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D92 - which regulates the support of postdoctoral positions at FSci, expanding the support provided by rectorate postdoctoral positions at USB

Provision of the Dean No. D 92
About regulation of the support of postdoctoral positions at FSci expanding the support provided by rectorate postdoctoral positions

The aim of the support is to attract quality postdocs to FSci, bringing know-how from other workplaces. In contrast to the rectorate support, the support of FSci is aimed at minimizing the time between the submission of the application and its acceptance, and thus increasing the probability that a candidate of good quality will accept the offered position.

1) The conditions for the granting of the position of faculty postdoc are the quality of the applicant and the submission of an application for the position of a rectorate postdoc according to the rules of USB[1].

2) The management of FSci are to assess applications and forward a maximum of 3 to the management of USB as applications for rectorate positions. At the same time, they are to decide which of the applicants FSci is willing to offer a faculty position to according to the procedure described below.

3) The highest-ranking candidate from the circle of candidates selected for rectorate support (K) will be immediately[2] notified by the management of FSci of the offer of a postdoctoral position with the possibility of immediate entry (the rectorate position opens on 1 January of the following year).

4) By the decision of the management of USB on granting a rectorate postdoctoral position to a candidate from FSci[3], two possibilities may subsequently arise:

4a) The management of USB will award the rectorate position to candidate K. If K is already at FSci at that time, he/she will be assigned funding from university resources (from which he/she may be supported for the maximum period specified in the application, i.e., the total stay may be extended by the period of employment as a faculty postdoc).

4b) The USB management will select another candidate from FSci. Then the positions of faculty and rectorate postdoc are independent, K is fully funded by the Faculty and the rectorate postdoc is funded by USB, both for the period specified in the applications.

5) If K does not accept the position or moves to the position of rectorate postdoc, the management of FSci may offer the faculty position to another of the candidates in order according to point 2), if more excellent postdocs apply in the given year.

6) Postdocs (financed by FSci or the Rectorate) who have applied for the maximum length of the position may request the Dean of FSci to extend the position for a maximum period of 3 years. The application is to be assessed in the light of results up to that time as well as contribution to the Faculty.

This Dean´s Provision replaces the Dean´s Provision from 14th of November 2019.


In Českých Budějovicích on the 16th of August 2023

prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
Dean of the Faculty of Science USB

[1] According to the current rules, applications are accepted at the faculty until 6 September 2023 using this form:

[2] According to current rules, until 11 September 2023

[3] Now, most often, in the second half of November, but the granting of the position may occur much later in the case of rejection of the offer by more highly asessed candidates.


PDF here

The aim of the support is to attract quality postdocs to FSci, bringing know-how from other workplaces. In contrast to the rectorate support, the support of FSci is aimed at minimizing the time between the submission of the application and its acceptance, and thus increasing the probability that a candidate of good quality will accept the offered position.

  1. The conditions for the granting of the position of faculty postdoc are the quality of the applicant and the submission of an application for the position of a rectorate postdoc according to the rules of USB[1].
  2. The management of FSci are to assess applications and forward a maximum of 3 to the management of USB as applications for rectorate positions. At the same time, they are to decide which of the applicants FSci is willing to offer a faculty position to according to the procedure described below.
  3. The highest-ranking candidate from the circle of candidates selected for rectorate support (K) will be immediately[2] notified by the management of FSci of the offer of a postdoctoral position with the possibility of immediate entry (the rectorate position opens on 1 January of the following year).
  4. By the decision of the management of USB on granting a rectorate postdoctoral position to a candidate from FSci[3], two possibilities may subsequently arise:
    1. The management of USB will award the rectorate position to candidate K. If K is already at FSci at that time, he/she will be assigned funding from university resources (from which he/she may be supported for the maximum period specified in the application, i.e., the total stay may be extended by the period of employment as a faculty postdoc).
    2. The USB management will select another candidate from FSci. Then the positions of faculty and rectorate postdoc are independent, K is fully funded by the Faculty and the rectorate postdoc is funded by USB, both for the period specified in the applications.
  5. If K does not accept the position or moves to the position of rectorate postdoc, the management of FSci may offer the faculty position to another of the candidates in order according to point 2), if more excellent postdocs apply in the given year.
  6. Postdocs (financed by FSci or the Rectorate) who have applied for the maximum length of the position may request the Dean of FSci to extend the position for a maximum period of 3 years. The application is to be assessed in the light of results up to that time as well as contribution to the Faculty.

