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P9 - On support for PhD candidates supervised by FSc USB key employees

Provision of the Vice-Dean for doctoral studies No. 9
On support for PhD candidates supervised by FSc USB key employees

In accordance with the Scholarship Regulations of USB, the support for a given calendar year is paid in the form of a scholarship for outstanding research, development and innovation, or other creative results contributing to the deepening of knowledge to the PhD candidates, who meet the following conditions:

  • The PhD candidate is in full-time study of the 2nd year or higher and is supervised by a key employee of the faculty*

  • The PhD candidate has fulfilled all the obligations set by the ISP during the previous year and the annual report has been evaluated by the Specialist Board with a grade of "A"

  • The study did not exceed the standard study period, i.e. 4 years

The amount of the scholarship for each calendar year is decided by the Dean. For the year 2024 it is set at CZK 3000 per month and the scholarship can be paid retroactively.


In České Budějovice, 20th February 2024

doc. RNDr. Eva Nováková, PhD.
Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies

*key employee status is determined by the Dean of FSc USB

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DSP specialist boards

DSP specialist boards

Information for PhD students

Study in Doctoral study programmes takes place under the guidance of the supervisor and in accordance with the student's individual study plan (ISP). The professional level of the doctoral study programme is the responsibility of the Specialist Board (SB), whose members are to be appointed and dismissed by the Dean after approval by the Scientific Board of the faculty for no longer than the period of validity of the accreditation of the given study programme. The SB is to have at least five members - these may be professors and associate professors or experts in the field.

Competencies of the SB are of e.g. preparation of the admission procedure for the study programme, initiation and coordination of programme of lectures, seminars and other forms of study, determination of requirements for ISPs and theses of students and their approval, monitoring of students’ work and success of supervisors in doctoral students guidance, proposing to the Dean any withdrawal of scholarships and termination of student’s study (in the event of serious non-fulfilment of an ISP), determination of requirements for State Doctoral Examinations and defences, and solution of specific cases.

The Chair of the SB is to be the guarantor of the Doctoral study programme. Only an associate professor or full professor appointed in a field that corresponds to the given study programme or a closely related programme and who has engaged in scientific activity in the given field in the previous five years can be a guarantor. The guarantor must have a full-time job at FSci USB. Among the chair’s responsibilities belong e.g. the activities of the SB, the preparation of documents needed for accreditation of the study programme, communication of the provisions of the Faculty/University concerning doctoral studies to the supervisors and and solution of specific cases.

For details about the organisation and competencies of the Specialist Board and the Chair, read Provision D 62 – On the Organisation of Study in the Doctoral Study Programmes at Faculty of Science USB.

Available PhD programmes (expiration year of accreditation)

Aplikovaná fyzika / Applied Physics (2026)

  • Chairman: prof. RNDr. Vítězslav Straňák, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
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  • tel. +420 389 036 269

  • Department of Physics, office 040 - 2nd floor - Building C, Branišovská 1760 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
prof. RNDr. Tomáš Polívka, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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doc. RNDr. Milan Předota, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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doc. RNDr. Petr Jelínek, Ph.D., (PřF JU)

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doc. Dr. rer. nat. Ing. Jan Valdman, (PřF JU)

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doc. RNDr. Ondřej Kylián, Ph.D. (MFF UK Praha)

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prof. Ing. Martin Lísal, Ph.D., (ÚCHP AV ČR Praha)

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prof. Ing. Petr Zeman, Ph.D., (FAV ZČU Plzeň)

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Biochemie / Biochemistry (2028)

Specialist board members
doc. RNDr. Jiří Brynda, CSc. (ÚOChB AV ČR Praha)

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doc. Mgr. Radka Chaloupková, Ph.D. (LL MU Brno)

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Mgr. Ivana Nemčovičová, Ph.D. (MBC SAV Bratislava)

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RNDr. Pavlína Maloy Řezáčová, Ph.D. (ÚMG AV ČR Praha)

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prof. RNDr. Bohdan Schneider, CSc. (BTÚ AV ČR Praha)

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RNDr. Ján Štěrba, Ph.D. (PřF JU České Budějovice)

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RNDr. Ľubica Urbániková, CSc. (ÚMB SAV Bratislava)

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prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D. (PřF JU Řeské Budejovice)

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Biofyzika / Biophysics (2030)

  • Chairman: prof. RNDr. Tomáš Polívka, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
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  • tel. +420 389 036 267

  • 010502014 office 014 - 2nd floor - Building C, Branišovská 1760 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
doc. Mgr. Karel Kubíček, Ph.D. (PřF MU, Brno)

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prof. RNDr. Jiří Masojídek, CSc. (PřF JU, MBÚ AV ČR, Třeboň)

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doc. RNDr. Peter Mojzeš, CSc. (MFF UK, Praha)

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prof. RNDr. Ondřej Prášil, CSc. (PřF JU, MBÚ AV ČR, Třeboň)

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doc. RNDr. Milan Předota, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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doc. RNDr. Jakub Pšenčík, Ph.D. (MFF UK, Praha)

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prof. RNDr. Dalibor Štys, CSc. (FROV JU)

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doc. Mgr. Roman Tůma, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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Biologie ekosystémů a ekologie / Ecosystem biology and Ecology (2028)

  • Chairwoman: doc. RNDr. Jana Jersáková, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
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  • tel. +420 389 032 366

  • 010100039 office 039 - ground floor - Building A (room 126), Branišovská 1717/31d, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
prof. Ing. MgA. David Boukal, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR ‐ ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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RNDr. Tomáš Hájek Ph.D. (PřF JU, BÚ AV ČR Třeboň)

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RNDr. Alica Chroňáková, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR- ÚPB Č. Budějovice)

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doc. RNDr. Eva Kaštovská, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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prof. Ing. Jiří Kopáček, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR ‐ HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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RNDr. Ondřej Mudrák, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BÚ AV ČR Třeboň)

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prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc. (PřF JU)

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doc. RNDr. Petr Šmilauer, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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RNDr. Karel Tajovský, CSc. (BC AV ČR – ÚPB Č. Budějovice)

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Botanika / Botany (2028)

  • Chairman: doc. Mgr. Jan Kučera, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
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  • tel. +420 389 032 383

  • 025801009 office 009 - 1st floor - Department of Botany - Botanical villa (room 209), Na Zlaté stoce 692/1, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
prof. RNDr. Jan Kaštovský, Ph.D.(PřF JU)

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prof. RNDr. Jitka Klimešová, CSc. (BÚ AV ČR Průhonice)

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doc. Mgr. Ondřej Koukol, Ph.D. (PřF UK)

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doc. RNDr. Petr Kuneš, Ph.D. (PřF UK)

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prof. RNDr. Jan Lepš, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. RNDr. Karel Prach, CSc. (PřF JU, BÚ AV ČR Třeboň)

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doc. RNDr. Petr Sklenář, Ph.D. (PřF UK)

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doc. Pavel Škaloud, Ph.D. (PřF UK Praha)

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doc. RNDr. Marie Šmilauerová, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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doc. Ing. Milan Štech, Ph.D.(PřF JU)

