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P3 - Provision of Vice-dean for doctoral study No. P3 on the Final Examination in English on the Doctoral Study Programmes at the Faculty of Science, USB

Before taking the Doctor's Final Examination in English (OJZ 950), students are to acquire a credit from “TOEFL ITP for Doctoral Students – Examination” (OJZ 940) by submitting a certificate from TOEFL ITP (min. score 543), TOEFL iBT (min. score 79), or IELTS (min. score 6.5). The TOEFL ITP examination may be taken free of charge on dates provided by the Language Department.

The examination tests the ability to write a scientific text in English on a theme familiar to the candidate, the ability to present findings from the candidate's field, the ability to discuss a given topic and the ability to explain grammar phenomena from a specialist text.

The examination has the following parts:

Written part: written essay on one of six specialist themes familiar to the candidate and of a minimum length of 350 words; the topics are to be provided by the supervisor by no later than 1 week before the examination, one of which is to be chosen as the topic of the examination by the examiner. The examination is to last 2 hours.

Oral part: oral explanation of one of the topics provided by the supervisor (and that being a different theme than that chosen for the written part), discussion on the topic, oral analysis of an extract from a specialist publication, and explanation of given grammar phenomena from the extract. The oral part is to take place no sooner than one week after the written part. The candidate is to provide the examiner with the specialist material (a book, conference proceedings etc. of a length of no less than 100 pages in English and recommended by the supervisor) at the time of the written part of the examination. The examination panel may consists of, apart from the two teachers from the language department, the candidate's supervisor or a representative appointed by the supervisor. The examination is to last at least 20 minutes.
The exams are waived for students from the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, English-speaking Canada and South Africa.

České Budějovice, 28th October 2020

Doc. RNDr. Marie Šmilauerová, Ph.D.

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