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At the fringe of the neolithization: strategies of the first farmers of South Bohemia

Principle investigator: Václav Vondrovský (Institute of Archaeology CAS)
Co-investigator from the department: Michaela Ptáková
Funding provider: Czech Science Foundation
Grant No.: 21-16614S
Duration: 2021- 2023

Peripheral zones of Neolithic occupation in Central Europe have remained out of the scope of modern archaeological research. This project is therefore focused on a specific region of South Bohemia which was colonised by a secondary wave of Linear Pottery culture and it was occupied only sporadically in the later Neolithic periods. We will study the dynamics of occupation in the region, interregional contacts, possible contacts with hunter-gatherer groups, subsistence strategies of local farmers and their interactions with the regional environment. In comparison with conventionally studied core regions of the Elbe, Danube, and Morava rivers, we strive for understanding of the Neolithic cultural habitus in more detail. This could reach its limits in peripheral zones and be subject to adaptations and considerable diversity of practice. To follow this objective, we need to enlarge current data using standard archaeological methods and multiproxy environmental approaches, such as analyses of plant macroremains, phytoliths, anthracological assemblages, and the pollen record.

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