Provision of the Dean No. D 78 on the setting of fees for Rigorous Proceedings
as amended on April 26th 2023
According to § 46, Paragraph 5 of the Act No. 111/1998 Coll. On Universities and on Amendments to Other Acts, the fee for accepting an application for a Rigorous Proceedings and related administrative services is set to be:
6000 CZK in case the rigorous examination takes place independently on the candidate’s State Master’s Examination, or the State Doctoral Examination/Defense;
150 CZK in any other cases.
Details for fee payment will be provided to the candidate via IS STAG after the application is registered.
for excellence in postdoctoral research at University of California, Irvine, USA. Project: Role of ADGF-A gene in Drosophila
International scientific activity
visiting assistant professor
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA (1,5 roku)
postdoctoral fellowship, Prof. Peter Bryant's lab
University of California, Irvine, USA
Research projects (principal investigator)
GAČR 20-09103S
Molekulární mechanismy privilegovaného přístupu aktivovaných imunitních buněk k energii u drozofily
GAČR 17-16406S
Vznik adenozinu jako signálu sobecké imunity
Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship 298186
2012 – 2015
Extracellular adenosine role in energetic metabolism during immune response
GAČR P305/12/0115
2012 – 2014
Model drozofily pro studium účinků extracelulárního adenozinu na mechanismy rezistence a tolerance k patogenům
GAČR 204/09/1463
2009 – 2011
Extracelulární adenozin jako stresový hormon v drozofile
GAČR 301/07/0814
2007 – 2010
Zkoumání úlohy kasein kinázy Iepsilon pro vznik rakoviny prsu
GAAV KJB501410602
2006 – 2008
Úlohy extracelulárního adenozinu při krvetvorbě a vrozené imunitě za použití drozofily jako modelu pro studium těchto úloh in vivo
Scientific projects (hosting lab, mentor)
EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship
Dr. Ellen McMullen Immune system vs. Brain: Do metabolic privileges change upon infection? (ALTF 23-2022)
Dr. Michaela Fencková The emergence of adenosine as a signal of selfish immunity (ID CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/20_079/0017633)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant
Dr. Michalina Kazek Trehalose as a source for privileged immunity in Drosophila (H2020-WF-01-2018, ID 867430, IMMUNETREH)
Development projects (principal investigator)
Establishment of a joint laboratory for practical teaching of organic chemistry and molecular biology
Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness (OP VK)
Molecularization of biological disciplines at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
Invited lectures
Why is our immune system selfish?
Kužela seminar, Comenius University in Bratislava
Molecular mechanisms connecting activation of immune cells with metabolic changes at systemic level
Immunity and Hematopoeisis Workshop, European Drosophila Research Conference 2017, London
Energy privilege of activated immune system
Lecture for the Czech Immunological Society, Prague
What did we learn from fruit flies about a selfish behavior of immune system?
Lecture for the Learned Society of the Czech Republic, Prague
Adenosine as a signal of selfsh immune system - fruit fly model
ESID Eastern Spring School in Primary Immunodeficiencies, Třeboň
Metabolism of privileged immune cells
Drosophila Blood Cell Biology Symposium, Strasbourg, France
Oral presentations at international conferences
The origin of adenosine as a systemic metabolic regulator in privileged immune cells
2nd Metabolism in Health and Disease Conference, Cancun, Mexico
Molecular regulations of metabolism during immune response in Drosophila.
T. Dolezal, A. Bajgar, G. Krejcova, P. Nedbalova - Eighth International Symposium on Molecular Insect Science (Elsevier) 7-10 July 2019 Sitges, Spain
Extracellular adenosine regulates complex host-pathogen interactions through the energy release for the immune response
T. Dolezal, A. Bajgar, K. Kucerova, L. Jonatova, DS Schneider - 55th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, 26.–30.3. 2014, San Diego, USA
The discs overgrown (dco) mutant - a fly model for the role of Casein Kinase Iε in breast cancer
T. Dolezal, J. Matulova, K. Kucerova, E. Kubala, PJ Bryant - 21st European Drosophila Research Conference, Nice, France
Adenosine Deaminase-related Growth Factors (ADGFs) and extracellular adenosine mediate the juvenile hormone response in Drosophila
Great Barrier Reef Drosophila Conference, Cairns, Australia
Membership in committees
Member of the Scientific Board
since 2023
Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
Member of the Board
Grant agency of University of South Bohemia
Member of the regional committee
since 2007
Secondary school vocational activities (SOČ)
Doležal T.(2023) How to eliminate pathogen without killing oneself? Immunometabolism of encapsulation and melanization in Drosophila.Frontiers in Immunology. Dec 6:14:1330312. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1330312. eCollection 2023.
