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Otevřené a očekávané výzvy na granty a stipendia

  • Výzvy 2021


    Uzávěrka Výzva grant Žadatel* Délka Finance Úspěšnost Výsledky Začátek
    Út 19/01/2021 BY-CZ-2021 JR, SR 2,5r NS NA 06/2021 01/07/2021
    Po 15/03/2021 Experientia Start-up PO <5r 3r 2 M CZK/r NA 30/06/2021 01/01/2022
    Čt 01/04/2021 EMBO YIP JR < věk 40 4r 15 k EUR 12% 11/2021 01/01/2022
    Čt 08/04/2021 ERC Starting 2021 PO, JR  2-7r 5r 1,5 M EUR 13% 12/2021 04/2022
    Čt 15/04/2021 EMBO IG JR <9r 3+2r 50 k EUR/r 12% 12/2021 01/01/2022
    Út 20/04/2021 ERC Consolidator 2021 JR 7-12r 5r 2 M EUR 13%    
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR JUNIOR STAR JR <8r 5r <25 M CZK 8,5% 02/11/2021 01/01/2022
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR Standardní JR, SR 3r NS   04/12/2021 01/01/2022
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR Mezinárodní bilaterální JR, SR 2-3r NS NA 04/12/2021 01/01/2022
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR Mezinárodní LA JR, SR 2-3r NS NA 12/2021 01/01/2022
    Út 31/08/2021 ERC Advanced 2021 SR 5r 2,5 M EUR 10%    

    *Žadatel: BSc = bakalářský student, MSc = magisterský student, PhD = PhD student, PO = postdok, JR = juniorský výzkumník, SR = seniorní výzkumník, Ad = administrativa, UNI = univerzita


    Uzávěrka Výzva stipendium Žadatel* Délka Finance Úspěšnost Výsledky Začátek
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR POSTDOC incoming PO <4r 3r NS NA 04/12/2021 01/01 - 01/10 2022
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR POSTDOC outgoing PO <4r 2+1r NS NA 04/12/2021 01/01 - 01/10 2022
    Celý rok EMBO STF PhD, PO, JR, SR 7-90d paušál 53% během 3m během 3-6m
    Celý rok FEBS STF PhD, PO <6r 2-3m 70 EUR/d NA během 2m během 6m
    Celý rok Humboldt Award JR, SR 6-12m 60 k EUR 35% jaro/podzim během 1-12m
    Celý rok Humboldt Postdocs PO <4r 6-24m 2670 EUR/m 25% 03 / 07 / 11 během 12m
    Celý rok Humboldt Experienced JR <12r 6-18m 3150 EUR/m NA 03 / 07 / 11 během 3-12m
    Celý rok Lynen Postdocs PO <4r 6-24m 3032 EUR/m 40% 02 / 06 / 10 během 2-12m
    Celý rok Lynen Experienced JR <12r 6-18m 3032 EUR/m 40% 02 / 06 / 10 během 3-12m

    *Žadatel: BSc = bakalářský student, MSc = magisterský student, PhD = PhD student, PO = postdok, JR = juniorský výzkumník, SR = seniorní výzkumník, Ad = administrativa, UNI = univerzita

    Neváhejte nás kdykoli kontaktovat s žádostí o konzultaci, diskuzi či pomoc: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +420 38 777 5562.

    Inspirujte se seriálem Financování life sciences v ČR na PDF ke stažení.
    Díl 1: školáci a středoškoláci (13/10/2020)
    Díl 2: bakaláři a magistři (20/10/2020)
    Díl 3: PhD studenti (27/10/2020)
    Díl 4: juniorští postdoci (03/11/2020)
    Díl 5: seniorní postdoci (10/11/2020)
    Díl 6: juniorští vedoucí skupin (17/11/2020)
    Díl 7: seniorní vedoucí skupin (24/11/2020)
    Díl 8: výzkumní asistenti (01/12/2020)
    Díl 9: výzkumné instituce (08/12/2020)
    Díl 10: shrnutí (15/12/2020)
    Epilog: projektová podpora (22/12/2020)

