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Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics


Bachelor and Master thesis projects

NEW PROJECTS 2024/2025 and read more here: MASTER PROJECTS 2024/2025

In vitro characterization of mutations in gene PTPN11 from individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders¨ Mgr. Michaela Fencková, Ph.D.
Master thesis project - updated May 13th, 2024
Single gene mutations represent the leading cause of intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Missense variants that result in a change of one amino acid (AA) in the protein sequence, contribute to disease risk to a similar or even greater degree than likely gene-disruptive mutations but their effect on protein structure and function is not known.

In this project, the student will investigate de novo missense variants in gene PTPN11 that encodes a protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2. These variants were found in individuals with ID/ASD and not in the unaffected siblings and they are predicted as pathogenic. The student will prepare recombinant SHP2 protein with and without the corresponding single AA changes and test the effect of these changes on protein phosphorylation. This will answer whether the variants affect SHP2 function and if yes, whether they increase or decrease its phosphatase activity. The project will complement the characterization of these mutations for cognitive dysfunction in our pre-clinical Drosophila model.

Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Fencková, Phd
Co-supervisor: RNDr. Petra Havlíčková

NEW PROJECTS 2023/2024

Bachelor or master thesis project RNDr. Eva Horáková, Ph.D.
Our group is investigating the enigmatic role of phosphonates (molecules with carbon-phosphorus bonds) in eukaryotic cells. The eukaryotic ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, with a high content of phosphonates on its cell surface, is one of the best models to answer our questions. Our goal is to determine the function of these enzymes in this metabolic pathway by generating knock-out strains and characterising them by molecular and biochemical methods.
In this project, you will learn general molecular biology techniques (CRISPR-cas9 gene KO, DNA cloning, western blot analysis, immunoprecipitation, etc.), culturing, and microscopy. We hope that you will be able to work with us at Centre Algatech in Trebon ( in a friendly and international scientific environment.
Contact: Eva Horáková (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Co-supervisor/Advisor: Ayca Fulya Üstüntanir Dede, Ph.D. ( )
The role of genetic causes of neurodevelopmental disorders in cognitive dysfunction Mgr. Michaela Fencková, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project - UPDATE: project assigned
Intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are frequent and often co-occurring neurodevelopmental disorders, characterized by cognitive and behavior deficits. We have learned that these disorders are mostly caused by monogenic (ie. single gene) mutations. They represent a window into the underlying molecular mechanisms and treatment targets. The goal of this project is to investigate established and novel genetic causes of ID/ASD and neuronal and non-neuronal mechanisms, by which they contribute to cognitive dysfunction. The student will use Drosophila, an established model for ID/ASD, and habituation, a fundamental form of learning that is affected in both ID/ASD individuals and Drosophila models and is therefore of high translational value. A specific focus will be given to novel ID/ASD candidate genes identified by our clinical collaborators from 2nd Faculty of Medicine at Charles University. The student will use state-of-the-art approaches to manipulate with gene expression (RNA interference, targeted expression) in tissue (Gal4-UAS) and time (TARGET) specific manner, and to introduce patient-specific mutations (CRISPR/Cas9-based editing, T2A-Gal4) in Drosophila orthologs of ID/ASD genes. These will be complemented with classical genetics, behavior testing and statistical and molecular analysis.

Modeling the effect of missense variants in intellectual disability and autism Mgr. Michaela Fencková, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project - UPDATE: project assigned
Single gene mutations represent the leading cause of intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Missense variants that result in change of one amino acid (AA) in the protein sequence, contribute to disease risk to a similar or even greater degree than likely gene-disruptive mutations but their effect on protein structure and function is not known. In this project, the student will use PyMOL molecular visualization and modeling system to introduce ~ 50 recurrent ID/ASD missense variants into high-resolution crystal structures of 10 proteins from RCSB Protein Data Bank and determine whether they affect folding and stability of the protein, its interaction with other proteins and molecules or alter the protein function. The results will lay down the basis for functional characterization of the underlying molecular and cognitive mechanisms in vitro and in our pre-clinical Drosophila model. If the student is motivated, he/she may be involved in initiation of these studies.

