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Department of Computer Science

Crossborder Study

The crossborder study is the form of full-time study, where students study one half of semesters in Czechia and second half abroad. In case of our crossborder study, students study in our faculty in Budweis and in Johannes Kepler Universität Linz in Austria.

It is the common study, where half is from the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz and second half from our faculty. We intentionally did not mention that half of students are Austrians and second half of them are Czechs. The reason is, that students are often from around the world.  All students study in english. So, it is an unique opportunity to gain multicultural experiences. 

At present, the following two crossborder study filelds could be studied in the Faculty of Science:

The study of Biological Chemistry has been already running for many years, and it is possible to study both bachelor's study and master's study. The Bioinformatics study field is now only in bachelor's level.

Graduates gain diplomas from both universities i.e. Czech and Austrian  (it is so called double-degree study).

Study conditions

One half of study is studied in Czechia, while the second half in Austria. The living expenses are bigger in Austria then in Czechia. E.g. expenses for dormitories are 250 €/bed/month in Austria, lunch in an university canteen is 4 €. So, we try to offer our students Erasmus scholarship,which could them help to finance the difference between life expenses. However, it is not possible to guarantee, that the Erasmus scholarship will be paid every year. For detailed information for actual year, contact the Erasmus department of PřF.

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