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Decision on the conditions for admission to study in the Bachelor’s Study Programme of Biological Chemistry for the Academic Year 2023/2024

On the basis of § 48-50 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions, I hereby declare the conditions for admission to study in the cross-border Bachelor’s programme Biological Chemistry at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (hereafter FSci USB)  in collaboration with Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.

  1. Number of admitted applicants


Field of study

Number of students admitted

Biological Chemistry

Biological Chemistry (study in English in co-operation with Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz)


  1. Important dates in admission process

Applications must be submitted by 31 March 2023. Evidence of attainment of full secondary or full secondary vocational education must be received by 16 June 2023, 11:00. The entrance examination will be held on 20 June 2023 and an alternative date of 21 June 2023.

  1. Submission of applications

Applications are to be submitted in electronic form ( Mandatory attachments to the e-application is a copy of proof of payment of the admission fee, unless the applicant has completed payment by credit card directly from the application webpage. The document may be added to the e-application even after its submission, but if they are not delivered by the deadline specified in paragraph 2, the application will be excluded from the admission procedure. The necessary details for payment of the fee are set out in Article 6 of this measure.

  1. Criteria for acceptance

A necessary condition for admission is a fully completed secondary education or secondary vocational education – the document proving the completion of this education (an officially verified copy of the school-leaving certificate; in the case of foreign applicants, validated documents proving the completed level of education and completed courses; the faculty reserves the right to request higher forms of verification or nostrification) must be submitted to the Department of Student Affairs FS USB by 16 June 2023, 11:00 AM (in person at the Department of Study Affairs FS USB or by mail to the address of the Department of Study Affairs FSci USB, Branišovská 1760, 370 05 České Budějovice - the delivery date is decisive).

Admission for study in the Biological Chemistry programme is permitted to those who submit the application form, pay the fee (see Art. 6), and meet the criteria stated in Art. 4.1 or 4.2.

4.1 Entrance examinations

The entrance exam takes place on site. The entrance exam is held on site. In justified cases, the applicant may request the faculty to conduct the examination remotely. The faculty is not obliged to approve the request.

The entrance exam consists of  chemistry, mathematics, and English language to demonstrate knowledge within the extent of the curriculum of a secondary school providing general secondary education and ability to study in English.

Applicants who obtain less than 50 % of points in any part of the exam will not be admitted to study.

Applicants from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America are not required to take the English language exam.

4.2 Other admission methods

Applicants who meet at least one of the following conditions may be admitted to study without an entrance examination:

  1. Participation at the nationwide round of the secondary school competition (Olympiad) in any of the natural sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) or Mathematics; the application form must be enclosed with an authorized copy of the document confirming placing;
  2. Participation at the International Field AP (Advanced Placement) examination organised by the College Board with a score of 5-3;
  3. Participation at any Olympiad focused on natural sciences in categories corresponding to the 1st to 4th grade of secondary school who repeatedly (i.e., at least twice) ranked no worse than fifth; the application form must be enclosed with an authorized copy of the document confirming placing;
  4. Participation at the MATEMATIKA + tests organized by the Center for the Evaluation of Educational Outcomes (CERMAT) with a result of 1 to 2;
  5. Participation at articipants who Obecné studijní předpoklady or Všeobecné študijné predpoklady tests, as well as in the vocational tests in biology, chemistry and mathematics held as part of the National Comparative Examinations in the last year with achieved a percentile of 70 or better in all parts;

To be admitted under (a) - (e) of this Article, the applicant must deliver certified copies of documents proving fulfilment of the relevant condition at the same time as the application for waiver of the entrance examination to the Study Department of the Faculty of Science by 30. April 2023 and take and pass the English language part of the entrance exam.