(Co-supervisor/consultant: Prof. Ivana-Kutá Smatanová)
Natural compounds blocking viral infections of honey bees RNDr. Alena Bruce Krejčí, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project
Honey bees are threatened by the parasitic mite Varroa and the viruses it transmits. The student will test the effect of several natural compounds that could have antiviral properties in honey bees. In vitro and in vivo experiments, virus quantifications by real time q-RT-PCR.

The micro-computed tomography of honey bee development RNDr. Alena Bruce Krejčí, Ph.D. and Mgr. Adam Bajgar, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project
The honey bee development is a complex process that involves tissue growth and remodelling during the pupation. Using the state of the art micro-CT machine the student will compose an anatomical atlas of larval and pupal development of the honey bee, with the focus on seasonal and stress induced adaptations of the developmental process.

The effect of selective pesticides on the development and physiology of honey bees RNDr. Alena Bruce Krejčí, Ph.D. and prof. RNDr. Marek Jindra, CSc.
Bachelor or Master thesis project
The currently used pesticides negatively affect the life of the honey bees. A completely new, modern type of pesticides was developed in the laboratory of prof. Jindra that should kill only certain insect species but leave other unharmed, making these compounds much more environment-friendly. The student will test the effect of these chemical compounds on the development of honey bees under in vitro, ex vitro and in vivo conditions.

Diplonemids - exploring the life cycles and morphology of "new-protists-on-the-oceanic-block" Galina Prokopchuk, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project - UPDATE: project assigned
Diplonemids belong to the most abundant heterotrophic planktonic microeukaryotes in the world ocean and, thus, are likely to play an essential role in marine ecosystems. The primary focus of this research project is to understand the ecological role of diplonemids. The student is expected to perform feeding experiments and analyze the cell morphology and behavior patterns of diplonemids around a variety of prey.

Changes in the "universal" genetic code and their reflection in transfer RNAs MSc. Ignacio Miguel Durante, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project
Although universal, the standard genetic code present deviations from its canonical coding. In the laboratory we have identified several transfer RNAs (tRNAs) with naturally occurring mutations that induce translational readthrough in trypanosomatids with codon reassignment. These mutations can also recapitulate the phenomenon in yeast and other trypanosomatids without codon reassignment, providing evidence of a conserved mechanism. We aim to expand the analysis to bacteria, for which we will generate and optimize a dual luciferase system in prokaryotic cells.
The student will generate the constructs needed for the expression of this system in bacteria and test it performing luciferase activity measurements in the presence of several co-expressed t-RNAs.

Chromatin immunoprecipitation to profile histone modifications in naked mole-rat Mgr. Lenka Gahurová, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project - UPDATE: project assigned
Naked mole-rat is an African rodent with multiple extraordinary characteristics, including extremely long lifespan, resistance to diseases uncluding cancer and eusocial system with only one reproducing male and female in the colony. Epigenetic changes (changes in histone modifications and DNA methylation landscape) are one of hallmarks of aging, and epigenomic landscape is also reprogrammed during development. In orded to study the epigenome stability and reprogramming in aging and development in naked mole-rat, we need to optimise and establish chromatin immunoprecipitation protocol in this species. The aim of this project is to test the protocol, test different antibodies for various histone modifications, establish the workflow of one of the most important techniques in epigenetics.
Depending on the motivation and time availability of the student, we can proceed to profile specific histone modifications at the loci of interest using ChIP-qPCR, or at the genome-wide level, or apply the technique to the low input material (oocytes).

Bioinformatics projects studying retrotransposons and their impact on genome evolution
Bachelor or Master thesis project - UPDATE: project assigned
We offer various projects studying retrotransposon variability across mammals, the genome defence mechanisms for their suppression, as well as their domestication by host genomes. The specific project will be discussed with the student based on their interests and bioinformatics skills.

Establishment of epigenetic CRISPR/Cas9 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (wet lab project) Mgr. Iva Mozgová, Ph.D. (Naseem Samo)
Bachelor project
Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) is an evolutionarily conserved histone methyltransferase present in animals and plants. CRISPR/Cas9 is a state-of-art gene editing strategy, that allows targeted gene modification. We have targeted different domains of PRC2 catalytic subunits by CRISPR/Cas9 and aim to analyse impacts of these mutations.
In this project, you will learn a wide spectrum of general molecular biology techniques, including DNA extraction, primer design, PCR, gel electrophoresis, cloning and Sanger sequencing, RNA extraction, RT-qPCR and related data analyses.