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doc. RNDr. Jakub Těšitel, Ph.D. (PřF MU Brno)

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Entomologie / Entomology (2028)

  • Chairman: prof. RNDr. Oldřich Nedvěd, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)
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  • tel. +420 387 772 253

  • 010301014 office 014 - 1st floor - Building B - Blazek Building (room 253), Branišovská 1716/31c, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
prof. Ing. Ladislav Bocák, Ph.D. (Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc)

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Mgr. Lukáš Čížek, Ph.D. (BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. Mgr. Pavel Drozd, Ph.D. (Ostravská univerzita)

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prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Novotný, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. RNDr. Jan Růžička, Ph.D. (ČZU Praha)

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doc. RNDr. Pavel Saska, Ph.D. (VURV Praha)

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doc. RNDr. Robert Tropek, Ph.D. (UK Praha, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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Hydrobiologie / Limnology (2028)

  • Chairman: prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Vrba, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)
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  • tel. +420 389 032 346

  • 010302021 office 021 - 2nd floor - Building B - Blazek Building (room 346), Branišovská 1716/31c, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
RNDr. Petr Blabolil, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice

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Mgr. Jindřiška Bojková, Ph.D. (PřF MU Brno)

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prof. Ing. MgA. David Boukal, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. Ing. Josef Hejzlar, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. Mgr. Jan Kaštovský, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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prof. Ing. Jiří Kopáček, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. Mgr. Michal Koblížek, Ph.D. (PřF JU, MBÚ AV ČR, Třeboň)

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prof. RNDr. Jan Kubečka, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. RNDr. Adam Petrusek, Ph.D. (PřF UK Praha)

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doc. RNDr. Martin Rulík, CSc. (PřF UP Olomouc)

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prof. RNDr. Karel Šimek, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. RNDr. Petr Znachor, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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Parazitologie / Parasitology (2028)

  • Chairwoman: doc. RNDr. Eva Nováková, Ph.D. (PřF JU, PARÚ AV ČR)
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  • tel. +420 389 036 295

  • 010502045 office 045 - 2nd floor - Building C, Branišovská 1760 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
doc. RNDr. Oleg Ditrich, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. (PřF UK Praha)

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prof. RNDr. Václav Hypša, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR – PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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RNDr. Marie Jalovecká, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR – PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. Ing. Martin Kváč, Ph.D. (ZF JU, České Budějovice)

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prof. MVDr. David Modrý, Ph.D. (FVL Brno)

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RNDr. Alena Panicucci Zíková, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR – PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. RNDr. Tomáš Scholz, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. RNDr. Jan Štefka, Ph.D. (PřF JU, PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. RNDr. Jan Votýpka, Ph.D. (PřF UK Praha)

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Integrativní biologie / Integrative Biology (2028)

  • Chairman: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Doležal, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
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  • tel. +420 389 032 229

  • 010300022 office 022 - ground floor - Building B - Blazek Building (room 193), Branišovská 1716/31c, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
doc. Hassan Hashimi, Ph.D. (PřF JU, PARÚ AV ČR)

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prof. RNDr. Julius Lukeš, CSc. (PřF JU, PARÚ AV ČR)

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prof. RNDr. Ivo Šauman, CSc. (PřF JU, ENTÚ AV ČR)

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RNDr. Ladislav Anděra, CSc. (ÚMG AV ČR)

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prof. RNDr. Jan Tachezy, CSc. (PřF UK)

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prof. RNDr. František Marec, CSc. (ENTÚ AV ČR)

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RNDr. Petr Nguyen, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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prof. Ing. Miroslav Oborník, Ph.D. (PřF JU, PARÚ AV ČR)

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RNDr. Jiří Macas, Ph.D. (ÚMBR AV ČR)

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prof. Mgr. Marek Eliáš, Ph.D. (PřF OU)

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doc. Alexander Bruce, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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prof. RNDr. Dalibor Kodrík, CSc. (PřF JU, ENTÚ AV ČR)

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prof. RNDr. Marek Jindra, CSc. (PřF JU, ENTÚ AV ČR)

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MVDr. Martin Anger, Ph.D. (CEITEC)

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doc. Mgr. Martin Vácha, Ph.D. (PřF MUNI)

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prof. Ing. Jiří Šantrůček, CSc. (PřF JU)

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doc. Ing. Roman Sobotka, Ph.D. (PřF JU, MBÚ AV ČR)

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prof. RNDr. Ondřej Prášil, Ph.D. (PřF JU, MBÚ AV ČR)

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RNDr. Tomáš Hájek, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BÚ AV ČR)

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RNDr. Lubomír Adamec, CSc. (BÚ AV ČR)

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Ing. Martin Janda, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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RNDr. Jindřich Chmelař, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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prof. RNDr. Jan Kopecký, CSc. (PřF JU)

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prof. RNDr. Libor Grubhoffer, CSc. (PřF JU, PARÚ AV ČR)

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doc. RNDr. Daniel Růžek, Ph.D. (PřF JU, VÚVL AV ČR Brno, PARÚ AV ČR)

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Prim. MUDr. Miroslav Verner (Nemocnice České Budějovice, PřF JU)

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Zoologie / Zoology (2028)

  • Chairman: prof. Mgr. Radim Šumbera, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
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  • tel. +420 387 772 240

  • 010301010 office 010, room B 263 - 1st floor, Building B - Blazek Building, Branišovská 1716/31c, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
prof. RNDr. Michal Horsák, Ph.D. (PřF MU Brno)

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prof. RNDr. Miloš Macholán, CSc. (ÚŽFG Brno)

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doc. RNDr. Josef Matěna, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR – HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. Mgr. Pavel Munclinger, Ph.D. (PřF UK Praha)

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prof. RNDr. Oldřich Nedvěd, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D. (ÚBO Brno)

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doc. Mgr. Vladimír Remeš, Ph.D. (PřF UP Olomouc)

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prof. RNDr. František Sedláček, CSc. (PřF JU)

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RNDr. Petr Veselý, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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prof. RNDr. Jan Zrzavý, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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Old programmes and fields of study, to which new students are no longer admitted (expiration year of accreditation)

Programme Biofyzika / Biophysics, field of study Biofyzika / Biophysics (2024)

  • Chairman: prof. RNDr. Tomáš Polívka, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
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  • tel. +420 389 036 267

  • 010502014 office 014 - 2nd floor - Building C, Branišovská 1760 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
doc. Mgr. Karel Kubíček, Ph.D. (PřF MU, Brno)

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prof. RNDr. Jiří Masojídek, CSc. (PřF JU, MBÚ AV ČR, Třeboň)

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doc. RNDr. Peter Mojzeš, CSc. (MFF UK, Praha)

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prof. RNDr. Ondřej Prášil, CSc. (PřF JU, MBÚ AV ČR, Třeboň)

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doc. RNDr. Milan Předota, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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doc. RNDr. Jakub Pšenčík, Ph.D. (MFF UK, Praha)

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prof. RNDr. Dalibor Štys, CSc. (FROV JU)