4.3 Entrance examinations

If the number of applicants exceeds the limit set for individual fields of study in Par. 1, the criteria for admission will be (in descending order):

  • Applicants fulfilling the conditions set out in points (a) to (d) of Article 4.2 of this Decision;
  • Applicants fulfilling the conditions under point e) of Article 4.2 of this Decision, together with candidates whose score in the entrance examination tests will be at least 70%, ranked according to the percentile achieved, or the percentage score achieved in the entrance examination;
  • Applicants whose score in the entrance examination tests will be less than 70% but greater than or equal to 50%, ranked according to the percentage score achieved in the entrance examination; if the entrance examination consists of more than one test, the arithmetic average of the percentages is used.
  1. Applicants with special needs

An applicant with special needs (with a disability, chronic illness, or other health problems) has the right to use the support measures and services provided by the university during the entrance examination and, if accepted, also during their study. If they wish to assert this claim, they must select the option YES in the column “Consideration of special needs” in the online application form. After fulfilling all the administrative requirements associated with the application for study they will be contacted by the staff of the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs and acquainted with the next steps. More detailed information can be obtained on the centre's website (, by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or by telephone (00420 389 036 026). It is also possible to consult with the staff of the centre about the suitability of choice of a study programme before submitting an application for study.

  1. Entrance proceedings fee

The admissions fee is CZK 500.

Bank: ČSOB
Account No.: 104725778 / 0300
Identifier used for domestic payments (“Variabilní symbol”): 6020106
Specific code (“Specifický symbol”): the number of the electronic application form generated by the electronic registration system (foreign applicants must also add their name + surname).
The application fee may be paid by the applicant by bank slip, bank transfer, or through the JU payment gateway.

For payments from abroad:
IBAN: CZ20 0300 0000 0001 0472 5778
Bank: ČSOB

  1. Decision of admission/ non-admission

A written decision of admission or non-admission will be sent to every candidate immediately after an evaluation of the overall order of the candidates has been made (late June – early July). If the candidate does not agree with a decision of non-admission for study, they have the right to request that the Dean review the decision, this request is to be submitted to the Dean within 30 days of the decision being delivered. If the Dean refrains from changing the decision, the request is to be passed on for review by the Rector of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The decision of the Rector is final. A request for a review of the decision may only be justified by a statement that there was an incorrect evaluation of the fulfilment of the conditions detailed in Paragraphs 3 and 4. In all other cases, the request for review is considered as unjustified. In order to attain the necessary material for their argument, the candidate has the right to examine the documentation used by the Dean in making the decision. The candidate, however, does not have the right to examine the documentation of the other candidates or the records of the panel.

  1. Final provisions

The Czech language version of this Decision is binding for the admission procedure.

These conditions for admission to study on the Bachelor’s study programme of Biological Chemistry at FSci USB were approved by the Academic Senate of FSci USB on 25 November 2022.

České Budějovice, 28 November 2022 


prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.
Dean of the Faculty of Science USB

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Rules for Rigorous Proceedings at the Faculty of Science University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice


Article 1. General provisions

  1. These rules are based on the valid wording of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and on Amendments to Other Acts (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) as amended by later regulations and from the Regulations for Study and Examination of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and specifies the conditions for holding rigorous proceedings at FSci USB.
  2. Successful graduates of the rigorous proceedings are awarded the academic title of "Doctor of Natural Sciences" (abbreviated to "RNDr." placed before the name).
  3. The fields in which rigorous proceedings can be held at the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia are listed in Annex 1 of these Rules.
  4. The professional level of the state rigorous examination is guaranteed by the Field Board of the corresponding field of Doctoral study; organizationally, the examination is provided by the relevant workplace of FSci USB.


Article 2. Submission of an application for a rigorous examination

  1. A candidate who meets the condition of § 46, Paragraph 5 of the Act, i.e. has obtained, or obtains the before the rigorous examination, the academic title of "Master", is to submit an application for the state rigorous examination to the Department of Student Affairs. The application is to be submitted on the form which is Annex 2 of these Rules and is available at the Department of Student Affairs and on the Faculty's website. Along with other requisites, the candidate is to state in the application the field in which he/she will take the rigorous examination.
  2. Before submitting the application, the candidate is to submit the rigorous thesis by sending it by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via the online repository. Transmission via physical media is not permitted.
  3. Simultaneously with the application the candidate is to submit a certified copy of the document on successful completion of his/her Master's studies[1], relevant documents listed in Article 2 of the Provision of the Vice-Dean for Study P 5 and a copy of the document on payment of the rigorous procedure fee according to the Provision of the Dean D 78 as amended. If the candidate is to pass the state rigorous examination at the same time as the Master's state examination, he/she is to also to attach a copy of the Master's diploma certificate to the application made to the Department of Student Affairs.
  4. If the submitted Master's thesis of the graduating student of a Master's field at FSci USB meets all of the requirements for a rigorous thesis (thus significantly exceeding the requirements for a Master's thesis), the student may submit it simultaneously as a rigorous thesis. This does not affect the obligation to submit an application for a state rigorous examination pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 2 of these Rules.