Identification and phylogeny of SET-domain proteins in protists (bioinformatics tentatively followed by wet lab) Dr. Abdollah Sharaf
Bachelor or Master thesis project
SET-domain proteins are histone methyltransferases that catalyse lysine mono-/di-/or trimethylation. This is a major histone post-translational modification that fundamentally influences chromatin structure and marks gene repression or transcriptional activity. This project will use extensive genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic database search for SET-domain proteins in the genomes protists and phylogeny reconstruction approaches to analyse the evolution of the SET-domain proteins.
If taken up as a longer-term project (or super-efficient:-)), this will be followed by wet-lab experiments to confirm and extend the results. The expected techniques are protein extraction, Western Blotting, DNA/RNA extraction, PCR/qPCR, chromatin immunoprecipitation.
(co-supervised by Mgr. Iva Mozgová, Ph.D.)

Identification of Histone H3 variants in early-diverged eukaryotes (bioinformatics tentatively followed by wet lab)
Bachelor or Master thesis project
Histone H3 is a major histone type subject to regulatory epigenetic post-translational modifications (PTM). It is highly conserved in eukaryotes and present in several variants that differ by only several amino acids. In spite of this, the variants can be subjected to different PTMs by chromatin-modifying enzymes, which has a profound effect on chromatin structure and gene transcription. This project will use extensive genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic database search for the histone H3 variants present in the genomes of early eukaryotes and reconstruct phylogeny to shed light on the evolution of histone H3.
If taken up as a longer-term project (or super-efficient:-)), this will be followed by wet-lab experiments to confirma and extend the results. The expected techniques are protein extraction, Western Blotting, DNA/RNA extraction, PCR/qPCR, chromatin immunoprecipitation.
(co-supervised by Mgr. Iva Mozgová, Ph.D.)

Evolutionary conservation of PRC2 catalytic subunit in the green lineage (wet lab project) Mgr. Kateřina Sobotková, Ph.D.
Bachelor or Master thesis project
Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) is involved in the regulation of key developmental mechanisms. We aim to see the level of functional evolutionary conservation of PRC2 catalytic subunit in green lineage by inter-species complementation. We will exchange moss (Physcomitrium patens) catalytic subunit with the algal subunits. We will evaluate the impact on phenotype, gene expression and H3K27me3 distribution.
Here, you can learn sterile cell culture work, moss transformation, genotyping (DNA extraction, PCR), microscopic analysis, RT-qPCR (RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, quantitative PCR) and, chromatin imunoprecipitation of wild type and transgenic cultures.
(co-supervised by Mgr. Iva Mozgová, Ph.D.)

Changes in the levels of biogenic amines at honeybees in relation to seasonal effects RNDr. Radmila Čapková Frydrychová, Ph.D.
Bachelor project


The stress effect on sound characteristics at honeybees
Bachelor project


Effect of reproductive process on the level of oxidative stress and telomere homeostasis in insects
Bachelor project


Investigate the reproductive fitness cost in epoxidase mutant adult males Ing. Marcela Nouzová, Ph.D. - UPDATE: projects assigned
Bachelor or Master thesis project 
for details click here
Study the reorganization of the endocrine gland complex (EGC) during metamorphosis
Bachelor or Master thesis project
for details click here
Study the interactions between fat body (FB), the tissue that synthesizes yolk proteins, and the ovaries endocrine gland complex (EGC) during metamorphosis
Bachelor or Master thesis project
for details click here