Českých Budějovicích 14 November 2019

prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.
Dean of the Faculty of Science USB


[1] According to the current rules, applications are accepted at the faculty until 31 August using this form: The form can be downloaded HERE.
[2] According to current rules, until 15.9.
[3] Now, most often, in the second half of November, but the granting of the position may occur much later in the case of rejection of the offer by more highly asessed candidates.

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D89 - On the recording of study results

Provision of the Dean No. 89
on the recording of study results at FSci USB

from 30 October 2018
as amended on 1 October 2019

Beginning in the academic year of 2019/2020 the obligation to write results in the student record book (index) is cancelled, the STAG information system (hereinafter STAG) alone will be used for course enrolment, credit and examination result registration, and study checks.

Each course teacher is obliged to record the results of tests and exams in STAG and the recording of test and examination results in STAG is to be performed three days after the test/examination takes place at the latest[1] . It is necessary to record even grade 4 (failed), or “excused”, or “did not attend”, the column must not remain empty. The secretary of the department/institute (hereinafter workplace) under which the evaluation of the subject falls is to record such results for external teachers.

In the event of a written examination, the student must have the option of inspecting the corrected examination paper no later than four days after the result has been entered in the STAG.

The student is to have the following seven days to check their results as recorded in STAG (to ascertain whether the recorded result is in accordance with that which they were informed of during the examination or during their inspection of the corrected test paper corrected in their absence). In the case of the result in STAG being different to that which they were informed of, the student is to inform the appropriate member of the teaching staff without delay, who (as long as the result was wrongly entered) is to correct the result in STAG immediately. If the student does not comment on the given result at the given time, he/she is deemed to have agreed with the assessment.

Regarding the second retake examination (which is to be entered in STAG as the second retake examination), which is to take place at the end of the examination period (less than a week before the end of the examination period) the course teacher is obliged to record the result of the examination the day following the examination; in the event of the examination taking place on the last day of the examination period, the results are to be recorded in STAG on the day of the examination.      

In the event of the student not attending the second retake examination without excusing themselves, they are to receive grade 4. A brief protocol is to be written about the second retake examination detailing the date the examination took place, the results of those who attended, and the names of those who failed to attend. This protocol is to be submitted to the workplace secretary, a copy is to be kept by the course teacher.

In the event of the incorrect recording of the result of a second retake examination taking place at the end of the examination period being ascertained within a three-day period, the student is to request (in writing, without fee) the Study Vice-Dean for its correction. On the basis of this request the Study Vice-Dean (or their authorised representative) is to instruct the departmental secretary to submit the original protocol of the second retake examination. In accordance with this material, the grade in the STAG information system will be corrected at the Department of Student Affairs 2.

Teaching staff are obliged to archive all documentation regarding the awarding of grades or credits at minimum until one month after the end of study result checking for the academic year in which the course took place, i.e. for examinations in the winter and summer semesters at least until the end of October in the following academic year.

Teaching staff may entrust the recording of grades in STAG to the workplace secretary.

To ascertain the current overview of all external teaching staff in every semester at the given department, the Dean’s officer responsible for the preparation of agreements of teaching work activity is, always during the preparation of agreements of work activity, to record the following information in the shared tables: the name and surname of the external teacher, subject taught, and contact information of the teacher.

The student enrolls in the subjects Bachelor’s Diploma Dissertation, Bachelor’s Diploma Practice, Master’s Diploma Thesis, and Master’s Diploma Practice according to the workplace they are assigned to (the workplace guaranteeing the study program, or the workplace of the supervisor for work undertaken in biological fields) and where they will work on and defend them.

Credits for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral practice are not to be entered in STAG by individual supervisors, but by the workplace secretaries. Supervisors are responsible for the submission of information in written form (by email) for entry by the secretary of the workplace two weeks before the end of each examination period at the latest[2]. In the case of an external supervisor (contact information entered in the employment protocol, one copy of the employment protocol is to remain at the workplace) the secretary is to request the external supervisor for this information at the same time. An overview of all qualification work at the department/institute is to be found on STAG (Browse – Dissertation/Thesis – chosen workplace – Dissertation/Thesis status, DBPOO, or DBUO).