  • Výzvy 2020


    Uzávěrka Výzva grant Žadatel* Délka Finance Úspěšnost Výsledky Začátek
    Út 14/01/2020 MSCA ITN 2020 SR 4r paušály   05/2020 09/2020
    Pá 24/01/2020 MŠMT ERC-CZ 05 JR, SR 5r/2r ERC grant 100% 06/04/2020 01/06/2020
    St 05/02/2020 ERC CoG 2020 JR 7-12r 5r 2 M EUR + 1 M EUR 12% 12/2020 02-06/2021
    Pá 14/02/2020 TAČR CHIST-ERA IV 2019 JR, SR 3r 1 M EUR NA   01-04/2021
    Čt 27/02/2020 TAČR Kappa 01 JR, SR 4r 0,5-1,5 M EUR NA 30/09/2020 01/01/2021
    Ne 15/03/2020 Experientia Start-up grant PO <5r 3r 2 M CZK/r NA 30/06/2020 01/01/2021
    St 01/04/2020 EMBO YIP 2020 JR <40r 4r 15 k EUR 12% 12/11/2020 01/01/2021
    St 15/04/2020 EMBO IG 2020 PO <9r 3+2r 50 k EUR/r 12% 12/2020 01/01/2021
    Po 04/05/2020 GAČR EXPRO 2021 SR 5r 50 M CZK   02/11/2020 01/01/2021
    Po 04/05/2020 GAČR JUNIOR STAR 2021 JR <8r 5r 25 M CZK 20% 02/11/2020 01/01/2021
    Po 04/05/2020 GAČR Mezinárodní 2021 JR, SR 2-3r NS   01/12/2020 01/01/2021
    Po 04/05/2020 GAČR Standardní 2021 JR, SR 3r NS   01/12/2020 01/01/2021
    Út 12/05/2020 MSCA RISE 2020 JR, SR 4r paušály      
    Po 18/05/2020 TAČR AquaticPollutants 2020 JR, SR 3r 0,5 M EUR     01/01/2021
    Čt 11/06/2020 SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020 JR, SR          
    St 17/06/2020 MZe ZEMĚ 2020 JR, SR 5r / 2-3r 4 M CZK/r   13/11/2020 01-03/2021
    Pá 26/06/2020 AZV ČR JR, SR 44m     19/02/2021 01/05/2021
    Út 30/06/2020 MŠMT Mobility Francie JR 1-2r 78 k CZK/r NA   01/01/2021
    Út 30/06/2020 MŠMT OPVVV 02-18-053 mobility 2 UNI 3r paušály NA během 1m 01/01/2020
    Po 20/07/2020 BTHA 2020 JR, SR 3-4m 1-10 k EUR   během 2t  
    St 26/08/2020 ERC AdG 2020 SR 5r 2,5 M EUR + 1 M EUR 12% 23/04/2021 05-10/2021
    Po 31/08/2020 MŠMT OPVVV 02-20-079 MSCA IF IV UNI 2r paušály   během 1m 01/04/2020
    Út 29/09/2020 MSCA COFUND 2020 UNI 5r paušály 50%    
    Út 20/10/2020 GAJU 2021 PhD 1-2r 200 k CZK/r     01/02/2021
    Čt 29/10/2020 Erasmus+ KA226 JR, SR 2r 150 k EUR/r 55% 02/2021 01/03/2021
    Pá 13/11/2020 COST Action 2020-1 JR, SR 4r 520 k EUR 15% 05/2021 05-07/2021
    Po 30/11/2020 Norway Rondane JR, SR 3r <5,2 M CZK NA 03/2021 01/04/2021
    Po 07/12/2020 TAČR BiodivRestore JR, SR 3r 150 k EUR NA 09/2021 01/01/2022

    *Žadatel: BSc = bakalářský student, MSc = magisterský student, PhD = PhD student, PO = postdok, JR = juniorský výzkumník, SR = seniorní výzkumník, Ad = administrativa, UNI = univerzitaStipendia