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doc. Mgr. Roman Tůma, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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Programme Botanika / Botany, field of study Botanika / Botany (2024)

  • Chairman: doc. Mgr. Jan Kučera, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
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  • tel. +420 389 032 383

  • 025801009 office 009 - 1st floor - Department of Botany - Botanical villa (room 209), Na Zlaté stoce 692/1, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
prof. RNDr. Jan Kaštovský, Ph.D.(PřF JU)

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prof. RNDr. Jitka Klimešová, CSc. (BÚ AV ČR Průhonice)

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doc. Mgr. Ondřej Koukol, Ph.D. (PřF UK)

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doc. RNDr. Petr Kuneš, Ph.D. (PřF UK)

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prof. RNDr. Jan Lepš, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. RNDr. Karel Prach, CSc. (PřF JU, BÚ AV ČR Třeboň)

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doc. RNDr. Petr Sklenář, Ph.D. (PřF UK)

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doc. Pavel Škaloud, Ph.D. (PřF UK Praha)

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doc. RNDr. Marie Šmilauerová, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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doc. Ing. Milan Štech, Ph.D.(PřF JU)

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doc. RNDr. Jakub Těšitel, Ph.D. (PřF MU Brno)

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Programme Biologie / Biology, field of study Biologie ekosystémů / Ecosystem biology (2024)

  • Chairwoman: doc. RNDr. Jana Jersáková, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • tel. +420 389 032 366

  • 010100039 office 039 - ground floor - Building A (room 126), Branišovská 1717/31d, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
prof. Ing. MgA. David Boukal, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR ‐ ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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RNDr. Tomáš Hájek Ph.D. (PřF JU, BÚ AV ČR Třeboň)

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RNDr. Alica Chroňáková, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR- ÚPB Č. Budějovice)

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prof. Ing. Jiří Kopáček, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR ‐ HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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RNDr. Ondřej Mudrák, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BÚ AV ČR Třeboň)

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prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc. (PřF JU)

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doc. RNDr. Petr Šmilauer, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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RNDr. Karel Tajovský, CSc. (BC AV ČR – ÚPB Č. Budějovice)

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Programme Biologie / Biology, field of study Entomologie / Entomology (2024)

  • Chairman: prof. RNDr. Oldřich Nedvěd, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • tel. +420 387 772 253

  • 010301014 office 014 - 1st floor - Building B - Blazek Building (room 253), Branišovská 1716/31c, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
prof. Ing. Ladislav Bocák, Ph.D. (Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc)

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Mgr. Lukáš Čížek, Ph.D. (BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. Mgr. Pavel Drozd, Ph.D. (Ostravská univerzita)

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prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Novotný, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. RNDr. Jan Růžička, Ph.D. (ČZU Praha)

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doc. RNDr. Pavel Saska, Ph.D. (VURV Praha)

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doc. RNDr. Robert Tropek, Ph.D. (UK Praha, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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Programme Biologie / Biology, field of study Parazitologie / Parasitology (2024)

  • Chairwoman: doc. RNDr. Eva Nováková, Ph.D. (PřF JU, PARÚ AV ČR)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • tel. +420 389 036 295

  • 010502045 office 045 - 2nd floor - Building C, Branišovská 1760 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
doc. RNDr. Oleg Ditrich, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. (PřF UK Praha)

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prof. RNDr. Václav Hypša, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR – PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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RNDr. Marie Jalovecká, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR – PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. Ing. Martin Kváč, Ph.D. (ZF JU, České Budějovice)

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prof. MVDr. David Modrý, Ph.D. (FVL Brno)

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RNDr. Alena Panicucci Zíková, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR – PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. RNDr. Tomáš Scholz, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. RNDr. Jan Štefka, Ph.D. (PřF JU, PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. RNDr. Jan Votýpka, Ph.D. (PřF UK Praha)

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Programme Biologie / Biology, field of study Infekční biologie / Infection Biology (2024)

  • Chairman: prof. RNDr. Jan Kopecký, CSc. (Přf JU, BC AV ČR – PARÚ Č. Budějovice)
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  • tel. +420 389 036 274

  • 010502038 office 038 - 2nd floor - Building C, Branišovská 1760 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
doc. RNDr. Oleg Ditrich, CSc. (PřF JU, Č. Budějovice)

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MUDr. Jozef Filka, Ph.D. (ZSF JU, Č. Budějovice)

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prof. RNDr. Libor Grubhoffer, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR – PARÚ Č. Budějovice)

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RNDr. Jindřich Chmelař, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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Prim. MUDr. Václav Chmelík, (Nemocnice Č. Budějovice a.s.)

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doc. MUDr. Květoslava Kotrbová, Ph.D. (ZSF JU Č. Budějovice)

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Doc. MUDr. Ladislav Machala, Ph.D. (3. LF UK Praha)

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doc. RNDr. Miroslav Šíp, DrSc. (ZSF JU, Č. Budějovice)

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Prim. MUDr. Miroslav Verner (Nemocnice Č. Budějovice)

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doc. RNDr. Jan Votýpka, Ph.D. (PřF UK, Praha)

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Programme Biology, field of study Hydrobiologie / Hydrobiology (2024)

  • Chairman: prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Vrba, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • tel. +420 389 032 346

  • 010302021 office 021 - 2nd floor - Building B - Blazek Building (office 346), Branišovská 1716/31c, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
RNDr. Petr Blabolil, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice

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Mgr. Jindřiška Bojková, Ph.D. (PřF MU Brno)

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prof. Ing. MgA. David Boukal, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. Ing. Josef Hejzlar, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. Mgr. Jan Kaštovský, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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prof. Ing. Jiří Kopáček, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. Mgr. Michal Koblížek, Ph.D. (PřF JU, MBÚ AV ČR, Třeboň)

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prof. RNDr. Jan Kubečka, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. RNDr. Adam Petrusek, Ph.D. (PřF UK Praha)

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doc. RNDr. Martin Rulík, CSc. (PřF UP Olomouc)

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prof. RNDr. Karel Šimek, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. RNDr. Petr Znachor, Ph.D. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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Programme Fyziologie a imunologie/ Physiology and Immunology, field of study Fyziologie a vývojová biologie/ Physiology and Developmental Biology (2024)

  • Chairman: prof. Ing. Jiří Šantrůček, CSc. (PřF JU)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • tel. +420 389 032 353

  • 010302014 office 014 - 2nd floor - Building B - Blazek Building (office 353), Branišovská 1716/31c, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
RNDr. Lubomír Adamec, CSc. (BU AV ČR Průhonice)

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doc. Ing. Martin Flajšhans, Dr.rer.agr. (VÚRH JU, Vodňany)

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Ing. Martin Janda, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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RNDr. Tomáš Hájek, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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RNDr. Blanka Kalinová, CSc. (ÚOCHB Praha)

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prof. RNDr. Dalibor Kodrík, CSc. (BC AV ČR – EntÚ Č. Budějovice, PřF JU)

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prof. Ing. Vladimír Košťál, CSc. (BC AV ČR – EntÚ Č. Budějovice)

