related potential of manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises, which are very strongly represented in the program region, is not sufficiently used for several reasons. The conditions for the widespread application of artificial intelligence in predictive maintenance by small and medium-sized enterprises are largely absent. This also includes easy and uncomplicated use by operating personnel on site. Unlike maintenance workers in large companies, these workers are often not specifically trained in the possible applications, benefits and potential dangers of artificial intelligence in predictive maintenance. The goal of the project is therefore the creation and transfer of general and transferable knowledge for manufacturing SMEs on predictive maintenance (output) based on artificial intelligence applicable in a wide range of manufacturing and processing industries.


    • Research and demonstration of artificial intelligence algorithms for predictive maintenance with particular reference to the knowledge and needs of SMEs in the program region.
    • Cross-border linking of relevant research partners in this field with the aim of establishing long-term cooperation aimed at the synthesis, exchange and joint development of the state of knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence-based predictive maintenance of wear-prone equipment or components for manufacturing SMEs.
    • Creation and transfer of generic and transferable knowledge for manufacturing SMEs on AI-based predictive maintenance (output) applicable to a wide range of manufacturing and process industries.


    • General and transferable knowledge for SMEs in AI-based predictive maintenance.

  • MATTER - Mechnanisms and pathology of immune and metabolic dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders

    Fencková Michaela, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
    01/07/2021 – 30/06/2023
    MŠMT OPVVV, 02-20-079 MSCA IF IV, ID CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/20_079/0017633

    Project manager: Mgr. Ivana Očásková


    MATTER mobilita (ID CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/20_079/0017633)
    Name: Mechnanisms and pathology of immune and metabolic dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders
    Solver: Fencková Michaela
    Mentor: Doležal Tomáš, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
    Realization: 01/07/2021 – 30/06/2023
    Budget: 4 006 392 CZK (PřF)
    Provider: MŠMT
    Call: OPVVV, 02-20-079 MSCA IF IV



    Mental retardation (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are devastating and co-occurring neurodevelopmental disorders. Concomitant immune and metabolic pathologies have a major impact on disease morbidity and mortality, but treatment strategies are limited. I am convinced that identifying the underlying causal mechanisms can change this and lead to the development of effective treatments. I want to investigate the role of genetic defects responsible for cognitive and behavioral deficits in ID/ASD with immune and metabolic dysfunction. I will use the fruit fly model Drosophila melanogater, with strong genetic and biological similarities to humans. I will manipulate orthologous ID/ASD genes with important cognitive function, increased transcriptional activity in the immune response, and association with immune or metabolic abnormalities in individuals with ID/ASD. I will be looking for those that cause decreased survival in bacterial infection. Furthermore, I will determine which mechanisms are the basis of survival defects, verify their role in the immune response and immune-related metabolic processes, and try to restore the function of these processes by interfering with them. I expect to discover new therapeutic targets and strategies that can be translated into the clinic and eliminate immune and metabolic pathologies in people with ID/ASD. In addition, I will examine the relationship of immune metabolic dysfunction to cognitive deficits, a core feature of ID/ASD. If I find a connection, the newly discovered treatment strategies may also be useful in treating cognitive symptoms. So my research has great potential to open up a whole new biological topic in neurodevelopmental disorders. The improved research direction established in this Drosophila model project will allow me to capture the clinical complexity of ID/ASD disorders, advance my knowledge of the underlying mechanisms, and help me fulfill my long-term research mission: to find a cure for ID/ASD.


    • Research into the mechanisms and pathology of immune and metabolic dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders (autism spectrum disorder, ASD)
    • Identification of underlying causal mechanisms to develop effective treatment.
    • Investigating the role of genetic defects responsible for cognitive and behavioral deficits in ID/ASD disease in immune and metabolic dysfunction.


    • Publishing research results in top open access journals (PLOS Biology, eLife, Nature Communications).
    • Presentation of findings at international conferences.
    • Participation in various events such as school visits, open days, courses and the European Night of Scientists.

  • EvoGamesPlus - Evolutionary games and population dynamics: from theory to applications

    Křivan Vlastimil, Department of Mathematics
    01/03/2021 – 28/02/2025
    EC, H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020, ID 955708

    Project manager: Mgr. Kateřina Máchalová Zemanová

    EvoGamesPlus (ID 955708)
    Name: Evolutionary games and population dynamics: from theory to applications
    Solver: Křivan Vlastimil, Department of Mathematics
    Coordinator: Staňková Kateřina, University of Maastricht, Nizozemí
    Partners: City University of London, London, UK; Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaften EV, Munich, Germany; Okologiai kutatokozpont, Tihany, Hungary; Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, Netherlands; University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland; Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa, Poland; Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Vienna, Austria; Queen Mary University of London, London, UK; Universita degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy; The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom; Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem, Szeged, Hungary; Jihoceska univerzita v Ceskych Budejovicich, CZ; Instituto per L´Interscambio Scientifico, Torino, Italy
    Realization: 01/03/2021 – 28/02/2025
    Budget: 3 980 389,90 EUR (projekt) / 234 871,42 EUR (PřF)
    Provider: European Commission
    Program: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020


    Evolutionary game theory (ETH) was developed as a mathematical means of describing Darwinian evolution. She played a key role in elucidating the evolution of aggression (the hawk and dove model) and the evolution of cooperation (the prisoner's dilemma). The original models focused on describing changes in the percentage representation of individual strategies (phenotypes) in the population and did not consider important factors such as changes in population size, interactions between two or more populations, social relations, etc. Over time, a number of these factors were taken into account in within the ETH and a number of new methodologies were developed. ETH has also been used in fields such as economics, social sciences, political science and medicine. It is therefore a rapidly developing area both in terms of basic methodology and applications. Since the development and application of ETH requires interdisciplinary knowledge in both mathematics and biology, this project offers a good opportunity for early researchers to acquire such knowledge. 15 European institutions and 15 collaborating institutions from around the world are participating in the project. The project focuses on 4 research topics that both develop methodological approaches of ETH (e.g. modeling of structured populations, differential equations) and further focus on applications (modeling of cancer, modeling of dynamics of interacting populations and epidemiology).


    The aim of the EvoGamesPlus project is to train 15 young researchers who will become familiar with the current state of knowledge in the field of ETH and will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to solving problems in the real world. EvoGamesPlus focuses on the following areas:

    • Development of ETH models describing interactions in structured populations.
    • Dynamic aspects of ETH.
    • Application of ETH to cancer modeling and design of new approaches for treatment.
    • Development of ecological and epidemiological models.


    • Publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings.
    • Regular presentations of results at international scientific conferences by ESR and other researchers working within this project.
    • Presentation of results to students of local universities of academic institutions.
    • ITN conferences will be open to all scientists and presentations will be freely available on the network's website.
    • Whenever possible, data will be freely available through a public data repository.
    • Each ESR will complete a short-term internship at ITN workplaces at least twice during their doctoral program.

