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D120 - Organisational Code of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

Provision of the Dean No. D 120
Organisational Code of the Faculty of Science
of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

This provision cancels Provision of the Dean No. D 113 of 1. 12. 2022

  1. Introductory regulations

Article 1

The Organisational Code of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (hereinafter referred to as OC FSci USB) is an internal regulation of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (hereinafter referred to as FSci USB) which specifies the internal structure and organisation of FSci USB in accordance with Act No. 111/1998 Coll on Universities, Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts, as amended by later regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Act), and in accordance with the Statute of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (hereinafter referred to as USB) and the Statute of FSci USB.


Il. Faculty bodies

Article 2

  1. The autonomous academic bodies of the Faculty are to be as follows:
  2. The academic senate (hereinafter also referred to as AS)
  3. The Dean
  4. The Scientific Board
  5. The Disciplinary Commission

  1. Another Faculty body is to be the Faculty Secretary.


  1. Their competencies and role in the Faculty management system is given by law, by the Statute of FSci USB, and other internal regulations and standards of the Faculty and the University.


  1. The advisory bodies of the Faculty are to be as follows:
  2. The Faculty management, which is to consist of the Dean, Vice Deans, and Faculty Secretary.
  3. The Dean’s Collegium, which is to consist of the Dean, Vice Deans, Heads of Departments and Institutes, Heads of the Scientific-pedagogical and Education Workplaces, Faculty Secretary, and Chairperson of the AS


III. Basic structure

Article 3

The Faculty is to be internally structured in the following organisational units:

  1. Departments and Institutes,
  2. Dean’s Office,
  3. other Scientific-pedagogical Workplaces,
  4. Pedagogical Workplaces,
  5. Czech Arctic Research Station,
  6. Centre for Biomedical Research and Clinical Diagnostics.

  1. Management and organisational structure


Article 4

  1. The management structure of the Faculty is to consist of the Dean, the Vice Deans, the Secretary, and other staff based on the decision of the Dean of the Faculty.
  2. From an organisational viewpoint, the Faculty is to be divided into Departments, Institutes, the Dean’s Office, Scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical Workplaces, and the Czech Arctic Research Station.
  3. The organisational structure of the Departments, Institutes, and Scientific-pedagogical and Pedagogical Workplaces is to be established by the decision of the AS on the proposal of the Dean after discussion with the Management of the Faculty.
  4. The organizational structure of administrative workplaces and their location in the organisational structure of the Faculty is to be established by the Dean on the proposal of the Secretary of the Faculty or the Head of the Dean's office.
  5. The organisational structure of the Czech Arctic Research Station is to be determined by its own organisational code. The organisational code of the Czech Arctic Research Station is issued by the Dean after discussion with the Management of the Faculty.
  6. The organisational structure of the Centre for Biomedical Research and Clinical Diagnostics is to be determined by its own organisational code. The organisational code of the Centre for Biomedical Research and Clinical Diagnostics is to be issued by the Dean after discussion with the Management of the Faculty.
  7. The organisational structure of FSci USB is detailed in Appendix 1.



  1. Functional positions


Article 5

Dean of the Faculty

The Dean is to be the head of the Faculty and deal with and decide on all matters concerning the Faculty, unless the law establishes otherwise. The position of the Dean is to be regulated by the Act on Universities, the Statute of USB, and the Statute of FSci. The Dean is to delegate partial powers to his/her subordinates. The Dean is to be appointed and recalled by the Rector of the University on the basis of a proposal by the AS of the Faculty.


Article 6

Vice Dean

The Vice Deans are to be appointed by the Dean after the pronouncement of the AS of the Faculty. The number of Vice Deans and the allocation of the specialised sections they are to manage is to be defined by the Dean. The extent to which the Vice Deans represent the Dean within their delegated competencies is to be established by the Dean.


Article 7

The Secretary of the Faculty is to manage the economy of the Faculty and the economic department of the Faculty. In matters related to his agenda, he/she is to cooperate with the Vice Deans and is responsible to the Dean for his/her activities. The responsibility of the Secretary and the scope of powers are to be determined by the Dean through. The Secretary is to be appointed and recalled by the Dean.

The Head of the Dean's office is to cooperate with the Secretary of the Faculty and manage the internal administration of the Faculty. In matters related to his/her agenda, he/she is to cooperate with the Vice Deans and he/she is to be responsible to the Dean for his/her activities. The competence of the Head of the Dean's office and the scope of powers are to be determined by the Dean.

Article 8

The Heads of Departments/Institutes and Scientific-pedagogical Workplaces are to be employees of the Faculty in charge of those organisational units.  They are to manage the Workplaces entrusted to them within the scope of their assigned competencies.  They are to guarantee the organisation of the academic and creative activities of their Workplaces. The term of office of a Head of a Department/Institute and Scientific-pedagogical Workplaces is to be 3 years, and as a rule is not to be occupied by the same person more than twice in succession.


