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Understanding the effects of multiple stressors on freshwater biota: Will climate change alter the impact of chemical pollution?

(Co)investigator from the Department: David Boukal
Funding provider: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 2020 - 2022

Project goals: 

We aim to unravel the combined impacts of anthropogenic chemical pollution and climate change on freshwater ecosystems, using a combination of laboratory and mesocosm experiments focusing on the biota of small standing waters dominated by freshwater invertebrates.

Project description: 

Multiple human-induced environmental stressors pose a major threat to global biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Climate change and chemical pollution are two widespread stressors whose impact on freshwaters is likely to increase. We currently lack data and unified framework to predict responses of freshwater ecosystems to these combined stressors. To fill this knowledge gap, we will use laboratory and mesocosm experiments to understand how commonly found pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) and pesticides affect whole ecosystems and energy flow in communities in small standing waters. Moreover, we will explore if expected climate warming alters the presumed negative effects of anthropogenic pollution. We will focus on three levels of organization that may affect ecosystems and the services they provide: (1) changes in community composition and ecosystem functioning that we will link to (2) changes in species interactions, and (3) alterations of individual physiology and behaviour.

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