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First retreat of the Department of Parasitology

On the weekend of April 19th - 21st, the Department of Parasitology went on its first retreat near Nová Bystřice. The goal of the informal stay was team building, and for the PhD students and postdocs getting to know the Parasitology program specialist board members (mainly the external ones).

During the weekend, the doctoral students and postdocs had the opportunity to practice presenting their research and results in two formats – flash talk and conference-like presentation – to which they immediately received feedback from present colleagues. Saturday’s programme included morning presentations and discussions, a lunch in Nová Bystřice and a trip to the nearby village Klášter, accompanied by moody weather. The group eventually reached the destination, and the tour of the Trinity church (Kostel nejsvětější trojice) had a surprising part – exploration of candlelit catacombs.

We believe the first departmental retreat was a success, and we look forward for future events. Thanks to all that joined us.

On behalf of the organization team,
Václava Bláhovcová

Photos taken by: Jan Štefka, Insan Habib



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