    Uzávěrka Výzva stipendium Žadatel* Délka Finance Úspěšnost Výsledky Začátek
    Čt 09/01/2020 Eiffel Scholar PhD <35r 1r 1400 EUR/m   03/2020 AR 2020/2021
    Pá 17/01/2020 JSPS Postdoc STF (PE) PhD, PO <6r 1-12m 200 k JPY/m 25% 05/2020 08/2020-03/2021
    Po 20/01/2020 Vulcanus Japan MSc 1r 1,9 M JPY 4% 06/2020 01/09/2020
    So 01/02/2020 France Research Visits PhD 1-3m 1060 EUR/m   05/2020 01/06/2020
    So 01/02/2020 France Join Degree PhD Study MSc, PhD 3r 15 900 EUR   05/2020 10-11/2020
    So 01/02/2020 Fulbright Student cz MSc, PhD 4-9m specifické 30%   08-09/2020
    Pá 14/02/2020 EMBO Postdoctoral PO <2r 1-2r paušál 15% 06/2020 01/07/2020
    St 04/03/2020 King Trust Fellow PO 3-5r 2r 102 k USD 12% 08/2020 09-12/2020
    Ne 01/03/2020 ETH Fellow PO <2r 2r 208 k CHF 25-30% 06/2020 07-09/2020
    Ne 15/03/2020 Experientia stáže cz PhD <35r 1r 1-1,5 M CZK NA 30/06/2020 AR 2020/2021
    Ne 15/03/2020 GKS Scholar BSc, MSc, PhD 3r/4r paušál   06/2020 08/2020
    Čt 26/03/2020 Newton Fellowship PO <7r 2r 99 k GBP   09/2020 10/2020 - 03/2021
    St 01/04/2020 Wallonie STF PO <9r 1-3m 2120 EUR/m     06-09/2020
    St 15/04/2020 Bakala Scholar cz ST <33r 3/2r     09/2020 AR 2020/2021
    Čt 30/04/2020 AVČR PPLZ PO <2r 1-2r 600 k CZK/r NA 06/2020 01/07/2020
    Pá 15/05/2020 FEBS Summer MSc, PhD <4m paušál   05/2020 07-10/2020
    Pá 15/05/2020 SCI Erasmus+ BSc, MSc, PhD 2-3m paušál 99% 05/2020 06-09/2020
    Po 01/06/2020 Wallonie LTF PhD, PO <9r 1-2r 2120 EUR/r NA    
    Čt 04/06/2020 JSPS Standard (P) PO <6r 1-2r 8,888 M JPY 10% 08/2020 09-11/2020
    Čt 04/06/2020 JSPS Postdoc STF (PE) PhD, PO <6r 1-12m 200 k JPY/m 25% 09/2020 01-03/2021
    Út 30/06/2020 Matsumae Fellow <49r 3-6m 260 k JPY/m   12/2020 04/2021
    St 01/07/2020 Wallonie STF PO <9r 1-3m 2120 EUR/m     10-12/2020
    Čt 13/08/2020 HFSP LTF/CDF PO <4r 2-3r paušál 16% 03/2021 04-12/2021
    Pá 14/08/2020 EMBO Postdoctoral PO <2r 1-2r paušál 15% 12/2020 01/01/2021
    Po 31/08/2020 AVČR MSM PO <3r 1-2r 1 M CZK NA 11/2020 01/01/2021