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Chemistry seminars

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Chemistry Seminars

Winter Semester 2023/2024

Thursdays 15:00-16:00, lecture room C2












Alina SOHN






Runa Helga Bettina WEISSENGRUBER






















Multanov FEDOR


Md. Zahidul ALAM





Winter Semester 2022/2023

Thursdays 15:00-16:00, lecture room C2

20. 10. Introduction - Barbora Kascakova   
27. 10.    
3. 11.  Tomas Fessl   
10. 11.  Prof. Norbert Müller: NMR - What else?
17. 11.       HOLIDAY
24. 11.        Anton ANTOV  
Sabrina VRANJES  
Hüseyin EVCI  
Andrea Hatmanstorfer  
Tobias LERNHARDT The Effect of Ploidy on the Cellular Composition of Sterlet Brains
Laura ZELLNER Uptake and Metabolism of Valsartan and Candesartan in different Plants
Martina PONCAROVÁ Photochemical degradation of selected pharmaceuticals under light conditions relevant to natural waters and study of the toxicity of photoproducts
1. 12.         Zahid Shakeel  
Lukas MÜLLER  
Bronislava SMOLOVÁ  
Kateřina SOCHOROVÁ  
Ondřej ŠIMEČEK  
 Sabrina VRANJES  
8. 12.              Elis  Daňková Using molecular and culturing methods to study nitrifying microorganisms in peat
Elisa FRANK Origin of resistance against desiccation and cryoinjuries in soil crust microalgae of the High Arctic
Florian GÖTZL Production and characterization of TBEV Mtase
Sonja HANL Conservation and diversification of PRC2 subunits in moss.
Libor HEJDUK  
Ghadir IBRAHIM Culturing and characterization of new methane-oxidizing microorganisms from natural environments
Angela KIENBERGER Isolation of monoclonal population of Borrelia miyamotoi from co-infected cultures by cultivation on modified solid medium
Konstantin KOSENKO Combination of cancer immunotherapy with inhibitors of glutamine metabolism
Anna KRUGLHUBER Mechanism of retrograde transport in contact-dependent inhibition (CDI) toxins through the bacterial translocon
Tereza Kulhánková Ultrastructural features of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the lungs.
Mia NUßBAUMER Role of the serotonin receptor type 7 (5-HT7) in autoimmune disease
Natascha WALLA Adaption mechanisms of streptomyces sp BCCO_10_2060 to cold stress.
Guy Michel WOLF Encapsulation of bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers into viral capsids.
15. 12.                 
Nina DUDÁKOVÁ   tRNA retrograde pathway
Alfred EMIRI  
Malak HADDAD  
Petra HAVLÍČKOVÁ  Crystal structure of smolstatin – protease inhibitor from the myxozoan parasite Sphaerospora molnari
Anna HUBER  
ABDOULIE JALLOW  Role of chromatin modifiers in plants' response to light acclimation
Tereza KOZELKOVÁ  Lipolytic system in the development of the hard tick Ixodes ricinus
Vilja LANGER  
Kateřina MALINOVÁ  Oligomerization state and pigment contents of algal light-harvesting proteins
Sara SAYED  
Dmytro SHUMLIANSKYI  Improvement of DNA extraction methods from soil samples for third-generation sequencing
22. 12.    
5. 1.                 Ana- Maria COROIANU 3D SBF-SEM analysis of effect that SARS-COV 2 British mutation has on mouse lungs
Daniel EICHER Optimising growth conditions of new methane oxidising and nitrifying bacteria
Sarah GAHBAUER 3D Visualization of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Infection in Mouse Brain Tissue
Valentina HAWLICEK 3D SBF-SEM analysis of effect that SARS-CoV-2 mutation 951 has on mouse lungs
Lara Marie HÖSCHELER  
Filip JELIĆ Ontology of the excretory gland cell of zoonatic neamtode Anisakis pegreffii and their development.
Mediha Kurbegović Effect of Anisakis pegreffi AMPS on Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto viability
Sebastian Osei KWARTENG  
Christina ZUSER Curated data base construction for sMMo-active methanotrophs
27. 1.    9:00   Sascha GRATZL Advanced structural and functional characterization of Birc6 in autophagy and characterization of ubiquitin transfer of E2/E3 hybrid enzymes 
 Artemis CHAROULI Cultivation of zoonotic nematode Anisakis Pegrefii and completion of its life cycle in vitro 
Filip Jelić Testing the protocol for the in vitro life cycle of zoonotic nematode Anisakis pegreffii and analyzing its morphological structure
Nora Müller Unnatural amino acids as tool to study protein interaction. 
Luca RAUSCHER Three-dimensional flight trajectories in three European butterfly species 
Malak SAID Evaluating The Potential for Methane Consumption by Fungi 
Isabel SIMMER T regulatory lymphocytes during MBTA immunotherapy 
Ghadir Ibrahim Culturing and characterization of new methane-oxidizing microorganisms from natural environments.
Ahmed Hasanagić  
Zahid Shakeel The effect of metabolites of entomopathogenic nematode's symbiotic bacteria on harmful slugs 
Kateřina Sochorová Seasonal occurrence of picoplanktonic cyanobacteria in WTP Nýrsko and their application in Nanobiotechnology
Bronislava Smolová Seasonal occurrence of picocyanobacteria in
WTP Kutná Hora and their utilisation of
phosphorus and iron
Isabela Vlasak Quantifying the Degradation Efficiency
of Chitinase in Pseudomonas 
Victoria Weijler  