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Mgr. Jan Okrouhlík, Ph.D. (BC AV ČR – EntÚ Č. Budějovice)

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prof. RNDr. Ondřej Prášil, Ph.D. ( BC AV ČR - ÚMBR Č. Budějovice)

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prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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doc. Mgr. Martin Vácha, Ph.D. (PřF MU Brno)

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doc. RNDr. Stanislav Vybíral, CSc. (PřF UK Praha)

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Programme Molekulární a buněčná biologie/ Molecular and Cell Biology, field of study Molekulární a buněčná biologie a genetika/ Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics (2024)

  • Chairman: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Doležal, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • tel. +420 389 032 229

  • 010300022 office 022 - ground floor - Building B - Blazek Building (room 193), Branišovská 1716/31c, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
RNDr. Ladislav Anděra, CSc. (ÚMG AV ČR)

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prof. Mgr. Marek Eliáš, Ph.D. (PřF OU)

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prof. RNDr. Libor Grubhoffer, CSc. (PřF JU, PARÚ AV ČR)

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doc. Hassan Hashimi, Ph.D. (PřF JU, PARÚ AV ČR)

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prof. RNDr. Julius Lukeš, CSc. (PřF JU, PARÚ AV ČR)

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RNDr. Jiří Macas, Ph.D. (ÚMBR AV ČR)

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prof. RNDr. František Marec, CSc. (ENTÚ AV ČR)

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RNDr. Petr Nguyen, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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prof. Ing. Miroslav Oborník, Ph.D. (PřF JU, PARÚ AV ČR)

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doc. Ing. Roman Sobotka, Ph.D. (PřF JU, MBÚ AV ČR)

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prof. RNDr. Ivo Šauman, CSc. (PřF JU, ENTÚ AV ČR)

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prof. RNDr. Jan Tachezy, CSc. (PřF UK)

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Programme Zoologie / Zoology, field of study Zoologie / Zoology (2024)

  • Chairman: prof. Mgr. Radim Šumbera, Ph.D. (PřF JU)
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  • tel. +420 387 772 240

  • 010301010 office 010, room B 263 - 1st floor, Building B - Blazek Building; Branišovská 1716/31c, 370 05 České Budějovice

Specialist board members
prof. RNDr. Michal Horsák, Ph.D. (PřF MU Brno)

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prof. RNDr. Miloš Macholán, CSc. (ÚŽFG Brno)

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doc. RNDr. Josef Matěna, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR – HBÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. Mgr. Pavel Munclinger, Ph.D. (PřF UK Praha)

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prof. RNDr. Oldřich Nedvěd, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D. (ÚBO Brno)

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doc. Mgr. Vladimír Remeš, Ph.D. (PřF UP Olomouc)

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prof. RNDr. František Sedláček, CSc. (PřF JU)

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RNDr. Petr Veselý, Ph.D. (PřF JU)

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prof. RNDr. Jan Zrzavý, CSc. (PřF JU, BC AV ČR - ENTÚ Č. Budějovice)

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Master studies

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Master studies

  • Functional genetics and bioinformatics

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  • Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics

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Master studies

Functional genetics and bioinformatics 

Master program

Guarantor: prof. Alexander W. Bruce, Ph.D.

Applications open: February 2024
Application deadline: 19 May 2024

Study start: September 2024
Study duration: 2 years


  • The new 2-year Master's study program Functional genetics and bioinformatics was created with support of the National Recovery Plan for Higher Education for 2022-2024 (NPO Trasformace-JU, reg. č. NPO_JČU_MŠMT-16608/2022) to increase the career prospects of our graduates by implementing rapidly developing new technologies changing both the field and the global labor market.
    The program offers four different specializations:
    Functional genetics and bioinformatics: Bioinformatics
    Functional genetics and bioinformatics
    Functional genetics and bioinformatics: Human molecular genetics 
    Functional genetics and bioinformatics: Molecular cell biology and genetics

  • The new technologies increasingly require graduates to be adept at performing and analyzing experiments generating large data sets and to be able to translate their findings into meaningful biological results supported by a high level of theoretical knowledge. The main goals of the new study program are to expand the knowledge of students in the field of modern biological research on a theoretical and practical level and thus prepare them for future occupations in applied research and development in the industrial, agricultural, clinical or service sectors (e.g. in pharmaceutical or biotechnological industry or clinical diagnostics) and to positions in academic research (e.g. by continuing to doctoral studies).

  • Graduates of the program will acquire modern skills and knowledge in the field of so-called omics methods (i.e. high-capacity analysis of the genome, transcriptome, proteome or metabolome) and genetic engineering, which represent a technological revolution in biological research and increasingly contribute to breakthrough discoveries in biology and medicine. Graduates of the program will also be able to use or even develop bioinformatics tools for the analysis of large biological data produced by the omics approaches. Studies in the new program will be conducted entirely in English, which will increase the international competitiveness of its graduates and the attractiveness of studies for foreign students. Students will thus be educated in an international and multidisciplinary environment that will better reflect the reality of work in an increasingly globalized and integrated world economy.

  • Emphasis is placed on the support of independent scientific work and independent critical thinking within the framework of experimentally oriented diploma thesis, which can stand a rigorous professional evaluation and can be the basis for scientific publications. Experimental diploma theses focus mainly on the areas of interest of scientific groups associated under the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (Faculty of Science) and closely cooperating institutes of the Biology Center of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Centre of Algal Biotechnology of the Institute of Microbiology CAS. These areas include characterization of molecular and cellular processes (photosynthesis, metabolism, immunity, and cell signaling) and studies of development, genome organisation and molecular evolution in both classical models and non-model organisms.

  • A prospective student should have background in biology, biomedicine or biochemistry and complete in their previous undergraduate studies basic courses of biochemistry, genetics, cell and molecular biology and practical training in basic molecular biology methods.


  • Tuition fees

    There are no tuition fees*, only application fee 700 CZK (approx. 30 EUR)

    * Studies in foreign language are normally subject to tuition fees of 3000 EUR, however these do not apply to the Functional genetics and bioinformatics due to its funding through National Recovery Plan for Higher Education.

  • How to apply

    You can apply on-line in e-application, but read about the admission procedure first!
    For additional information please contact Department of Student Affairs.


Study plan

Core courses
common to all specializations provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of modern omics technologies, in the analysis and interpretation of the resulting large data sets and in genome editing.

KMB/925   Practical Computing for Biologists
KMB/615E  Bioinformatics for Biologists
KMB/921   Introduction to Omics & Biotechnology
KMB/933   Practicals in Omics & Biotechnology
KMB/926   Seminars in Omics & Biotechnology
KMB/929   The New Statistics for Experimental Biologists
KMB/913   Bioethics
OJZ/930   Master's English Examination – TOEFL
KMB/885   Masters Thesis Assignment
KMB/881   Master thesis, Practical part
KMB/180   Genetics - Colloquia
KMB/914   Cell Structure and Function
KMB/918   Essays in Omics & Biotechnology

Graduates will further deepen their knowledge and skills in the context of one of the four offered specializations:

  • Functional genetics and bioinformatics: Bioinformatics

    The Bioinformatics specialization combines an understanding of biological questions with advanced bioinformatics and computational skills to analyze large sets of genomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic data.

