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Academic calendar 2023/2024 for Cross-border studies

Provision of the Dean
on the Organization of the Academic Year 2023/2024
(Calendar of Academic Events)
cross-border studies

This is an amendment of general Calendar of Academic Events specific for cross-border study programmes.

Winter semester


Electronic enrollment

29. 5., 8:00 – 9. 6. 2023

Confirmation of enrollment for winter semester

4. 9. – 15. 9. 2023

Check of the completion of the previous academic year and enrollment (registration) for the winter semester

(signed enrollment sheet A from STAG to be delivered)

25. 9. – 8. 10. 2023

Winter semester – teaching period

25. 9. – 23. 12. 2023

Course credit week

18. 12. 2023 – 23. 12. 2023

Examination period for winter semester ends

29. 2. 2024

  • Submission of Bachelor and Master theses to STAG IS
  • Submission of the application for final state examination
  • Submission of the current Transcript of Records from participating university


MAID by 10. 2. 2024, 11:00

Others by 14. 12. 2023, 11:00

  • Final study check before the final state examination
  • Submission of the final Transcript of Records from participating university
  • Submission of theses elaborated at participating university to STAG IS and thesis reviews and other parts to Dept. of Study Affairs

at least five working days before the date of the examination

Bachelor defenses

15. 1. – 19. 1. 2024

Master defenses and final state examinations – Biological chemistry

15. 1. – 19. 1. 2024

Master defenses and final state examinations – MAID

10. 3. – 14. 3. 2024

Bachelor final state examinations – Bioinformatics

23. 1. – 26. 1. 2024

Bachelor final state examinations – Biological chemistry

1. 2. – 2. 2. 2024

Graduation ceremony

5. 3. 2024

Confirmation of the completion of winter semester for those who completed first semester of Bachelor´s or Master´s study

4. 3. – 8. 3. 2024




Summer semester


Electronic enrollment for the summer semester (it ends at 12:00 of the last day)

8. 1., 8:00 – 19. 1. 2024                    

Confirmation of enrollment for summer semester

5. 2. – 9. 2. 2024

Summer semester – teaching period

12. 2. – 18. 5. 2024

Course credit week

13. 5. – 17. 5. 2024

Examination period for summer semester ends

31. 8. 2024


Submission of Bachelor theses to STAG IS


Biological Chemistry:

  • Submission of Bachelor theses – first term
  • Submission of the application for final state examination
  • Submission of the current Transcript of Records from  JKU


  • Submission of Bachelor theses – second term
  • Submission of the application for final state examination
  • Submission of the current Transcript of Records from  JKU


by 19. 4. 2024, 11:00




by 9. 5. 2024, 11:00




by 15. 8. 2024, 11:00

Biological Chemistry:

  • Submission of Master theses – first term
  • Submission of the application for final state examination
  • Submission of the current Transcript of Records from JKU


Biological Chemistry:

  • Submission of Master theses – second term
  • Submission of the application for final state examination
  • Submission of the current Transcript of Records from JKU



  • Submission of Master theses to STAG IS
  • Submission of the application for final state examination
  • Submission of the current Transcript of Records from THD



by 19. 4. 2024, 11:00





by 15. 8. 2024, 11:00




by 20. 8. 2024, 11:00


  • Final study check before the final state examination
  • Submission of the Final Transcript of Records from participating university
  • Submission of theses elaborated at participating university to STAG IS and thesis reviews and other parts to Dept. of Study Affairs

at least five working days before the date of the examination

Bachelor defenses:



Biological Chemistry

        first term        

        second term[1]


22. 5. – 25. 5. 2024



12. 6. – 14. 6. 2024

16. - 20.  9. 2024

Biological Chemistry - master defenses and final state examinations

Biological Chemistry - master defenses and final state examinations - second term

MAID - master defenses and final state examinations

22. 5. – 24. 5. 2024

16. - 20.  9. 2024

16. 9. - 20. 9. 2024

Bachelor final state examinations:



Biological Chemistry

        first term

        second term 1


29. 5. – 2. 6. 2024



21. 6. 2024

20. 9. 2024

Graduation ceremony

27. 6. 2024




[1] Students of Biol. Chemistry who complete their studies in the second term of the summer semester will have their graduation ceremony in March 2024. Diplomas can be obtained at the study department without graduation ceremony in early October.