Article 9

The management staff of the Faculty are to be those employees who, on the basis of this regulation and other Provisions or decisions of the Dean, are entitled to assign and manage the work of subordinate employees. Management staff are to be accountable to the employer in complying with and applying all regulations resulting from the provisions of the Labour Code, the internal regulations of USB and FSci USB, and the fulfilment of work duties within the assigned competencies defined by these regulations and individual job descriptions.


Article 10

Guarantors of study programmes are to be academic workers who coordinate the preparation, and ensure the quality and development of, a study programme. The programme Guarantor may be an academic worker who is to comply with Act and Government Order No. 274/2016 Coll.

The Guarantor is to be appointed and recalled by the Dean upon the approval of the Internal Evaluation Board of USB. The Guarantor is to be subordinated to the Dean or, based on the decision of the Dean, to the Head of the organisational unit in which their study programme is incorporated.


VI Decision-making and Signing


Article 11

  1. The following Faculty members are to carry out decisions on behalf of the Faculty, and are to be entitled to perform all legal acts in accordance with the Act and to act externally regarding third parties:
  2. a) The Dean in all matters stipulated by the Act, the Statute of USB, the decision of the Rector, and the Statute of the Faculty.
  3. b) Vice Deans to the extent decided by the Dean.
  4. c) The Secretary to the extent stipulated by the Act, the Statute of the Faculty, and Provisions of the Dean.
  5. d) Heads of Departments, Institutes, Scientific-pedagogical and Pedagogical Workplaces, and the Czech Arctic Research Station to the extent stipulated by the decision of the Dean.
  6. e) Guarantors of study programmes to the extent stipulated by the Regulations for Study and Examinations of USB and Provisions of the Dean on Study.

  1. The persons referred to in paragraph 1, letter a) to e) are to be entitled to authorise other persons to act legally only to the extent of their authority.
  2. Signing on behalf of the Faculty is to be realised by the authorised person who is to add their own handwritten or electronic signature to the written or printed title of the Faculty.

This provision comes into effect on 1. 4. 2023.

 In České Budějovice on 1.4. 2023

Prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
Dean of the Faculty of Science USB


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D114 - Notification obligation before submission of project applications and guarantee of scientific independence of project teams

Provision of the Dean D 114

on notification obligation before submission of project applications and guarantee of scientific independence of project teams

This measure is applicable from the 1st of March 2024

This Dean’s Provision regulates the notification obligation and the procedure for the preparation of project proposals. The purpose of this measure is internal awareness, coordination, and cooperation in the preparation of projects. The measure also describes the assurance of the scientific independence of the research teams.

Article I
Notification obligation

  1. All project applicants (whether for foreign or domestic funding agencies) are obliged to notify their intent to submit a specific project application via the Science and Research Office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) at least 10 days prior to the submission of the project. In the case of faculty co-funding, this deadline is at least 15 days prior to the submission of the project to ensure sufficient time for consideration of the co-funding by the Academic Senate FSci USB.
  2. In case of preparation of a more financially demanding project (over 50 million CZK), such as ERC or OP JAK projects, the applicant contacts and informs the Development and Projects Department of the Faculty of Science at least two months in advance.

The applicant is also obliged to discuss the project budget with the Finance Department and Development and Project Department in advance and to submit the final draft of the project budget for approval by the Faculty no later than 10 days prior to the submission of the project and, in the case of co-financing, no later than 15 days prior to the submission of the project. The final draft budget may be modified minimally and only in coordination with the Finance Department.

Notification shall be made using the signed form attached to this Provision as an Appendix No. 1 which is also available on the FSci website.

    3. This intention must be approved by the head of the department/scientific-pedagogical centre/pedagogical unit, who hereby declares the readiness of the department/centre/unit to secure the project in terms of space requirements and necessary human resources, to ensure its successful implementation, and to ensure the necessary cooperation with the faculty administration during the project implementation and sustainability, as well as after the project completion in the necessary administrative tasks (e.g., preparation of reports to the provider, publicity, etc.).

    4. This notification obligation also applies to projects whose documentation does not require the signature of a statutory representative of the Faculty or University (Dean, Rector), but which are planned to be carried out at FSci USB.
This notification obligation also applies to projects, where (FSci) USB is in the role of co-organization (including GA CR).
This notification obligation does not apply to internal university projects such as GA USB, SGA etc.

    5. In case the project is submitted without approved notification in accordance with this Provision, the Dean of the Faculty may refuse to sign a project agreement with the provider and the project will not be permitted to be carried out on the premises of FSci USB.


Article II
Selection of applicants in case of a limited number of applicants per institution

  1. If the funding agency limits the number of proposed projects per institution (e.g. limitation to one applicant and one co-applicant per institution), the Science and Research Office or the Development and Project Department of the Faculty of Science will send out an e-mail informing about the call and the limitation of the number of applications per institution and inviting those interested in preparing a project to confirm their interest and to send a short description of the project to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., usually within one week.
  2. The faculty management will arrange a meeting with the Head of applicant's department, during which the importance of the project for the faculty, especially with regard to the strategic priorities will be presented. After these discussions, the faculty management will select the proponents. In the case of constraints from the JU side, selected proponents will be sent to the JU Rector's Office.

