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Monitoring and large-scale survey of the presence and distribution of the endangered diving beetles Graphoderus bilineatus and Dytiscus latissimus in the Czech Republic

Principal investigator: Václav Křivan, ZO ČSOP Kněžice
(Co)investigator from the Department: David Boukal
Duration: 2012 to 2015

Project goals: 
The main aim of the project is to establish current distribution area of the endangered diving beetle Graphoderus bilineatus and to confirm whether the presumably extinct diving beetle Dytiscus latisssimus still occurs in the Czech Republic, and we also investigate habitat preferences of a wider range of predatory insect taxa.

Project description: 
The project is focused on the mapping of water beetle communities in more or less extensively managed standing water bodies in the Czech Republic. It is based mainly on live trapping.

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Functional diversity of soil microorganisms in spruce swamp forest and its effect on soil DOM

(Co)investigator from the Department: Tomáš Picek
Funding provider: GAČR
Duration: 2013 - 2016

Project goals: 
The aim of the proposed project is to find links between DOM quality and quantity and microbial community composition and activity in spruce swamp forest in habitats differing in dominant vegetation and water table level.

Project description: 
We suggest to study spruce swamp forest (SSF, Central Europe) internal heterogeneity related to soil microbial community functioning, soil organic matter (SOM) and dissolved organic matter (DOM) quality and quantity. In SSF, spruce and peat mosses are responsible for peat accumulation and the related high soil water retention. The patchy co-dominants, cotton grass and dwarf shrubs, bring internal SSF spatial variability and affect the functioning of the whole SSF in the way they acquire, process and invest resources. However, it is still unknown if this spatial heterogeneity is reflected in the functional diversity of soil microorganisms and ongoing soil processes, which affect DOM quality. We will study effect of cottongrass and blue berries on SOM, DOM and microbial functioning at three SSF sites using chemical, microbiological and molecular methods including stable izotopes probing, and pyrosequencing. DOM will be analyzed by fluorescence spectral analyzes, size exclusion and ion chromatography. Manipulative field and laboratory experiments will complete field measurements.

Read more … Functional diversity of soil microorganisms in spruce swamp forest and its effect on soil DOM

  • Hits: 11901

The effect of natural dieback of mountain spruce forest on microclimate, chemistry, and biodiversity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems

Principal investigator: prof. Ing. Jiří Kopáček, PhD
(Co)investigator from the Department: Hana Šantrůčková
Duration: 2012 - 2016

Project goals: 
Complex evaluation of effects of natural dieback of Norway spruce forests on microclimate, hydrology, and chemistry and biodiversity of soil and water.

Project description: 
Windthrows and climatic factors have promoted bark beetle (Ips typographus) development and a large-scale dieback of Norway spruce in the unmanaged parts of the Bohemian Forest (central Europe). In 2004–2007, the defoliation killed >90% of forest in the Plešné Lake catchment. Windthrows occurred also in catchments of Čertovo and Laka lakes. All these areas have been subjects of our intensive long-term ecological research (water, climate, soil, and forest) since 1984–2002. Available pre-disturbance data, current research, and new proposed studies provide a worldwide unique opportunity for a complex ecological research on the effects of natural forest dieback on the individual ecosystem parts. We study (1) changes in element fluxes and pools on a whole-catchment scale (forest, soil, waters); (2) effects on microclimate, hydrology, and soil and aquatic chemistry and biodiversity; and project the net effects to other mountain areas, for different forestry practices, and along the anticipated trends in climate and atmospheric pollution.

Read more …The effect of natural dieback of mountain spruce forest on microclimate, chemistry, and...

  • Hits: 11602

Disentangling the effects of changing environmental chemistry and climate on biogeochemistry and biodiversity of natural alpine soils and waters

Principal investigator: Jiří Kopáček
(Co)investigator from the Department: Eva Kaštovská
Funding provider: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 2014 to 2016

Project goals: 
An integrated study on effects of changing environmental chemistry and climate on biogeochemical processes in soils (weathering, mineralization, P and Al mobility) and lakes (nutrient availability, toxicity) and their biodiversity (soil and water invertebrates).

Project description:
The Tatra Mountains have been exhibiting world largest recovery of aquatic and terrestrial alpine ecosystems from atmospheric acidification due to unique declines in S (>60%) and N (40%) deposition since 1989. Resulting changes in biogeochemical processes and biodiversity are, however, confused by parallel effects of increasing temperature. Disentangling these effects is crucial for assessing future development of natural ecosystems under anticipated trends in atmospheric pollution and climate change. On the basis of our long-term research in this area, we study effects of the chemical and climatic changes in natural alpine ecosystems on (i) weathering rates, soil chemistry, and leaching of nutrients (P, N, and C), base cations, and toxic Al forms to waters, (ii) in-lake processes responsible for P immobilization in waters and sediments, (iii) biological recovery (phytoplankton, zooplankton, and benthos) in lakes, and (vi) soil biodiversity (microbial composition and soil invertebrates) along gradients of soil pH and elevation (vegetation zones, temperature).

Read more …Disentangling the effects of changing environmental chemistry and climate on biogeochemistry and...

  • Hits: 12159

ENG verze: Rozklíčování faktorů určujících rozšíření lesních mykoheteretrofních rostlin: kombinace teoretického a experimentálního přístupu (2)

(Spolu)řešitel na KBE: Jana Jersáková
Nositel projektu: Katedra biologie ekosystémů
Doba trvání: 2014 - 2016

Cíle projektu: 
Cílem projektu je zjistit, do jaké míry je rozšíření lesních mykoheterotrofních rostlin v krajině určeno šířením semen a stanovištními podmínkami v kontextu závislosti klíčení a následného růstu na přítomnosti vhodných mykorhizních symbiontů.

Popis projektu: 
Limitace šíření semeny a stanovištními podmínkami představují dvě základní teorie vysvětlující rozšíření druhů v krajině. Úspěšné obsazování stanovišť a následné přežívání je obzvláště komplikované u druhů rostlin, jejichž klíčení a následný růst závisí na přítomnosti vhodného mykorhizního symbionta. Protože v současnosti není známo, do jaké míry je rozšíření těchto rostlin určováno šířením semen či (a)biotickými podmínkami stanoviště (např. lesním prostředím), vytvořili jsme projekt osvětlující tyto závislosti pomocí studia (a)biotických podmínek obsazených a neobsazených stanovišť, produkce semen a schopnosti šíření, genetické podobnosti populací v závislosti na struktuře krajiny, klíčení semen a identity mykobiontů a detekce vhodných mykorhizních hub v půdě moderní metodou pyrosekvenace. Za tímto účelem jsme vybrali čtyři druhy lesních orchidejí závislých na různých čeledích ektomykorhizních hub a lišící se v požadavcích na výskyt vápencových výchozů v krajině.

Read more …ENG verze: Rozklíčování faktorů určujících rozšíření lesních mykoheteretrofních rostlin: kombinace...

  • Hits: 5925

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