    Po 31/08/2020 DAAD PRIME PO 18m 3800 EUR/m NA 02/2021 05-09/2021
    Po 31/08/2020 JU Postdoc PO <8r 1-2r 45 k CZK/m NA 11/2020 01-08/2021
    Út 01/09/2020 ETH Fellow PO <2r 2r 208 k CHF 25-30% 12/2020 01-03/2021
    Út 01/09/2020 FEBS LTF PO <3r 1/2r paušál NA 12/2020 během 6m
    Út 01/09/2020 Fulbright Student cz MSc, PhD 4-9m specifické 30%   08-09/2021
    Pá 04/09/2020 JSPS Standard (P) PO <6r 1-2r 8,888 M JPY 10% 12/2020 04-09/2021
    St 09/09/2020 MSCA IF EF PhD, PO, JR, SR 1-2r paušál 13% 02/2021 03-08/2021
    St 09/09/2020 MSCA IF GF PhD, PO, JR, SR 2+1r paušál 13% 02/2021 03-08/2021
    Pá 25/09/2020 SCI Erasmus+ BSc, MSc, PhD 2-3m paušál 99% 11/2020 01-09/2021
    St 30/09/2020 AVČR PPLZ PO <2r 1-2r 600 k CZK/r NA 11/2020 01/01/2021
    St 30/09/2020 NFMR PhD, PO 1r 25 k CZK 8% 12/2020 2021
    St 30/09/2020 Schmidt Fellow PhD, PO 1r 100 k USD   05/2021 07/2021
    Čt 01/10/2020 Banting Fellow PhD, PO <3r 2r 70 k CAD/r   02/2021 04-10/2021
    Čt 01/10/2020 LSRF LTF PO <5r 3r 186 k USD 3% 07/2021 01/08/2021
    Čt 01/10/2020 Wallonie STF PO <9r 1-3m 2120 EUR/m   01/2021 02-05/2021
    Pá 02/10/2020 JSPS Postdoc STF (PE) PO <6r 1-12m 200 k JPY/m 25% 01/2021 04/2021-03/2022
    St 07/10/2020 Caixa Fellow PO 2-7r 3r 97 k EUR/r   01/2021 05-09/2021
    Ne 01/11/2020 Fulbright-Masaryk cz PhD, PO, JR, SR 3-10m   >30% 03/2021 09-10/2021
    Ne 01/11/2020 Fulbright Scholar cz PO, JR, SR 3-10m   >25% 03/2021 09-10/2021
    Po 30/11/2020 Granty BC PhD, PO <5r 2m 110 k CZK NA 12/2020 01-11/2021
    Celý rok EMBO STF PhD, PO, JR, SR 7-90d paušál 53% během 3m během 3-6m
    Celý rok FEBS STF PhD, PO <6r 2-3m 70 EUR/d NA během 2m během 6m
    Celý rok Humboldt Award JR, SR 6-12m 60 k EUR 35% jaro/podzim během 1-12m
    Celý rok Humboldt Postdocs PO <4r 6-24m 2670 EUR/m 25% 03 / 07 / 11 během 12m
    Celý rok Humboldt Experienced JR <12r 6-18m 3150 EUR/m NA 03 / 07 / 11 během 3-12m
    Celý rok Lynen Postdocs PO <4r 6-24m 3032 EUR/m 40% 02 / 06 / 10 během 2-12m
    Celý rok Lynen Experienced JR <12r 6-18m 3032 EUR / m 40% 02 / 06 / 10 během 3-12m