    PhD position

    PhD project under the supervision of prof. Vlastimil Křivana focused on "Models of eco-evolutionary dynamics of population interaction networks" is available until 31. 3. 2021 on Euraxess and in PDF.

  • EU-PolarNET2

    Elster Josef, Center for Polar Ecology
    01/01/2021 – 31/12/2024
    EC, H2020-LC-CLA-2020-1, ID 101003766

    Project manager: Mgr. Kateřina Máchalová Zemanová

  • INTERACT 3 - International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic

    Pechar Jan, Polar Station
    01/01/2020 – 31/12/2023
    EC, H2020-INFRAIA-2019-1, ID 871120

    Project manager: Mgr. Kateřina Máchalová Zemanová


    INTERACT 3 (ID 871120)
    Name: International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic
    Solver: Pechar Jan,Polar Station
    Realization: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2023
    Budget:  1.120.937,50 CZK (PřF)
    Provider: Evropská komise
    Program: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020


    Planet Earth is facing unprecedented environmental changes that will affect all members of society. The Arctic climate is warming at more than twice the global rate, and unpredictable extreme events are having a major impact on ecosystems and people. However, Arctic atmospheric circulation is causing extreme events and societal damage beyond the Arctic that require international research and monitoring to understand and predict. In addition, attitudes around the world need to be changed through outreach, while the next generation needs to be equipped to live in a different world. INTERACT III is upgrading a pan-Arctic network of 86 research stations in 16 northern countries to provide services for 155 global and regional networks. In addition, INTERACT's global reputation has attracted the world's leading partners and businesses to participate in reducing the impact of dangerous changes while maximizing the opportunities arising from new technologies. Specifically, INTERACT III ensures the comprehensive coordination of 64 partners and 86 research stations. Station managers design best practices to ensure excellent research, monitoring, education and outreach. INTERACT III builds on the highly successful transnational access program that has already filled the Artic with 900 researchers to continue to deliver excellent science while reducing researchers' ecological footprints by improving remote and virtual access. The transnationality of the approach ensures new collaboration, innovative science and science diplomacy in a time of heightened geopolitical tension. Station managers, transnational access and joint research activities work together to solve major societal challenges in a fully integrated infrastructure, while their data and understanding are made available globally through extraordinary outreach and education and policy briefings for decision-makers.



  • Regional seed mix as an effective tool for protecting the diversity of meadow biotopes

    Kamila Vítovcová, Katedra botaniky

    15/04/2022 – 30/04/2024
    Norské fondy, Program CZ-ENVIRONMENT

    Projektový manažer: Ing. Lucie Marková

    Regionální směsi osiv jako účinný nástroj ochrany diverzity lučních biotopů (Č. 3211100009)
    Name: Regional seed mix as an effective tool for protecting the diversity of meadow biotopes
    Coordinator: Český svaz ochránců přírody
    Partners: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
    Solver: Kamila Vítovcová, Katedra botaniky
    Realization: 15/04/2022 – 30/04/2024
    Budget: 3 347 316 Kč
    Provider: Norské fondy

  • MV OPSEC - Applications of species composition analysis of diatom (Bacillariophyceae) communities in forensic practice.

    Jan Kaštovský, Department of Botany
    01/01/2023 – 31/12/2025
    Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic

    Project manager: Mgr. Ivana Očásková

    Applications of species composition analysis of diatom (Bacillariophyceae) communities in forensic practice. (VK01010069)
    Name: Applications of species composition analysis of diatom (Bacillariophyceae) communities in forensic practice.
    Solver: Jan Kaštovský, Department of Botany
    Realization: 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2025

    The main contender: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
    Other applicants: Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka, Ministry of Interior
    Budget: 6 842 128 Kč
    Provider: Ministry of Interior
    Program: VK - Open challenges in security research 2023 - 2029
    Subprogramme: Subprogramme 1 - Development of law enforcement capabilities


    Diatoms are widespread microscopic algae with specific shells. Inhaling water with diatoms causes them to pass into the bloodstream and deposit their shells in the internal organs of the drowned person. Their presence in them reveals the very fact of drowning in natural water, the analysis of the species composition of these diatoms can also help to specify the place where the drowning occurred. A similar analysis can also be performed on the clothes and skin of drowned people. Diatom analysis is used in forensic medicine in the Czech Republic and abroad, but only to a limited extent and does not utilize the full potential of these organisms. The introduction of diatom (possibly algal) analysis in forensic practice can lead to the determination of additional evidentiary material in criminal proceedings.


    • The main goal of the project, in response to the requirements of the law enforcement authorities, is to design, test and implement into forensic practice new methods of sample processing and species analysis of diatom communities (possibly also communities of other algae) in the context of violent crime.
    • The presented project includes the creation and certification of a robust methodology, enabling the inclusion of diatom analysis as part of expert outputs in the field of biology-botany.
    • The goal will be achieved on the basis of own research in the conditions of the Czech Republic in combination with foreign experiences.
    • A secondary goal is the publication of two peer-reviewed scientific articles.



  • Elixir - Czech National Infrastructure for Biological Data

    Vohnout Rudolf, Department of Informatics
    01/01/2023 - 31/12/2026
    MŠMT, Research infrastructures

    Project manager: Ing. Lucie Marková

    ELIXIR-CZ (LM2023055)

    Name: Czech National Infrastructure for Biological Data
    Coordinator: Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Partners: Biologické centrum AV ČR, v. v. i., Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., CESNET, zájmové sdružení právnických osob, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Masarykova univerzita, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., Univerzita Karlova, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR, v. v. i., Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
    Solver: Vohnout Rudolf, Department of Informatics
    Realization: 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2026
    Budget: 12 942 000 Kč
    Provider: MŠMT
    Program: Research infrastructures


    Elixír CZ is a large and important infrastructure in the field of life sciences focused on biological data, its processing, storage, sharing and analysis. The Czech ELIXIR node represented by the ÚOCHB of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic as a national node for bioinformatics, which includes an advanced computing environment, dedicated data collections and unique tools provided to the life science community. The node is created and operated as a distributed infrastructure that currently includes fourteen organizations. Partner institutions provide Czech scientists and the international scientific community with open access tools and databases. One of the partners is the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.


    • Provision of related tools and database services, at an excellent level with a focus on the bioinformatics and Life Science user community in the Czech Republic and Europe, including support for these tools.
    • Focusing on new data-generating life sciences disciplines and emerging user communities.
    • Providing solutions for unified access to data by following and applying FAIR principles.
    • Application of principles for unified data management and provision of tools for generating Data management plan at both national and European level.
    • Linking data and tools.
    • Creation of data strategy tools and its application in a heterogeneous national environment.
    • An integral part of Node is a specialized computing and storage environment managed by important national academic cloud / grid providers and reflecting the real needs of the Czech Republic on a European scale and at the ELIXIR Hub level.
    • An important feature of the proposed ELIXIR node is the close connection and cooperation with ESFRI infrastructure projects in the Czech Republic - especially INSTRUCT, EATRIS, BBMRI, EuroBioimaging and EU-OPENSCREEN and others.


