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Support of science at the Faculty of Science

Research office

Broadcasts information about calls: project applications, competitions and nominations for awards

Receives, checks and submits grantové applications and reports(GA ČR, TA ČR, projects of Czech Ministries)

Keeps documentation of grant projects and treaties

Economic grant servis

Prepares grant treaties, provides economic check-up of project matters (in both cases the primary contact for investigators is the Research Office)

Monitors spending of financial resources, helps in making purchases and payments in agreement with the rules

Project office 

Administration of EU projects and other international (including cross-border) projects

Project monitoring

Grant support at FSc USB/ USB

GA JU team projects: call once in three years, support of doctoral students' teams

GA JU individual projects: support of individual doctoral students (each, year, applications till mid-October)

Student grant agency (SGA FSc USB): support of bachelor and master students (applications till the end of November)

Postdoctoral positions

University postdoctoral positions - financing of stays up to max. two-year from the university budget - criteria.
Application form + CV submit to Research Office of FSc, Jana Vancurova, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., till September 20, 2024. The Research Office will ensure dean's signature on applications submitted to the rectorate.
The applicant will also submit a statement from the supervisor if he/she has not yet completed his/her Ph.D. studies as of September 30, 2024.
Faculty positions: extended support of applicants for university postdoctoral position, extension of existing stays (CZ)

Financial support

Resources of departments for scientific activities based on the scientific performance of departments

Personal premium based on scientific performance of employees (monthly premium) and doctoral students (lump-sum premium stipend)

Bonus financial resources for scientific activities for project investigators (PIs, co-PIs) (in the amount proportional to the project dotation)

Rectorate's call for extra resources for science: typically support of the organisation of conferences and other activities, publishing of a book (application submission at FSc USB till the end of February) (CZ)

Support of publication costs at FSc USB: support of publishing in open access journals,  books and other publication expenses

Technology Transfer Office of USB

Support for a co-operation of academic and commercial spheres

Support in intellectual property protection

Research bases

Svalbard (polar base)

Papua-New Guinea (tropic base, together with BC CAS)

Language support

1. English courses for students with a focus on the academic and scientific use

English for Science 1 (OJZ/525) - follows courses  English for Academic purposes 1 (OJZ/310) and 2 (OJZ/320)

2. Course for students Academic Writing (OJZ/420)

3. Course for students Technical Writing (OJZ/650) (practising scientific English by writing papers in the field of expertise)

4. Course Doctor's English (OJZ/500)

5. Writing Clinic (free consultations to university students and staff to work individually with their language issues)

Data Steward

The Data Steward position at the Faculty of Science aims to assist in managing research data.

How can a Data Steward assist you?

  • Managing metadata, providing thorough documentation, creation of Data Management Plan (DMP) to support effective data management which has been a mandatory part of Horizon, GAČR and TAČR projects.
  • Implementing the FAIR principles, focusing on findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability.
  • Assist in storing research data in a trusted repository such as Figshare, Dryad, Zenodo, or university's data repository. These repositories enable public access and long-term preservation.
  • Making your research data available under an appropriate license, which defines the degree of publicity and rights to use your data.

You can find more detailed information on the page Data Steward.

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Laboratory of Applied Biotechnology in Agriculture (project coordinator Dr. Roman Hobza)

Laboratory of prof. Čurn (Department of Genetics and Biotechnologies)

Oseva vývoj a výzkum s.r.o.
    Dr. Eva Plachká
    Ing. Andrea Rychlá

Czech Globe – Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR v.v.i
    Prof. Jan Tříska

Ghent University
    Prof. Kristof de Schutter (Department of plants and crops)

Huazhong Agricultural University
    Prof. Kenichi Tsuda (Department of Plant Pathology)

Unniversity of Bonn
    Prof. Lukas Schreiber (Schreiber Lab)

Justus-Liebig Universität Giessen
    Dr. Maria Jose Ladera Carmona

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Kalistová, T., & Janda, M. (2023). Could a cuticle be an active component of plant immunity? Biologia plantarum67, Article 322-333.