    Obligatory courses
    KMB/934   BASH Programming
    KMB/922   Introduction to R
    KMB/919   Genomics
    KMB/930   Transcriptomics and Epigenomics
    Obligatory elective courses
    UAI/735I   Python I
    UAI/697E   Databases
    UAI/330E   Data Analysis in Natural Sciences
    UAI/331   Python in Data Sciences
    KMB/924   Molecular Physiology and Metabolism
    KMB/927   Structural Bioinformatics
    KPA/604   Molecular Phylogenetics
    KZO/412I   Molecular Ecology
    KPA/172   Microbial Ecology and Genomics
  • Study plan - specialization Bioinformatics
  • Functional genetics and bioinformatics: Biotechnology

    The Biotechnology specialization provides advanced theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of genetic engineering, microbial biotechnology (for example, algal biotechnology for the manipulation of photosynthesis or the production of new bioactive substances) and plant and animal biotechnology (for example aquaculture biotechnology or new approaches using sequencing and editing of genomes in the breeding of economic crops).

    Obligatory courses:
    UCH/020   Gene & Protein Engineering
    KMB/928   Molecular Biology & Biotechnology of Cyanobacteria
    KBE/262E   Microbial Biotechnology
    KMB/937   Plant Biotechnology
    VURH/xxx   Animal Biotechnology
    Obligatory elective courses:
    KMB/924   Molecular Physiology and Metabolism
    KMB/920   Industrial Enzymology
    KEBR/631   Bioenergetics
    KMB/912   Algal Biotechnology
    KMB/936   Biotechnological & Molecular Techniques in Crop Management
  • Study plan - specialization Biotechnology
  • Functional genetics and bioinformatics: Human molecular genetics

    The Human molecular genetics specialization provides knowledge and skills in the areas of clinical genetics and genomics, state-of-the-art molecular diagnostic methods (based on next-generation sequencing), mechanisms of human diseases and methodological approaches to their research and treatment, including personalized medicine and gene therapy.

    Obligatory courses:
    KMB/932   Fundamental Human Genetics
    KMB/923   Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
    KMB/915   Clinical Genetics & Genomics
    KMB/917   Diagnosis of Human Disease
    KME/744E   Trends in Biomedicine
    Obligatory elective courses:
    KMB/618   Epigenetics & Regulation of Gene Expression
    KME/087E   Molecular Immunology
    KMB/924   Molecular Physiology and Metabolism
    KMB/927   Structural Bioinformatics
    KMB/602E   Advanced Methods of Molecular Biology 2
    KMB/916   Developmental Biology – Molecular Perspective
    KMB/935   Cytogenomics
  • Study plan - specialization Human molecular genetics
  • Functional genetics and bioinformatics: Molecular cell biology and genetics

    The specialization Molecular cell biology and genetics provides broad knowledge and practical skills that can be used especially in basic but also translational research, understanding of life processes and physiology at the level of molecules, cells and cell sub-compartments, tissues and model (mouse, fruit fly, caterpillar) and non-model organisms, always with an emphasis on the application of modern omic approaches and editing of genetic information.

    Obligatory courses:
    KMB/916   Developmental Biology – Molecular Perspective
    KMB/931   Model Organisms in Biomedical Research
    KMB/618E   Epigenetics & Regulation of Gene Expression
    KMB/602E   Advanced Methods of Molecular Biology 2
    KMB/924   Molecular Physiology and Metabolism
    Obligatory elective courses:
    UCH/012E   Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems
    UCH/014E   Structural Biochemistry
    KMB/221E   Evolutionary Genetics
    KEBR/631    Bioenergetics
    KMB/935    Cytogenomics
    KMB/910     Introduction to Virology
  • Study plan - specialization Molecular cell biology and genetic

Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics

Master program

Guarantor: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Doležal, Ph.D.

Master program Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics (in Czech language)

General information for prospective students, for additional information please contact Department of Student Affairs.

The aim of the program is to (1) deepen students' knowledge of molecular and cell biology and genetics and (2) prepare students for independent professional / scientific work in the laboratory. Students therefore take lectures and practical courses necessary for application not only in modern biological research, either basic or applied, but also in practice in forensic and clinical laboratories and biotechnology companies. The aim is to educate independent graduates who are familiar with the most modern approaches of molecular biology and genetics and are able to process and present the results of scientific work. The result of the study is also an experimentally oriented diploma thesis, which should have the ambition to become a basis for a scientific publication.

The acquired knowledge and skills will enable the graduate to continue his / her academic career in doctoral studies primarily in the fields of cell and molecular biology and genetics, but also in the fields of molecular physiology, biochemistry, biomedicine and, in certain cases, bioinformatics. Thanks to the modern wide application of molecular biology, however, graduates have a very good chance to find their place in the application sphere - in clinical diagnostic laboratories, forensic genetic laboratories, or as service specialists and technicians in various service laboratories and biotechnology companies.

Experimental diploma theses focus mainly on the areas of interest of scientific groups associated under the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, located at the Faculty of Science and closely cooperating institutes of the Biology Center ASCR. These areas include the characterization of molecular and cellular processes such as cyanobacteria photosynthesis, metabolism and gene expression in parasitic protozoa to find new targets for treatment, ticks immune processes and pathogen transfer mechanisms, cellular signaling on the classical model organism Drosophila melanogaster, epigenetic mechanisms in plant models. Further studies of molecular evolution and characterization of unicellular eukaryotes, molecular mechanisms of co-evolution of host and parasite / symbiont, molecular cytogenetics and study of sex chromosome evolution in arthropods, through cytogenetics and genomic approaches in plant models. Scientific interests also include studying molecular mechanisms that affect biological processes at the whole organism level, such as regulating metabolism during immune response in the Drosophila melanogaster model, studying insect hormonal regulation and diapause, and studying the molecular mechanisms of circadian and photoperiodic clocks in insects. Last but not least, it is also the study of the regulation of early mouse development and molecular mechanisms of insect development.

A prospective student should complete in his previous undergraduate studies basic courses of biochemistry, genetics, cell and molecular biology and practical training in basic molecular biology methods.