  • HUNTER - Videostream Hunter

    Fesl Jan, Department of Informatics
    01/10/2021 – 31/12/2022
    Development Fund CESNET, z.s.p.o.

    Project manager: Mgr. Radka Bunešová

    Name: Videostream Hunter
    Solver: Fesl, Jan, Department of Informatics
    Realization: 01/10/2021 – 31/12/2022
    Coordinator: Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Information Technologies
    Budget: 1 272 000 CZK (projekt), 415 274 CZK (Přf)
    Provider: Development Fund CESNET, z.s.p.o.



    Currently, a large amount of multimedia content (audio/video) is offered via online platforms, typically on demand (Video-on-Demand). Today, this practice is completely common for paid services (e.g. online video rentals), but it also appears with platforms for sharing data (e.g., where the legality of the origin of the data cannot be guaranteed. There are even platforms that can (see the document "On the Net") even claim that their own content, regardless of origin, can be extremely objectionable (eg terrorism, child pornography, etc.). complicating matters further is the fact that the vast majority of that traffic is currently encrypted using the HTTPS protocol, making it much harder to identify. The purpose of the project is to search for ways and mechanisms to find the footprint of specific video streams and subsequently identify them from the network traffic reported via the NetFlow/IPFIX protocol.


    • Verification and development of the above proposed concept or a deeper elaboration of the possibilities of methods of detection of an unknown video stream captured by network traffic probes based on its agreement with the records existing in the database of specific fingerprints of already known streams.
    • Study of aspects affecting the detection methods, e.g. the influence of the streaming platform and thus the type of video player used (e.g., Youtube, Netflix), the repeatable applicability of the video stream fingerprint for its different qualities, the possibility of video stream detection based on the fingerprint only from the captured part of the stream (e.g. user only looks at a small part of the film), the possibility of fingerprint ambiguity (is the fingerprint really unique with a large number of records in the database?), the choice of the ideal representation of the video fingerprint, the general multi-factor influence of network traffic probe settings on the uniqueness of the video stream fingerprint.


    • Creation of detection models (statistical or based on machine learning methods) and we will evaluate their success with regard to their computational complexity.
    • For the best implementation models, a utility that will use these models to identify specific streams.

  • LUABA22 - Research partnership: process optimization during production in chemical industry by artificial intelligence

    Ivo Bukovský, Department of Informatics
    01/07/2022 – 31/12/2024

    Project manager: Ing. Lucie Marková

    VResearch partnership: process optimization during production in chemical industry by artificial intelligence (ID LUABA22069)
    Name: Research partnership: process optimization during production in chemical industry by artificial intelligence
    Solver: Bukovský, Ivo,  Department of Informatics
    Realization: 01/07/2022 – 31/12/2024
    Coordinator: MŠMT
    Partners: Technische Hochshule Rosenheim
    Budget: 1 200 000 Kč
    Provider: MŠMT




    Unlike applications such as image processing, language translations, or recommendation systems, artificial intelligence in the field of industrial processes remains mainly at the theoretical level of research. Unknown variations in the properties of input materials and environmental conditions, limited training data, the need for an effective real-time solution, the necessity of guaranteeing the stability and convergence of algorithms with machine learning, as well as the actual effectiveness of their deployment are still a challenge to research for extension into industrial practice. The project aims to jointly verify the use of concepts of artificial intelligence (AI) methods with sensor fusion for chemical-technological process optimization and to demonstrate the implementation of AI in various process technology operations. the Czech team will propose concepts for the use of artificial intelligence to optimize the chemical-technological process for real particle treatment equipment, which the German partner has, and will provide the applied part of the research. Cooperation to verify promising Ul concepts on real equipment will result in the preparation of an EU project in a larger consortium with industrial cooperation.


    • Design of concepts using data analysis and sensor fusion of a real chemical-technological process and feature extraction for monitoring and approximating process dynamics with the use of artificial intelligence.
    • Design of artificial intelligence concepts for technological process optimization using measured data and extracted symptoms.
    • Preparation of a follow-up joint European project in the field of optimization of chemical-technological and production processes using artificial intelligence for industrial practice in a larger consortium of scientific workplaces and industrial partners


    Programy mezinárodní spolupráce MŠMT - Výzkumné centrum

  • IMMUNETREH - Trehalose as a source for privileged immunity in Drosophila

    Kazek Michalina, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
    01/01/2020 – 12/02/2023
    EC, H2020-WF-01-2018, ID 867430

    Project manager: Mgr. Kateřina Máchalová Zemanová

    IMMUNETREH (ID 867430)
    Name: Trehalose as a source for privileged immunity in Drosophila
    Solver: Kazek Michalina
    Mentor: Doležal Tomáš, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
    Realization: 01/01/2020 – 12/02/2023
    Budget: 156 980,64 EUR (PřF)
    Provider: EC, H2020-WF-01-2018


    The immune response is an energy-intensive process and immune cells must have privileged access to energy/nutrients. While in mammals this privileged access is achieved, for example, on the insulin-independent glucose transporter, how it is achieved in insects is not known. The host laboratory has obtained preliminary results indicating that privileged access of fruitworm immune cells to nutrients can be achieved by using trehalose instead of glucose. It has been known for a long time that the primary sugar in insects is trehalose, but that this carbohydrate could play an important role in the immunity's privileged access to resources has not been studied until now. Therefore, the aim of this project is to test whether activated immune cells of honeysuckle preferentially absorb trehalose and convert it to glucose intracellularly, and are therefore independent of systemic carbohydrate regulation, and how important this would be for an effective immune response. The project is based on multidisciplinary approaches where tissue-specific genetic tools will be used to manipulate metabolism in vivo to study the immune response using molecular biology, developmental biology and immunology techniques and state-of-the-art metabolic approaches. The goal of the researcher is to learn to use fruit fly genetics and infection models well established in the host laboratory and combine them with his expertise in insect physiology, cell culture and especially metabolomics.


    • Breeding and dissection of fruit lovers.
    • Genetics of fruit trees including genetic crosses and various gene manipulations.
    • Tissue/cell/transcript-specific gene expression analysis (includes use of FlyBase).
    • Immunology of fruit flies and models of infection by parasitoid wasps and bacteria.
    • Application of 13C biology and combination of genetic manipulations with metabolomic analysis.
    • Soft skills – writing proposals and publications and presentations (supervisor experience and presentations at faculty conferences and seminars, laboratory meetings), mentoring (working with students in the host laboratory).




