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Guidelines for assigning and writing final theses

A qualifying thesis is a student work that a student must produce in order to successfully complete a Bachelor's or (continuing) Master's degree. In the bachelor's thesis, the student demonstrates that he/she is able to independently solve a specific task in the field of computer science and apply the knowledge acquired during the studies.

The topic of the thesis is primarily determined by the student in consultation with the selected teacher. You and your supervisor will write the "Qualifying Thesis Assignment Protocol", which can be found here, sign it and have it signed by your supervisor and the Head of Department.

Recommended procedure:
1. Selection of a potential trainer from the list of UAI employees (in exceptional cases (by agreement) an external UAI collaborator may also be a trainer).
2. Contacting the supervisor and arranging a meeting to determine the topic of the thesis. At this stage, the student should already have an idea of at least the area of interest to which the qualification thesis will be directed
Concretization of the topic, with the professional view of the potential supervisor as to whether the issue has the potential of a defensible qualification thesis.
4. Writing the first version of the assignment protocol of the final thesis (by the supervisor) and sending it to the student. This process may have several iterations.
5. Agreeing the final form of the assignment protocol and delivering it to the IAI Secretary to begin the signing process.
6. Collecting the signed assignment protocol and delivering it promptly to the PřF Studies Department.

For more detailed information please visit:

Final thesis template in MS WORD format - download.

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