Summer Semester 2021/2022

31.03.2022 Petra Havlíčková Tereza Kozelková
07.04.2022 Ana-Marija Andova Martina Poncarová
21.04.2022 Laura Nuebl Sára Turková Ondřej Cihlář
28.04.2022 Valentin Welschof Libor Hejduk
05.05.2022 Darya Peramotava  Rudolf Nechvile Miriam Hopfgartner
12.05.2022         Marlene Huber
19.05.2022 Marco Halbeisen George Alozie
02.06.2022 Precious Adu Appiah Hanna Angster Andrea Hatmanstorfer Sara Shojaei
09.06.2022 Isabela Vlasak Anna Huber Jana Seiter Nazare Theodora
Mia Nußauer
16.06.2022 Elis Daňková Angela Kienberger Fedor Multanov Benjamin Schatzmann
30.06.2022 Magdalena Maria Behensky Konstantin Kosenko

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  • Hits: 7656

Information on the state exams and defences and the dresscode

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Information on how the defence proceeds

Very important! The submitted thesis itself is evaluated by the opponent and by the commission, as that is the thesis which also shown to the public; the submitted thesis can not be changed after the submission. Also, not only the quality of the laboratory work is evaluated by the the file of thesis - so, the written text, the picture, figures etc. in the thesis.

Bachelor state exams and defences

  • state exam - oral examination. Students draw a question (or questions) and then have 30 minutes to talk about it. It usually starts at 8 am. Immediately after the exam, it is announced if the student passed; complete results, including the grades, are usually announced afternoon (depending on the number of students) or the next day in person or by mail. In exceptional cases, you can ask for a written exam. A set of questions for the state exams is available online.
  • defence - 45 minutes are reserved for one student. You need a presentation for a maximum of 12 minutes. The evaluation by the supervisor and the opponent are read after your presentation. Next, you answer the question(s) of the opponent (the answers can be included at the end of the presentation, after the "Thank you" slide). Lastly, you will answer the questions from the commission and the guests. Next, everybody except the commission members (which includes the supervisor) leaves and the commission will discuss the thesis and vote on the grade. The result is announced immediately after the defence.

Master state exams and defences

  • defence is usually the first - 60 minutes reserved for one student. You need a presentation for a maximum of 15 minutes. The evaluation by the supervisor and the opponents are read after your presentation. Next, you answer the opponents' questions (the answers can be included in the presentation after the "Thank you" slide). Lastly, you will answer the questions from the commission and the guests. Next, everybody except the commission members (which includes the supervisor) leaves, and the commission will discuss the thesis and vote on the grade. The result is announced immediately after the defence.
  • state exam - usually after the defence - oral, approximately 15 minutes per subject (3 subjects).

Students working on their MSc thesis in Linz - you must submit the assignment of the Master's thesis also at USB (not only at JKU), and you must apply for the state exam and defence also at USB (even though you do it at JKU), and you must submit your thesis before the defence also at USB.


