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Molecular and Cell Biology

Molecular and Cell Biology

doc. Hassan Hashimi, Ph.D. (PARÚ BC AV ČR)
Scientific groups and supervisors:

doc. Mgr. Tomáš Doležal, Ph.D. - Laboratory of Molecular Integrative Physiology in Drosophila
Mgr. Adam Bajgar, Ph.D. - Dmel macrophages squad
RNDr. Alena Krejčí Bruce, Ph.D. - Laboratory of Bee Biology
prof. RNDr. Julius Lukeš, CSc. - Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Protists
doc. Hassan Hashimi, Ph.D. - Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Protists
RNDr. Alena Panicucci Zíková, Ph.D. - Laboratory of Functional Biology of Protists
RNDr. Zdeněk Paris, Ph.D. - Laboratory of RNA Biology of Protists
RNDr. Petr Kopáček, CSc. - Laboratory of Vector Immunology
RNDr. Daniel Sojka, Ph.D. - Laboratory of Vector Immunology
RNDr. Radek Šíma, Ph.D. - Laboratory of Vector Immunology
Dr. Astrid Holzer, Ph.D. - Laboratory of Fish Protistology
prof. RNDr. Michal Žurovec, CSc. - Laboratory of Molecular Genetics
RNDr. Radmila Čapková Frydrychová, Ph.D. - Laboratory of Telomere Research
RNDr. Zdeněk Franta, Ph.D. – Makrokomplex

Selection of our students' publications:

  • Nenarokova A., Záhonová K., Krasilnikova M., Gahura O., McCulloch R., Zíková A., Yurchenko V., Lukeš J. (2019) Causes and effects of loss of classical nonhomologous end joining pathway in parasitic eukaryotes mBio 10: e01541-19. DOI: 10.1128/mBio.01541-19
  • Krejcova G, Danielova A, Nedbalova P, Kazek M, Strych L, Chawla G, Tennessen JM, Lieskovská J, Jindra M, Dolezal T, Bajgar A (2019) Drosophila macrophages switch to aerobic glycolysis to mount effective antibacterial defense. eLife 14;8. pii: e50414. doi: 10.7554/eLife.50414. 
  • Kaurov I, Vancová M, Schimanski B, Cadena LR, Heller J, Bílý T, Potěšil D, Eichenberger C, Bruce H, Oeljeklaus S, Warscheid B, Zdráhal Z, Schneider A, Lukeš J, Hashimi H. The Diverged Trypanosome MICOS Complex as a Hub for Mitochondrial Cristae Shaping and Protein Import. Current Biology. 2018 Nov 5;28(21):3393-3407.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.09.008.

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Retreat 2021

5th Annual Retreat of the Department of the Molecular Biology and Genetics

Friday October 15 th – Sunday October 17 th 2021 - Penzion Mauritz, Bělá, Nová Pec

Organizers: Lenka Chodáková, Tomáš Doležal, Petr Nguyen

Academics: Adam Bajgar, Alexander W. Bruce, Tomáš Doležal, Aleš Horák, Marek Jindra, Josef Komenda, Petr Nguyen, Miroslav Oborník, Roman Sobotka, Michael Wrzacek, Magda Zrzavá

Invited speaker: Jan Janouškovec


Friday 15.10.

15:00 ARRIVAL AND ACCOMMODATION (little refreshment will be ready)
17:00 WELCOME NOTE by Tomáš Doležal

17:10 Divya Aggarwal Chlorophyll-binding domain of the feroochelatase enzyme is essential for the Photosystem
II repair under cold stress
17:30 Matěj Miláček Juvenile hormone receptors in solitary cockroaches and their eusocial cousins, termites
17:50 Anna Wysocka
18:10 Magdalena Kaniewska Effects of mutagenesis and RNAi on neuropeptide genes in the linden bug

19:30- 20:30 Discussion

Saturday 16.10.

8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast

09:00 - 10:50 PRESENTATIONS
09:00 Adam Zeiner CRK2-mediated regulation of plasmodesmata localised proteins
09:20 Martina Stiborová The role and function of WWC2 protein in early embryonal development
09:40 Sadanand Gupta
10:00 Satish Chandra Reddy Nandipathi Novymonas - Pandoraea endosymbiosis: Insights from proteomics
10:20 Shun-Min Yang Evolution of heme biosynthesis in diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

10:50-11:20 Coffee break

11:30 - 12:50 PRESENTATIONS
11:30 Ayush Sharma Complex origin of apicomplexan plastid
11:50 Jose Yerena Experimental assessment of the biosynthesis of cyanonotoxins from Aetokthonos hydrillicola
12:10 Bankatesh Kumar The role of queuosine tRNA modification on differentiation and virulence of L. mexicana
12:30 Dorsaf Ennaceur Guanine Metabolism in Chromera velia

13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00 -16:00 free afternoon

16:00-16:45 Coffee break

16:45-18:30 PRESENTATIONS – post doc session
16:45 Ellen McMullen The selfish immune system: Metabolic reprogramming during immune response
17:05 Michaela Fencková Habituation deficits in Drosophila models of neurodevelopmental disorders – From
bench to bedside
17:25 Raveendra Babu Uncovering of missing genetic components of juvenile hormone signaling using
high-throughput RNAi screen
17:45 Julie Kovářová Gluconegenesis in the bloodstream form of Trypanosoma brucei
18:05 Laura Ávila Robledillo Nuclear architecture of Pisum sativum centromeres

18:30-19:30 Dinner

19:30-20:30 Invited speaker lecture – JAN JANOUŠKOVEC
"Predicting evolution and cell biology of little known protists from sequence data"

Sunday 17.10.

