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Department of Computer Science

Specialization UAI

Security and network

Specialization "Security and Network" of the study program Applied Informatics is focused to graduate's profile to be able to design and secure end information systems, networkl infrastructure, and digital documents.  

Except traditional teaching, this specialization offers certified courses of network technologies, and practices. We actively cooperate with the following companies:

  • Cisco
  • Telefónica O2
  • CZ.NIC
  • National Security Authority

This specialization is controlled by the Security and Network Department of the Institution od Applied Informatics (UAI) PřF JU.

Embedded sytems

Specializace embedded systémy a robotika rozšiřuje hlavní obor Aplikované informatiky. Studenti získají praktické zkušenosti s číslicovými, automatizačními, robotickými platformami.

At present, diversity and number of embedded systems enlarges significantly. This segment has become one of the most important industry sectors. E.g. the implementation into automotive electronics is extremely interesting because of strict requirements of timing and reliability, which act as technological catalysts. The market with embedded systems is the most advanced system in the world. 

The student of this specialization will use theoretical and practical knowledge of common base and programming. In addition, students of this specialization will understand robotic platforms.

The graduate of this specialization should be able to:

  • understand robotic subsystems,
  • understand basics of autonomous control of robotic platforms,
  • orient in embedded systems and analyze possibilities of their usage,
  • understand and describe basic items of microprocessor systems,
  • construct of connwctions of embedded systems,
  • test functions of microprocessor systems,
  • anylyze computational requirements of algorithms of digital data processing,
  • program basic algorithms of control and automation technique,
  • technically usemicroprocessor circuits,
  • interconnect mobile and embedded systems.
Management IS

Recommended study flow

Web and Multimedia

The specialization "Web and Multimedia" of the study program Applied Informatics is focused on the profile of a graduate educated in the design and implementation of complex web applications and their security. 

The graduate should be able to participate in development in a team, or independently design and create a competent web application from the database to the front end. Within the specialization, increased attention is paid mainly to the programming of multi-layer applications with a web interface.

In addition to the subjects common to all specializations (marked in green), three basic axes are defined, which are represented by individual subjects:

  • Programming
  • Security
  • Multimedia

As some objects follow each other, it is possible to orient yourself according to the diagram below (without guarantee). It should provide a basic idea of ​​compulsory subjects and their distribution into a three-year study. 

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