Article 3. Rigorous thesis

  1. A rigorous thesis at FSci USB is considered to be an original scientific work dealing with issues related to the given field (i.e. the field in which the applicant has applied to take the state rigourous examination). The work must be based on at least one article that has been published or demonstrably accepted for publication (evidenced by the opinion of the journal) in a scientific or peer-reviewed journal or book.
  2. If the article in question has been published in a journal that has achieved an impact factor of 0.3 or higher at least once in the last 4 years, the opponent's opposition to this work is to be waived. In the case of another professional publication, the thesis is to be submitted to one opponent. The opponent is appointed by the Dean on the basis of the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Field Board.
  3. In the case of several authors, the candidate must not necessarily be the first author of the work; however, his share in the publication must be significant and is to be evidenced by the signed opinion of at least one co-author with a dominant author's share in the article (usually the first or corresponding author). The candidate's share of the multi-author publication must always be stated in percentages accompanied by a verbal statement. The candidate's personal contribution to the submitted publication is to be further assessed by the examination commitee.
  4. The rigorous thesis is to be submitted in Czech or English in the form defined by the Provision of the Vice-Dean for Study P 5.


Article 4. Guaranteeing of the state rigorous examination

  1. If the candidate applies for the state rigorous examination in the areas falling within the competence of a Field Board of programmes with specialisations, the Dean is to decide on the particular afiliation of the candidate to a Field Board on the proposal of the Chairperson of the potentially relevant Field Board; at the same time, a guaranteeing department is to be established.
  2. Upon receipt of the documents pursuant to Article 2 of these Rules the Department of Student Affairs shall inform the Chairperson of the relevant Field Board.
  3. The state rigorous examination is to have two parts – a knowledge examination and the defense of the rigorous thesis.
  4. The Field Board is to propose the composition of the committee and the chairperson of the committee for the state rigorous examination. The defense committee is usually to be the same as the knowledge test committee; if the thesis is subject to opposition proceedings, the commission is extended by 1 opponent with the right to vote. Only professors, associate professors, and experts approved by the Scientific Board of the Faculty may be members of the state examination committee. Co-authorship of publications that are part of the submitted rigorous thesis is incompatible with membership of the committee. The committee is to have 5-9 members, of which at least 1 is to be other than an employee of USB. The Field Board is to submit the proposal well in advance of the expected date of the state examination and arrange membership of the committee with the proposed member in advance; the date and place of the examination is to be set by the Field Board at the same time as the submission of the proposal for the composition of the committee. Based on the proposal of the Field Board, the Dean is to appoint the members and the chairperson of the committee for the state rigorous examination. He/she is to inform the Chairperson of the Field Board about his/her decision. According to the dispositions of the Chairperson of the Field Board (or the chairperson of the examination committee), the Department of Student Affairs is to inform the members of the committee about their appointment and the candidate about the composition of the examination committee and the date and place of the examination (no later than two weeks before the examination).
  5. The state rigorous examination is administratively provided by the Department of Student Affairs (registration of the application, distribution of appointment letters, and other administrative acts according to the dispositions of the Chairperson of the Field Board). Organisationally and technically (room and other requisites), the examination is provided by the department relevant to the field of the rigorous examination and the focus of the rigorous thesis in cooperation with the relevant Field Board and the committee for the state examination. Before the examination itself, the chairperson of the committee will request a report form from the Department of Student Affairs for recording the course and result of the state examination.
  6. In the event that a rigorous thesis is subject to opposition proceedings, the opponent's opinion is to focus mainly on the assessment of the overall significance and benefit of the thesis, and in the case of a multi-author publication on the declared contribution of the candidate. The opponent's report may take the form of a completed questionnaire approved for this purpose by the Field Board.