Credits for the Doctoral study subjects Literary Research and Doctoral Seminars are recorded in STAG by the chair of the Field Board [3].

Two weeks before the end of each examination period, the secretaries of the departments are to check whether the fulfilment or non-fulfilment of the credits for Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral qualificational practice for the for the previous semester have been entered or not. If this credit record is missing, they are to ascertain from the supervisor (the supervisor appears in the list of work in progress in Browsing in STAG) whether or not the student is entitled to obtain the credit and the result of fulfilled/not fulfilled regarding the credit is to be entered into STAG.

A week before the end of the examination period the departmental secretaries are to ascertain whether the grades and credits for all subjects which the given workplace ensured have been entered.

In the event of the grades and credits for some subjects not being entered they are to inform the head of department who is to ensure the entry of the grade. For subjects not provided by individual workplaces, this check will be performed by the Vice-Dean and the Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies in cooperation with the study officers.

The head of the workplace is to ensure the qualificational substitutability of the secretaries in the event of sudden absence, especially in the critical end of semester period [4].

A student who has enrolled for a subject provided by another faculty and who discovers that the credit/grade for that subject has not been entered in STAG is to inform the course teacher.


Organisational information:

After receiving the logging-in information for STAG, students of the first year of Bachelor’s study are to enter compulsory subjects themselves into STAG according to their study plans within the period given during enrollment.

Upon enrolling in the first year of the subsequent Master's degree programme, students will find information on the subjects in the study plan of the relevant study programme in STAG. Enrollment is to be done in person at the Department of Student Affairs of the faculty within the deadline given by the academic calendar.

Enrolment for study from the second semester of study:

Students are to enrol on STAG within the period set by the academic calendar (June, January).

In order to confirm enrollment without changes, the student is to deliver their signed Enrollment Form B to the Department of Student Affairs by the deadline set for the confirmation of enrollment. Delivery may be in person or by email. In the latter case, the student is to attach to the report an Enrollment Form B bearing their handwritten signature or a signed qualified certificate.

If during the confirmation of enrollment the student wishes to make any change in comparison to their pre-enrollment (enroll for another course or disenroll from any of the enrolled-for courses), they are to make these changes to the enrollment form and sign it before presenting themselves at the Department of Student Affairs. The student officers are to perform the appropriate correction in STAG and file the signed enrollment form with the student’s documents.

Enrollment in or disenrollment from subjects in the first 3 weeks of the semester:
In the first 3 weeks of the semester the student is to present themselves with a confirmation of fee payment and the subject guarantor's opinion to the Department of Student Affairs where the appropriate changes will be made. The confirmation of payment with the changes marked will be filed in the student’s file. Disenrollment of subjects under Article 21, paragraph 8,  section b (creation or modification of the schedule after enrollment) is free of charge.

Late enrollment for selective excursions:
Regarding selective excursions, the excursion guarantor is to send a document including the code of the excursion, the date of the excursion, and the final list of excursion participants to the Department of Student Affairs no later than three days before the beginning of the excursion. The study officer is to forward the list without delay to the addresses of all listed participants/students and enroll all listed students for the subject. In the event of the name of a student being included in the list by mistake, such a student is to inform the Department of Student Affairs within fifteen days of receiving the email with the notification; in such an event, the officer is also to carry out the appropriate correction in STAG.

Late enrollment and cancellation of block courses (other than excursions):
The student may enrol for a block course or cancel their enrolment only before the beginning of such a course and on the basis of a request (without fee in the case of a timetable clash of block courses); the date of the course confirmed by the course guarantor is to be included in the request.

Checking of study results:
The student is to present themselves to the Department of Student Affairs after having themselves checked their own results for the given period (for all types of study: after the first semester  and then at the end of each year, for Doctoral study: even after the end of the first year). At the Department of Student Affairs they are to be provided with a document with their study results for the given academic year. This document is to be signed by the student, the student so doing confirms that they agree with the facts archived in their student file.


In the event of the student, during the checking of their results, discovering that certain information is incorrect, they may without delay submit without fee a request to the Vice-Dean for Study for an investigation of the error. The Vice-Dean for Study is to send a request to the appropriate course guarantor for documentation, according to which the veracity of the student’s request will be judged.