  • Mobility2 - Development of USB – International Mobilities II

    Jelínek Petr, Faculty of Natural Science
    01/01/2020 – 30/06/2023
    MŠMT OPVVV 02-18-053

    Project manager: Ing. Andrea Kadlecová
    Mobility2 (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0016975)

    Name: Development of USB – International Mobilities II
    Coordinator: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
    Solver: Faculty of Natural Science, Jelínek Petr
    Realization: 01/01/2020 – 30/06/2023
    Budget: 21 997 393,00 Kč (projekt): 20 897 523,35 Kč (dotace MŠMT) + 1 099 869,65 Kč (5% spolufinancování JU)
    7 379 194,00 Kč (PřF): 7 010 234,30 Kč (dotace MŠMT) + 368 959,70 Kč (5% spolufinancování PřF)
    Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MŠMT)
    Program: Operational program Research, development and education (OPVVV) 02_18_053



    Mobility is focused on the establishment and development of new research programs seeking to answer key ecological, evolutionary or developmental questions. The incoming mobility will enrich and expand the existing research activities of the Research and Development Institute, new know-how will be shared, new methods and techniques will be implemented, and an interdisciplinary approach and cooperation will be supported. The most valuable output of the incoming mobility will be the integration of three excellent researchers into the structure of PřF, the introduction of new research directions, the submission and acquisition of subsequent research grants, the creation of new independent research groups. Incoming senior postdocs are expected to have a high degree of independence, activity, creativity and innovation to solve their own research questions. The positions of postdocs will be filled in an open international selection procedure given by the European HR Award standards.


    The aim of the project is to obtain three promising senior postdocs with previous experience at a prestigious foreign research institution. Experienced postdocs will bring new experience, know-how, techniques, methodologies and approaches to PřF, and especially their own research programs focused on ecological, evolutionary or developmental aspects of biological processes. Incoming mobility will increase the internationalization of PřF.


    • Arrival of junior postdoctoral researcher at PřF (24 měsíců): Segrestin Jules
    • Arrival of junior postdoctoral researcher at PřF (24 měsíců): Janda Martin
    • Arrival of junior postdoctoral researcher at PřF (12 měsíců)
    • Departure of THP foreign department to University of Finland (3 dny)
    • Departure of the THP promotional department to University of Finland (4 dny)
    • Departure of the THP promotional department to University of Finland (4 dny)
  • LIFE for MIRES - Trans-boundary restoration of mires for biodiversity and landscape hydrology in Sumava and Bavaria Forest

    Urbanová Zuzana, Department of Ecosystem Biology
    01/08/2018 – 31/12/2024
    EC, Program LIFE

    Project manager: Mgr. Kateřina Máchalová Zemanová

    LIFE for MIRES (LIFE17 NAT/CZ/000452 LIFE for MIRES)
    Name: Trans-boundary restoration of mires for biodiversity and landscape hydrology in Sumava and Bavaria Forest
    Coordinator: Správa národního parku Šumava
    Partners: BUND Naturschutz in Bayern e.V., Správa národního parku Bavorský les, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
    Solver: Urbanová Zuzana, Department of Ecosystem Biology
    Realization: 01/08/2018 – 31/12/2024
    Budget: 5 853 160 EUR (projekt) / 204 616 EUR (PřF)
    Provider: European Commission
    Program: LIFE 


    Restoration of wetland biotopes is one of the possible ways to reduce the impacts of climate change. Many of the wetlands, especially peatlands in Šumava, are islands of biological diversity, where countless rare plant and animal species find their natural habitat. Wetlands play an irreplaceable role in the hydrology of the landscape and the water cycle, thus having a very favorable effect on the local climate. However, over centuries of intensive human activity, water disappeared from the landscape, wetlands were drained and turned into cultivated land. Nowadays, when drought is becoming a serious problem, it is necessary to devote attention to the correction and restoration of the natural water regime of the landscape. That is why the LIFE for MIRES project was created - life for wetlands, which returns water to places where it has been and shaped the environment around it since ancient times.


    • Cross-border restoration of bogs, wetlands and natural water regime on an area of 2059 hectares.
    • Improving the status of habitats for red grouse.
    • Involvement of the public in peatland restoration and raising awareness of wetlands and their importance for the water regime in the landscape, including mitigating the impact of climate change.
    • Innovation in the field of monitoring the impact of revitalization on water quality, runoff conditions, vegetation, water level and soil moisture.
    • Development of a method for monitoring the possible impact of revitalization in mitigating climate change
    • Direct involvement of the public in the restoration of peatlands and the development of demonstration objects revitalized near human settlements.
    • Sharing and presentation of know-how and experience gained in peatland restoration and landscape hydrology.


  • Information system for medieval monuments in the Czech-Bavarian border area

    Fesl Jan, Department of Informatics
    01/06/2021 – 31/12/2022
    Cross-border cooperation Czech Republic – Free State of Bavaria Aim EÚS 2014 – 2020

    Project manager: Mgr. Radka Bunešová


    Information system for medieval monuments in the Czech-Bavarian border area (č. 335)
    Name: Information system for medieval monuments in the Czech-Bavarian border area
    Solver: Fesl, Jan Department of Informatics
    Realization: 01/06/2021 – 31/12/2022
    Managing Partner: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
    Partners: Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, Jihočeská centrála cestovního ruchu
    Budget: 558.383,23EUR (projekt), 266.707,50 EUR (Přf)
    Provider: Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology
    Program: Cross-border cooperation Czech Republic – Free State of Bavaria Aim EÚS 2014 – 20



    The project is the first step towards the implementation of mobile technologies in the field of cultural tourism in the Czech-Bavarian border region. The partners will develop a mobile application to support tourists by offering them real-time and in-situ tailor-made cultural heritage content. The pilot application will present a specific segment of local culture - rural medieval churches (chapels, free-standing architecture, sculptures, paintings) in the foothills of Šumava and the Bohemian Forest. This area of architectural heritage has often been undervalued due to the limited attention paid to sacred architecture in the area following the expulsion of the German population after the Second World War, secondly due to the main interest of heritage conservation primarily on towns, castles etc. and finally due to the fragmented nature of ecclesiastical parish administration which it remained outside of coordinated efforts to promote tourism. The content can also be expanded to include other areas of cultural heritage.


    • developing a method to improve digital access to the cultural and natural wealth of the region,
    • supporting tourism in the neglected area of medieval sacral buildings and spiritual culture in the Czech-Bavarian border area using the latest mobile IT technologies that are deployed on site and in real time,
    • educating and spreading awareness about the specifics of the spiritual culture in the border area through the presentation of a little-known part of the cultural heritage that provides surprising information about mutual cross-border relations,
    • the Christian mission and influences in the field of architecture and art and about the daily life of the local people and their background of thought,
    • increasing the attractiveness of medieval rural sites through a modern presentation format based on the latest IT methods, which will be accessible through generally available and technically undemanding means (mobile phone or tablet) as a long-term sustainable and ecological tool for the presentation of shared history, which will motivate cross-border tourism,
    • strengthening tourism and mediating the cultural heritage of the marginal border region through modern means.


    • a pilot-tested version of the application enabling the identification of cultural heritage objects directly from the field. Another function will be that the application will provide additional information about a specific object,
    • websites using the services of a designed search engine enabling the identification of cultural heritage objects based on their visual appearance,
    • a methodology for the design and development of tools that will describe the ways and possibilities of using recommendation systems as tools that work to increase the attractiveness of specific objects in a given region,
    • a methodology for the use of recommender systems in the tourism industry, which will describe the ways and possibilities of using recommender systems as tools for increasing the attractiveness of specific objects in a given region.