Courses recommended for the Master program Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics:

KMB 218 Epigenetics
KMB 759 Genetics - the Molecular Approach
KMB 358 Introduction to Genomics
KMB 217 Methods of Functional Genomics
KMB 602E Advanced methods in molecular biology 2
KEBR 631 Bioenergetics
KMB 613 Bioinformatics for Biologists
KMB 223 Techniques of microscopy and image analysis for biologists

If needed to complete previous education:

KMB 219 Introduction to Cell Biology (also basic genetics)
KMB 758 Molecular Biology and Genetics I
KBO 759 Biostatistics
UCH 757 Biochemistry 1.
UCH 643 Biochemistry 2.
KMB 770 Methods in molecular biology

All courses available for the program in English:

Winter semester
UCH/769 Environmental Chemistry 2
UCH/768 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory 3
UCH/758 Biochemistry Laboratory 1 3
UCH/757 Biochemistry 1 4
UCH/061 Applications of Molecular Modelling 2
UCH/060 Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modelling of Biomolecules 4
UCH/058 Developmental and Comparative Biochemistry 3
UCH/045 Glycobiochemistry 3
UCH/037 Basic techniques in practical chemistry1 3
UCH/027 X-ray Crystallography 4
UCH/024 Biochemistry at the Service of Medicine 3
UCH/021 Enzymology 3
UCH/020 Genetic and Protein Engineering 4
UCH/010 Seminar in Advanced Biological Chemistry 1
UCH/ZBE Principles of Experimental Methods in Biology 4
UCH/BCH Introduction to biochemistry 4
KBE/760 Biology of Microorganisms 5
KBE/115 Strategic Planning in Forest and Nature Conservation 4
KBE/546 Ecosystem Management Course 3
KBO/759 Biostatistics 5
KBO/184 Creative Publishing in Community Ecology 4
KBO/297 Functional Traits in Ecology 5
KEBR/631 Bioenergetics 4
KEBR/220 Plant Physiology 8
KMB/758 Molecular Biology and Genetics I 3
KMB/759 Molecular Biology and Genetics II 3
KMB/770 Methods in Molecular Biology 4
KME/772 Clinical Biochemistry 3
KPA/604 Molecular Phylogenetics 4
KZO/412I Molecular Ecology 6
KZO/141 Tropical insects 3
OJZ/650 Technical Writing 3
UAI/735I Python Basics 4
UAI/665 Data Mining in Bioinformatics 4
UAI/652 Programming of iPad/iPhone 4
UAI/650 Algorithms and Data Structures 4
UAI/756 CISCO Academy I 3
UAI/670 Ethics 3
UFY/PPI Parallel Programming 4
UFY/ZVK Technical English IV – Basics of Scientific Communication: Writing and Speaking 3
UFY/EM1 Electron Microscopy I 4
UMB/564I Calculus I 6
UMB/551I Linear Algebra 3

Summer semester
UCH/011 Seminar in Advanced Biological Chemistry II 1
UCH/773 WHO/EU Laboraroty and Regulatory Procedures 3
UCH/647 Biopharmacy 3
UCH/645 Principles of anticancer and antiviral drug development I. 3 
UCH/040 Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy 3
UCH/033 Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Biological Systems 3
UCH/030 General Chemistry 3
UCH/643 Biochemistry 2 4
UCH/022 Protein Chemistry 4
UCH/642 Biochemistry Laboratory 2 5
UCH/052 Xenobiochemistry and Toxicology 5
UCH/BIT Biotechnology 5
UCH/960 Drug Design 3
UCH/BII Bioinformatics 4
UCH/254 Crystallization Course 8
KBE/019 Social Ecology of Local Rural Systems 4
KBE/322 Plant Physiological Ecology (note:offered every other year) 6
KBE/128 Introduction to Functional Ecology (note:offered every other year) 6
KBE/352 Seminars in Wetland Ecology 3
KBE/427 Wetland Ecology (note:offered every other year) 6
KBO/767 Biology of Plants 3
KEBR/619 Stable isotopes in biology and ecology2 6
KMB/605 Introduction to Bioinformatics 5
KMB/358 Introduction to Genomics 3
KME/733 Immunology for Biological Chemistry - laboratory 2
KME/723 Immunology 2
KME/615 Cell Line Cultures in Vitro 3
KME/083 Virology for Biological Chemistry - laboratory 2
KME/082 Virology 3
KZO/768 Biology of Animals 3
KZO/068 Diversity of Life 5
KZO/055 Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence 3
UAI/729I Project Management and its Economy 6
UAI/683I Advanced Database Systems 3
UAI/655 Applied Programming 3
UAI/609 Computer Hardware 6
UAI/757 CISCO Academy II 3
UFY/EM2 Electron Microscopy II 4
UFY/KTS Quantum Theory and Spectroscopy 6
UMB/565I Calculus II 5

Read more …Master studies

  • Hits: 8482

Functional genetics and bioinformatics

Functional genetics and bioinformatics 

Master program

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Applications open: September 2024
Application deadline: 30th October 2024
Online interview:  1-2 weeks after application deadline

Course details: Summer semester start 
Start date: February 2025
Duration: 4 semesters
In person on-site


  • The new 2-year Master's study program Functional genetics and bioinformatics was created with support of the National Recovery Plan for Higher Education for 2022-2024 (NPO Trasformace-JU, reg. č. NPO_JČU_MŠMT-16608/2022) to increase the career prospects of our graduates by implementing rapidly developing new technologies changing both the field and the global labor market.
    The program offers four different specializations:
    Functional genetics and bioinformatics: Bioinformatics
    Functional genetics and bioinformatics: Biotechnology
    Functional genetics and bioinformatics: Human molecular genetics 
    Functional genetics and bioinformatics: Molecular cell biology and genetics

  • The new technologies increasingly require graduates to be adept at performing and analyzing experiments generating large data sets and to be able to translate their findings into meaningful biological results supported by a high level of theoretical knowledge. The main goals of the new study program are to expand the knowledge of students in the field of modern biological research on a theoretical and practical level and thus prepare them for future occupations in applied research and development in the industrial, agricultural, clinical or service sectors (e.g. in pharmaceutical or biotechnological industry or clinical diagnostics) and to positions in academic research (e.g. by continuing to doctoral studies).

  • Graduates of the program will acquire modern skills and knowledge in the field of so-called omics methods (i.e. high-capacity analysis of the genome, transcriptome, proteome or metabolome) and genetic engineering, which represent a technological revolution in biological research and increasingly contribute to breakthrough discoveries in biology and medicine. Graduates of the program will also be able to use or even develop bioinformatics tools for the analysis of large biological data produced by the omics approaches. Studies in the new program will be conducted entirely in English, which will increase the international competitiveness of its graduates and the attractiveness of studies for foreign students. Students will thus be educated in an international and multidisciplinary environment that will better reflect the reality of work in an increasingly globalized and integrated world economy.

  • Emphasis is placed on the support of independent scientific work and independent critical thinking within the framework of experimentally oriented diploma thesis, which can stand a rigorous professional evaluation and can be the basis for scientific publications. Experimental diploma theses focus mainly on the areas of interest of scientific groups associated under the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (Faculty of Science) and closely cooperating institutes of the Biology Center of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Centre of Algal Biotechnology of the Institute of Microbiology CAS. These areas include characterization of molecular and cellular processes (photosynthesis, metabolism, immunity, and cell signaling) and studies of development, genome organisation and molecular evolution in both classical models and non-model organisms.

  • A prospective student should have background in biology, biomedicine or biochemistry and complete in their previous undergraduate studies basic courses of biochemistry, genetics, cell and molecular biology and practical training in basic molecular biology methods.

Read more …Functional genetics and bioinformatics

  • Hits: 13971

Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics

Master program

Guarantor: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Doležal, Ph.D.

Master program Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics (in Czech language)

General information for prospective students, for additional information please contact Department of Student Affairs.

