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Faculty management


  • prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.

  • +420 389 036 224

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  • RNDr. Tomáš Hauer, Ph.D.
    Vice-Dean for study

  • +420 389 032 276

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  • doc. RNDr. Ing. Jana Kalová, Ph.D.
    Vice-Dean for Teacher Education

  • +420 389 032 326

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  • doc. RNDr. Jan Štefka, Ph.D.
    Vice-Dean for Science

  • +420 387 775 409

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  • RNDr. Ján Štěrba, Ph.D.
    Vice-Dean for Development

  • +420 389 036 220

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  • prof. Mgr. Ivana Kutá Smatanová, Ph.D.
    Vice-Dean for Foreign Affairs and Internal Evaluation

  • +420 389 036 234

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  • doc. RNDr. Eva Nováková, Ph.D.
    Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies

  • +420 389 036 295

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  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • RNDr. Magda Zrzavá, Ph.D.
    Vice-Dean for Public Relations

  • +420 389 032 279

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  • Ing. Veronika Macková
    Faculty Manager

  • +420 389 036 202

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Read more …Faculty management

  • Hits: 3795


Faculty of Science

Over the course of its existence, the Faculty of Science has become a stable educational institution with a diverse range of interesting and attractive fields of study. The societal significance of this institution is underscored by its research activities with considerable international acclaim.

The main tasks of the faculty are the development of interdisciplinary studies both in the areas of biological disciplines (e.g. courses in tropical and polar ecology, development of anthropology) and in relation to the newly introduced natural science disciplines at the intersection of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science. Specialised double-field studies in cooperation with other USB faculties are also supported. Cross-border educational activities based on cooperation with Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, and Deggendorf, Germany, are of particular importance in the structure of the faculty.

 The USB Faculty of Science offers specialised studies focused on biological, chemical, and physics fields as well as computer science and mathematics.
Part of the offer of study fields is also a multidisciplinary study of teacher training for secondary schools.

The following bachelor’s fields of study can be studied at the USB Faculty of Science in the academic year 2023/2024:

Biology, Biophysics, Biological Chemistry, Environmental Conservation, Applied Mathematics, Applied Informatics, Laboratory and Medical Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Measuring and Computing Technology, and fields of education for future secondary school teachers.

At present, there is a high demand in secondary schools for certified teachers, especially in science and technical subjects. The USB Faculty of Science offers the option of a double-field bachelor's degree in biology, physics, chemistry, computer science, geography, and mathematics for secondary schools.

The faculty also offers bachelor’s studies of teacher training in mathematics, informatics, or physics in combination with teacher training in English in cooperation with the USB Faculty of Arts. Additionally, mathematics can also be combined with the French language, the Czech language and literature, or history.

In cooperation with the USB Faculty of Theology, the faculty also offers teacher training in mathematics, physics, informatics, chemistry, geography, or biology in combination with teacher training in religion and ethics.

Furthermore, the faculty offers combinations of bachelor’s studies on teacher training in physics, informatics, chemistry, biology, and geography in combination with the programme Applied Mathematics.

The USB Faculty of Science traditionally announces scholarships for talented incoming students. Applicants can apply for the scholarship on the basis of their participation and good results in professional competitions (e.g. Biology Olympiad, SOČ). Apart from the personal scholarship, financial resources that the student may use to start his or her own research activity at one of the departments of the faculty – if interested – are also part of the award.


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  • Hits: 4854

Vývojář backend systémů - integrace

  • Seznam štítků: PŘF

Nabízíme zajímavou pozici IT experta v mladém týmu. Pracujeme s mnoha progresivními technologiemi a je na Tobě, které z nich tě budou bavit a inspirovat.

CETIN a.s. spravuje a provozuje největší datovou a komunikační síť pokrývající celé území České republiky. V současné době hledáme kandidáta na pozici:

Náplň práce

  • vývoj na Integrační platformě, v technologiích Java, Apache Camel, Openshift, Pentaho Kettle, XSLT, CICD pipelines,
  • vývoj konektorů pro Kafka, Elastic DB, cloudové služby
  • Neočekáváme, že se budeš věnovat všem zmíněným oborům. Volba je v tomto případě na Tobě
  • orientujeme se zejména na Opensource software


  • zkušenosti s programováním
  • uživatelská znalost OS Linux
  • výhodou zkušenost se SSL, XML, JSON, REST


  • Kontakt s nejmodernějšími technologiemi a novými trendy v IT
  • Zajímavou a zodpovědnou práci v dynamickém prostředí, nejde jen o programování
  • Motivující mzdu a benefity
  • Pracoviště  České Budějovice  nebo  Praha 9


Kontakt:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Hits: 932


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