Overview of completed research and development projects:

  • Flora of the Bohemian Forest

    Štech Milan, Department of Botany

    01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021 (prodlouženo do 30/6/2022)
    Cross-border cooperation Czech Republic – Free State of Bavaria Aim EÚS 2014 – 2020
    The implementation of the project was extended to 30/6/2022.

    Project manager: Mgr. Radka Bunešová

    Flora of the Bohemian Forest (BY-CZ 216)

    Name: Flora of the Bohemian Forest
    Coordinator: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
    Partners: Správa Národního parku Šumava, Přírodovědné sbírky Bavorska, Správa národního parku Bavorský les
    Solver: Štech Milan, Department of Botany
    Realization: 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021
    Budget: 1 150 700,41 EUR (projekt) / 418 926,22 EUR (PřF)
    Provider: Bavorské státní ministerstvo hospodářství, energie a technologie
    Program: Cross-border cooperation Czech Republic – Free State of Bavaria Aim EÚS 2014 – 2020


    Although the research of the Šumava flora has a long tradition on both sides of the border, the overall synthesis has so far encountered different methodological approaches in individual countries, different exploration of individual regions, and limited cooperation between experts due to language or political reasons. Therefore, the presented project will expand and combine the available data on the distribution and ecological requirements of vascular plants in Šumava in a completely unique way, regardless of national borders. A critical evaluation of these data will make it possible to present on a joint website the current and historical distribution and abundance of vascular plants, among other things, in the form of network maps of occurrence with ecological information about these species. This information is absolutely essential for the creation of conceptual measures in the framework of decision-making on the priorities of species and ecosystem protection on both sides of the border. This also includes monitoring the development of populations of rare and endangered species. The easy availability of knowledge about flora and its changes will increase not only the interest in further investigation of plants in Šumava, but also the willingness of the public to take responsibility for its preservation.


    • Collection of all available plant distribution data into national discovery databases
    • Connection of Czech and Bavarian databases and joint presentation of extension data
    • Transboundary survey of critical plant groups
    • Creation of a joint Red List of threatened plant species of the entire Šumava region
    • Active protection of the most endangered species


    • A web application dynamically linking the national database and the common red list of endangered species of vascular plants of the entire Šumava region
    • Measures to stabilize populations will be carried out within the project with the help of active management on an area of approximately 20 ha
  • Mechanisms - Mechanisms and dynamics of macromolecular complexes: from single molecules to cells

    Tůma Roman, Department of Chemistry
    01/01/2017 – 31/10/2022
    MŠMT OPVVV 02-15-003

    Project extended to 30/06/2023

    Project manager: Ing. Renata Krinesová

    Mechanisms (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000441)
    Name: Mechanisms and dynamics of macromolecular complexes: from single molecules to cells
    Solver: Tůma Roman, Department of Chemistry
    Realization: 01/01/2017 – 31/10/2022
    Budget: 207 409 734,00 Kč (projekt): 176 298 273,90 (dotace MŠMT) + 10 370 486,70 Kč (5% spolufinancování JU)
    Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MŠMT)
    Program: Operational program Research, development and education (OPVVV) 02_15_003


    The content of the project is the creation of an international scientific team, headed by KZVP Dr. Roman Tůma, who deals with the molecular mechanisms of the functioning of large macromolecular complexes. The project is aimed at building a multidisciplinary center that will integrate individual specialized approaches to solve common goals. This multidisciplinary approach will overcome the limitations of individual methods, such as limited temporal and spatial resolution, and provide a complete description of their function at the molecular and atomic level.


    The aim of the project is to clarify the mechanism of folding and functioning of large macromolecular complexes such as antenna complexes of photosynthetic pigments, the role of RNA in the replication and folding of viruses and in the regulation of cell processes, the mechanism of recombination in leukocytes and how it can cause some types of leukemia, the mechanism of chromatin remodeling and the functioning of membrane complexes in bacteria and protozoa. The project includes the connection of biophysical and structural methods and their application to the study of photosynthetic pigments, the role of RNA in virus replication and regulation, the mechanism of V(D)J recombination, chromatin remodeling and the functioning of membrane complexes. This project will use the built instrument infrastructure and expand the center's international connectivity and profile, and will lead to the initiation of new collaborative research programs with other leading scientific groups within the center, strategic partners (Johann Kepler University, Leeds University) and institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad.


    • Number of new researchers in supported entities (CO 24): 10
    • Number of researchers working in modernized research infrastructures (CO25): 14,6
    • Number of newly built, expanded or modernized research infrastructures and centers of excellence (2 4000): 1
    • The number of participations of supported research teams in international cooperation programs (2 03 12): 2
    • Share of professional publications co-authored by domestic and foreign researchers (2 02 14): 40
  • Czech-Bavarian Network for Open Data

    Prokýšek Miloš, Department of Informatics
    01/08/2021 – 31/12/2022
    Cross-border cooperation Czech Republic – Free State of Bavaria Aim EÚS 2014 – 2020

    Project manager: Mgr. Radka Bunešová 


    Czech-Bavarian Network for Open Data (č. 340)
    Name: Czech-Bavarian Network for Open Data
    Solver: Prokýšek, M., Department of Informatics
    Realization: 01/08/2021 – 31/12/2022
    Managing Partner: Jihočeský vědeckotechnický park, a.s.
    Partners: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf,, ILE Nationalparkgemeinden e.V., Europaregion Donau-Moldau e.V. (EDM)
    Budget: 351.222,86 EUR (projekt), 100.665,00 EUR (Přf)
    Provider: Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology
    Program: Cross-border cooperation Czech Republic – Free State of Bavaria Aim EÚS 2014 – 20



    The content of the project is the creation of a cross-border network aimed at developing cooperation and connecting open data owners and digital service providers in the South Bohemia - Bavaria region. The project is designed with regard to supporting the digital connection of the Czech-Bavarian region. The main target group consists mainly of state administration, municipalities and public organizations, which are the most active in opening data. We aim at subjects close to the physical border, and secondarily at experienced subjects in the region, as bearers of good practice. The opening of data itself would not make sense without service providers (SMEs from the IT field) who have the necessary knowledge to create services and applications based on open data. The first phase of the project will be the mapping of target groups through a questionnaire survey and approaching them with an offer to join the network. Subsequently, joint meetings of data owners will take place, aimed at exchanging experiences, establishing active cooperation and supporting cooperation with experts. In the second phase of the project, both working groups (data owners and service providers) will be merged. Hackathons will be used as tools to support cooperation in the network. Their goal will be the development of active cooperation of target groups, mutual understanding of needs and possibilities of cooperation on specific application outputs (application prototypes). The information obtained during the construction of the network will be processed into a situational analysis, including proposals for measures supporting the development of data-oriented digital services. Information about network members and their activities will be published in the form of an open data set and visualized through a map application, the emergence of new Czech-Bavarian partnerships and impulses for the development of completely new services will be provided.