The aim of the program is to (1) deepen students' knowledge of molecular and cell biology and genetics and (2) prepare students for independent professional / scientific work in the laboratory. Students therefore take lectures and practical courses necessary for application not only in modern biological research, either basic or applied, but also in practice in forensic and clinical laboratories and biotechnology companies. The aim is to educate independent graduates who are familiar with the most modern approaches of molecular biology and genetics and are able to process and present the results of scientific work. The result of the study is also an experimentally oriented diploma thesis, which should have the ambition to become a basis for a scientific publication.

The acquired knowledge and skills will enable the graduate to continue his / her academic career in doctoral studies primarily in the fields of cell and molecular biology and genetics, but also in the fields of molecular physiology, biochemistry, biomedicine and, in certain cases, bioinformatics. Thanks to the modern wide application of molecular biology, however, graduates have a very good chance to find their place in the application sphere - in clinical diagnostic laboratories, forensic genetic laboratories, or as service specialists and technicians in various service laboratories and biotechnology companies.

Experimental diploma theses focus mainly on the areas of interest of scientific groups associated under the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, located at the Faculty of Science and closely cooperating institutes of the Biology Center ASCR. These areas include the characterization of molecular and cellular processes such as cyanobacteria photosynthesis, metabolism and gene expression in parasitic protozoa to find new targets for treatment, ticks immune processes and pathogen transfer mechanisms, cellular signaling on the classical model organism Drosophila melanogaster, epigenetic mechanisms in plant models. Further studies of molecular evolution and characterization of unicellular eukaryotes, molecular mechanisms of co-evolution of host and parasite / symbiont, molecular cytogenetics and study of sex chromosome evolution in arthropods, through cytogenetics and genomic approaches in plant models. Scientific interests also include studying molecular mechanisms that affect biological processes at the whole organism level, such as regulating metabolism during immune response in the Drosophila melanogaster model, studying insect hormonal regulation and diapause, and studying the molecular mechanisms of circadian and photoperiodic clocks in insects. Last but not least, it is also the study of the regulation of early mouse development and molecular mechanisms of insect development.

A prospective student should complete in his previous undergraduate studies basic courses of biochemistry, genetics, cell and molecular biology and practical training in basic molecular biology methods.

Courses recommended for the Master program Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics:

KMB 218 Epigenetics
KMB 759 Genetics - the Molecular Approach
KMB 358 Introduction to Genomics
KMB 217 Methods of Functional Genomics
KMB 602E Advanced methods in molecular biology 2
KEBR 631 Bioenergetics
KMB 613 Bioinformatics for Biologists
KMB 223 Techniques of microscopy and image analysis for biologists

If needed to complete previous education:

KMB 219 Introduction to Cell Biology (also basic genetics)
KMB 758 Molecular Biology and Genetics I
KBO 759 Biostatistics
UCH 757 Biochemistry 1.
UCH 643 Biochemistry 2.
KMB 770 Methods in molecular biology

All courses available for the program in English:

Winter semester
UCH/769 Environmental Chemistry 2
UCH/768 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory 3
UCH/758 Biochemistry Laboratory 1 3
UCH/757 Biochemistry 1 4
UCH/061 Applications of Molecular Modelling 2
UCH/060 Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modelling of Biomolecules 4
UCH/058 Developmental and Comparative Biochemistry 3
UCH/045 Glycobiochemistry 3
UCH/037 Basic techniques in practical chemistry1 3
UCH/027 X-ray Crystallography 4
UCH/024 Biochemistry at the Service of Medicine 3
UCH/021 Enzymology 3
UCH/020 Genetic and Protein Engineering 4
UCH/010 Seminar in Advanced Biological Chemistry 1
UCH/ZBE Principles of Experimental Methods in Biology 4
UCH/BCH Introduction to biochemistry 4
KBE/760 Biology of Microorganisms 5
KBE/115 Strategic Planning in Forest and Nature Conservation 4
KBE/546 Ecosystem Management Course 3
KBO/759 Biostatistics 5
KBO/184 Creative Publishing in Community Ecology 4
KBO/297 Functional Traits in Ecology 5
KEBR/631 Bioenergetics 4
KEBR/220 Plant Physiology 8
KMB/758 Molecular Biology and Genetics I 3
KMB/759 Molecular Biology and Genetics II 3
KMB/770 Methods in Molecular Biology 4
KME/772 Clinical Biochemistry 3
KPA/604 Molecular Phylogenetics 4
KZO/412I Molecular Ecology 6
KZO/141 Tropical insects 3
OJZ/650 Technical Writing 3
UAI/735I Python Basics 4
UAI/665 Data Mining in Bioinformatics 4
UAI/652 Programming of iPad/iPhone 4
UAI/650 Algorithms and Data Structures 4
UAI/756 CISCO Academy I 3
UAI/670 Ethics 3
UFY/PPI Parallel Programming 4
UFY/ZVK Technical English IV – Basics of Scientific Communication: Writing and Speaking 3
UFY/EM1 Electron Microscopy I 4
UMB/564I Calculus I 6
UMB/551I Linear Algebra 3

Summer semester
UCH/011 Seminar in Advanced Biological Chemistry II 1
UCH/773 WHO/EU Laboraroty and Regulatory Procedures 3
UCH/647 Biopharmacy 3
UCH/645 Principles of anticancer and antiviral drug development I. 3 
UCH/040 Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy 3
UCH/033 Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Biological Systems 3
UCH/030 General Chemistry 3
UCH/643 Biochemistry 2 4
UCH/022 Protein Chemistry 4
UCH/642 Biochemistry Laboratory 2 5
UCH/052 Xenobiochemistry and Toxicology 5
UCH/BIT Biotechnology 5
UCH/960 Drug Design 3
UCH/BII Bioinformatics 4
UCH/254 Crystallization Course 8
KBE/019 Social Ecology of Local Rural Systems 4
KBE/322 Plant Physiological Ecology (note:offered every other year) 6
KBE/128 Introduction to Functional Ecology (note:offered every other year) 6
KBE/352 Seminars in Wetland Ecology 3
KBE/427 Wetland Ecology (note:offered every other year) 6
KBO/767 Biology of Plants 3
KEBR/619 Stable isotopes in biology and ecology2 6
KMB/605 Introduction to Bioinformatics 5
KMB/358 Introduction to Genomics 3
KME/733 Immunology for Biological Chemistry - laboratory 2
KME/723 Immunology 2
KME/615 Cell Line Cultures in Vitro 3
KME/083 Virology for Biological Chemistry - laboratory 2
KME/082 Virology 3
KZO/768 Biology of Animals 3
KZO/068 Diversity of Life 5
KZO/055 Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence 3
UAI/729I Project Management and its Economy 6
UAI/683I Advanced Database Systems 3
UAI/655 Applied Programming 3
UAI/609 Computer Hardware 6
UAI/757 CISCO Academy II 3
UFY/EM2 Electron Microscopy II 4
UFY/KTS Quantum Theory and Spectroscopy 6
UMB/565I Calculus II 5

Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics

Master program

Guarantor: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Doležal, Ph.D.