BSc Biological Chemistry state exam (for the most current curriculum) - you must choose:


Biochemistry - contents of the courses Biochemistry 1. Biochemistry 2. Biochemistry Laboratory 1. Biochemistry Laboratory 2
Cellular and Molecular Biology - contents of the courses Methods in Molecular Biology. Cellular and Molecular Biology and Genetics I 

+ one from:

Biology of Plants - contents of the courses Plant diversity and ecology, Plant Biochemistry 
Biology of Animals - contents of the courses Biology of Animals, Animal Physiology 
Biology of Microorganisms - contents of the courses Biology of Microorganisms, Environmental, medical and technological aspects of microbiology
Biomedicine - contents of the courses Clinical Biochemistry, Introduction into Biomedicine, Biopharmacy 
Omics in Systems Biology - contents of the courses Introduction to Bioinformatics. Omics in Systems Biology


MSc Biological Chemistry state exam (for the most current curriculum) - you must choose:

1. UCH/SN11 Advanced Biology and Biochemistry - covers UCH/020 Gene and Protein Engineering, UCH/013E Principles and Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UCH/060 Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modelling of Biomolecules and UCH/784 Cellular and Molecular Biology 2 + select one module, every module covers the listed courses:

- Biological Elective: Advances in Biological Systems – lectures UCH/045 Glycobiochemistry, KMB/217 Methods of Functional Genomics, KME/723 Immunology, and UCH/052 Xenobiochemistry and Toxicology;
- Biological Elective: Molecular and Developmental Biology – lectures KMB/614 Cell Regulation and Signaling, KPA/604 Molecular Phylogenetics, KMB/759 Genetics the Molecular Approach, and KMB/618 Epigenetics and regulation of gene expression;
- Biological Elective: Structural Biology Techniques – lectures UCH/027 X-Ray Crystallography, UCH/651 Optical Methods in Biochemistry, UFY/EM1 Electron Microscopy I and UFY/EM2 Electron Microscopy II;

2. UCH/SN36 General Chemistry, select a subject:
- Fundamentals of Chemistry and Technology for Biological Chemists
- Fundamentals of Chemistry and Technology for Technical Chemists

3. UCH/SN12 Biological Chemistry Masters Elective, select one of these, but it should not be covered in the module selected in UCH/SN11 and it should be related to your thesis:

Gene and Protein Engineering


Electron Microscopy

X-ray Crystalography

Fluorescence spectroscopy

Cell Signaling

Computational Chemistry






Molecular Phylogeny


Do not forget to APPLY for the stae exams or the defence (or both at the same term) within the deadline.


You should get the supervisor's and the opponent's review at least three days before the defence - they should be uploaded to the STAG and sent to you as well.


You can check what are the supervisor and the opponent evaluating to give you some hints, in addition to the requirements and recommendation on writing theses:

Supervisor review form

Opponent review form

Requirements and recommendations for writing theses at the Dept. of Chemistry

The course of the defence

Usually the defence of BSc and MSc theses looks like this:

1) the head of the commission welcomes and introduces the student, the commission, and the audience.

2) student presents the presentation/defends her/his thesis, usually finishing with the "Thank you" slide

3) supervisor presents her/his review

4) the opponent (or two in the case of MSc theses) presents her/his review

5) student answers the questions and comments of the opponent. For MSc theses defences, student can answer first the questions and comments of the first opponent, then the 2nd opponent presents her/his review and students answers those questions and comments

6) all commission members can ask any question and student answers

7) audience can ask

8) everybody except the commission leaves and the commission discusses and votes on the grade

9) the grade is announced


Questions and comments in the opponent's review

You can include the answers to the questions and comments after the "Thank you" slide



You should wear a formal or business casual dress for the defence


Read more …Information on the state exams and defences and the dresscode

  • Hits: 8721

Student awards and graduates

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Student awards and graduates

  • Rector's Prizes and Dean's Prizes awarded to our students

    Rector's Awards

    ak. year       name                               programme
    2015/2016 Bc. Jacqueline Ecker            Biological Chemistry
    2015/2016 Bc. Matthias Guggenberger  Biological Chemistry
    2018/2019 BSc. Paul Strasser               Biological Chemistry
    2018/2019 Bc. Nora Hagleitner             Biological Chemistry
    2018/2019 Bc. Klára Pilsová                 Chemie
    2020/2021 Bc. Kateřina Machulová       Chemie

