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Artificial intelligence and Data Science

  • Seznam štítků: PŘF

The Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia has received accreditation for a unique study program in the South Bohemian region, "Artificial intelligence and Data Science" (MAID).

It is a cross-border joint degree program taught in English, whose graduates receive two degrees (Mgr. (CZ) and M.Sc. (DE)). This program was developed in close cooperation between the University of South Bohemia (USB) and the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT).

 The study program focuses on the phenomenon of artificial intelligence in conjunction with data analysis. What makes it unique is its orientation towards the applied sector, not only by completing a compulsory internship, but also by taking a semester-long AI.Lab course, where students verify the application of AI methods in practice.

 The first winter semester is always taught from October in České Budějovice, the second summer semester from March in Deggendorf and the other two semesters are chosen by the student according to his/her priorities. It is also possible to start studies in the summer semester in Germany.

 The MAID is a professionally oriented study program that was created in cooperation with the most important companies in the region, but also with the support of the South Bohemian Chamber of Commerce (JHK). The creation of the study program was supported by the cross-border cooperation program between the Free State of Bavaria and the Czech Republic, the EUS OBJECTIVE 2014-2020.

More information can be found on the official website of the program:

Read more …Artificial intelligence and Data Science

  • Hits: 9407

D117 - regulating the system of reimbursements from projects of 9th February 2023

Provision of the Dean D 117
regulating the system of reimbursements from projects of 9th February 2023


The system of project reimbursements is intended to create equal and transparent conditions for project developers, to provide incentive to project proposers to submit further projects (regarding all grant calls), and to allow them partial financial freedom. From the returned funds, individual principal investigators may pay for things that would otherwise not be declarable costs within their projects (e.g. participation in a conference of interest to them, travel to a foreign HEI, a DPP (contract of services) for a skilled PhD student, or the purchase of a printer for the department...).

Overheads are used to cover the administrative and operational costs of the Faculty during  projects, and at the same time to create a fund for faculty development and the renewal of instrumentation. Part of these funds are returned to the investigators in the form of reimbursements.



  • financial incentive for principal investigators to submit projects (through a system of reimbursement of a part of overheads)
  • equal conditions for principal investigators when submitting projects
  • incentive to submit more applications to international calls



Currently, part of the funding is returned to the principal investigator conducting GAČR, TAČR, and MŠMT Inter Excellence projects, to the amount of 50% of the total amount of overheads. In addition, it is an unwritten rule that for some Interreg projects 10% of total overheads is reimbursed.



On the basis of a meeting between the Dean, the Vice Dean for Development and Foreign Affairs, the Vice Dean for Science, and the Secretary and Head of the Project Department on 1 December 2021, a proposal on the means of providing reimbursements was made:


  1. Projects supported by reimbursement: Research projects – applied and basic research (e.g. GAČR, TAČR, )
  2. Large projects of the OP VVV, ERC, EMBO, RAGO, Horizon 2020 type, etc. are to be dealt with individually. (decided upon by the management of FSci)
  3. Projects not supported by reimbursement: Mobility projects, cross-border cooperation projects (Interreg, etc.)

To determine the specific amount of the project reimbursement, the following procedure is to be followed:


Rule for calculating the amount of reimbursement:

Reimbursements to projects are (always to amount to actual activated overheads to projects - actual co-financed project costs) * 50%.

The amount of reimbursement may vary depending on the Faculty's budget in a given year.

* Projects with co-financing obligations must be approved by the AS of FSci USB before submission. The basic rule is that the Faculty should not incur multiple costs associated with the given project. In justified cases (Faculty interest in the project) and for large prestigious projects the management of the Faculty may grant an exception to this rule.

Exceptions/Options for the Senate approval of projects that have mandatory CO-FINANCING:

  • Co-financing of the project is handled via regular faculty commitments
  • Co-financing of the project is handled via regular faculty commitments, but is insufficient - the department is to commit to co-financing
  • Co-financing of the project is handled through regular faculty commitments, but is insufficient – the department is unable to commit to co-financing. Other means are to be sought:
  • Demonstrate that regular commitments to the project cannot be increased because they are already spread across other projects (i.e. would savings have to be made elsewhere?)
  • Supplement with an explanation from the Dean, Head of Department, that the project is so significant that the Faculty will commit to co-financing, i.e. lose some of the project overheads


České Budějovice, 9th February 2023

prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.
Dean of FSci USB

PDF for download here

Read more …D117 - regulating the system of reimbursements from projects of 9th February 2023

  • Hits: 842

Oracle academy

  • Seznam štítků: PŘF

Katedra informatiky

Oracle Academy is a comprehensive offer for secondary, higher and higher vocational schools with a technical focus. It prepares students for a career in the field of information technology and provides teachers with professional development that helps them in better orientation and obtaining current information for teaching.

Corporate program

Oracle Academy Czech Republic works at two levels. The first is a corporate program that is created for individual school grades and offers three learning paths. The principle is to provide Oracle software and products for educational purposes, along with curricula (study materials) and support.

The first track, Introduction to Computer Science, is best suited to a high school setting. Students learn the basics of SQL and PL/SQL programming using web training and working with an instructor. Finally, successful students can get a certificate. Teachers complete a professional course and successfully complete it with certification.