Krejčová G., Morgantini C., Zemanová H., Lauschke V.M., Kovářová J., Kubásek J., Nedbalová P., Kamps-Hughes N., Moos M., Aouadi M.,Doležal T.& Bajgar A. (2023) Macrophage-derived insulin antagonist ImpL2 induces lipoprotein mobilization upon bacterial infection. The EMBO Journal. Dec 1;42(23):e114086. doi: 10.15252/embj.2023114086. Epub 2023 Oct 9.
Bajgar A, Krejčová G,Doležal T(2021) Polarization of Macrophages in Insects: Opening Gates for Immuno-Metabolic Research.Front Cell Dev Biol, 15 February 2021 |
Doležal T, Nedbalová P, Krejčová G, Kazek M, Lehr K, Chodáková L, Strych L, Dolejšková T, Bajgar A (2020) Privileged immune cell upon activation – how it changes its own metabolism and metabolism of the whole organism. figshare POSTER DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12144831.v1
Krejcova G, Danielova A, Nedbalova P, Kazek M, Strych L, Chawla G, Tennessen JM, Lieskovská J, Jindra M,Dolezal T, Bajgar A (2019) Drosophila macrophages switch to aerobic glycolysis to mount effective antibacterial defense.eLife 14;8. pii: e50414.doi: 10.7554/eLife.50414. (IF=7.5)
Bajgar A, Salon I, Krejcová G,Dolezal T, Jindra M, Stepanek F (2019) Yeast glucan particles enable intracellular protein delivery in Drosophila without compromising the immune system.Biomater Sci 30.doi: 10.1039/c9bm00539k.(IF=5.2)
Dolezal T, Krejcova G, Bajgar A, Nedbalova P, Strasser P (2019) Molecular regulations of metabolism during immune response in insects.Insect Biochem Mol Biol 109:31-42.doi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2019.04.005. (IF=3.9)
Bajgar A,Dolezal T(2018) Extracellular adenosine modulates host-pathogen interactions through regulation of systemic metabolism during immune response in Drosophila.PLoS Pathog14(4):e1007022(IF=6.6)
Bajgar A, Kucerova K, Jonatova L, Tomcala A, Schneedorferova I, Okrouhlik J,Dolezal T(2015) Extracellular Adenosine Mediates a Systemic Metabolic Switch during Immune Response.PLoS Biol13(4):e1002135(IF=11.8)
Novakova M andDolezal T(2011). Expression of Drosophila adenosine deaminase in immune cells during inflammatory response.PLoS ONE6(3):e17741(IF=3.2)
Fenckova M, Hobizalova R, Fric Z,Dolezal T(2011). Functional characterization of ecto-5’-nucleotidases and apyrases in Drosophila melanogaster.Insect Biochem Mol Biol41(12):956-967(IF=3.4)
Zuberova M, Fenckova M, Simek P, Janeckova L,Dolezal T(2010). Increased extracellular adenosine in adenosine deaminase deficient flies activates a release of energy stores leading to wasting and death.Dis Model Mech3(11-12):773-84(IF=4.9)
Dolezal T, Kucerova K, Neuhold J, Bryant PJ (2010). Casein kinase I epsilon somatic mutations found in breast cancer cause overgrowth in Drosophila.Int J Dev Biol54:1419 – 1424(IF=2.8)
Foldynova-Trantirkova S, Sekyrova P, Tmejova K, Brumovska E, Bernatik O, Blankenfeldt W, Krejci P, Kozubik A,Dolezal T, Trantirek L, Bryja V. (2010). Breast cancer specific mutations in CK1epsilon inhibit Wnt/beta-catenin and activate Wnt/Rac1/JNK and NFAT pathways to decrease cell adhesion and promote cell migration.Breast Cancer Res12(3): R30 (IF=5.5)
Dolezal T, Dolezelova E, Zurovec M, Bryant PJ (2005). A Role for Adenosine Deaminase in Drosophila Larval Development.PLoS Biol3(7):e201(IF=11.8)
Dolezelova E, Zurovec M,Dolezal T, Simek P, Bryant, PJ (2005). The emerging role of adenosine deaminases in insects.Insect Biochem Mol Biol35(5): 381-9 (IF=2.8)
Dolezal T, Gazi M, Zurovec M, Bryant PJ (2003). Genetic analysis of the ADGF multigene family by homologous recombination and gene conversion in Drosophila.Genetics165:653-666(IF=4.3)
Zurovec M,Dolezal T, Gazi M, Pavlova E, Bryant PJ (2002). Adenosine deaminase-related growth factors stimulate cell proliferation in Drosophila by depleting extracellular adenosine.PNAS99(7):4403-4408(IF=10.9)
Teaching activities at the University of South Bohemia
Teaching of courses: Fundamentals of Cell Biology (KMB/023) – guarantor and lecturer
Cellular and Molecular Biology and Genetics I (KMB/758) - guarantor and lecturer
Advanced methods in Molecular Biology (KMB/603) - guarantor and lecturer