 Checking of study results before the state final examinations:
A student who is to take an examination in a subject in the last semester before the state final examinations is obliged to inform the examining member of staff that it is necessary to enter the grade for the examination of the subject immediately after the examination is taken, or prioritise the correcting of a written examination in order to allow the student to present themselves for the checking of study before the SFE no later than three days before the SFE takes place, the teacher is obliged to do this.

Prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.
Dean of the Faculty of Science USB


[1] An exception is the English Master’s Exam (OJZ 930), where a period of 13 days is allowed for external evaluation of the TOEFL test.

[2] Course guarantors and the secretaries of workplaces do not have access to the insertion of marks into STAG  after the examination period.

[3] These courses are divided into individual study boards, eg Literary Research KZO 806, KBO 806,…   or Doctoral Seminar KZO 805, KBO 805……

[4] The head of the department is authorized to enter grades from subjects belonging to the given workplace. An alternative is that two people may have the right of secretary access at one workplace.

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D83 - On fees for study in the English language in Bachelor´s and in Master´s study programmes as amended on 10. August 2021


In accordance with Section § 58, par. 5 of Act no. 111/1998 Coll. On Higher Education Institutions and on the modification and amendments to other Acts (Higher Education Act) and in accordance with the provision of the Rector on Setting Fees Related to Study for the academic year 2021/2022 (R 461), I set the fee for study in the study programme carried out in a foreign language (English) at the amount of CZK 500 (or EURO 20) for the whole academic year.

The reciept of payment is to be submitted during enrollment, a student may be enrolled only after submission of this receipt.

In České Budějovice 10th August 2021

Prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.
Dean of Faculty of Science SBU

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D79 - on the awarding of scholarships

Provision of the Dean No. D 79
on the awarding of scholarships

on 1 June 2017
as amended on 24 May 2024

This measure defines, in accordance with the Rules for Scholarships of Faculty of Science and with § 91 of Act No. 111/1998 Col., the conditions for the awarding of scholarships, and the conditions for their payment at the Faculty of Science USB (FSci hereafter).


Article I

Achievement scholarship

  1. Achievement scholarships are to be awarded to full-time Bachelor’s and Master’s students who fulfil the conditions detailed below in this measure. The scholarship is to be approved by the Dean.
  2. An achievement scholarship is awarded from the 3rd semester of study until the end of the standard period of study if the student's weighted average for the whole study in particular study programme is up to and including 1.20, the student has successfully completed all enrolled courses and has also earned at least 60 credits for the previous two semesters of study. The scholarship is awarded automatically once a year after finishing of whole year of study.
  3. A student who does not meet the weighted average criterion under paragraph 2 of this Article due to a lower grade in an elective course and at the same time the above average does not exceed 1.25 may apply for a scholarship with evidence of the calculation of the weighted grade point average for required and compulsory elective courses.
  4. If the student has participated in any of the international mobility programmes, he/she may receive a scholarship for one more year above the standard period of study.
  5. The amount of scholarship is set at CZK  2 000,- per month.
  6. The scholarship is to be paid for a period of 10 months or until the end of the studies, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 4 of this Article. In the event of interruption of studies, payment of the scholarship is to be suspended until the student re-enrolls in studies.
  7. The payment of the scholarship (by bank transfer to the student’s bank account) is always to be performed on the last day of the month at the latest.

Article II

Scholarship for excellent study and research results

  1. The scholarship for outstanding study and research results is awarded to full-time students of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes who meet the rules set out below and have submitted an application for this scholarship by the deadline.
  2. The scholarship may be awarded on the basis of an application submitted by the student. The application form is available on the FSci website. All required information must be filled in.
  3. The applicant for a premium scholarship for excellent study and research results must have fulfilled the following conditions in the previous Two semesters:
       a. Achieve a result which demonstrates active involvement in research activity in one of the following forms: the personal presentation of a poster at an international conference with a text in an international language (in this case the student must be the first author in a multiple-author group) or the personal presentation of a lecture in an international language at an international conference or the joint authorship or authorship of a paper published in a journal with an assigned IF (the paper must at least be accepted by the editorship for publication) or the co-authorship of a chapter in a book published by a foreign professional publishing house or the authorship of an article in a peer-reviewed periodical without an assigned IF (the applicant is the only or first author). In all cases this may be regarding results gained within the framework of work at the institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, nonetheless in such cases the student’s membership of the FSci must be stated in the results.
       b. Gain at least 60 credits during the previous two semesters.
       c. Properly complete all subjects for which they have enrolled.
       d. Achieve a weighted study average of no more than 1,50.
  4. Along with the scholarship application form the student is to submit documents enabling the assessment of the fulfilment of the set conditions – a certificate regarding a conference presentation, a copy of a published paper, a confirmation from the editorship of a journal etc. A panel consisting of the Vice-Dean for Study and the Vice-Dean for Doctoral Study are to make the selections, based on the submitted application from the student, for which they make recommendations to the Dean regarding awarding of the scholarship, in the following way:

Every applicant is to be awarded evaluation points as a sum of the following two parts:

  • 100*(1.5–WSA) with WSA being the weighted study average for the previous academic year.
  • 10 points for the authorship of a scientific paper in a reviewed journal without an IF, 60 points for the presentation of a poster at an international conference in an international language, 100 points for lecturing at an international conference in an international language, 125 points for (joint)authorship of a published paper with an IF ≤ 0,5 or for (joint)authorship of a chapter of a book published by an international scientific publisher, 150 points for the (joint)authorship of a scientific article in a journal with an IF > 0,5. An applicant with more publishing or presentational activity in the decisive period is to submit the highest scoring activity – individual activities are not to be added up. Based on the resulting evaluation points a ranking list is to be formed, from which the top 20 applicants are to be chosen. In the event of more than one applicant having equal points in 20th place the number of proposed scholarships is to be increased accordingly.
  1. The deadline for the submission of applications for the award of scholarships for excellent study and research results to the Department of Student Affairs FSci is to be 11:00 on 15 October or 10 March. In the event of the date for delivery of the application falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it may be submitted on the first working day following the specified date by 11:00 a.m.
  2. The scholarship is paid for 10 months or until the end of the studies. In the event of an interruption in study, payment of the scholarship is to be delayed until the student enrolls again for study.
  3. The amount of scholarship ranges from CZK 1 200 to CZK 3 000 per month.
  4. The payment of the scholarship is always made by transfer to the student's account on the last day of the month at the latest.
  5. There is no legal entitlement to the payment of the premium scholarship under this measure and payment may be interrupted at any time without compensation.
  6. The award of the scholarship, including its justification, without specifying the amount of the awarded scholarship, is published in the public part of the FSci website in accordance with the JU Scholarship Regulations (Article 4, paragraph 4).


Article III.

Extraordinary scholarship for talented students entering the first years of the Bachelor's degree programme

  1. Students enrolled in the first years of the Bachelor's degree programme accepted on the basis of the defence of independent professional work at FSci or those who have placed 1st - 5th in the national round of one of the Science Olympiads or in the national round of the SOČ can apply for a scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to a maximum of three selected applicants, and includes a CZK 15 000 premium scholarship as a reward and CZK 15 000 intended to support a research project on which the applicant is to begin work as a student at FSci USB.
  2. An extraordinary scholarship is awarded to a student during the first semester of study, the support of the research project will be provided to him/her after the start of his/her own research project at one of the departments or institutes of FSci USB. Written applications for scholarships in the form of a letter are accepted by the Department of Student Affairs of FSci USB and may be sent together with the application for study or as a separate document after submission of the application, no later than the beginning of the winter semester of the given academic year.
  3. The payment of the scholarship is always made by transfer to the student's account on the last day of the month at the latest.


Article IV

Extraordinary scholarship for support of students of study programmes conducted in English language

  1. A scholarship may be awarded to a student on a programme conducted in English if the fees for studies conducted in a foreign language have not previously been waived or reduced by another decision. The scholarship is awarded by the Dean.
  2. A scholarship may be awarded on the basis of an application submitted by the student. Applications received will be processed by the Study Department after the end of the examination period of each semester and will prepare the basis for the Dean's decision.
  3. The applicant must have settled all obligations to the JU and properly fulfill his/her study obligations, i.e., for example, successfully obtain credits and grades for compulsory and compulsory elective courses of the study plan within the set deadlines, properly register for courses, etc.
  4. The amount of the scholarship for each study programme is set as follows:
       a) N0619P140001 Artificial Intelligence and Data Science – 2 000 EUR per year of study;
       b) N0521A030002 Ecology – 2 500 EUR per year of study.