    *Žadatel: BSc = bakalářský student, MSc = magisterský student, PhD = PhD student, PO = postdok, JR = juniorský výzkumník, SR = seniorní výzkumník, Ad = administrativa, UNI = univerzita

    Neváhejte nás kdykoli kontaktovat s žádostí o konzultaci, diskuzi či pomoc: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +420 38 777 5562.

    Inspirujte se seriálem Financování life sciences v ČR na PDF ke stažení.
    Díl 1: školáci a středoškoláci (13/10/2020)
    Díl 2: bakaláři a magistři (20/10/2020)
    Díl 3: PhD studenti (27/10/2020)
    Díl 4: juniorští postdoci (03/11/2020)
    Díl 5: seniorní postdoci (10/11/2020)
    Díl 6: juniorští vedoucí skupin (17/11/2020)
    Díl 7: seniorní vedoucí skupin (24/11/2020)
    Díl 8: výzkumní asistenti (01/12/2020)
    Díl 9: výzkumné instituce (08/12/2020)
    Díl 10: shrnutí (15/12/2020)
    Epilog: projektová podpora (22/12/2020)

  • Uzávěrka Výzva grant Žadatel* Délka Finance Úspěšnost Výsledky Začátek
    Út 19/01/2021 BY-CZ-2021 JR, SR 2,5r NS NA 06/2021 01/07/2021
    Po 15/03/2021 Experientia Start-up PO <5r 3r 2 M CZK/r NA 30/06/2021 01/01/2022
    Čt 01/04/2021 EMBO YIP JR < věk 40 4r 15 k EUR 12% 11/2021 01/01/2022
    Čt 08/04/2021 ERC Starting 2021 PO, JR  2-7r 5r 1,5 M EUR 13% 12/2021 04/2022
    Čt 15/04/2021 EMBO IG JR <9r 3+2r 50 k EUR/r 12% 12/2021 01/01/2022
    Út 20/04/2021 ERC Consolidator 2021 JR 7-12r 5r 2 M EUR 13%    
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR JUNIOR STAR JR <8r 5r <25 M CZK 8,5% 02/11/2021 01/01/2022
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR Standardní JR, SR 3r NS   04/12/2021 01/01/2022
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR Mezinárodní bilaterální JR, SR 2-3r NS NA 04/12/2021 01/01/2022
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR Mezinárodní LA JR, SR 2-3r NS NA 12/2021 01/01/2022
    Út 31/08/2021 ERC Advanced 2021 SR 5r 2,5 M EUR 10%    

    *Žadatel: BSc = bakalářský student, MSc = magisterský student, PhD = PhD student, PO = postdok, JR = juniorský výzkumník, SR = seniorní výzkumník, Ad = administrativa, UNI = univerzita

  • Uzávěrka Výzva stipendium Žadatel* Délka Finance Úspěšnost Výsledky Začátek
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR POSTDOC incoming PO <4r 3r NS NA 04/12/2021 01/01 - 01/10 2022
    Čt 22/04/2021 GAČR POSTDOC outgoing PO <4r 2+1r NS NA 04/12/2021 01/01 - 01/10 2022
    Celý rok EMBO STF PhD, PO, JR, SR 7-90d paušál 53% během 3m během 3-6m
    Celý rok FEBS STF PhD, PO <6r 2-3m 70 EUR/d NA během 2m během 6m
    Celý rok Humboldt Award JR, SR 6-12m 60 k EUR 35% jaro/podzim během 1-12m
    Celý rok Humboldt Postdocs PO <4r 6-24m 2670 EUR/m 25% 03 / 07 / 11 během 12m
    Celý rok Humboldt Experienced JR <12r 6-18m 3150 EUR/m NA 03 / 07 / 11 během 3-12m
    Celý rok Lynen Postdocs PO <4r 6-24m 3032 EUR/m 40% 02 / 06 / 10 během 2-12m
    Celý rok Lynen Experienced JR <12r 6-18m 3032 EUR/m 40% 02 / 06 / 10 během 3-12m

    *Žadatel: BSc = bakalářský student, MSc = magisterský student, PhD = PhD student, PO = postdok, JR = juniorský výzkumník, SR = seniorní výzkumník, Ad = administrativa, UNI = univerzita

Read more …Výzvy

  • Hits: 1317


Read more …Resources

  • Hits: 2075

R/V Clione

RV "Clione" is a motor sail yacht that serves as research vessel as well as logistic support for the Czech Arctic Research Station in Svalbard. The interior consists of 3 cabins, a kitchen, a top salon, a toilet, a separate engine room, a front collision space with a chain and rear collision space with a storage compartment.

The vessel's capacity is up to 6 people (included 2 crew members) for multiday cruises and 12 people for daily trips in area C (up to 20 nautical miles offshore). The average cruising speed is around 7 knots. All safety and rescue equipment is provided.

Inflatable boat with a capacity of 6 persons is available for disembarking ashore.

Contact person: skipper Jan Pechar


R/V Clione CZE 0694
Call sign: OL5741
MMSI No. 270615000

Lenght 14,9 m
Width 4,0 m
Draught 1,9 m max
Height above waterline 16,5 m
Engine VD - DTA 66, 215 HP
Sales 115 m2
Displacement - drive/max 23 / 26 t
Speed 7 kn

All scientific projects in Svalbard must be registered in the Research in Svalbard database. Some projects require permission. Research permission and registration documents for RiS can be randomly checked!

Read more …R/V Clione

  • Hits: 3013


Field camp "Nostoc" is located in central part of Svalbard, fjord Billefjorden, in Petunia bay, near to the abandoned town Pyramiden (map).