    • proactive support of cross-border cooperation between municipalities opening data, service providers and their users (citizens) in the South Bohemia - Bavaria region, an effort to map the scope of published data and the spectrum of services (applications) that use them and connect key partners in this area into one network,
    • education, transfer of know-how to the cross-border region in the form of examples of good practice and the introduction of common standards and procedures leading to the harmonization of data and support for the development of new cross-border digital services for their evaluation,
    • mapping of target groups and their needs, which will be processed into the resulting situational analysis, which is one of the main outputs of the project,
    • publishing information in the form of an open data set that will contain data from both countries and will become an example of a harmonized data source that can be used across the Czech-Bavarian region,
    • creation of prototypes of specific services (applications) that will be created as part of planned technological workshops (hackathlons) and that will use the open data of the region.


    • the Czech-Bavarian network of open data, the basis of which are the project partners who manage the entire network and organize its implementation and subsequent development. It creates an environment for joint discussion between partners involved in the network together with external experts, which contributes to a better understanding of the cross-border environment of open data, introduces partners to each other with data catalogs and data sets in both countries and strives for education, transfer of know-how to the cross-border region in the form of examples of good practice, the introduction of common standards and procedures and support for the development of new cross-border digital services.
    • A situational analysis of the current state of open data in the region, which maps the needs of the involved organizations and the identification of successful projects. It will verify prospective areas of possible cooperation and potential risks and draft measures supporting the development of data-oriented digital services
    • A map application through which information about network members and their activities will be published in the form of an open data set and visualization of project outputs.

  • ARCHAEOPLANT - research on plant identification using artificial intelligence

    Doc. PhDr. Jaromír Beneš, Ph.D., Department of Botany, Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Paleoecology
    01/07/2021 – 31/12/2022
    Cross-border cooperation program Czech Republic - Free State of Bavaria Aim EÚS 2014 - 2020 (č. projektu 343)
    Interreg BY-CZ

    Project manager: Ing. Andrea Kadlecová

    ARCHAEOPLANT (č. projektu 343)
    Name: ARCHAEOPLANT - research on plant identification using artificial intelligence
    Solver: Doc. PhDr. Jaromír Beneš, Department of Botany, Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Paleoecology
    Partners: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích (JU), Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften Universität Regensburg
    Realization: 01/07/2021 – 31/12/2022
    Budget: 470 270,37 EUR (projekt), 224 212,60 EUR (PřF JU), 246 057,77 EUR (IPW UR)
    Provider: Czech Republic - Ministry of Regional Development, Department of European Territorial Cooperation

    Program: Cross-border cooperation Czech Republic – Free State of Bavaria Aim EÚS 2014 – 2020


    The goal of the project is to strengthen basic research in the field of botany, ethnobotany and archaeobotany. The Czech-Bavarian area developed in the same way in terms of vegetation and agriculture, but was forcibly divided after the Second World War. The goal of the project is to develop an innovative method and tool enabling the reconstruction of vegetation history using plant remains in the Czech-Bavarian region using artificial intelligence approaches. Since the Neolithic, direct evidence of the presence of the oldest farmers has been increasing, represented by archaeological finds of plant seeds, but also plant microremains. The Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Paleoecology of the University of South Bohemia (LAPE) and the Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften Universität Regensburg (IPW UR) have collaborated for many years within the framework of the European platform PAPAVER on the research of archaeological sites. LAPE has numerous data sets from various types of archaeobotanical analyses, IPW UR systematically collected seeds of current and historical flora (a set of approx. 2000 botanical taxa). However, there is still a lack of a uniform methodology and database that would combine research on current vegetation with archaeobotanical findings. As part of the project, first A) an Open Access digital database of plant macroresidues (including 3D models) and microresidues will be created with an emphasis on the principles of FAIR data. In the next phase B) a module capable of semi-automatic identification of plant seeds will be created for the pilot series of seeds, plant phytoliths and starches. In the final phase C) an identification key capable of identifying other botanical taxa will be proposed. The methodology will serve as a tool in the reconstruction of the past natural environment and interactions between man and nature in the Czech-Bavarian area from prehistoric times to the present. As part of this approach, a linked online photomicrographic and alphanumeric online database containing digital objects and data will be created. The created analytical and database tools will enable botanists and archaeologists to identify plant remains from archaeological research. The resulting common analytical tools and methodologies, including an Open Access database, would be the first of their kind. The proposed methodology based on digital and analog photomicrography, machine learning of plant remains and high-resolution 3D models of plant seeds will enable innovative determination of plant material, which often requires otherwise more time-consuming and not always successful procedures. This tool will streamline the joint use of scientific data on both sides of the border.


    • The main goal of the project is the development of analytical methods for studying the vegetation and agricultural history of Bohemia and Bavaria
    • Strengthening basic research in the field of botany, ethnobotany and archaeobotany.
    • Development of an innovative method and tool enabling the reconstruction of the vegetation history of plant remains in the Czech-Bavarian region using artificial intelligence approaches.
    • Deepening cross-border scientific cooperation, deepening interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of archaeology, botany, ecology and information technology.


    • Creation of an Open Access digital database of plant macroresidues (including 3D models) and microresidues with an emphasis on FAIR data principles.
    • For the pilot series of seeds, plant phytoliths and starches, a module capable of semi-automatic identification of plant seeds will be created.
    • Creation of an identification key capable of identifying other botanical taxa.

    Online database

    Data created as part of the Archaeoplant project are available in the UniCatDB database, developed and managed by the University of South Bohemia as part of Elixir-CZ. A special structure was created for the data from the project and all relevant data from the microscopes and 3D scanner was imported, including the transformed relevant metadata (in the case of the Keyence microscope data, the metadata had to be extracted directly from the EXIF-encoded images). The database is accessible for reading at (user: public, password: public).


  • Development of USB – ESF II

    Faculty of Natural Science, Hauer Tomáš
    01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022
    MŠMT OPVVV 02-18-056

    Projektový manažer: Ing. Andrea Kadlecová


    ESF2 (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_056/0013061)
    Name: Development of USB – ESF II
    Coordinator: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
    Solver: Faculty of Natural Science, Hauer Tomáš
    Realization: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022
    Budget: 22 650 748,96 Kč (projekt): 21 518 211,51 Kč (dotace MŠMT) + 1 132 537,45 Kč (5% spolufinancování JU)
    8 330 940,80 Kč (PřF): 7 914 393,76 Kč (dotace MŠMT) + 416 547,04 Kč (5% spolufinancování PřF)
    Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports ČR (MŠMT)
    Program: Operational program Research, development and education (OPVVV) 02_18_056



    Key activity 2 of the ESF2 project is focused on the comprehensive restructuring of the bachelor's degree in biology at the Faculty of Science of the JU and improving the quality of educational activities. Based on international experience, the faculty is aware of the need to strengthen the competencies of students in academically focused study programs. A key innovative element that the faculty wants to introduce into teaching is a modular teaching system and research-oriented teaching. Emphasis is placed on strengthening the ability to analyze and synthesize deeper disciplinary knowledge and skills in the given field of education and understanding of interdisciplinary contexts. The subjects will be combined into comprehensive, branch-oriented modules that combine the knowledge and skills of individual profiling expertise. The mentioned concept includes the weakening of frontal teaching and increases the emphasis on practical acquisition of knowledge and creative work of students.