Janda, M., Rybak, K., Krassini, L., Meng, C., Feitosa-Junior, O., Stigliano, E., Szulc, B., Sklenar, J., Menke, F. L. H., Malone, J. G., Brachmann, A., Klingl, A., Ludwig, C., & Robatzek, S. (2023). Biophysical and proteomic analyses of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 extracellular vesicles suggest adaptive functions during plant infection. mBio, 14(4), e0358922.


Janda, M., & Robatzek, S. (2022). Extracellular vesicles from phytobacteria: Properties, functions and uses. Biotechnology advances, 58, 107934.


Junková P., Neubergerová M., Kalachova T., Valentová O., Janda M.* (2021). Regulation of the microsomal proteome by salicylic acid and deficiency of phosphatidylinositol-4-kinases β1 and β2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proteomicsdoi: 10.1002/pmic.202000223


Leontovyčová H, Kalachova T, Janda M*. (2020). Disrupted actin: a novel player in pathogen attack sensing? New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.16584

Kalachova, T.**, Janda, M.**, Šašek, V., Ortmannová, J., Nováková, P., Dobrev, I. P., Kravets, V., Guivarc'h, A., Moura, D., Burketová, L., Valentová, O., & Ruelland, E. (2020). Identification of salicylic acid-independent responses in an Arabidopsis phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta double mutant. Annals of botany125(5), 775–784.


Pluhařová, K.; Leontovyčová, H.; Stoudková, V.; Pospíchalová, R.; Maršík, P.; Klouček, P.; Starodubtseva, A.; Iakovenko, O.; Krčková, Z.; Valentová, O.; Burketová, L., Janda M.*, Kalachová T.*. (2019) “Salicylic Acid Mutant Collection” as a Tool to Explore the Role of Salicylic Acid in Regulation of Plant Growth under a Changing Environment. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 20, 6365.

Trdá, L., Janda, M., Macková, D., Pospíchalová, R., Dobrev, P. I., Burketová, L., & Matušinsky, P. (2019). Dual Mode of the Saponin Aescin in Plant Protection: Antifungal Agent and Plant Defense Elicitor. Frontiers in plant science10, 1448.

Kalachova T, Leontovyčová H, Iakovenko O, Pospíchalová R, Maršík P, Klouček P, Janda M, Valentová O, Kocourková D, Martinec J, Burketová L, Ruelland E. (2019). Interplay between phosphoinositides and actin cytoskeleton in the regulation of immunity related responses in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 167,

Leontovyčová H, Kalachova T, Trdá L, Pospíchalová R, Lamparová L, Dobrev PI, Malínská K, Burketová L, Valentová O, Janda M.* (2019). Actin depolymerization is able to increase plant resistance against pathogens via activation of salicylic acid signalling pathway. Scientific reports, 9, 1-10.

Janda M*, Lamparová L*, Zubíková A, Burketová L, Martinec J, Krčková Z. (2019). Temporary heat stress suppresses PAMP-triggered immunity and resistance to bacteria in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant Pathology,

Kroumanová K, Kocourková D., Daněk M, Lamparová L, Pospíchalová R, Malínská K, Krčková Z, Burketová L, Valentová O, Martinec J, Janda M.* (2019). Characterisation of Arabidopsis flotillins in response to stresses. Biologia plantarum, 63, 144-152, doi: 10.32615/bp.2019.017


Junková P, Daněk M, Kocourková D, Brouzdová J, Kroumanová K, Zelazny E, Janda M, Hynek R, Martinec J, Valentová O. (2018). mapping of plasma membrane proteins interacting with Arabidopsis thaliana flotillin 2. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00991

Krčková Z, Kocourková D, Daněk M, Brouzdová J, Pejchar P, Janda M, Pokotylo I, Ott P, Valentová O, Martinec J. (2018). The Arabidopsis thaliana NON-SPECIFIC PHOSPHOLIPASE C2 is involved in response to Pseudomonas syringae attack. Annals of Botany, 12; 121; 297-310 doi: 10.1093/aob/mcx160