Article 5. The course of the state rigorous examination

  1. The state examination and the announcement of the result are to be public. The course of the state rigorous examination is to be managed by the chairperson of the examination committee.
  2. The state rigorous examination may be directly related to the state Master's examination. Upon successful completion of the oral part of the state Master's examination, i.e. the examination in subject areas and the defense of the Master's thesis, candidates are to be asked separate questions pertaining to the rigorous state examination, while the committee is to assesse whether the submitted work meets the requirements for a rigorous thesis. An candidate may take a rigorous state examination only if he/she has successfully passed the Master's state examination.
  3. The knowledge part presupposes a deeper knowledge of the candidate in the field of the state examination and its broader scientific basis. In verifying and assessing the candidate's knowledge, the committee is to take into account his/her factual knowledge, capacity for invention, and ability to work creatively. The result of the examination is to be decided by secret ballot. The participation of at least 5 members of the committee are required and a simple majority of votes is to apply. In the event of a tie, the chairperson of the committee is to have the casting vote. The test is classified as "passed" or "failed".
  4. At least 5 members of the committee and a possible opponent must be present at the defense. The participation of the latter is necessary in the event of a negative evaluation of a rigorous thesis. The chairperson of the committee is to present the candidate, who will then summarize the results of his/her thesis within a maximum of 20 minutes. The opponent is to comment on the thesis (if appointed); the candidate may respond to the comments individually or in aggregate. If written observations have been received from other persons, they are to be presented by the chairperson of the committee. There is then to be a discussion. This is to be followed by a closed meeting of the committee, in which the opponent is also to participate with the right to vote. The success of the defense is to be decided by secret ballot in which a simple majority of votes applies. In the event of a tie, the chairperson of the committee is to have the casting vote. The defense of a rigorous thesis is to be classified as "passed" or "failed".
  5. All documentation, especially the protocol on the course and result of the knowledge part of the examination and defense of the rigorous thesis, duly completed and signed by all present members of the committee, are to be submitted by the chairperson of the committee to the Department of Student Affairs.
  6. An unsuccessful examination may be repeated once in the same field. If one part of the rigorous state examination is not successfully passed and the other part is, only the part which the candidate did not pass is top be repeated. During the repeated examination, at least two members of the commission must be changed, and in the case of repetition due to failure to defend the opposed rigorous thesis, also the opponent. Otherwise, the repeated examination is to proceed in the same manner as the first examination.
  7. The candidate is considered to have passed the state rigorous examination when he/she has obtained the classification "passed" in both parts of the rigorous state examination.
  8. The diploma certificate for the award of the academic title "RNDr." is to be issued within one month of successfully passing the state rigorous examination.


Article 6. Effectiveness

  1. The Provision of the Dean D 63 is hereby repealed.
  2. Subsequent updates to the annexes to these Rules shall take effect on the day of their publication on the Faculty's website.
  3. These Rules were approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia on 17 May 2021 and take effect on 15 May 2021.


prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.                      RNDr. Petr Nguyen, Ph.D.

                    Dean                                             Chairperson of the Academic Senate

- Annex 1 - list of the fields in which rigorous proceedings can be conducted
- Annex 2 - application for rigorous proceedings


Rules for Rigorous Proceedings
at the Faculty of Science
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Annex 1


List of fields in which rigorous proceedings can be held at the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia valid from 1. 11. 2022:

  • Biochemistry,
  • Biology of ecosystems
  • Botany
  • Molecular and cell biology and genetics
  • Physiology and cell biology of plants
  • Clinical biology
  • Parasitology
  • Zoology

[1] A candidate who is a graduate of a Master's degree programme at FSci USB does not have to prove his/her education.

