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Department of Computer Science

State Final Exams

Organization of State Final Exams

Organization of State Final Exams (SFE) in ÚAI

  • For organization of SFE, the committee  is created and approved. It consists of partial committees for particular subjects. Each student takes exams from two obligatory subjects and from the subject of his/her specialization.
  • Subject choice:
    For Applied Informatics, obligatory subjects are: Theoretical Basics of Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies. A applicant chooses the third subject, which name corresponds with his/her specialization.
    In case of two-field study Informatics, there are also two obligatory subjects: Theoretical Basics of Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies. However, from the field Applied Informatics they are two differences:
  • The subject Information and Communication Technologies has different exam question groups.
  • If an applicant chooses two subjects from the second study field, in case of the Informatics study field, he/she chooses only one subject from Theoretical Basics of Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies.
  • UAI prepares the time schedule of students for particular exams.
  • The exams of particular subjects are oral in front of the partial committee for the given subject. Every partial committee works individually according to the time schedule, prepared by UAI. The chaiman of the partial committee is responsible for examining of all students the time schedule and for filling the exam protocols. 
  • In the exam protocol, the chosen questions, final marks, assigned points and signatures of examiners must be filled.
  • If more examiners examine one subject, it must be defined which groups of subject questions are examined by the concrete examiner including substitutability  
  • Each student pulls 2 questions of the examined subject and starts answering.
  • Immediatelly after the exam, the chairman of the partial committee tells the student, if he/she succeeded or not, but not the mark. If the student did not succeed, it is up to him/her to continue or not. 

Suggestion of time schedule

  • Within one day, exams are done in two, independent blocks and one-hour break for lunch.In morning and afternoon blocks, only up to 6 students are planned. So, up to 12 students will be examined in one day. 
  • The morning block lasts from 8 to 12, the afternoon block lasts from 13 to 17. If there is less students in a block, the time schedule will be adjusted accordingly. Lunch break is always from 12 to 13.
  • Every block starts with the committee' and the students' introduction, and ends with announcing of results of all students in the particular block. .
  • For each partial exam of one subject and one student,  30 minutes are calculated. This time is used in the following way: 20 + 5 minutes to answer 2 questions, which students has pulled, and for possible complementary questions of committee members. Complementary questions  should be namely focused on contexts and overlaps of the examined topic. The goal is not to compete who is the best specialist and waste time with in-vain discussions. The remaining 5 minutes is for the committee meeting to decide if the student passed or not and the result is said to the student. 
  • Each committee member suggests his/her own mark and points and puts them into the pre-prepared table. In the end of each block the committee consults and define the final marks and points for all students in the block, and the reults are written into the protocol. An alternate approach is also possible, when the final results are announced immediatelly after the student's exam. 
  • Within each block, it is possible to plan a short break for a snack lasting 15 minutes. This is in competence of each partial committee and could be influenced by requirements of students in the block. 
  • The remaining time, when partial committees have ended their works, is used to work out the final protocols of particular students and to announce final results of the given block. 

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