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International activities CPE

Centre for Polar Ecology

International Activities

Centre for Polar Ecology is involved in several international organizations and is organizing international scientific conferences.

Membership of CPE in international organizations

International scientific conferences organized by CPE

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  • Hits: 5089

Data Repositories

Data Repositories:

A centralized space to store, manage, and organize data for data analysis, sharing and reporting. Data repositories facilitate data management, ensuring accessibility, security, and efficiency in handling diverse datasets.

Many countries, funding agencies, and institutions are developing policies and infrastructure to support research data management and sharing through centralized repositories.

The European Commission supports pan-European research data infrastructure through projects like European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The aim of this is to support good practice in the field of research data management across scientific communities. The EOSC initiative in the Czech Republic sets the main goal in creating the so-called National Data Infrastructure (NDI), or a common platform for sharing, managing and accessing data and computing resources for research purposes.

Which repository to use?

1. Deposit data to discipline-specific repositories.

2. Make sure to choose a repository with trust certification. Search in a global registry: re3data , FAIRsharing

3. Use the University repository (

4. Deposit data in a general purpose repository (Figshare, Zenodo, Dryad, Harvard Dataverse)

OpenAire guide on "How to select trustworthy repositories"

National Repositories: , For more information visit RDMKit.

National Repository platform prepared under EOSC:

Read more …Data Repositories

  • Hits: 2881

Adding DOI to datasets

Adding DOI to datasets:

DOIs (Digital Object Identifier) provide a persistent and unique identifier for datasets. DOIs remain stable, ensuring long-term access to the data.

By assigning a DOI to a dataset, researchers can easily cite it in their publications, just like they would cite a journal article or a book. DOIs increase the visibility and discoverability of datasets by making them easily searchable and citable.

Many funding agencies and publishers now require researchers to make their datasets publicly available and assign DOIs to facilitate data sharing and reuse.

There are various methods to acquire a globally unique persistent identifier:

1. Publishing into an existing public repository is usually the best option for most types of data. This is because the repository will assign a globally unique persistent identifier. Generic repositories (such as Zenodo, Figshare) use versioning DOI to update a public dataset or document.

2. Create your own DOI which involves registering your content with a DOI registration agency or a DOI service provider. Some well-known DOI registration agencies include CrossRef, DataCite, mEDRA.

For more information on persistent identifiers, visit PID Forum.

Read more …Adding DOI to datasets

  • Hits: 2591



Metadata provides essential details about the content, structure, and characteristics of the data, facilitating its discovery, interpretation, and use.Generating metadata in a machine-readable format makes your data more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).

OpenAire guide on  "How to make your data FAIR?"

Choose a standard metadata for your dataset and an appropriate repository to deposit your data.

Read more …Metadata

  • Hits: 1789

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