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Retreat 2022

6th Annual PhD Retreat of the Department of the Molecular Biology and Genetics

Friday October 14 th – Sunday October 16 th 2022 - Penzion Mauritz, Bělá, Nová Pec

Organizers: Tomáš Doležal, Lenka Chodáková

Academics: Adam Bajgar, Alena Bruce-Krejčí, Tomáš Doležal, Hassan Hashimi, Aleš Horák, Eva Horáková, Jaroslava Lieskovská, Petr Nguyen, Michael Wrzacek, Julia Krasensky-Wrzaczek

Invited speaker: Alejandro Cabezas-Cruz

Friday 14.10.                                                                                                    
from 15:00    ARRIVAL AND ACCOMMODATION (little refreshment will be ready)

17:00      WELCOME NOTE by Tomáš Doležal

 17:10-18:50 PRESENTATIONS

17:10      Adam Zeiner             CRK2 - bridge between symplastic and apoplastic pathways

17:30      Rebecca Collier         The role of Tead4 in apical domain regulation in the preimplantation mouse embryo

17:50      Alyssa Fontanilla       Epigenetic stability and transposon activity in somatic and reproductive aging

18:10      Mansi Sharma          Redox signaling to chromatin during stress responses in plants

18:30      Tereza Kalistová        The influence of salycilic acid on cuticle formation and its involvement in plant immunity and growth


20:00- 21:00 Student discussion


Saturday 15.10.                                                               

8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast

09:00 - 10:40 PRESENTATIONS

 9:00       Daniela Prokopová       Post-encephalitic syndrome in patients with TBE and its effect to sleep disorders

 9:20       Veronika Prančlová      Molecular and inter-cellular interactions during TBEV replication

 9:40        Eliška Kotounová         Role of viral NS1 protein during pathogenesis of tick-borne encephalitis

10:00      Miriama Pekľanská         Study of mosquito physiology and its factors determining vector competence for transmission of pathogenic diseases

10:20       Imen Mekki               Non-coding RNAs in tick-host interactions

10:45-11:15 Coffee break

11:20 - 13:00 PRESENTATIONS

11:20      Dorsaf Ennaceur          Candidate transport proteins for guanine in Chromera velia

11:40      Geetha Gonepogu       Dynamics and Isolation of Guanine Crystals from Chromera velia

12:00      Shun-Min Yang            Mitochondria targeting histone in Chromera velia

12:20      Satish Nandipati            Comparative metabolic study of transcriptionally active Euglenozoa from marine sediments

12:40     Jhonny Hernandez Orozco          Collagen – a novel inducer of plant immunity 

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00 -15:30 free time

15:30 – 16:15 Invited lecture – Alejandro Cabezas-Cruz - Vector microbiota, a source of new targets for transmission-blocking vaccines

16:15-16:50 Coffee break


16:50        Magdalena Kaniewska     Sex determination in the linden bug Pyrrhocoris apterus

17:10        Ping Chen                           Insect taiman gene evolution

17:30        Karolína Svobodová      Nutritional supplement with antiviral properties for honeybees

17:50        Pavla Nedbalová              Origin of adenosine released by Drosophila melanogaster activated immune cells

18:10        Gabriela Krejčová              Macrophage-induced silencing of insulin signaling is an adaptive strategy for lipoprotein mobilization upon bacterial infection

18:30         Matěj Miláček             Action of species-selective juvenile hormone receptor agonists on insect development

19:00-20:00 Dinner

20:00-21:00 Interview – Alejandro Cabezas-Cruz


Sunday 16.10.                                                                                        

8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast


09:00      Sadanand Gupta         Characterization of individual PsaA and PsaB assembly intermediates of Photosystem I in Synechocystis 6803

09:20      Divya Aggarwal           Binding of chlorophyll to ferrochelatase maintains active Photosystem II during cold stress 

09:40      Saverio Rana              Response of the unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacterium Cyanothece to phosphorus limitation

10:00      Andela Kuvelja            Manganese and zinc priming of Capsicum annuum against Botrytis cinerea: photosynthesis; maintenance localised metal accumulation and metabolic changes

10:20      Anna Wysocka            The role of cyanobacterial membrane protein ssr0332 in the biogenesis of Photosystem I

10:40-11:00 Coffee break


11:00      Pragya Tripathi           Unusual composition of the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex from the widespread marine protist group diplonemids

11:20      Vendula Rašková         Characterization of PAM related proteins in Trypanosoma brucei

11:40      Michaela Kunzová          ROS is not just SOS: role of reactive oxygen species in metabolic remodeling during Trypanosoma brucei differentiation