Master program Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics (in Czech language)

General information for prospective students, for additional information please contact Department of Student Affairs.

The aim of the program is to (1) deepen students' knowledge of molecular and cell biology and genetics and (2) prepare students for independent professional / scientific work in the laboratory. Students therefore take lectures and practical courses necessary for application not only in modern biological research, either basic or applied, but also in practice in forensic and clinical laboratories and biotechnology companies. The aim is to educate independent graduates who are familiar with the most modern approaches of molecular biology and genetics and are able to process and present the results of scientific work. The result of the study is also an experimentally oriented diploma thesis, which should have the ambition to become a basis for a scientific publication.

The acquired knowledge and skills will enable the graduate to continue his / her academic career in doctoral studies primarily in the fields of cell and molecular biology and genetics, but also in the fields of molecular physiology, biochemistry, biomedicine and, in certain cases, bioinformatics. Thanks to the modern wide application of molecular biology, however, graduates have a very good chance to find their place in the application sphere - in clinical diagnostic laboratories, forensic genetic laboratories, or as service specialists and technicians in various service laboratories and biotechnology companies.

Experimental diploma theses focus mainly on the areas of interest of scientific groups associated under the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, located at the Faculty of Science and closely cooperating institutes of the Biology Center ASCR. These areas include the characterization of molecular and cellular processes such as cyanobacteria photosynthesis, metabolism and gene expression in parasitic protozoa to find new targets for treatment, ticks immune processes and pathogen transfer mechanisms, cellular signaling on the classical model organism Drosophila melanogaster, epigenetic mechanisms in plant models. Further studies of molecular evolution and characterization of unicellular eukaryotes, molecular mechanisms of co-evolution of host and parasite / symbiont, molecular cytogenetics and study of sex chromosome evolution in arthropods, through cytogenetics and genomic approaches in plant models. Scientific interests also include studying molecular mechanisms that affect biological processes at the whole organism level, such as regulating metabolism during immune response in the Drosophila melanogaster model, studying insect hormonal regulation and diapause, and studying the molecular mechanisms of circadian and photoperiodic clocks in insects. Last but not least, it is also the study of the regulation of early mouse development and molecular mechanisms of insect development.

A prospective student should complete in his previous undergraduate studies basic courses of biochemistry, genetics, cell and molecular biology and practical training in basic molecular biology methods.

Courses recommended for the Master program Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics:

KMB 218 Epigenetics
KMB 759 Genetics - the Molecular Approach
KMB 358 Introduction to Genomics
KMB 217 Methods of Functional Genomics
KMB 602E Advanced methods in molecular biology 2
KEBR 631 Bioenergetics
KMB 613 Bioinformatics for Biologists
KMB 223 Techniques of microscopy and image analysis for biologists

If needed to complete previous education:

KMB 219 Introduction to Cell Biology (also basic genetics)
KMB 758 Molecular Biology and Genetics I
KBO 759 Biostatistics
UCH 757 Biochemistry 1.
UCH 643 Biochemistry 2.
KMB 770 Methods in molecular biology

All courses available for the program in English:

Winter semester
UCH/769 Environmental Chemistry 2
UCH/768 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory 3
UCH/758 Biochemistry Laboratory 1 3
UCH/757 Biochemistry 1 4
UCH/061 Applications of Molecular Modelling 2
UCH/060 Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modelling of Biomolecules 4
UCH/058 Developmental and Comparative Biochemistry 3
UCH/045 Glycobiochemistry 3
UCH/037 Basic techniques in practical chemistry1 3
UCH/027 X-ray Crystallography 4
UCH/024 Biochemistry at the Service of Medicine 3
UCH/021 Enzymology 3
UCH/020 Genetic and Protein Engineering 4
UCH/010 Seminar in Advanced Biological Chemistry 1
UCH/ZBE Principles of Experimental Methods in Biology 4
UCH/BCH Introduction to biochemistry 4
KBE/760 Biology of Microorganisms 5
KBE/115 Strategic Planning in Forest and Nature Conservation 4
KBE/546 Ecosystem Management Course 3
KBO/759 Biostatistics 5
KBO/184 Creative Publishing in Community Ecology 4
KBO/297 Functional Traits in Ecology 5
KEBR/631 Bioenergetics 4
KEBR/220 Plant Physiology 8
KMB/758 Molecular Biology and Genetics I 3
KMB/759 Molecular Biology and Genetics II 3
KMB/770 Methods in Molecular Biology 4
KME/772 Clinical Biochemistry 3
KPA/604 Molecular Phylogenetics 4
KZO/412I Molecular Ecology 6
KZO/141 Tropical insects 3
OJZ/650 Technical Writing 3
UAI/735I Python Basics 4
UAI/665 Data Mining in Bioinformatics 4
UAI/652 Programming of iPad/iPhone 4
UAI/650 Algorithms and Data Structures 4
UAI/756 CISCO Academy I 3
UAI/670 Ethics 3
UFY/PPI Parallel Programming 4
UFY/ZVK Technical English IV – Basics of Scientific Communication: Writing and Speaking 3
UFY/EM1 Electron Microscopy I 4
UMB/564I Calculus I 6
UMB/551I Linear Algebra 3

Summer semester
UCH/011 Seminar in Advanced Biological Chemistry II 1
UCH/773 WHO/EU Laboraroty and Regulatory Procedures 3
UCH/647 Biopharmacy 3
UCH/645 Principles of anticancer and antiviral drug development I. 3 
UCH/040 Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy 3
UCH/033 Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Biological Systems 3
UCH/030 General Chemistry 3
UCH/643 Biochemistry 2 4
UCH/022 Protein Chemistry 4
UCH/642 Biochemistry Laboratory 2 5
UCH/052 Xenobiochemistry and Toxicology 5
UCH/BIT Biotechnology 5
UCH/960 Drug Design 3
UCH/BII Bioinformatics 4
UCH/254 Crystallization Course 8
KBE/019 Social Ecology of Local Rural Systems 4
KBE/322 Plant Physiological Ecology (note:offered every other year) 6
KBE/128 Introduction to Functional Ecology (note:offered every other year) 6
KBE/352 Seminars in Wetland Ecology 3
KBE/427 Wetland Ecology (note:offered every other year) 6
KBO/767 Biology of Plants 3
KEBR/619 Stable isotopes in biology and ecology2 6
KMB/605 Introduction to Bioinformatics 5
KMB/358 Introduction to Genomics 3
KME/733 Immunology for Biological Chemistry - laboratory 2
KME/723 Immunology 2
KME/615 Cell Line Cultures in Vitro 3
KME/083 Virology for Biological Chemistry - laboratory 2
KME/082 Virology 3
KZO/768 Biology of Animals 3
KZO/068 Diversity of Life 5
KZO/055 Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence 3
UAI/729I Project Management and its Economy 6
UAI/683I Advanced Database Systems 3
UAI/655 Applied Programming 3
UAI/609 Computer Hardware 6
UAI/757 CISCO Academy II 3
UFY/EM2 Electron Microscopy II 4
UFY/KTS Quantum Theory and Spectroscopy 6
UMB/565I Calculus II 5

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