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Read more …Academic calendar 2023/2024 for Cross-border studies

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D112 - on the fees for study in foreign language at all levels of study

On the fees for study in foreign language at all levels of study

Provision of the Dean No. 112

In accordance with Section 58 par. 4 and 5 of Act 111/1998 Coll. On Higher Education Institutions and the Modifications and Amendments of Other Acts, and in accordance with the Statutes of USB, I hereby set the fee for studies in study programmes conducted in English language for students starting their study before 18th March 2022 at

500 CZK per academic year.

The fee is payable by a bank transfer within 30 days of the legal force of the decision on the assessment of the fee.

In České Budějovice, 19th April 2022

Prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.
Dean of the Faculty of Science



PDF here

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Topic thesis offer

Department of Medical Biology

Topic thesis offer


Diversity of tick-borne encephalitis virus in natural endemic areas of South Bohemia

Type of thesis: Bachelor or Master - the extent of the thesis can be modified

Supervisor: Václav Hönig (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) – Laboratory of Arbovirology, Institute of Parasitology BC CAS

Tick-borne encephalitis virus causes severe infection of the central nervous system of human. The virus circulates in nature between its natural hosts (especially rodents) and its vectors – ticks. Individual strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus can differ significantly in a number of characteristics, including pathogenicity to humans. The goal of the Bachelor or Master thesis is to uncover the diversity of tick-borne encephalitis virus strains in areas of its endemic occurrence, characterize their biological features, and compare them to strains that infect human patients. The topic combines field work (tick sampling) with work in the laboratory. The student will gain experience with widely used methods in molecular biology (sample processing, RNA extraction, reverse transcription, qPCR, sequencing including NGS, etc.), virology (working with infectious material – BSL2, virus isolation using tissue culture, plaque assays, etc.), and basic statistical and phylogenetic methods.

Ticks and tick-borne pathogens in urban habitats

Type of thesis: Bachelor or Master - the extent of the thesis can be modified

Supervisor: Václav Hönig (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) – Laboratory of Arbovirology, Institute of Parasitology BC CAS

Ticks are vectors of numerous pathogens of human and animals. Their occurrence is not limited to typical forest habitats; on the contrary, stable tick populations are also found in urban areas, as are the tick-borne pathogens. Due to high human activity, these areas pose a significant public health risk. The goal of the Bachelor or Master thesis is to reveal the diversity of viral and bacterial pathogens in ticks found in urban green spaces. In addition, the composition of the host fauna will be characterized by detecting the host DNA in remnants of digested blood, and the host species will be correlated with the presence of pathogens. The topic combines field work (tick sampling) with work in the laboratory. The student will gain experience with widely used methods in molecular biology (sample processing, RNA extraction, reverse transcription, qPCR, sequencing, etc.), virology (working with infectious material – BSL2, virus isolation by tissue culture, plaque assays, etc.), and basic statistical and phylogenetic methods.


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Department of Botany

Department of Botany contains several working groups, the main of them are

  • Archaeobotany and palaeoecology

    Archaeobotany is a scientific discipline closely related to environmental archaeology. It deals with analysing plant macroremains (mainly plant seeds), and microremains (pollen, phytoliths, starch) and interpreting plant remains within archaeological situations. Typical examples are domesticated plants, based on which social and economic relations in prehistoric and historical societies are reconstructed. The Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Paleoecology (LAPE) conducts research in the Czech Republic, southern Europe and Africa. Other areas of interest are archaeozoology, dealing with animal remains at archaeological sites, and paleoecology, integrating the relationships of human societies with nature in the past.

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  • Bryology

    Bryology is a discipline dealing with all aspects of bryophyte biology. Despite their inconspicuousness, bryophytes are the second largest group of higher plants, and are represented in our country by almost 900 species. The bryology group at the Department of Botany is part of the Systematics of Higher Plants, but we also work on ecological topics and are methodologically close to groups that need microscopic methods for their work.