8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast

9:30 Tomáš Konečný PRC2 in embryogenesis in Arabidopsis
9:50 Gabriela Krejčová Macrophage-derived insulin/IGF antagonist ImpL2 regulates systemic metabolism for
mounting an effective immune response in Drosophila
10:10 Prashant Chauhan Role of lineage-specific mitoribosomal assembly factors in Trypanosoma brucei
10:30 Hammed Abolade Tukkur Characterisation of Hippo-signalling regulated genes during mouse oocyte
maturation and blastocyst cell lineage allocation

10:50-11:20 Coffee break

11:20 Jonathan Wong Mitochondrial membrane biogenesis in Trypanosoma brucei
11:40 Karolína Svobodová Nutritional supplement with antiviral properties for honeybees
12:00 Rebecca Collier Blastomere positioning in the preimplantation mouse embryo
12:20 Pavla Nedbalová SAM cycle as a source of adenosine in Drosophila melanogaster hemocytes
12:40-13:00 CONCLUDING REMARKS, voting for the best presentation

13:00-14:00 LUNCH
14:00 THE END - departures

Winners of the best presentation:

Jose Yerena

Karolina Svobodova

Gabriela Krejcova

post doc session: Michaela Fenckova

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Admission Procedure documents


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Retreat 2019

4th Annual Retreat of the Department of the Molecular Biology and Genetics

Friday October 11th – Sunday October 13th 2019 - Penzion Mauritz, Bělá, Nová Pec

Retreat of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics 2019

Click here to see more photos from the retreat on Facebook

Organizers: Tomáš Doležal, Lenka Chodáková

Academics: Adam Bajgar, Alexander W. Bruce, Tomáš Doležal, Hassan Hashimi, Alena Krejčí, Iva Mozgová, Petr Nguyen, Zdeněk Paris, Roman Sobotka


Friday 11.10.

15:00 ARRIVAL AND ACCOMMODATION (little refreshments will be ready)
17:00 WELCOME NOTE by Tomáš Doležal

17:00 Gabriela Krejčová - The role of macrophages in adipose tissue remodelling in Drosophila
17:20 Pavla Nedbalová - S-adenosylmethionine cycle as a source of extracellular adenosine during immune response in Drosophila mleanogangster
17:40 Ambar Kachale - A tale of UGA
18:00 Anna Nenarokova - Causes and effects of C-NHEJ loss. DNA repair and the genomes of parasites

19:30-21:00 Discussion with a guest
21:00 - ? FREE TIME

Saturday 12.10.

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast

9:30 - 10:50 PRESENTATIONS
9:30 Laura Ávila Robledillo - Evolutionary dynamics of satellite DNA in plant genomes
9:50 Tihana Vondrak- Characterization of repetitive arrays by bioinformatic analysis in ultra-long nanopore reads of species Lathyrus sativus
10:10 Tomáš Konečný - Role of PRC2 in regulation of light signaling during photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
10:30 Naseem Samo - Role of PRC2 in embryo-to-seedling phase transition in Arabidopsis by focusing on metabolism

10:50-11:25 Coffee break

11:30 - 12:50 PRESENTATIONS
11:30 Justina Koubová - From telomeres to lifespan regulation in social insects
11:50 Štěpánka Tomková - An insight into the Flavivirus enigma
12:10 Guillem Miguel Pascual Aznar - The Ssl2148 protein, a component of the CP47 assembly module of Photosystem II in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803
12:30 Sirisha Killi - Transformation of Chromera velia and isolation of nuclei from Vitrella brassicaformis

12:50-13:50 Lunch – student discussion
13:50 -16:30 free afternoon
16:30-17:00 Coffee break

17:00 Pablo Bora - Role of p38-MAPKs in mammalian blastocyst maturation
17:20 Rebecca Collier - Blastomere positioning and cell fate derivation in the preimplantation mammalian embryo
17:40 Martina Stiborová - The role and function of WWC2 protein in early embryonic development
18:00 Serafim Nenarokov - Using machine learning algorithms in phylogenetics
18:20 Monika Wisniewska - Phylogenomics analyses of ten transcriptomes of secondarily free-living diplomonads

18:40-19:30 Dinner

19:30 Vyara Ganeva - Exploring antigenic disguises and immune evasion strategies of Sphaerospora molnari
19:50 Ayush Sharma - Evolutionary history and structure of Chromera velia
20:10 Michaela Kunzová - Role of ROS in mitochondrial metabolic rewiring during Trypanosoma brucei differentiation
20:30 Nina Sheikh - Investigating the role of MICOS in the absence of cristae in Trypanosoma brucei
20:50 - ? FREE TIME

Sunday 13.10.

8:30 – 9:30 Breakfast

9:30 Pavla Šnebergerová - Proteolytic enzymes in Babesia and their potential as drug targets
9:50 Magdalena Kaniewska - Temperature entrainment of the circadian clock in the linden bug Pyrrhocoris apterus
10:10 Irena Provazníková - rDNA cluster evolution within the order Lepidoptera
10:30 Shun-Min Yang - Are histones in mitochondria of Chromera velia

10:50-11:20 Coffee break

11:20 Valéria Juricová - The molecular interactions between Hemistasia phaeocysticola and its prey
11:40 Vijaya Geetha Gonepogu - The allelopathic interactions between chromerid algae

- voting for the best presentation
 - group photo

12:45-13:30 LUNCH
14:00 THE END - departure

Winners of the best presentation:

1st Tihana Vondrak

2nd Shun-Min Yang

3rd Michaela Kunzova

Read more …Retreat 2019

  • Hits: 22406

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