Article V

Dean’s Award

  1. The Dean’s Award is a premium scholarship for excellent research results gained with regard to a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis. It is to be awarded according to the Rules for Scholarships of USB by a decision of the Dean and its awarding is to be made public in a spoken announcement during the graduation ceremony in accordance with the Rules for Scholarships of USB (Article 4, Paragraph 4).
  2. The Dean's Award for the Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis is awarded on the basis of a proposal by the head of department or institute. The amount of the one-time scholarship is to be CZK 5 000.
  3. The Dean's Award for the Doctoral thesis is awarded on the basis of a proposal by the chairmen of the subject councils. The amount of the one-time scholarship is to be CZK 10 000.

Article VI

Final provisions

  1. The amendment of this provision which was valid from 14 February 2023 is repealed.
  2. This updated amendment takes effect on the day of issue.
  3. This updated amendment takes effect on the day of issue.
  4. In the event of a conflict between the language versions of this measure, the Czech version shall be binding.

prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
Dean of the Faculty of Science, USB

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P6 - on the Submission of Ph.D. Theses at FSci USB

Provision of the Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies
the Submission of Ph.D. Theses at FSci USB


Ph.D. theses are published according to § 47b of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. as amended (hereinafter “the Act”). The details of the method applied at USB are set by Provision of the Rector No. R 452 from 4.12.2020 (hereinafter “Provision R 452”) and for students of FSci USB also by this Provision.

The student is to submit to the Department of Student Affairs of FSci USB:

  1. students of Biochemistry, Ecosystem Biology and Ecology, Botany, Entomology, Hydrobiology, Infection Biology, and Zoology 4 copies of the Ph.D. Thesis printed in the Ph.D. Thesis Series (in the case of three opponents 5 copies) for opponents, the department, and the Dean. If the submitted work contains parts due to which its publication will be postponed, the student is to submit one additional copy of the thesis to be sent to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Students of other disciplines do not have to submit printed versions of the Ph.D. Thesis ; if they are required by the opponents or for the purpose of sending to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, they are to be printed out from the PDF inserted by the student into IS STAG by the Department of Student Affairs;
  2. a page containing the bibliographical details, an annotation of the thesis, and a declaration (see point 3 of Structure of the Thesis);
  3. a document containing the student's declaration of his/her contribution to the published work as a percentage confirmed by the co-authors (see points 5 and 6 of Structure of the Thesis);
  4. a page stating the consent of the copyright holders of individual articles already published or accepted for publication with their use in the dissertation, if the work has been or will be printed in the Ph.D. Thesis Series (for theses submitted only as electronic versions, this consent is required if the student wants to publish the full version of articles in IS STAG). Consent is not required for articles published in open access;
  5. a student-signed curriculum vitae written in English supplemented by a list of publications and presentations delivered at conferences;
  6. the supervisor’s signed assessment of the thesis;
  7. in the case of a postponed publication of a thesis, an original copy of the statement of the reasons for postponement containing the signatures of the author of the thesis and the consent of the Dean, (the Request for Postponed Publication form is attached as Annex 1 to this Provision);
  8. in the case of a thesis containing classified information[1], the original of the document justifying the redaction of certain parts of the thesis containing the signatures of the author of the work, the supervisor, and the Dean (a sample is Annex 2 to this provision);
  9. a statement by the Chairman of the Specialist Board as to whether the submitted thesis meets the requirements for the professional quality of theses;
  10. the application for the defense, which includes the student's consent to the publication of the place and time of the defense on the Faculty’s website;

Further, the student (on any study programme) is to enter the electronic version of the thesis into the IS STAG database in accordance with Provision R 452:

  • the text of the thesis is to be entered in PDF format without watermarks,
  • electronic attachments are to be inserted compressed into a single file in ZIP format,
  • the names of the uploaded files are to have the following obligatory structure: Surname_Name_year_type of thesis [DT]_(attachments), for example Novak_Jan_2021_DT.pdf, in the case of attachments

    For the purposes of this provision, a full version of a thesis is one that contains the unabridged text of the thesis and any attachments convertible into electronic form (i.e. including all parts already published or accepted for publication).

