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Study plan

The core courses of the programme are common to all specializations provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of modern omics technologies, in the analysis and interpretation of the resulting large data sets and in genome editing. Graduates will further deepen their knowledge and skills in the context of one of the four offered specializations.

It is up to the student to plan their courses during their studies, but the recommended plans are as follows:

Applying with the start in summer semester

Program core courses

Practical Computing for Biologists
The course presents the basic computing tools needed to build automated and reproducible pipelines for biological data analysis, visualization and publication.
Bioinformatics for Biologists
The aim of this course is to introduce students with specialization in biology to the new field of bioinformatics. Students will learn about basic algorithms and tools for analysis of data in biology, how to use databases and bioinformatics software.
Introduction to Omics & Biotechnology
The aim of the course is to introduce students to OMICs approaches and biotechnologies in both basic and applied biological and biomedical research and related technologies.
Practicals in Omics & Biotechnology
These are 5 block practicals in the last 3 weeks of the semester covering the most commonly used OMICs approaches and gene editing. Three of the multi-day practicals are truly hands-on, two are guided visits to service facilities with the opportunity to try out data analysis.
Seminars in Omics & Biotechnology
The individual seminars should serve as highlights for individual specializations and as demonstrations of the potential applications of selected technologies, highlighting the latest hot topics in both basic and applied research.
Essays in Omics & Biotechnology
The student will choose a current topic on the application of OMICs technology, biotechnology or genome editing and will elaborate this topic (1) into an essay, which (2) will be presented in a seminar to other students where the topic will be discussed.
The New Statistics for Experimental Biologists
The fundamentals of statistical reasoning and applications of data analysis in the realm of biological sciences, including some relatively new methods in statistics (e.g., the use of information criteria and multi-model inference) are the focus of this introductory statistical course.
In this course bioethics and its fundamental principles will be introduced. This includes some concepts and methods relevant to all human disciplines, ranging from logic, epistemology, and ontology to general ethics.
Master's English Examination – TOEFL
Testing EAP competencies and communication skills of students on level C1 according to CEFR.*
*can be passed anytime during the duration of the studies
Masters Thesis Assignment
The title of the topic of the planned Master Thesis, aims of the research and fundamental sources of information.
Master thesis, Practical part
Theoretical preparation for Master´s diploma thesis as well as practical work on the topic of the thesis.
Genetics - Colloquia
The objective of this seminar is to provide students with sufficient space for training in giving short lectures concerning either their own results or more general science topics. The experience of students gained in these seminars will be useful in lecturing in symposia and conferences. In parallel, students will have the opportunity to hear lectures given by experienced lecturers.
Cell Structure and Function
This course provides students of the program the proper foundation for the basic unit of life, the cell, which decodes the information inherent in DNA.

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