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  • Restoratrion ecology

    We deal with the ecological restoration of various disturbed ecosystems, especially post-mining sites (various quarries, sand pits, extracted peat bogs, spoil heaps, tailings, etc.), but also the restoration of meadows, abandoned fields, forests or wetlands.

     We focus in particular on the use of spontaneous succession, which relies only on natural processes. More recently, our research has also focused on assisted succession, e.g. using large herbivores or regional seed mixtures to restore degraded habitats. We combine botanical results with findings from other disciplines, e.g. entomology. The research results are published in leading international journals. The broader goal is to properly popularise the field, to promote it to the professional public and practitioners, and to positively influence national policy and the development of departmental laws and guidelines.

    Restoration ecology combines ecological theory and practical applications aimed at restoring disturbed, degraded, or even destroyed ecosystems. It is a relatively young scientific discipline with great prospects, which allows for an active link between science and practice. The České Budějovice restoration group belongs to the leading European teams in this field and the only one in the Czech Republic.

    The working group is an informal body at the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice connecting people dealing with the topic of restoration ecology. It brings together staff and students of the Department of Botany and people from other departments and institutions (Universities, Institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, NGOs, and other public and private institutions).

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  • Functional plant ecology

    This group is generally interested in the mechanisms underlying the origins and maintenance of plant biodiversity, particularly in species rich semi-natural grasslands, and the contribution of this diversity to the provision of multiple ecosystem functions. The members of the group teach several courses at our university, both for Czech and international students. Since 2011, Šuspa (Jan Lepš) organizes each autumn in an odd year (e.g. 2021, 2023) Quantitative Ecology Module and together with Petr Blažek, they are behind the two years English Master program in Ecology (taught in English). Our research is motivated by the need to improve and deepen the knowledge of biodiversity distribution through space and time and the mechanisms behind these patterns. Over the past several years evidence has accumulated that clearly demonstrates how viewing plant assemblages through the lens of functional traits of species can yield important new insights into the way by which species assemble into communities and coexist in time. Moreover, functional traits directly reflect the way by which plant species interact with other trophic levels (with cascade effects on herbivory and decomposing organisms) and affect an important array of ecosystem functions (productivity, invasion control, nutrient cycling, pollination, etc), with direct consequences for the multiple ecosystem services provided by species-rich ecosystems.

    We focus our research specifically on the mechanisms of species establishment (gap dynamics, influence of reproductive and clonal traits), species interactions (competition, facilitation, hemiparasitism), local adaptation (phenotypic plasticity and heritable epigenetic) by studying a variety of plants traits, both above and below ground. We combine extensive field experiments, including long-term research sites, with experiments in greenhouses and growth chambers to assess how changes in functional traits affect species coexistence and a variety of ecosystem functions.

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  • Mycology

    Fungi are an extremely species-rich group of organisms that play an irreplaceable role in nature, especially as decomposers, symbionts (mycorrhizal fungi, lichens) and parasites. About 150,000 species of fungi and lichens are currently known for science, the actual estimate is 2.2-3.8 million. Most of the species have not yet been described and for most of the described species we know little about their ecology and distribution. Every living organism interacts with fungi in some way, and organisms of macroscopic size contain entire fungal communities. Therefore, any change in valuable habitats brings with it a change in the fungal communities associated with them, and rare species of fungi and lichens may disappear.

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  • Phycology

    Algology or also phycology is focused on the study of cyanobacteria and algae in all their habitats - from hot to cold deserts, from Třeboň ponds to tropical forests. In our laboratory, we mainly focus on the phylogeny and ecology of Cyanobacteria and Euglenophyta, but we also work with stoneworts (Charophyceae; in cooperation with nature conservation authorities) or diatoms (Bacillariophyceae; especially in cooperation with forensic research with the Criminalistics Institute). We combine field work in waters and on rocks with work at optical or electron microscopes and in the molecular laboratory.

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  • Taxonomy of vascular plants

    What determines the morphological and genetic variation of plants, as well as their distribution? We study evolutionary processes (e.g. hybridization, polyploidy, origin of species), plant reproduction, and the traces of historical events (such as alternation of ice ages and interglacials). We try to link the individual approaches. We also focus on threatened species and nature conservation. We work in the field across Europe, as well as in the molecular lab.

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Research projects and publications

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