    For the purposes of this provision, an abbreviated version of a thesis means one that contains a text, some parts of which have been redacted and duly marked, or replaced by complete bibliographic data and an abstract, if a publication of which the student is the author or co-author has been redacted.

    The following options are available for entering a thesis into IS STAG:
    1. The full version of the thesis is published. In that case, the parts already published or accepted for publication must either have been published in open access form, or the student is to submit to the Department of Student Affairs the consent of the copyright holder to include this part in a publicly available version.
    2. If the student does not have the consent of the copyright holder to publish the publication/-s in the electronic form of the thesis or it was not published in open access, the student is to enter into IS STAG as a published attachment an abbreviated version in which he/she replaces each such part with a page with its complete bibliographic data in English, and also in the language of the publication, if the text is not published in English, and possibly a web link to the location of the article on the publisher's website. The student is to insert the full version into IS STAG as a non-published attachment.
    3. If a part of the thesis is in the form of a manuscript ready to be sent to a journal or which is under review, reworking before re-submission, etc. (for these parts the student is to provide information on what stage of the process leading to publication the manuscript is in at the time of submission) or if there is an intention to publish part of the thesis, even if the manuscript has not yet been prepared for publication or used for the preparation of a patent application, publication may be postponed with the consent of the Dean of the Faculty for the maximum period allowed in §47b paragraph 4 of the Act. The student is to enter the full or abbreviated version of the thesis into IS STAG (see points a) or b)) as a non-published attachment, for which, in the form for inserting a file into the IS STAG database, he/she sets a deadline for the postponement of publication (which must not exceed the period allowed by §47b paragraph 4 of the Act) and in the case of an abbreviated version also the full version as a non-published annex without setting deferred publication. The Department of Student Affairs is to insert as a published appendix Justification for the Postponement of the Publication of a Thesis with the signature of the author of the thesis and the consent and signature of the Dean.
    4. If the thesis contains classified information according to special regulations or on the basis of a contract with a partner of USB or workplace where the student has elaborated the thesis, and at the time of submitting the thesis it is clear that that the obstacle to the publication of the thesis will cease to exist before the expiration of the maximum period during which the law allows for the postponement of the publication of a qualification thesis, the procedure is to be as in point c. If the publication of a part of the thesis is not possible even after the expiration of the maximum legal time for postponing its publication, the student is to enter into IS STAG the full text of the thesis as a non-published appendix and a further abbreviated version for publication, where, after the page with the consent of the co-authors, is to be inserted a sheet with the Justification for the Redaction of Certain Parts of a Thesis together with a link to the document on the basis of which the relevant part is classified, and redacted passages are to be replaced by “The following passage of a length of ... contains classified information and is contained only in the full version, which is stored at the Faculty of Science of USB”. The justification is to contain the signature of the author of the thesis, the supervisor, and the Dean.

Theses printed in the Ph.D. Thesis Series, financially supported by FSci USB, are to be in the European format B5, i.e. 176 x 250 mm. The Faculty is to pay for black-and-white printing, the printing of colour images in articles already published by the student, and colour plates up to a maximum of 10 copies of the Ph.D. thesis. A higher number of copies or the inclusion of other colour images is to be paid for by the student. For inclusion in the Ph.D. Thesis Series prior confirmation of the fulfillment of professional requirements for theses (agreement of the Chairman of the Specialist Board) and formal requirements (agreement of the Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies) is required based on the submitted electronic version of the thesis in PDF format. The option of printing the theses in the Ph.D. Thesis Series may be chosen by students of all study programmes, including those who are not obliged to submit copies when registering for the defense (in this case, the student submits one copy of the thesis for the Dean). A thesis printed in the Ph.D. Thesis Series must be identical to the full version of the work entered into IS STAG. Theses not included in the Ph.D. Thesis Series (in the programmes Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Integrative Biology, Physiology and Developmental Biology, and Parasitology) do not have to be in B5 format, but before being entered into IS STAG they must also be approved by the Chairman of the Specialist Board.