The second pathway, Advanced Computer Science, provides schools with development tools and Oracle Database and Oracle Application Server products in addition to software. It is ideal for schools looking to integrate technology and learning materials into their curriculum.

The third route, Enterprise Business Application, is used by faculties and universities that are focused on business and computer science. Students who participate in the courses are prepared for a wide range of fields, from finance, healthcare and telecommunications.

Currently, the interest of technical schools in Oracle Academy membership is increasing. The main advantage is the possibility to choose between installing on your own systems or accessing the software via a web browser. There are now 34 secondary schools, 12 universities and 5 higher vocational schools as members of the Oracle Academy.

Local activities

However, in addition to the corporate program, the Oracle Academy in the Czech Republic is also active in other, local activities. Currently, she is creating her own educational strategy, according to which her steps and further cooperation with schools will be as efficient as possible.

Other events organized within the Oracle Academy include the Oracle Roadshow organized in cooperation with universities, technological meetings with university students, seminars for teachers and students of secondary schools and many others.

(taken from


As part of database training at ÚAI, it is possible to obtain a certificate issued in cooperation with Oracle Czech Republic. This certificate both documents the completion of the database course and entitles you to a discount when obtaining commercial Oracle certificates. You can find their offer here. For more information, contact Mr. Miloš Prokýšek.

Read more …Oracle academy

  • Hits: 9367

Cislo Networking Academy

  • Seznam štítků: PŘF

Katedra informatiky

The Cisco Networking Academy Program (Netacad) is a revolutionary - innovative - model partnership between the private and public spheres. These include Cisco Systems, educational institutions, state administration institutions and the business world. The goal of the program is to contribute to the professional training of specialists for the needs of building an information society.

CNA Logo

Part of Netacad is a system supporting e-learning oriented education. This makes it possible to acquire knowledge about network and ICT technologies, currently more and more needed for building a global economy, in a highly efficient manner.

Thanks to the combination of several components, which as a whole form a study support system, Netacad effectively replaces the classical form of education:

  • online study and access to multimedia study material (curriculum) via a portal on the Internet (24x7)
  • a continuous knowledge testing system to support the process of evaluating the success of learning the content, the mode of making the tests available is controlled by the lecturer and students are allowed access at a given time via the Internet
  • practical exercises in the laboratory on real devices simulating traffic in networks in order to gain practical experience in the configuration, installation, maintenance of network elements, as well as the design proposal for network solutions
  • individual or group consultations during the course of study with the aim of creating space for evaluating the success of the study
  • the final test, which represents a comprehensive verification of knowledge of the subject, successfully completed studies can be extended by the globally accepted certification exams of Cisco


The whole enables a student's individual approach to the acquisition of knowledge, practical experience and supports his all-round preparation for the use of knowledge in practice.

The program and its success are proof of how a functioning e-learning strategy can be implemented into currently existing forms of education with the aim of providing highly attractive content and form of study to educational institutions in the Czech Republic.

More information and news regarding the program in the Czech Republic and Slovakia:

Volba kurzů a průmyslová certifikace

Choice of courses and industry certification


The network laboratory was officially opened on March 26, 2009 in the presence of important personalities.

The CISCO Press Center also reported on the event.

ÚAI provides teaching in 4 basic CCNA semesters. These are included in the teaching as optional courses, in IS STAG under the code designations UAI/756 - 758 and UAI/681 (see teaching, possibly STAG).

To support teaching, a special network laboratory is available (see photo gallery) equipped with 3x CCNA bundles containing a total of:

  • 9x Router CISCO 2801.
  • 9x Switch Cisco Catalyst 2960 (24-port).
  • 6x Wireless Router & AP Linksys WRT160N.
  • 1x 3COM 10-mbit HUB (24-port) for sniffing.
  • 1x CCNA Eagle Server.
  • A total of 16 PC stations containing 2 network cards and 2 serial ports for testing and configuring active elements.


ÚAI also provides follow-up preparation for the CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional) commercial certification at all levels (Route, Switch, T-Shoot). This advanced degree is implemented as an additional activity of the PřF and is therefore for training for the general professional public. The price list is available on request from the program guarantor (Rudolf Vohnout).

A dedicated network lab with the following equipment is available for CCNP:

  • 6x Router CISCO 2901.
  • 6x Cisco Catalyst 2960 switches.
  • 4x Multi Layer (L3) Switch Cisco Catalyst 3560 v2.
  • 6x Cisco ASA 5505.
  • Remote Lab setup for remote access.
  • Remote ePDU for power control.
  • A total of 10 PC stations containing 3 network cards for attestation and configuration of active elements.

Read more …Cislo Networking Academy

  • Hits: 9253

Research and projects

  • Seznam štítků: PŘF


The Department of Computer Science (hereafter “UAI”) was established on the 1st of January 2009 as one of several new non-biological study programmes at the Faculty of Science. Since then it has gradually worked on the expansion and improvement of informatics and computer science within the faculty. The study programmes offered by the UAI have proven very popular among prospective students.

Read more …Research and projects

  • Hits: 19018

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