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SoWaFUN - Fungal ecology at the soil-water interface

Funding provider: The Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 2023 - 2025

Project goals: 

The main objective is to determine the taxonomic and functional overlap between the soil and aquatic microbiomes at different model sites.

Project description: 

Understanding the processes associated with organic matter (OM) transformations at the interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems is key to understanding the flow of energy and macro-elements (carbon and nitrogen) at the landscape scale. Fungi produce a wide range of extracellular enzymes and convert various forms of complex plant-derived OM, and are thus one of the main regulators of carbon balance. We suggest that, contrary to previously accepted paradigms, many fungi colonizing plant matter in terrestrial conditions remain important players in energy transfer to higher trophic levels in stagnant freshwater.
In order to reveal with sufficient resolution the complex interactions that accompany fungal lifestyles at the soil-water interface, we have assembled a team of collaborators with a multidisciplinary focus and will use a combination of modern molecular methods, advanced bioinformatic analyses, and state-of-the-art approaches in analytical chemistry to address some of the pressing knowledge gaps in the emerging field of microbial ecology.

Within the project we offer new interesting topics for Bachelor and Master theses. For more information:doc. Ing. Jiří Bárta. PhD. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Illustration figure: Bacteria stained by FISH on fungal hyphae in soil (Eickhorst and Tippkötter, 2008, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40(7):1883-1891)

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Biotic and abiotic factors governing phosphorus losses from undeveloped alpine soils

(Co)investigator from the Department: Eva Kaštovská
Funding provider: The Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 2019 - 2021

Project goals: 

To evaluate effects of chemistry and microbial community of till and alpine meadow soils on P cycling, and climate changes (increasing physical erosion and dust deposition) and recovery from acidification on increasing P leaching from soils and the related eutrophication of receiving waters.

Project description: 

We will identify major environmental factors controlling P leaching from undeveloped soils in natural, unmanaged areas. We will evaluate effects of soil recovery from acidification, increasing dust deposition, and climate-accelerated physical erosion of rocks on chemistry and ability of soils to retain/release P. The most pronounced increases in lake water P concentrations (besides USA) have occurred in the Tatra Mountains, mainly in catchments with high proportion of scree and undeveloped till soils. Using local rocks, we will experimentally assess effects of climate change on their physical erosion. Then, we will evaluate effect of increased rock weathering on soil chemistry and P retaining ability. Special attention will be paid to composition of microbial community of till soils, and activity and role of its major components in P mobilization from rock and dust. Using long-term trends in chemistry and biology of lakes, we will evaluate individual and synergetic effects of recovery from acidification and climate change on the ongoing changes in their nutrient status and trophy.

Read more …Biotic and abiotic factors governing phosphorus losses from undeveloped alpine soils

  • Hits: 2097

Home-field advantage? Consequences of local adaptation among plants, soil, and mycorrhizal fungi for species conservation

Poskytovatel: The Czech Science Foundation
Doba trvání: 2022 - 2024

Project goals: 

The project aims to test existence of local adaptations in orchid-fungus-soil tripartite system by reciprocal seed germination experiments with inoculations of soil by genotyped orchid mycorrhizal fungi and to create practical guidelines for in situ restoration of orchid populations.

Project description: 

The long‐term coexistence and co-evolution of terrestrial plants with associated soil microorganisms likely results in local co‐adaptations where growth and fitness of both symbionts are greatest in their shared soil environments. Local adaptation to biotic interactions may be particularly important for mycoheterotrophic plants that critically rely on mycorrhizal fungi for seed germination and subsequent growth, such as orchids. As knowledge on local adaptations in orchids is highly limited and might be critical for their successful restoration, we propose project testing local adaptations in orchids differing in fungal specificity using in vitro, pot culture and in situ reciprocal seed germination experiments. Seed sowing together with sympatric and allopatric genotyped fungal inoculants will provide straightforward test of possible adaptations in orchid-fungus-soil system disentangling all three components. Such experiment will be carried out for orchids for the first time. The results will be transformed into guidelines for managers of in situ restoration of orchid populations.

Read more …Home-field advantage? Consequences of local adaptation among plants, soil, and mycorrhizal fungi...

  • Hits: 1462

Living jewels under the water surface of Šumava

Funding provider: Interreg Bavorsko – Česko BYCZ01-020
Project goals: 2023 - 2025

The aim of the project is to obtain accurate knowledge based on modern and gentle monitoring methods. On the basis of these data, to develop common documents for the establishment of a coordinated conservation concept for the natural populations of the indicator species brown trout in open waters. This will strengthen the resilience of populations to climate change, ensure the maintenance of functioning ecosystems for future generations and fulfil the long-term objectives and concepts of the programme areas (e.g. management principles in both national parks).

Project description:

The project aims to contribute to the coordinated concept of open water conservation through the protection of the populations of the flagship species brown trout on the Czech and German side of the Šumava. The flagship species is the well-known, commercially important and mainly key species for the stability of the aquatic ecosystem (top predator and key link in the life cycle of the critically endangered pearl mussel). Detailed ichthyological monitoring will be carried out in the Šumava region, including genetic analyses of the flagship species and analysis of fish parasites using non-invasive environmental DNA. Areas with different management (no-take areas and sport fishing grounds) in both countries will be covered, as water and fish do not respect boundaries, in order to identify important populations deserving higher protection (conservation centres with genetic banks in natural habitats) and populations strongly affected by the introduction of genetically non-native fish (areas under high pressure from sport fishing). In the programme area, fisheries management will be significantly improved and experience will be transferred between landscape managers, nature conservationists, fish farmers and interest groups.

Read more …Living jewels under the water surface of Šumava

  • Hits: 1399

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