     2022/2023 BSc. Laura Zellner               Biological CHemistry

    2023/2024 Bc. Miroslava Bromová     Biochemistry

    Dean's Awards for Outstanding Research Achievement

    ak. year       name                               programme
    2015/2016 Mgr. Helena Mondeková                  Biological Chemistry
    2015/2016 Mgr. Alexander Christoph Haindrich  Biological Chemistry
    2016/2017 Mgr. Marie Jakešová                       Biological Chemistry
    2016/2017 Mgr. Monika Litviňuková                  Biological Chemistry
    2016/2017 Mgr. Dajana Tanasic                       Biological Chemistry
    2017/2018 Mgr. Karel Hořejší                           Chemie životního prostředí
    2018/2019 Mgr. Katharina Böttinger                 Biological Chemistry
    2018/2019 Mgr. Lisa Hain, MSc                        Biological Chemistry
    2018/2019 Mgr. Klára Pilsová                           Chemie životního prostředí
    2022/2023 Bc. Klára Švihovcová                      Chemie
    2022/2023 Bc. Josef Troup                              Chemie
    2022/2023 Mgr. Anna Koutská                         Biochemie

    2023/2024 Nina Dudáková                Biological Chemistry

    2023/2024 Alfred Emiri              Biological Chemistry

    2023/2024 Ondřej Šimeček        Biological Chemistry

    2023/2024 Teresa Wagner        Biological Chemistry

    2023/2024 Bc. Miroslava Bromová     Biochemistry

    Dean's Prizes for outstanding research achievements awarded to students who worked on their theses at the Department of Chemistry

    2016/2017 Mgr. Jaroslav Ondruš Experimentální biologie
    2017/2018 Mgr. Hana Mašková Klinická biologie


    Dean's awards for outstanding scientific achievements

    ak. year       name                               programme
    2021/2022 Mgr. Barbora Kaščáková, Ph.D. Biochemie

  • Awards and achievements of our students


    Martina Poncarová (Ph.D. student) - 1. místo, Cena prof. Sládečka, XX. konference "Toxicita a biodegradibilita odpadů a látek významných ve vodním prostředí"


    Two 2nd year students of the Biological Chemistry bachelor programme have a scientific publication.

  • Outstanding bachelor theses award by the head of the Department of Chemistry


    Jana Adali for her thesis Correlation of absolute chlorophyll content to the photosynthesis capacity under different management regimes in two wet grassland plants Carex canescens and Phalaris 
    Nina Dudáková for her thesisElucidation of the function of Kap60 and Kap95 in the tRNA retrograde pathway in Trypanosoma brucei.
    Alfred Emiri for his thesis Elucidation of the retrograde transport of contact-dependent inhibition (CDI) toxins through bacterial SecYEG translocon complex.
    Václav Hinterhölz for his thesis Determination of selected boswellic acids in frankincense resin and its products by high-performance liquid
    chromatography with spectrophotometric detection.
    Natasha Machate for her thesis Researching the capacity of fungal strains to consume methane.
    Laura Nosková for her thesis Eating the cold air: Isolation and identification of aerobic psychrophilic diazotrophs from permafrost soil.
    Pavel Kožnar for his thesis Use of graphical software tools for vizualization of molecules, formulae and graphs during chemistry education at high schools and grammar schools.
    Ondřej Šimeček for his thesis Genome size stability of dried tissues of selected genera of ferns and lycophytes.
    Teresa Wagner for her thesis Investigation of MICOS in two life cycle stages of Trypanosoma brucei.
    Runa Weissengruber for her thesis How endophytic actinobacteria respond to pharmaceuticals present in soil?


    Philipp Hebesberger for his thesis Sirtuins as regulators of apoptosis induced proliferation in the eye of Drosphila melanogaster

    Moritz Keller for his thesis The secrets encoded in the draft genome of Lentzea sp. strain BCCO-61, isolated from reclaimed mining heaps

    Angela Kienberger for her thesis Detection and isolation of relapsing fever spirochete, Borrelia miyamotoi, from Ixodes ricinus collected in the Czech Republic: separation of relapsing fever and Lyme disease spirochetes by cultivation on solid medium

    Konstantin Kosenko for his thesis Combination of immunotherapy with inhibitors of glutamine metabolism

    Anna Kruglhuber for her thesis Mechanism of retrograde transport in contact-dependent inhibition (CDI) toxins through the bacterial translocon.

