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D116 - On specification of conditions for the admission of students to cross-border study programmes

Dean´s measure
As amended on 1. February 2023

Admission to study in all study programmes is carried out in accordance with the relevant Decisions of the Dean issued pursuant to Sections 48 to 50 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education and Amendments and Additions to Other Acts (hereinafter referred to as the Act) for each academic year. This Measure specifies admission to study programmes carried out in cooperation with foreign universities.

Article 1. Standard admissions

The participating universities admit applicants to cross-border study programmes according to their own rules and in coordination with each other. An applicant admitted to study at one of the cooperating institutions is automatically admitted to study at the other institution.

Article 2. Re-admission of students after study termination

If study of student of a cross-border study programme was terminated at the Faculty of Science USB pursuant to Section 56 or Section 64-67 of the Act and at the same time his/her study was not terminated at the partner university, automatic enrolment in the same programme at the Faculty of Science USB pursuant to Article 1 of this measure is excluded. If a student of the partner university is interested in continuing his/her studies in this programme, he/she must undergo the admission procedure at the Faculty of Science of the USB under the conditions and within the time limits announced in the relevant Dean's Decision.

Article 3. Closing remarks

This measure shall enter into force on the day of its issue.


In České Budějovice 1. February 2023

prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.
děkanka PřF JU

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