    Improving the quality of educational activities in the field of education in botany, zoology, ecosystem biology, experimental plant biology, molecular biology and genetics, medical biology and parasitology consisting in the modernization of teaching methods and the way of organizing teaching.


    1) Research-oriented teaching: foreign stimuli for the innovation of teaching at PřF JU (non-public)
    Working material, inspiration and stimuli for intra-faculty discussion (01/2020 – 02/2021)

    2) Teaching subjects in OV Biology, ecology and environmental protection at PřF JU (non-public)
    Working material, analytical basis for intra-faculty discussion (02/2020 – 04/2021)

    3) Suggestions and recommendations for teaching innovation at PřF JU (non-public)
    Working material, concretization of points to be elaborated in the form of a methodology for implementing a new concept of teaching at PřF JU (03/2021 – 08/2021)

    4) Module system of teaching at PřF JU (non-public)
    Working material, basis for intra-faculty discussion and analysis of the time and space demands of teaching, in its final form part of the Methodology of research-oriented teaching (09/2021 – 06/2022)

    5) Methodology of research-oriented teaching at PřF JU (public)
    A methodological document setting out the principles of implementing research-oriented teaching at PřF JU, a guide for teachers, guarantors of subjects and study programs, heads of departments and schedulers (04/2022 – 09/2022)

    6) Implementation of module teaching in the internal regulations of PřF (public) T
    he official document regulating the study rules within the innovative teaching system following the Study and Examination Regulations
     JU (10/2022 – 12/2022)

  • Elixir - Czech National Infrastructure for Biological Data

    Vohnout Rudolf, Department of Informatics
    01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022
    MŠMT, Research infrastructures

    Projektový manažer: Mgr. Radka Bunešová

    ELIXIR-CZ (LM2018131)

    Name: Czech National Infrastructure for Biological Data
    Coordinator: Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Partners: Biologické centrum AV ČR, v. v. i., Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., CESNET, zájmové sdružení právnických osob, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Masarykova univerzita, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., Univerzita Karlova, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR, v. v. i., Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
    Solver: Vohnout Rudolf, Department of Informatics
    Realization: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022
    Budget: 146 845 000 Kč (projekt) / 6 283 000 Kč (PřF)
    Provider: MŠMT
    Program: Research infrastructures


    Elixír CZ is a large and important infrastructure in the field of life sciences focused on biological data, its processing, storage, sharing and analysis. The Czech ELIXIR node represented by the ÚOCHB of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic as a national node for bioinformatics, which includes an advanced computing environment, dedicated data collections and unique tools provided to the life science community. The node is created and operated as a distributed infrastructure that currently includes fourteen organizations. Partner institutions provide Czech scientists and the international scientific community with open access tools and databases. One of the partners is the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.


    • Provision of related tools and database services, at an excellent level with a focus on the bioinformatics and Life Science user community in the Czech Republic and Europe, including support for these tools.
    • Focusing on new data-generating life sciences disciplines and emerging user communities.
    • Providing solutions for unified access to data by following and applying FAIR principles.
    • Application of principles for unified data management and provision of tools for generating Data management plan at both national and European level.
    • Linking data and tools.
    • Creation of data strategy tools and its application in a heterogeneous national environment.
    • An integral part of Node is a specialized computing and storage environment managed by important national academic cloud / grid providers and reflecting the real needs of the Czech Republic on a European scale and at the ELIXIR Hub level.
    • An important feature of the proposed ELIXIR node is the close connection and cooperation with ESFRI infrastructure projects in the Czech Republic - especially INSTRUCT, EATRIS, BBMRI, EuroBioimaging and EU-OPENSCREEN and others.


    Connections between national and pan-European research structures in three strong areas:
    1) The most advanced and developed area belongs to the field of structural bioinformatics, focusing primarily on services and the development of specific tools. The structural area of bioinformatics is very closely connected with Czech partners for the IT infrastructure of research - namely CESNET and CERIT SC, which provide not only computing and storage capacity, but also know-how in the area of networks and the use of heterogeneous resources.
    2) The second largest area is represented by curated databases in two main areas - specific collections of genomic data on microorganisms and plants and cheminformatics databases, which also serve as a link between other biomedical infrastructure projects, such as EU-OPENSCREEN and EATRIS.
    3) Last but not least, specialized IT solutions for the ELIXIR infrastructure are developed by IT partners, and their involvement in other ELIXIR CZ projects represents a common platform for the unification and efficiency of the entire process. The node also serves as a coordination platform for national bioinformatics activities and is responsible for the uniformity of data, the application of ELIXIR standards and global accessibility throughout the research space in the Czech Republic.

  • MAID - Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

    Vohnout Rudolf, Department of Informatics
    01/03/2019 – 28/02/2022 (prodlouženo do 30/9/2022)
    Cross-border cooperation Czech Republic – Free State of Bavaria Aim EÚS 2014 – 2020

    The implementation of the project is extended to 30/9/2022.

    Project manager: Mgr. Radka Bunešová


    MAID (BY-CZ 260)
    Name: Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
    Coordinator: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
    Partners: Technische Hochschule Deggendorf
    Solver: Vohnout Rudolf, Department of Informatics
    Realization: 01/03/2019 – 28/02/2022
    Budget: 937 584,87 EUR (projekt) / 449 984,87 EUR (PřF)
    Provider: Bavarian State Ministry of Economics, Energy and Technology
    Program: Cross-border cooperation Czech Republic – Free State of Bavaria Aim EÚS 2014 – 2020



    As part of this project, the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and the Technical University in Deggendorf are implementing a joint cross-border master's degree program focused on artificial intelligence, data science, big data and data mining. The subject of the project is to prepare accreditation materials, to successfully go through the accreditation process on both the Czech and Bavarian sides, the output of which will be an accredited double joint program ending in a joint diploma. The joint study program consists of a compulsory semester at each of the two universities. The language of instruction is English. At the scientific level, the program is very modern and focuses on cutting-edge topics such as machine learning, autonomous intelligent systems and automatic processing of big data. Together with the two partner universities, regional companies will be involved in the preparation, so that the content of the program meets their needs and interests as future employers of the graduates. The project will contribute to the long-term development of technological industries in the region in a unique and sustainable way.