    Ondřej Kuchynka for his thesis Studies of expression and localization of endogenous G-protein subunits using bioluminescence imaging

    Palavinnage D. Sanchila Kumaranatunga for her thesis Towards the establishment of a curated database for the signature gene of aerobic methane oxidizing microorganisms.

    Mia Nußbaumer for her thesis Role of the serotonin receptor type 7 (5-HT7) in autoimmune disease

    Nikola Opolzerová for her thesis Možnosti fotochemické degradace sulfonamidů a antibiotik ze skupiny diaminopyrimidinů

    Solomia Pylypchuk for her thesis Molecular cloning, expression and purification of the tick salivary serpin IRS-7

    Audra Salburg for her thesis 3D SBF-SEM analysis of inner organization of unicellular protist cell.

    Klára Švihovcová for her Stanovení vybraných pohlavních a stresových hormonů savců pomocí APCI-LC/MS

    Josef Troup for his thesis Stanovení vybraných fenolů v cigaretových nedopalcích pomocí kapalinové chromatografie

    Adéla Veselá for her thesis Vývoj metody pro stanovení vybraných aromatických aminů pomocí LC/MS

    Sabrina Vranjes for her thesis Differential expression of genes in replicative (spiral) and persistent (biofilms) forms of the causative agent of human Lyme borreliosis

    Isabela Marie Vlasak for her thesis Identifying and quantifying the degradation efficiency of chitinase in Pseudomonas.

    Victoria Weijler for her thesis Biocontrol of slugs: Effects of slug parasitic nematodes and bacterial metabolites on harmful slugs.


    Jacqueline Bittner for her thesis Validation of mitochondrial localization and essentiality of prioritized proteins assigned to the tripartite attachment complex in the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei

    Miroslava Bromová for her thesis A link between structure and activity of acyclic nusleoside phosphonates, inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei purine phosphoribosyl transferases

    Marco Halbeisen for his thesis Modelling of tick borne enecephalitis virus (TBEV) proteins and their complexes

    Vladyslav Lazebnyk for his thesis Assembly of the unique Trypanosoma brucei F1-ATP synthase

    Robin Schürz for his thesis Comparison of metabolic pathways in insect symbiotic bacteria


    Mirjam Odermatt for her thesis Investigation of stability and dynamics of photosynthetic pigment- protein complexes using optical spectroscopy

    Laura Zellner for her thesis Preparation of antibodies to determine the association of mitoribosomal complexes with mitochondrial membrane


    Anna-Marija Andova for her thesis Determining the subcellular compartment in which the unique cleavage of mitochondrial F1 ATPase subunit alpha happens

    Marc Ninou-Codina for his thesis Theoretical study of bacteriochlorophyll aggregates using methods of quantum chemistry and molecular mechanics

    Lena Graf for her thesis Transformation of marine protist Diplonema papillatum – characterization of selected cell lines

    Sasha Gratzl for his thesis Post-transcriptional regulation of TbIF1 in life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei

    David Hollaus for his thesis Determining the role of F0F1-ATP synthase dimers in Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial biogenesis

    Iryna Kondrashchenko for her thesis Evaluation of different methods of glycan enrichment to their subsequent MS identification

    Amelie Klein for her thesis Phylogenetic and seasonal patterns in the microbiome of mosquito vectors

    Melissa Leibetseder for her thesis Latitudinal effect on mosquitoes microbiota

    Vanja Mirosavljević for her thesis Effect of high fat diet feeding on resistance to bacterial infection in Drosophila melanogaster

    Nora Müller for her thesis The novel kinetoplastid kinesin TbKIFx and its partner TbPH1 are associated with specific cytoskeletal structures of Trypanosoma brucei

    Sebastian Tschernuth for his thesis The role of juvenile hormone during immune reponse in Drosophila melanogaster

  • Absolventi na Katedře chemie/Graduates at the Department of Chemistry

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