12:00       Jonathan Wong             Inner mitochondrial membrane biogenesis in Trypanosoma brucei

12:20       Prashant Chauhan         Assembly factor mtSAF24 in the biogenesis of small mitoribosomal subunit in trypanosomes

12:45-13:00 CONCLUDING REMARKS, voting for the best presentation


13:00-14:00 LUNCH

14:00 THE END - departures

Winners of the best presentation:

Gabriela Krejčová

Veronika Prančlová

Daniela Prokopová

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Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics


Bachelor and Master thesis projects

NEW PROJECTS 2024/2025 and read more here: MASTER PROJECTS 2024/2025

In vitro characterization of mutations in gene PTPN11 from individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders¨ Mgr. Michaela Fencková, Ph.D.
Master thesis project - updated May 13th, 2024
Single gene mutations represent the leading cause of intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Missense variants that result in a change of one amino acid (AA) in the protein sequence, contribute to disease risk to a similar or even greater degree than likely gene-disruptive mutations but their effect on protein structure and function is not known.

In this project, the student will investigate de novo missense variants in gene PTPN11 that encodes a protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2. These variants were found in individuals with ID/ASD and not in the unaffected siblings and they are predicted as pathogenic. The student will prepare recombinant SHP2 protein with and without the corresponding single AA changes and test the effect of these changes on protein phosphorylation. This will answer whether the variants affect SHP2 function and if yes, whether they increase or decrease its phosphatase activity. The project will complement the characterization of these mutations for cognitive dysfunction in our pre-clinical Drosophila model.

Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Fencková, Phd
Co-supervisor: RNDr. Petra Havlíčková

NEW PROJECTS 2023/2024

Bachelor or master thesis project RNDr. Eva Horáková, Ph.D.
Our group is investigating the enigmatic role of phosphonates (molecules with carbon-phosphorus bonds) in eukaryotic cells. The eukaryotic ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, with a high content of phosphonates on its cell surface, is one of the best models to answer our questions. Our goal is to determine the function of these enzymes in this metabolic pathway by generating knock-out strains and characterising them by molecular and biochemical methods.
In this project, you will learn general molecular biology techniques (CRISPR-cas9 gene KO, DNA cloning, western blot analysis, immunoprecipitation, etc.), culturing, and microscopy. We hope that you will be able to work with us at Centre Algatech in Trebon ( in a friendly and international scientific environment.
Contact: Eva Horáková (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Co-supervisor/Advisor: Ayca Fulya Üstüntanir Dede, Ph.D. ( )
The role of genetic causes of neurodevelopmental disorders in cognitive dysfunction Mgr. Michaela Fencková, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project - UPDATE: project assigned
Intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are frequent and often co-occurring neurodevelopmental disorders, characterized by cognitive and behavior deficits. We have learned that these disorders are mostly caused by monogenic (ie. single gene) mutations. They represent a window into the underlying molecular mechanisms and treatment targets. The goal of this project is to investigate established and novel genetic causes of ID/ASD and neuronal and non-neuronal mechanisms, by which they contribute to cognitive dysfunction. The student will use Drosophila, an established model for ID/ASD, and habituation, a fundamental form of learning that is affected in both ID/ASD individuals and Drosophila models and is therefore of high translational value. A specific focus will be given to novel ID/ASD candidate genes identified by our clinical collaborators from 2nd Faculty of Medicine at Charles University. The student will use state-of-the-art approaches to manipulate with gene expression (RNA interference, targeted expression) in tissue (Gal4-UAS) and time (TARGET) specific manner, and to introduce patient-specific mutations (CRISPR/Cas9-based editing, T2A-Gal4) in Drosophila orthologs of ID/ASD genes. These will be complemented with classical genetics, behavior testing and statistical and molecular analysis.