Pečenková T**, Janda M**, Ortmannová J, Hajná V, Stehlíková Z, Žárský V. (2017) Early Arabidopsis root hair growth stimulation by pathogenic strains of Pseudomonas syringae. Annals of Botany, doi: 10.1093/aob/mcx073


Janda M, Šašek V, Chmelařova H, Andrejch J, Nováková M, Hajšlová J, Burketová L, Valentová O. (2015). Phospholipase D affects translocation of NPR1 to the nucleus in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6, 59. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00059

Janda M**, Ježková L**, Nováková M, Valentová O, Burketová L, Šašek V. (2015). Identification of phospholipase D genes in Brassica napus and the transcriptional analysis after phytohormone treatment and pathogen infection. Biologia Plantarum, 59: 581-590. doi: 10.1007/s10535-015-0513-2

Janda M, Navrátil O, Haisel D, Jindřichová B, Fousek J, Burketová L, Čeřovská N, Moravec T. (2015) Growth and stress response in Arabidopsis thaliana, Nicotiana benthamiana, Glycine max, Solanum tuberosum and Brassica napus cultivated under polychromatic LEDs. Plant Methods, 11: 31 doi:10.1186/s13007-015-0076-4


Šašek V, Janda M, Delage E, Puyaubert J, Guivarc'h A, López Maseda E, Dobrev P, Caius J, Bóka K, Valentová O, Burketová L, Zachowski A, Ruelland E. (2014). Constitutive salicylic acid accumulation in pi4kIIIβ1β2 Arabidopsis plants stunts rosette but not root growth. New Phytologist, 203, 805-816. doi: 10.1111/nph.12822

Matoušková J, Janda M, Fišer R, Šašek V, Kocourková D, Burketová L, Dušková J, Martinec J, Valentová O. (2014) Changes in actin dynamics are involved in salicylic acid signaling pathway. Plant Science, 223, 36-44. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2014.03.002

Janda M, Ruelland E. (2014). Magical mystery tour: Salicylic acid signalling, Environmental and Experimental Botany, doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2014.07.003

Janda M, Matoušková J, Burketová L, Valentová O. (2014) Interconnection between actin cytoskeleton and plant defence signalling, Plant Signaling and Behavior, doi: 10.4161/15592324.2014.976486

Janda M, Šašek V, Ruelland E. (2014) Distinct regulation of rosette and root growth in the salicylic acid-accumulating pi4kIIIβ1β2 double mutant, Plant Signaling and Behavior, doi: 10.4161/15592324.2014.97721


Janda M, Planchais S, Djafi N, Martinec J, Burketová L, Valentová O, Zachowski A, Ruelland E. (2013). Phosphoglycerolipids are master players in plant hormone signal transduction. Plant Cell Reports, 32, 839-851. doi: 10.1007/s00299-013-1399-0


Publications not in WOS core collection database:
Trdá L, Janda M*. (2016). Rostlinná imunita (Plant imunnity), Bioprospect, 26, 2, 20-24 ISSN: 1210-1737
Janda M, Valentová O. (2014). Kyselina salicylová (Salicylic acid), Bioprospect, 24, 1, 9-12. ISSN: 1210-1737
Janda M. (2011). Transgenní stromy (Transgenic trees), Bioprospect, 21, 2, 41-43. ISSN: 1210-1737
Amrahov N, Janda M, Mammadov Z, Valentová O, Burketová L, Quliyev A. (2019) Influence of salt stress on the flg22 induced ROS production in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves, bioRxiv 727040. doi:

* Corresponding author
**These authors contributed equally to the work


Book chapter:
Pokotylo I, Janda M, Kalachova T, Zachowski A, Ruelland E. (2017) Phosphoglycerolipid signalling in response to hormones under stress. In G.K. Pandey (Ed.), Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling Under Stress. Wiley Publisher, Hoboken, NJ, USA. doi: 10.1002/9781118889022.ch22


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