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Consolidating cyanobacterial systematics through harmonization of polyphasic and genomic taxonomy

Principle investigator: Jan Mareš (HBÚ BC)
Co-investigator from the department: Jeffrey R. Johansen
Funding provider: the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Grant No.: 22-06374S
Duration: 2022- 2024

Since 2000, criteria for recognition of cyanobacterial taxa utilizing the polyphasic approach have
been developed. Due to the slow pace of phylum-wide revision, genome taxonomy approaches
have been introduced to avoid a taxonomic bottleneck in metagenomic studies. Genome
taxonomy has not been integrated into the existing taxonomy, which has caused substantial
confusion between the fields. We will compare these approaches by collecting complementary
data within the model group, Synechococcales, the best studied group in terms of both
genomes assembled and recent polyphasic taxonomic effort. Direct comparison will allow us to
integrate both approaches, evaluate taxonomic boundaries, and derive taxonomic concepts for
cyanobacteria that will satisfy and be workable for all researchers.
Aims of the project:
1) To assemble a set of strains characterized by polyphasic data and whole genome sequence
2) To assess taxonomic boundaries among species, genera, families, and orders by both
3) To propose a unified concept, based in phylogenomics but compatible with existing
taxonomy and nomenclature

Read more …Consolidating cyanobacterial systematics through harmonization of polyphasic and genomic taxonomy

  • Hits: 257

Running projects KBO

Department of Botany

Running projects

Jeffrey R. Johansen
(GAČR, 2023-2024)

Jan Kaštovský
(MV OPSEC, 2023-2025)

Petr Koutecký
(GAČR 2022-2024)

Karel Prach
(GAČR, 2020-2023)

Jules Segrestin
(GAČR, 2023-2025)

Jan Lepš
(GAČR, 2023-2025)

Jan Lepš
(GAČR, 2020-2023)

Klára Řehounková
(SFŽP, 2022-2024)

Pavel Fibich
(GAČR, 2023-2025)

Jaromír Beneš
(Interreg, 2021-2023)

Michaela Ptáková
(GAČR, 2021-2023)

Read more …Running projects KBO

  • Hits: 569

D119 - on the conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement - Visiting Fellow

Provision of the Dean No. D 119
on the conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement – Visiting Fellow

  1. The Cooperation Agreement – Visiting Fellow (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is concluded by the Dean of the Faculty on the proposal of the Head of the Department with a domestic or foreign employee.
  2. The Agreement is concluded for a definite period, for a maximum of one year, with the possibility of extension in the form of an addendum to the Agreement.
  3. The Agreement does not create a legal employment relationship.
  4. Before entering the workplace, the worker is required to undergo occupational health and safety (OHS) and fire protection (FP) training. A record of the training is to be made, which is to be submitted to and kept by the employee responsible for OHS and FP at the Faculty of Science USB.
  5. The employee is entitled to an access card to the facilities of the Faculty of Science USB, the Rector's Office, and the Academic Library of USB. The scope of access rights is to be determined by the head of the relevant department.


  1. Cooperation Agreement - Visiting Fellow
  2. Cooperation Agreement - Visiting Fellow (English version)


This measure shall enter into force on 15.2.2023.


České Budějovice 15. 2. 2023

prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.
Dean of the Faculty of Science USB

Read more …D119 - on the conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement - Visiting Fellow

  • Hits: 454

D118 - on the reform of teaching at the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in the Bachelor's degree programme in Biology

Provision of the Dean No. D 118
on the reform of teaching at the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in the Bachelor's degree programme in Biology

Article I

Mission Statement

The purpose of the reform is to improve the quality of teaching in the Bachelor's degree programme in Biology at FSci USB, to introduce modern teaching methods, to strengthen research-oriented teaching, and to create a composition of courses so that the knowledge and skills acquired by the graduates of this degree programme meet the needs of 21st century society.


Article II

Study programme guarantor

The guarantor must have a 40-hour weekly workload at the Faculty of Science USB.

The guarantor must have completed postgraduate education and professional qualification in the same or similar field of study, must hold a position as a member of the academic staff and must have been engaged in creative activity in the given field of education in the last five years.

The guarantor of the Bachelor's degree programme is proposed to the Internal Evaluation Board (hereinafter "IEB") by the Dean of FSci USB.

The proposed guarantor:

  • Is responsible for the preparation of accreditation materials for the IEB or National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education.
  • Works in collaboration with academics interested in the relevant education or related content area. Consults with the scheduler regarding the feasibility of the proposed curriculum in terms of space-time needs. Upon accreditation of the programme of study and appointment by the IEB, is responsible for the implementation of the programme of study.


Article III


Teachers in the upgraded Bachelor's degree programme in Biology shall attend at least one professional course or seminar with a focus on improving the quality of teaching in higher education organised or approved by the Faculty.


Article IV

Basic principles of the reform

The Bachelor's degree programme in Biology at FSci USB must meet the following requirements:

  • A shift away from frontal teaching towards research-oriented teaching. The recommended number of hours devoted to lectures is 1/3. The remainder of the hourly allocation is for exercises, seminars, or project-oriented work. How the course will divide its hours between lectures, exercises/seminars, and self-study depends on the nature of the course. The credit hour allocation is binding.
  • The incorporation of the fundamentals of non-biological disciplines relevant to biology.
  • The grouping of subjects close in content where possible and their common scheduling. The arrangement of subjects and the degree to which they are linked together will depend on the type/focus of the course.
  • Achieving qualifications comparable to the entry qualifications for the Master‘s programme.



Article V


All study and organisational matters of the reformed Bachelor's degree programme in Biology are governed by the relevant regulations and ordinances of USB and the Faculty of Science USB, primarily the "Study and Examination Regulations of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice" and "Provision of the Dean D48 – on the organisation of studies at the Faculty of Science of USB in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes".


České Budějovice 13. 12. 2022

prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.
Dean of the Faculty of Science USB

PDF here

Read more …D118 - on the reform of teaching at the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia in...

  • Hits: 436

Mini-conference on Language Instruction for Students of Natural Sciences

The Language Department at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, provides language courses for students from any of the university's faculties.

The Department of Languages, Faculty of Science, USB

is organizing a mini-conference on

Language Instruction for Students of Natural Sciences

Date and Time: 14 June 2024

Venue: Faculty of Science, USB
Branišovská 1760, 370 05 České Budějovice

We welcome contributions in the form of a presentation (20 minutes) or workshop (30 minutes) on any of the following topics:

  • Study materials Development
  • Innovative Teaching Methodology
  • ESP and EAP
  • Testing
  • Informal Language and EAP
  • Academic Writing
  • The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Language Teaching

Languages: English, Czech

Registration will open in 2024.


Deadline for submissions: 28 April 2023

The seminar fee of 600 CZK includes refreshments and an excursion.
You will receive an invoice with payment details after registration and the approval of your contribution.


Contact email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Mini-conference leaflet: CZEN (pdf)

Read more …Mini-conference on Language Instruction for Students of Natural Sciences

  • Hits: 1824

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