  • 5746 B

  • 5738 B

  • 5743 B

  • 5736 B

  • 5744 B

  • 5745 B

  • 5742 B

  • 5761 B

  • 5760 B

  • 4398 B

  • 4399 B

Station contains of 4 huts (2x bedroom, fully equipped kitchen, lab) with heated tent in the middle. Tent is used as dining room and lounge. Capacity of station is 12 persons, temporarily 20 persons can overnight.

Transportation is provided by two rubber boats: Zodiac MK3 GR (max 7+1) 40 HP and Brig HD 410 (max 6+1) 25HP.


Practical information:
The official currency of Svalbard are Norwegian crowns (NOK). In Petuniabukta, the only place where you need debit card is BAR in Pyramiden :-).

The station can be very busy, especially during the summer, so please book your stay well in advance. The station is not very larger so be mindful to fellow researchers staying at the station and let us know if you require extra space or are bringing lots of equipment.

Everyone staying at the station has to answer to the base manager and must obey his/her requests. Please, be prepared to help out around the station, particularly with cleaning after yourself as there is no cleaning service.

During the busy times, boats or lab space may not always be available at the exact dates you need them. We recommend scheduling extra days for your research trip in case of bad weather or limited access to facilities. Always discuss your plans for the next days with the base manager.

All scientific projects in Svalbard must be registered in the Research in Svalbard database. Some projects require permission. Research permission and registration documents for RiS can be randomly checked!

You will need firearm and flare gun if you venture around the station. It is not recommended to travel in the field on your own and without safety equipment.

In Nostoc station, you can not use the station kitchen to cook your own meals due to limited capacity of the kitchen.

Read more …Nostoc

  • Hits: 2274

Payer house

The Julius Payer House, named after the Czech polar explorer Julius Payer, is located in the central part of Svalbard, in the administrative centre of Svalbard, Longyearbyen. Situated directly opposite the University Centre in Svalbard and 5-10 min walk to the city Centre and most shops, offices and restaurants, it provides an excellent base for exploring the town and its surroundings.

  • Kitchen


  • Home Top

  • Home Top


  • 2 bunk-bedrooms (8 beds in total)
  • Lounge area (suitable for small lectures and presentations)
  • Bathroom and laundry
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • 2 laboratories
  • Workshop
  • Fridges, freezers and storage space
  • Firearm safe
  • Wi-Fi eduroam

Vehicles: Two 4x4 off-road vehicles are available, each with a capacity of 4+1 persons for field operations around Longyearbyen.

Boats: Adventure V450 RIB with a 40 HP engine (5+1 capacity) for operations in Adventfjorden range.

Only authorised personnel from the Czech Arctic Research Station are allowed to operate the vehicles and boats.

Station address:
Vei 401-42, 9170 Longyearbyen, Svalbard


Practical information:
Scandinavian and Norwegian airlines operate daily flights from Oslo and Tromsø to Longyearbyen. The airport is located 3 km from the town centre and there are regular bus service as well as taxis. Online check-in is required upon departure.

The official currency of Svalbard is Norwegian crown (NOK) but nearly all retailer and operators prefer credit or debit cards.

The station can be very busy, especially during the summer, so please book your stay well in advance. The station is not very larger so be mindful to fellow researchers staying at the station and let us know if you require extra space or are bringing lots of equipment.

Everyone staying at the station has to answer to the base manager and must obey his/her requests. Please, be prepared to help out around the station, particularly with cleaning after yourself as there is no cleaning service.

During the busy times, cars, boats or lab space may not always be available at the exact dates you need them. We recommend scheduling extra days for your research trip in case of bad weather or limited access to facilities. Always discuss your plans for the next days with the base manager.

All scientific projects in Svalbard must be registered in the Research in Svalbard database. Some projects require permission. Research permission and registration documents for RiS can be randomly checked!

You will need firearm and flare gun if you venture outside of the city boundaries. It is not recommended to travel in the field on your own and without safety equipment.

Read more …Payer house

  • Hits: 2665

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