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How pharmaceuticals and warming affect freshwater ecosystems or dragonflies in heat and on pills

Human activities are changing the landscape and the environment, including freshwater ecosystems. In addition to direct impacts, including the draining of wetlands, straightening of streams, the construction of dams and the use of water for self-consumption or agriculture, there are a number of indirect impacts to which organisms either adapt or perish. Along with ongoing global climate change, these include the release of industrially produced substances into surface waters. The big unknown in the effects of these stressors on freshwater ecosystems is how their effects combine. The effects of different stressors can add to, multiply or cancel each other out. The first study on the effects of the combination of drugs and warming on freshwater invertebrate communities has nowbeen published in the international journal Water Research in collaboration with scientists from the Faculty of Fisheries and Water Conservation at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, and you can also read about the results in an article on

Picture: The top predators in the tanks were larvae of dragonflies of the genera Anax (pictured) and Aeshna, Vojtěch Kolář

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