2006-2016 guarantor and lecturer (100%) of “Foundation of modern biology” (undergraduate course) 2007-2010 guarantor and lecturer (100%) of “Molecular biology and Genetics” (undergraduate course in English for international program Biological Chemistry) 2008-2009 guarantor and lecturer (20%) of “Cell regulation and signaling” (graduate course in English) 2010-2012 guarantor and lecturer (100%) of “Basic methods in molecular biology” (undergraduate course) since 2014 lecturer (50%) of “Developmental biology” (undergraduate course) since 2017 guarantor and lecturer (100%) of "Introduction to Cell Biology" - mandatory course for Czech undergraduate Biology programme and undergraduate course in English for international program Biological Chemistry since 2017 guarantor of "Methods in Molecular Biology" (undergraduate course in English for international program Biological Chemistry)
Supervision of students and postdocs
2 Postdocs / 4 Ph.D. students / 4 Master Students / 19 Bachelor Students
Master degree theses: Tomas Gregor, 2015 - "Tissue specific mutagenesis with TAL nucleases using Drosophila melanogaster as a model" (in Czech) Lucie Jonatova, 2013 - "The Role of Dco in Drosophila Haematopoiesis” Jana Matulova (Neuhold), 2009 - "Study of the Role of Casein Kinase I epsilon in BreastCancer Using Drosophila as a Model"
Supervised Bachelor students: David Opavsky, Jana Kadlecova, Tomas Krucek, Radka Hobizalova, Eugen Kubala, David Hartmann, Sarka Pospisilova, Tamara Aigner, Bianca Spitzbart, Marek Renner, Kristina Preur, Tomas Gregor, Jiri Stros, Paul Strasser, Klara Kopicova, Thomas Stehrer, Barbara Jetzinger, Lukas Strych, Katharina Lehr
Principle investigator: Václav Vondrovský (Institute of Archaeology CAS) Co-investigator from the department: Michaela Ptáková Funding provider: Czech Science Foundation Grant No.: 21-16614S Duration: 2021- 2023
Peripheral zones of Neolithic occupation in Central Europe have remained out of the scope of modern archaeological research. This project is therefore focused on a specific region of South Bohemia which was colonised by a secondary wave of Linear Pottery culture and it was occupied only sporadically in the later Neolithic periods. We will study the dynamics of occupation in the region, interregional contacts, possible contacts with hunter-gatherer groups, subsistence strategies of local farmers and their interactions with the regional environment. In comparison with conventionally studied core regions of the Elbe, Danube, and Morava rivers, we strive for understanding of the Neolithic cultural habitus in more detail. This could reach its limits in peripheral zones and be subject to adaptations and considerable diversity of practice. To follow this objective, we need to enlarge current data using standard archaeological methods and multiproxy environmental approaches, such as analyses of plant macroremains, phytoliths, anthracological assemblages, and the pollen record.
Principle investigator: Jaromír Beneš Funding provider: Interreg, European Commission Grant No.: Cil - Ziel Interreg 343 Duration: 2021- 2023
The purpose and goal of the project are to strengthen basic research in the field of botany, ethnobotany and archaeobotany. The project aims to develop an innovative methodological procedure and scientific tool that will enable the study of current and past vegetation of the Czech-Bavarian area by means of artificial intelligence. The basis will be the development of comparative methods of plant parts that carry specific information. The project will create a digital plant macro- and microhabitats database, emphasising FAIR data principles. In the next phase, a module capable of semi-automatically identifying plant seeds will be developed for about 50 plant taxa and a pilot series of plant phytoliths and starches. The resulting methodology will serve as a tool for reconstructing past natural environments and studying human-nature interactions in the Czech-Bavarian area from prehistory to the present. The partner of the project is the University of Regensburg.
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.