    • Implementation of the cross-border Master's degree program Applied Informatics with a focus on artificial intelligence and data science
    • Compulsory semester abroad at a partner university
    • Accredited double joint degree program ending in a joint diploma
    • Implementation of modern teaching methods
    • Creating a qualification acceptable on both sides of the border
    • Increasing the number of graduates for quality jobs
    • Increasing the number of women in MINT-studies
    • Reducing intercultural and language barriers in the border region
    • Connecting schools, universities, companies and students across borders


    • Processed accreditation materials that successfully pass the accreditation process
    • Equipped laboratories to support practical teaching

  • Polar Ecology Textbook

    prof. Ing. Josef Elster, CSc.
    01/09/2019 – 30/04/2023

    Project manager: Ing. Renata Krinesová

    Polar Ecology Textbook (EHP-BFNU-OVNKM-2-025-2019)
    Name: Polar Ecology Textbook
    Solver: Josef Elster, Center for Polar Ecology
    Realization: 01/09/2019 – 30/04/2023 
    Budget: 341 000 Kč
    Provider: Czech Republic - Ministry of Finance
    Program: Fond EHP a Norway 2014 - 2021


    The goal of the project is to create a university textbook on the Polar Ecology of Svalbard. Svalbard is an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, located north of continental Europe. Svalbard is a well-explored part of the world and the most explored area in the Arctic. The goal of the project is to write a polar ecology textbook, which will be focused on the living sciences and will document ecological phenomena, relationships and regularities using examples from Svalbard.

    At the same time, the textbook will present university studies at the University of Longyearbyen and at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, at the Center for Polar Ecology (CPE). The book will be bilingual, in English and Czech. The authors will be experts from various fields of Arctic studies from both institutions. The book will be available as a PDF on the CPE website for free download.


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                                                                                                                                            June 2023

Deadline Provider Call name Atachment
1/6/2023 Visegrad funds Visegrad Grant   
1/6/2023 Visegrad funds Visegrad Strategic Grant  
7/6/2023 Horizon Europe EIC Accelerator Challenges  
29/6/2023 Ministry of Health Program to support applied medical research Pdf en
30/6/2023  SFŽP Caring for important parts of nature and landscape  
30/6/2023  European Commission  Interreg Czech Republic - Austria 2021 - 2027  

                                                                                                                                            July 2023

Deadline Provider Call name Atachment
 19/7/2023 TAČR TAČR Delta 2 Fifth public competition  Pdf en
Department of Agriculture
Public competition in research, development and innovation of the Earth Program II  

                                                                                                                                            August 2023

Deadline Provider Call name Atachment
16/8/2023  European Commission  Interreg Bavaria - Czech Rupublic 2021-2027  
20/8/2023  UNDP Challenge Fund 2023  

                                                                                                                                            September 2023

Deadline Provider Call name Atachment
 5/9/2023 European Commission  MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023  
 13/9/2023  TAČR  Environment for life  
 20/9/2023  European Commission  Demonstration of climate resilience solutions in support of the implementation of the Adaptation to Climate Change Mission (HORIZON-MISS-CLIMA-01)  Pdf
 20/9/2023  European Commission  Demonstration of climate mitigation and resilience solutions in support of the implementation of the Adaptation to Climate Change, Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 and A Soil Deal for Europe Missions (HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-OCEAN-SOIL-01)   Pdf
 27/9/2023  European Commission  EIC Transition Open Call  

                                                                                                                                            October 2023

Deadline Provider Call name Atachment
 1/10/2023  Visegrad funds  Visegrad Grant   
 1/10/2023  Visegrad funds  Visegrad Strategic Grant  
 4/10/2023  Horizon Europe  EIC Accelerator Challenges  
 15/10/2023  MŠMT  ACTION Czech Republic - Austria  

                                                                                                                                            November 2023

Deadline Provider Call name Atachment
30/11/2023 European Commission Interreg Czech Republic-Austria 2021-2027  Pdf

                                                                                                                                            December 2023

Deadline Provider Call name Atachment

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  • Ongoing evaluation of the ERC CZ program

    The public competition for ERC CZ program projects was announced six times, 30 basic research projects were supported within the program. Biological sciences, chemistry and mathematics have the highest representation in the focus of projects. The main contribution of the program is the achievement of a number of original findings, which are presented in the international scientific community in the form of conference papers and, above all, articles in professional journals. A direct economic benefit can be seen in the education of young scientific and technical workers at a world-class level.

    By comparing the ERC CZ program with the GA ČR Junior Grants and Grant Projects of Excellence in Basic Research EXPRO, which are similar in type, the ERC CZ program is competitive in terms of various evaluation parameters. It is fully comparable to the EXPRO program, which aims to support research teams led by a top internationally recognized scientific personality or a young scientist with potential for excellence. The results of the ERC CZ program have the highest citation response and average percentile among the compared programs.

    The ERC CZ program aims to involve specific Czech research facilities in the European (international) research area. Demonstration and measurement of cooperation takes place with the help of foreign scientists in solving ERC CZ projects and their co-authorship of the results. The USA has the most – 70 collaborations and Germany – 67 collaborations.

    Due to the multidisciplinarity of the projects, the solution teams have a different number of workers with the same structure. The teams are made up of senior and junior researchers. On average, 7 junior workers or students were involved in one project. Considering the supported projects, it is about 200 young scientists. The program clearly contributed to the development of human resources in research.

    Interest in obtaining an ERC grant within the Czech scientific community is growing. The number of submitted projects and their quality is growing. In comparison, the quality of projects measured by the number of successfully evaluated projects is growing faster than the number of submitted projects.

    The ERC CZ program stimulates scientists to submit projects with a motivational tool in the form of the obligation of the researcher to submit an adequately modified project proposal to the ERC call no later than two years after the start of project funding from national sources. With this motivational tool, it increases the quality and number of submitted project proposals. The Czech Republic still lags behind compared to other countries.

    The motivational effect and financial support provided within the ERC CZ program is proving to be very effective and beneficial. The program enables the development of some methods and techniques that were more financially demanding and could not be implemented within standard projects.

  • MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023

    MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers who have a PhD and want to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and cross-industry mobility. The closest deadline is September 13, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. The JU deadline is September 5, 2023 12:00 p.m. If you are interested, please contact project supportThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • EIC Transition Open Call

    EIC Transition Open is a funding system for projects in any area of science, technology or application, as well as challenge-focused funding in specific strategic areas. Deadline is April 12, 2023 and September 27, 2023. If interested, please contact the project department.

  • Demonstration of climate resilience solutions in support of the implementation of the Adaptation to Climate Change Mission

    HORIZON-MISS-CLIMA-01: Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions to build resilience towards health risks caused by the effects of climate change. The deadline is Wed 20 September 2023 17:00. Please inform the Project Support about your intention to apply.

  • Demonstration of climate mitigation and resilience solutions in support of the implementation of the Adaptation to Climate Change, Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 and A Soil Deal for Europe Missions

    HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-OCEAN-SOIL-01: Mission Climate adaptation, Mission Ocean & waters and Mission Soil Deal for Europe – Joint demonstration of an integrated approach to increasing landscape water retention capacity at regional scale. The deadline is 20 September 2023 17:00. Please inform the Projekt Support about your intention to apply.

  • Caring for significant parts of nature and landscape - Environmental Operational Program

    A new call for Caring for significant parts of nature and landscape has been announced. The call is aimed at strengthening the protection and preservation of nature, biological diversity and green infrastructure. The deadline is June 30, 2023. If you are interested, please contact the project department.

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