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Department Structure

Oddělení jazyků

  • Magdalena Kučerová

  • (38777) 6247

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 02.035 in building C, 2nd floor

  • 8:00–15:00

You can contact all the teachers in their office hours at the Language Department office on the 3rd floor of building A, above the Student Affair Dpt.
The classroom (STAG name: BA-OJ) is situated there, too.


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D102 - On the fees for study in English language in the Master’s Experimental Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics programme for the academic year 2020/2021

In accordance with Section 58 par. 4 and 5 of Act 111/1998 Coll. On Higher Education Institutions and the Modifications and Amendments of Other Acts, and in accordance with par. 5 of the Provision of the Rector on Establishment of Fees Related to Study for the Academic Year 2020/2021 (R 419), I establish the fee for study in the study programme performed in English language in the Master’s Experimental Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics programme for the academic year 2020/2021

500 CZK or 20 EUR.

Student can be enrolled only after making the payment.

In České Budějovice, 24th July 2020

Prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.
Dean of the Faculty of Science

PDF for download here

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  • Hits: 134

D58 - On the Amount of Scholarship for the Doctoral Study Programme from 1 January 2018 as amended on 2 March 2021

Provision of Dean No. D 58
on the amount of scholarship for students in doctoral study programs

This measure is applicable from the 1st of October 2023

Article I
Amount of the Scholarship

In accordance with § 62, Paragraph 1, letter i), of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., § 91, Paragraph 4, Letter c) of the same Act, and Article 13 of the Scholarship Rules of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, I hereby set for the period beginning on the 1st of October 2023 the amount of the basic scholarship for full-time students of the doctoral study programs in the standard period of study as follows:

From the above stated date, a student of the doctoral study program is to receive a basic scholarship (as stated by § 91, Paragraph 4, Letter c) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll.) of: 

  1. CZK 10 000 (in words: ten thousand Czech crowns) per calendar month for a student in the first twelve months of study and further for students in the thirteenth and subsequent months of study, on the condition that he/she has fulfilled the duty of attaining the credits for a literature review on the subject of his/her dissertation and presenting the plan and methodology of his/her dissertation at a seminar of his/her department (i.e., he/she has obtained the appropriate credits);

Students who have already attained the credit for the literature review and for the methodology seminar presented at his/her department or institute, have fulfilled the regular study duties and other conditions as detailed in the Rules for Study, and have presented the results of their scientific work*) in the following ways may, at the proposal of the supervisor, receive a higher basic scholarship as follows: 

  2. CZK 11 000 (in other words: eleven thousand Czech crowns) per calendar month if they have personally presented a poster at an international conference**) or are a member of the authorship team of an article published in a journal with an impact factor;

  3. CZK 11 500 (in words: eleven thousand five hundred Czech crowns) per calendar month under the condition that he/she has made a presentation at an international conference**);

  4. CZK 12 500 (in words: twelve thousand five hundred Czech crowns) per calendar month if they have published the results of their scientific work in the form of a first-author publication in a journal with an impact factor.


Article II
Reduction or withdrawal of the scholarship

The scholarship of students in the thirteenth and subsequent months of study who have not yet fulfilled the obligations set out in Article I, paragraph 1 is reduced to 1 000,- (in words: one thousand Czech crowns) per calendar month.

Based on non-fulfillment of other study obligations, the Specialist Board can suggest to the dean the reduction of the scholarship of a particular student by up to 75%.

If the conclusion of the regular evaluation of doctoral study progress by the Specialist Board is a statement that the student has not fulfilled the obligations according to the individual study plan (evaluation C), the Dean may decide to reduce or withdraw the scholarship.

The reduction is effective from the following calendar month to the calendar month in which the Dean, on the proposal of the Specialist Board, again determines the amount of the scholarship according to paragraphs 1 to 4.


Article III
Other provisions

The basic scholarship is not awarded to students who are demonstrably financially secured by a special scholarship or salary under international agreements. The basic scholarship may be awarded to doctoral students who study in the full-time form of study for a standard period of study. All periods of previous unsuccessful studies the doctoral study program are to be included in the calculation of the study period.


This provision replaces the document from the 2nd of March 2021


In České Budějovice

prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
Dean of the Faculty of Science
University of South Bohemia


*) the student is obliged to state his/her affiliation to the Faculty on every document or publication arising from work on the thesis. In the case of a request for an increase in the amount of a scholarship, the student is to prove the fulfilment of this duty by submitting a copy of the page of the article or the poster where the affiliation is stated.

**) an international conference is understood to be a conference at which the language of communication is either English or another world language (and where the language of communication is neither Czech nor Slovak).

PDF for download here

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IT Contacts

Head of department
Mgr. Jakub Zimmel

  • +420 38 903 2357

  • +420 721 257 56 six

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Mail server
Mgr. Pavel Fibich, Ph.D.

  • +420 737 221 97 eight

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IT - technician
Jiří Cehák

  • +420 38 903 2364

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IT - technician
Milan Vysocký

  • +420 733 686 238

  • +420 38 903 2344

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Master studies at KBE

Department of Ecosystem Biology

Offered programmes


This study programme is completely in English. More information here.

Biology of Ecosystems

This study programme falls in master study programme Biology. Biology of Ecosystems presents a modern programme inteconnecting classical biology with studying of ecosystems' level processes. We understand ecosystem as an area (i.e. forest, meadow or fishpond) where organisms live in mutual relationships as well as with interaction with abiotic environment. Therefore the study of ecosystems involves not only biological topics but at least basal knowledge of chemistry, biochemystry and other subjects about non-living components of nature. However, as the programe title suggests, we emphasize mostly on the biotic ecosystem components. We teach to name the respective ecosystem components, to seek causal dependencies and relationships between organisms and their environment and to understand undergoing within ecosystems.

This promgramme is primarily focused on Czech students and runs mainly in Czech.

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