 Article III
Scientific independence of project teams

  1. If the project applicant fulfils the notification obligation, the submission of the project proposal is approved at the relevant levels of FSci USB, and its implementation is supported by the relevant provider, the applicant’s department/centre/unit is obliged to provide the applicant and his/her team with conditions for the implementation of the project that correspond to the capabilities and standards of FSci USB, including its premises and infrastructure in accordance with the procedures and rules in force at FSci USB. In particular, the department is obliged to guarantee the principal investigator's scientific independence in terms of the use of the project budget, in terms of the selection and management of the members of the research team in accordance with the relevant legislation and in terms of the authorisation to publish scientific results according to the principles of scientific ethics.
  2. FSci USB also commits to providing the principal investigator with appropriate administrative support during the implementation of the project. If circumstances arise that could adversely affect the performance of the project, the FSci or the relevant department of the researcher will immediately inform the principal investigator or the provider of these circumstances without delay.

Article IV
Other regulations

This measure includes:

Appendix 1 - Intent to submit a project application form
Appendix 2 - Timetable

This provision replaces the document from the 21st of December 2022


In České Budějovice

prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
Dean of the Faculty of Science

This Provision regulates the notification obligation for the preparation of project proposals. The purpose of the measure is internal awareness and cooperation in the preparation of project applications.

Article I
Notification obligation

All project applicants (whether for foreign or domestic funding agencies) are obliged to notify their intent to submit a specific project application via the Science and Research Office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) at least 10 days prior to the submission of the project.  In the case of faculty co-funding, this deadline is at least 15 days prior to the submission of the project to ensure sufficient time for consideration of the co-funding by the Academic Senate FSci USB.

In case of preparation of a more financially demanding project (over 50 million CZK), such as ERC or OP JAK projects, the applicant contacts and informs the Development and Projects Department of the Faculty of Science at least two months in advance.

The applicant is also obliged to discuss the project budget with the Finance Department and Development and Project Department and to submit the final draft of the project budget at least 10 days prior to the submission of the project and, in the case of co-financing, at least 15 days prior to the submission of the project. The final budget proposal can be adjusted only with the cooperation with the Finance Department.

Notification shall be made using the signed form attached to this Provision which is also available on the FSci website as an appendix No. 1 of this provision.

This intention must be approved by the head of the department/scientific-pedagogical centre/pedagogical unit, who hereby declares the readiness of the department/centre/unit to secure the project in terms of space requirements and necessary human resources, to ensure its successful implementation, and to ensure the necessary cooperation with the faculty administration during the project implementation and sustainability, as well as after the project completion in the necessary administrative tasks (e.g., preparation of reports to the provider, publicity, etc.).

This notification obligation also applies to projects whose documentation does not require the signature of a statutory representative of the Faculty or University (Dean, Rector), but which are planned to be carried out at FSci USB.

This notification obligation also applies to projects, where (FSci) USB is in the role of co-organization (including GA CR).

This notification obligation does not apply to internal university projects such as GA USB, SGA etc.

In case the project is submitted without approved notification in accordance with this Provision, the Dean of the Faculty may refuse to sign a project agreement with the provider and the project will not be permitted to be carried out on the premises of FSci USB.


Article II
Scientific independence of project teams

If the proponent of the project fulfils the notification obligation, the submission of the project proposal is approved at the relevant levels of FSci USB, and its implementation is supported by the relevant provider, the applicant’s department/centre/unit is obliged to provide the applicant and his/her team with conditions for the implementation of the project that correspond to the capabilities and standards of FSci USB, including its premises and infrastructure in accordance with the procedures and rules in force at FSci USB. In particular, the department is obliged to guarantee the principal investigator's scientific independence in terms of the use of the project budget, in terms of the selection and management of the members of the research team in accordance with the relevant laws, other related regulations, and internal use of FSci and USB, and in terms of the authorisation to publish scientific results according to the principles of scientific ethics.

FSci USB also commits to providing the principal investigator with appropriate administrative support during the implementation of the project. If circumstances arise that could adversely affect the performance of the project, FSci or the relevant department is to inform the principal investigator of these circumstances without delay.


Article III
Other provisions

This measure includes:
Appendix 1 - Intent to submit a project application form
Appendix 2 - Timetable

This provision replaces the document from the 21st of December 2022


In České Budějovice

prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
Dean of the Faculty of Science
Univrsity of South Bohemia

Read more …D114 - Notification obligation before submission of project applications and guarantee of...

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D78 - on the setting of fees for Rigorous Proceedings

Provision of the Dean No. D 78
on the setting of fees for Rigorous Proceedings

as amended on April 26th 2023

According to § 46, Paragraph 5 of the Act No. 111/1998 Coll. On Universities and on Amendments to Other Acts, the fee for accepting an application for a Rigorous Proceedings and related administrative services is set to be:

  • 6000 CZK in case the rigorous examination takes place independently on the candidate’s State Master’s Examination, or the State Doctoral Examination/Defense;
  • 150 CZK in any other cases.

Details for fee payment will be provided to the candidate via IS STAG after the application is registered.

In České Budějovice on April 26th, 2023

Prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
Dean FSc USB

PDF here

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