The structure of the work (its full version) is to be as follows:

  1. In the case of a thesis included in the Ph.D. Thesis Series (the appearance of the thesis plates in biological programmes is given in Appendix 3, the thesis in the Biophysics programme is to have burgundy plates, Biochemistry blue, and the text “School of Doctoral Studies in Biological Sciences” is not to appear on them), the student is to supply the printing house, which prints and binds the thesis, with his/her name and surname, the title of the thesis, the year and serial number of the thesis (it will be assigned), and a picture in maximum resolution if he/she wishes to have it placed on the cover.

  2. title page is to follow, containing:
    • the name School of Doctoral Studies in Biological Sciences, if the student is a graduate of biological disciplines (not Biophysics or Biochemistry)
    • the name of the University followed by the name of the Faculty,
    • the title of the thesis,
    • the type of thesis (Ph.D. thesis” )
    • the name and surname of the student and his/her titles,
    • the name, surname, and titles of the supervisor (or supervisor specialist) and abbreviation of the name of or name of the supervisor’s employer (and of the supervisor specialist if appointed)
    • place (“České Budějovice”)
    • the year of completion.

    The title page is to be in its entirety either in Czech or English and should correspond linguistically to the cover.

  3. Following the title page is to be inserted a page containing the bibliographic details of the thesis, including:
      • the complete bibliographic details of the thesis (corresponding to how the work is to be cited) in English
      • an annotation of the thesis in English to the length of several sentences defining what the thesis is concerned with
      • the text below is to follow (see Provision R 452):-

    “I hereby declare that I am the author of this thesis and that I have used only those sources and literature detailed in the list of references.”

    The student is to attach the date and his/her name and surname to the above statement, and attach a handwritten signature to all submitted copies.

  4. A page listing the accredited workplaces that participated in conducting the thesis (eg “This thesis originated from a partnership of the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, and the Institute of xxx of AS CR, supporting Doctoral studies in the xxx study programme”) including their logos (the Faculty logo is to be used only in accordance with the rules stated on the Faculty’s website, financial support for which the work was created, and possibly with thanks (supervisors, co-authors, etc.).

  5. page containing a list of the student’s publications and manuscripts on which the submitted work is based (student publications that are not part of the submitted dissertation are not to be listed) is to follow, stating the student's share in individual publications and the impact factor of journals in which articles were published. The statement about the author's share may also be verbal (in which case it is clearly specified what the student did in the article), at the same time an estimate of the student's percentage share in the given publication must always be given.

  6. page containing the agreement of the co-authors to the student's declared share of joint publications, unless the student is the only author of the publications on which the thesis is based. The declaration for all co-authors of each such publication may be issued by the first or corresponding author, unless he/she is the student themself, in which case a senior co-author.

  7. A page containing the contents of the thesis is to follow, including the page numbers of the beginnings of individual chapters. The title page, bibliographic data page, and other pages, including the contents page (list of chapters and their page placement), are either not to be numbered at all or are to be numbered in Roman numerals (I to ....). Page numbering in Arabic numerals is to begin on the page entitled Introduction and run continuously throughout the volume, including the pages of the appendices.

  8. Part of each thesis is to be an introduction, a summary of results, and conclusions containing an evaluation of the impact of the thesis on the further development of the field. The minimum length of these sections (excluding literature and captions to figures and tables) is to be 10 standard pages. The Specialist Board may announce stricter requirements for the given field for the scope of these parts.

  9. At the end of the thesis, a brief professional curriculum vitae of the student may be included.

  10. If the thesis is included in the Ph.D. Thesis Series, the last page is to contain technical information (copyright, author's name and email address, title of the thesis and its number in the series, number of copies, printing house, and the Faculty’s address, telephone number, and email address) - see Annex 4.

The university seal may not be used anywhere in the thesis.

This Provision shall enter into force on 1. 5. 2021.

Doc. RNDr. Marie Šmilauerová, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Doctoral Study

Annexes to this Provision are:

  • Request for Postponed Publication (P1)
  • Justification for the Redaction of Certain Parts of a Thesis (P2)
  • Samples for Theses in the Ph.D. Thesis Series (an example of work in biological fields is given),boards (P3), and several first and last pages (P4)
  • a manual for preparing a Ph.D. thesis and submitting an application to the publisher to allow the use of an article in the thesis (P5)

[1] a thesis containing classified information may be submitted only with the prior consent of the Dean (the application form is on the Faculty's website Documents> Forms> For students), granted at least half a year before the submission of the thesis

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