Modeling the effect of missense variants in intellectual disability and autism Mgr. Michaela Fencková, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project - UPDATE: project assigned
Single gene mutations represent the leading cause of intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Missense variants that result in change of one amino acid (AA) in the protein sequence, contribute to disease risk to a similar or even greater degree than likely gene-disruptive mutations but their effect on protein structure and function is not known. In this project, the student will use PyMOL molecular visualization and modeling system to introduce ~ 50 recurrent ID/ASD missense variants into high-resolution crystal structures of 10 proteins from RCSB Protein Data Bank and determine whether they affect folding and stability of the protein, its interaction with other proteins and molecules or alter the protein function. The results will lay down the basis for functional characterization of the underlying molecular and cognitive mechanisms in vitro and in our pre-clinical Drosophila model. If the student is motivated, he/she may be involved in initiation of these studies.

(Co-supervisor/consultant: Prof. Ivana-Kutá Smatanová)
Natural compounds blocking viral infections of honey bees RNDr. Alena Bruce Krejčí, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project
Honey bees are threatened by the parasitic mite Varroa and the viruses it transmits. The student will test the effect of several natural compounds that could have antiviral properties in honey bees. In vitro and in vivo experiments, virus quantifications by real time q-RT-PCR.

The micro-computed tomography of honey bee development RNDr. Alena Bruce Krejčí, Ph.D. and Mgr. Adam Bajgar, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project
The honey bee development is a complex process that involves tissue growth and remodelling during the pupation. Using the state of the art micro-CT machine the student will compose an anatomical atlas of larval and pupal development of the honey bee, with the focus on seasonal and stress induced adaptations of the developmental process.

The effect of selective pesticides on the development and physiology of honey bees RNDr. Alena Bruce Krejčí, Ph.D. and prof. RNDr. Marek Jindra, CSc.
Bachelor or Master thesis project
The currently used pesticides negatively affect the life of the honey bees. A completely new, modern type of pesticides was developed in the laboratory of prof. Jindra that should kill only certain insect species but leave other unharmed, making these compounds much more environment-friendly. The student will test the effect of these chemical compounds on the development of honey bees under in vitro, ex vitro and in vivo conditions.

Diplonemids - exploring the life cycles and morphology of "new-protists-on-the-oceanic-block" Galina Prokopchuk, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project - UPDATE: project assigned
Diplonemids belong to the most abundant heterotrophic planktonic microeukaryotes in the world ocean and, thus, are likely to play an essential role in marine ecosystems. The primary focus of this research project is to understand the ecological role of diplonemids. The student is expected to perform feeding experiments and analyze the cell morphology and behavior patterns of diplonemids around a variety of prey.

Changes in the "universal" genetic code and their reflection in transfer RNAs MSc. Ignacio Miguel Durante, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project
Although universal, the standard genetic code present deviations from its canonical coding. In the laboratory we have identified several transfer RNAs (tRNAs) with naturally occurring mutations that induce translational readthrough in trypanosomatids with codon reassignment. These mutations can also recapitulate the phenomenon in yeast and other trypanosomatids without codon reassignment, providing evidence of a conserved mechanism. We aim to expand the analysis to bacteria, for which we will generate and optimize a dual luciferase system in prokaryotic cells.
The student will generate the constructs needed for the expression of this system in bacteria and test it performing luciferase activity measurements in the presence of several co-expressed t-RNAs.

Chromatin immunoprecipitation to profile histone modifications in naked mole-rat Mgr. Lenka Gahurová, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project - UPDATE: project assigned
Naked mole-rat is an African rodent with multiple extraordinary characteristics, including extremely long lifespan, resistance to diseases uncluding cancer and eusocial system with only one reproducing male and female in the colony. Epigenetic changes (changes in histone modifications and DNA methylation landscape) are one of hallmarks of aging, and epigenomic landscape is also reprogrammed during development. In orded to study the epigenome stability and reprogramming in aging and development in naked mole-rat, we need to optimise and establish chromatin immunoprecipitation protocol in this species. The aim of this project is to test the protocol, test different antibodies for various histone modifications, establish the workflow of one of the most important techniques in epigenetics.
Depending on the motivation and time availability of the student, we can proceed to profile specific histone modifications at the loci of interest using ChIP-qPCR, or at the genome-wide level, or apply the technique to the low input material (oocytes).

Bioinformatics projects studying retrotransposons and their impact on genome evolution
Bachelor or Master thesis project - UPDATE: project assigned
We offer various projects studying retrotransposon variability across mammals, the genome defence mechanisms for their suppression, as well as their domestication by host genomes. The specific project will be discussed with the student based on their interests and bioinformatics skills.

Establishment of epigenetic CRISPR/Cas9 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (wet lab project) Mgr. Iva Mozgová, Ph.D. (Naseem Samo)
Bachelor project
Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) is an evolutionarily conserved histone methyltransferase present in animals and plants. CRISPR/Cas9 is a state-of-art gene editing strategy, that allows targeted gene modification. We have targeted different domains of PRC2 catalytic subunits by CRISPR/Cas9 and aim to analyse impacts of these mutations.
In this project, you will learn a wide spectrum of general molecular biology techniques, including DNA extraction, primer design, PCR, gel electrophoresis, cloning and Sanger sequencing, RNA extraction, RT-qPCR and related data analyses.

Identification and phylogeny of SET-domain proteins in protists (bioinformatics tentatively followed by wet lab) Dr. Abdollah Sharaf
Bachelor or Master thesis project
SET-domain proteins are histone methyltransferases that catalyse lysine mono-/di-/or trimethylation. This is a major histone post-translational modification that fundamentally influences chromatin structure and marks gene repression or transcriptional activity. This project will use extensive genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic database search for SET-domain proteins in the genomes protists and phylogeny reconstruction approaches to analyse the evolution of the SET-domain proteins.
If taken up as a longer-term project (or super-efficient:-)), this will be followed by wet-lab experiments to confirm and extend the results. The expected techniques are protein extraction, Western Blotting, DNA/RNA extraction, PCR/qPCR, chromatin immunoprecipitation.
(co-supervised by Mgr. Iva Mozgová, Ph.D.)

Identification of Histone H3 variants in early-diverged eukaryotes (bioinformatics tentatively followed by wet lab)
Bachelor or Master thesis project
Histone H3 is a major histone type subject to regulatory epigenetic post-translational modifications (PTM). It is highly conserved in eukaryotes and present in several variants that differ by only several amino acids. In spite of this, the variants can be subjected to different PTMs by chromatin-modifying enzymes, which has a profound effect on chromatin structure and gene transcription. This project will use extensive genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic database search for the histone H3 variants present in the genomes of early eukaryotes and reconstruct phylogeny to shed light on the evolution of histone H3.
If taken up as a longer-term project (or super-efficient:-)), this will be followed by wet-lab experiments to confirma and extend the results. The expected techniques are protein extraction, Western Blotting, DNA/RNA extraction, PCR/qPCR, chromatin immunoprecipitation.
(co-supervised by Mgr. Iva Mozgová, Ph.D.)

Evolutionary conservation of PRC2 catalytic subunit in the green lineage (wet lab project) Mgr. Kateřina Sobotková, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project
Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) is involved in the regulation of key developmental mechanisms. We aim to see the level of functional evolutionary conservation of PRC2 catalytic subunit in green lineage by inter-species complementation. We will exchange moss (Physcomitrium patens) catalytic subunit with the algal subunits. We will evaluate the impact on phenotype, gene expression and H3K27me3 distribution.
Here, you can learn sterile cell culture work, moss transformation, genotyping (DNA extraction, PCR), microscopic analysis, RT-qPCR (RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, quantitative PCR) and, chromatin imunoprecipitation of wild type and transgenic cultures.
(co-supervised by Mgr. Iva Mozgová, Ph.D.)

Changes in the levels of biogenic amines at honeybees in relation to seasonal effects RNDr. Radmila Čapková Frydrychová, Ph.D.
Bachelor project


The stress effect on sound characteristics at honeybees
Bachelor project


Effect of reproductive process on the level of oxidative stress and telomere homeostasis in insects
Bachelor project


Investigate the reproductive fitness cost in epoxidase mutant adult males Ing. Marcela Nouzová, Ph.D. - UPDATE: projects assigned
Bachelor or Master thesis project 
for details click here
Study the reorganization of the endocrine gland complex (EGC) during metamorphosis
Bachelor or Master thesis project
for details click here
Study the interactions between fat body (FB), the tissue that synthesizes yolk proteins, and the ovaries endocrine gland complex (EGC) during metamorphosis
Bachelor or Master thesis project
for details click here

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